A Spring Blossom Falls

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Y/n and Gilgamesh arrived at the site where the grail would appear and they saw Sakura standing in the middle of the lake.

She turned to them and giggled.

Sakura: "You made it! I was starting to worry."

Y/n: "Sakura! Snap the hell out of this!"

Sakura: "Huh? What are you talking about, silly?"

Y/n: "Sakura...please, remember who you are and don't let the grail have control anymore."

Gilgamesh: "I'm afraid it's too late for her. She's too far gone."

Y/n cursed as he stepped forwards.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, Sakura. If you won't snap out of it, then I'll need to force you out of this."

He held his hand out and created a mini uzi.

Y/n: "Forgive me, Sakura!"

Y/n took aim and opened fire with the Uzi, Sakura giggled and her ribbons deflected each of the bullets.

Y/n then threw the Uzi to one side.

Y/n: "Gilgamesh, keep her suppressed with Gate of Babylon!"

Gilgamesh: "On it!"

Gilgamesh jumped into the air and blasted Sakura with a volley of Weapons created from the gate of babylon.

Sakura just kept giggling as the weapons were rendered ineffective against her.

Y/n then grabbed a sword and ran at Sakura. He took a couple of swings at her before one of her ribbons shot up and slashed his arm open.

Despite the injury, Y/n kept his assault going when a barrage of Kunai knives were thrown into the ground in front of him.

He then jumped back as he heard a horse galloping towards him. Artoria then charged straight into Sakura with her horse and the Rhongomyniad poised to pierce her.

Sakura effortlessly avoided the attack when Mordred tried to attack from behind.

Sakura giggled as she dodged each strike. Her laughter would soon fade as she was hit in the back with magic.

Both Mordred's and Artoria's eyes widened as they saw Morgan Le Fay unleash a volley of attacks on Sakura. When she was done, she ran over to Y/n and healed his arm.

Sakura: "Boo~ that wasn't fair."

???: "Who gives a shit, Sakura?"

Sakura spun around before receiving a blast of black flames to the abdomen and face. Edmond Dantès then kicked her into the air.

Ishtar waited in the sky for her before drop kicking her downwards into the ground. before she could hit the ground though, Frankenstein slammed her club into Sakura's side and sent her sprawling away.

Sakura was barely fazed however as she stood up with almost no damage done to her.

Y/n: "Damn!"

Sakura: "Aw~ are we finished playing?"

There was a sudden roar as Heracles charged in and smacked Sakura away to the side.

Sakura caught herself easily before slashing at Heracles' arms with her ribbons.

Y/n then ran in and used hand to hand combat to deal with Sakura.

He dodged a ribbon before landing a solid punch to the stomach. He followed it up with a palm strike to the jaw.

He could see Sakura's eyes flash back to their regular colour.

Y/n: "Sakura! Wake up!"

Sakura: "Y-Y/n...help...me..."

Her eyes flashed back to red as she started giggling again.

Y/n then kicked her to Leonidas, who smacked her with the haft of his spear. Jeanne then smacked Sakura with her flagpole as Jalter delivered a swift kick to her side.

Sakura was being beaten back effectively by the servants.

Y/n was about to call his servants off when a ribbon shot past him and grazed his side. A small yelp followed.

He slowly turned around and saw the ribbon impaled through Illya.

Y/n: "...I-Illya?"

Illya looked at her cousin as tears formed in her eyes.

Illya: "S-She got me..."

The ribbon quickly retreated back to Sakura before Y/n sprinted over to Illya. He held her in his arms as she struggled for breath.

Y/n: "Come on, Illya! Stay with me, I'm not about to lose you now."

Illya: "Y/n..."

Y/n started to tear up as he applied pressure to her wound.

Y/n: "Stay with me, Illya. Don't close your eyes!"

Illya: "I-It's...fine...I'm...happy."

Y/n: "Don't talk like that, Illya. C'mon, we're gonna make it through this, right?"

Illya: "Y-You're...so...warm..."

Y/n started to tear up even more as Illya's breathing slowed. She passed away in his arms.

Y/n's eyes were wide as he cried silently.

Y/n: "I-Illya..."

Y/n's heart started beating faster and faster as his emotions coalesced into one form.

His eyes glowed a furious green and his hair turned white. All of his magic circuits were sent into overdrive as Y/n awakened the side of him that was buried for so long.

Sakura giggled some more as she saw him slowly walking towards her.

Sakura: "See? You and me are the same! Shouldn't we play together!?"

Y/n: "...shut up."

Edmond: "I suggest we move, guys."

Mordred: "G-Good Idea."

Y/n's servants all moved away as Y/n clenched his fists.

Y/n: "You...killed her."

Sakura: "She was just a homunculus, Y/n. No need to get all worked up."

Y/n: "She was my cousin...and you fucking killed her."

Sakura: "and?"

Y/n glared at Sakura with a newfound hatred.

Y/n: "I will fucking break you."

Y/n's aura exploded around him as he summoned Ea to his hands again.

He then charged at Sakura, who simply giggled as he charged at her with intent to kill.

The two clashed in the middle of the lake. Sakura's ribbons protected her from Y/n's unrelenting anger.

Y/n growled before he tore the ribbons apart with his bare hands, he then drove a punch into Sakura's face with no hesitation.

He then kicked her to the lakes edge and jumped on top of her before he pummelled her with punch after punch.

Y/n: "Die! Die! Die! Die! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!"

Sakura just kept giggling to herself as Y/n continued to brutalise her. He was then pulled off of her by Leonidas.

Leonidas then punched his master across the face, sending him to the ground.

Leonidas: "Did that knock some sense into you!?"

Y/n looked up at the lancer servant as he removed his helmet.

Leonidas: "You let your emotions dictate your battle, Y/n! I taught you better, did I not!?"

Y/n: "Leonidas..."

Edmond then walked over and placed a hand on Leonidas' shoulder.

Edmond: "Cool it, Leonidas. He has a point though. If you allow your anger and grief to control you, how are you gonna win this holy grail war?"

Sakura's giggling became louder as the ground began to shake beneath them. A bright golden light then appeared above the lake.

Sakura: "It's here!"

Gilgamesh: "The Grail!"

Y/n smacked both sides if his head and regained himself.

Y/n: "Don't let Sakura get it!"

The servants nodded as they fiercely defended the grail.

Y/n launched himself at Sakura and he grabbed her leg before slamming her into the ground.

Y/n: "You're not getting that fucking Grail, Sakura!!"

Sakura kept giggling as she lunged at Y/n.

Sakura: "You can't stop me, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Dammit, Sakura!"

Y/n punched Sakura in the face as she tried to go for the grail again.

Y/n kept keeping Sakura at bay while the servants watched.

Mordred: "I don't think it's of any use."

Artoria: "It may come down to a final solution."

Medea: "Indeed."

Chulainn: "If he can't do it, I'll volunteer to put her down painlessly."

Gilgamesh: "Please, you'll miss like you always do."

Chulainn: "NOT THE TIME!!"

Sakura kept laughing as Y/n beat down on her. Even when she was beaten to the ground, she kept laughing.

Y/n then stood over her. Blood on his knuckles and breathing heavily.

Y/n: "Sakura. I don't want to need to end your life."

Sakura: "You...can't kill me."

Y/n summoned a handgun before aiming it at her.

Y/n: "Sakura...please...rest in peace."

Just before Y/n could fire a shot, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over and saw Medusa next to him.

Medusa: "I have a better Idea."

Medusa then used her mystic eyes to hold Sakura in place.

Medusa: "Gorgon, could you lend me a hand here?"

Gorgon nodded and walked over before holding her hands out over Sakura.

Morgan also walked over with Medea, the two caster servants nodded to each other before using their magic to expel the final remaining crest worms. Once the last one was completely gone, Sakura's eyes returned to their blue colour.

Y/n: "Sakura?"

Sakura looked up at Y/n and she started crying.

Sakura: "Y/n...I'm so sorry."

Her crying turned into hysteric tears as she realised the gravity of her actions.

Y/n closed his eyes and looked down, he then remembered something that he read once.

"It mattered not if they loved her back, some of them even hated their mother and did unspeakable things just to spite her. But she never stopped loving her children."

Y/n then knelt down next to Sakura and held her close to his chest.

Y/n: "You had no control of your actions...I forgive you, Sakura."

He then turned his attention to the grail.

Y/n: "That thing on the other hand deserves no forgiveness. Guys! Change of plan! We're destroying the grail!"

Gilgamesh smirked, as did the other servants.

Medea: "It's regrettable, but it's better to destroy it rather than let it continue to cause more chaos."

Mordred: "Can't we make a wish, then break it?"

Morgan: "Unfortunately not. The grail would disappear before we got a chance."

Y/n: "...we have no choice. As much as I want to see you all have your wishes granted, this has to be done."

His servants nodded and they poised themselves to destroy the grail once and for all.

Y/n: "...SEND IT!!"

Saber was the first to strike as she leaped into the air and raised her sword.

The lancers were next as they all poised themselves to strike.

Mordred then raised her sword.

All at once, everyone unleashed their noble phantasms and the night sky was lit up by a dazzling burst of colour.

Both Gilgamesh and Y/n then leaped into the air and summoned Ea.

Gilgamesh/Y/n: "The Evocation is the breath of the planet. I will walk together with humans therefore...ENUMA ELISH!!!"

The mighty blast of energy tore its way towards the grail and ultimately annihilated it.

As the two landed on the ground, A golden light started to engulf Gilgamesh.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gilgamesh: "...I suppose, this is my time to go. Until we meet again, Y/n L/n! I look forward to our next meeting, my friend!"

Y/n nodded before shaking Gilgamesh's hand. Leonidas then placed a hand on his master's shoulder.

Leonidas: "I am honoured to have fought by your side again, Y/n. May our next meeting be just as fun."

Y/n smirked before tracing a spear and slamming it into the ground.

Leonidas laughed heartily before he disappeared.

The next to approach him were Frankenstein and Morgan Le Fay.

Fran: "Uhh."

Morgan: "She said thanks for being her master again."

Y/n smiled before Fran hugged him. He gently petted her head as she faded away. He then turned his attention to Morgan.

Morgan: "I know our time was short, you weren't even my master. But...I'm thankful for the new outlook you've given me."

Morgan then turned to her sister and child.

Morgan: "Artoria."

Artoria/saber: "What do you want, Le Fay?"

Morgan: "...Take care of Mordred for me, will you?"

Artoria's eyes widened as Morgan disappeared.

Medusa held Sakura as she slowly disappeared in a golden shimmer of light.

Sakura: "I'll miss you, Ride- no...Medusa."

Medusa: "We'll meet again, Sakura. I promise."

Gorgon then walked to her master and smiled down at him.

Gorgon: "This was a hell of a trip, Y/n. Next time you summon me, make sure it's not during a holy grail war."

Y/n laughed before he hugged his servant as she disappeared.

Serenity then started to glow with golden light and she started to cry.

Y/n: "Serenity?"

Serenity: "I-I...I don't want to go!"

Serenity ran over and hugged her master while she cried hysterically.

Serenity: "I wanna stay with you, Master. Please...don't let me disappear."

Y/n knelt down and held the assassin.

Y/n: "I wish I could. Just know that we'll see each other again real soon. Kay?"

Serenity looked at the smiling face of her master before smiling herself.

Serenity: "I'll hold you to that then, Master."

She hugged him one last time before disappearing.

Ishtar then walked over.

Y/n: "Lemme guess, you hated every second of this bullshit?"

Ishtar: "...I wish I could say that."

Y/n: "Huh?"

Ishtar looked at Y/n with a smile.

Ishtar: "Despite the fact that you're a jackass of unimaginable proportions, this was still pretty fun. Besides, I already know how I feel about you."

Ishtar then wrapped her arms around Y/n's shoulders and leaned up to kiss him.

She disappeared right after parting with him.

The two alters were next. Jalter merely stuffed Y/n's head into her bust whilst laughing.

Jalter: "Consider that foreplay for next time."

Y/n laughed with her as she vanished. Alter Artoria then held his chin.

A.Artoria: "You'd better summon me again, I'm not gonna be very happy if you don't."

She smirked before vanishing.

The remaining servants were Jeanne, Artoria, Saber, Edmond, Medea and Mordred. Heracles vanished without a word and Chulainn smirked and waved as he vanished.

Medea: "I wish I could have seen my home again."

Y/n: "We'll get you there when we meet again, Medea."

Medea smiled before pulling her hood back, revealing her lavender hair.

Medea: "Yes. When we next meet, my master. You had better grant me that wish."

Y/n smiled and nodded before Edmond walked over with a lit cigar in his mouth.

Edmond: "this was pretty fun. But, i suppose all good things hafta end."

Y/n: "Yeah. Oh well, we'll see each other again, Dantès."

Edmond: "I'm fully countin' on it."

He laughed as he vanished, then it was down to the original four.

Mordred: "Hey...We'll see each other again, right?"

Y/n: "Of course. I don't care if I have to move heaven and earth to do so."

Mordred smiled before kissing her master for the last time in this grail war.

Mordred: "Imma hold you to that."

Y/n and Mordred leaned their heads together as she disappeared.

Artoria walked over next, as did Saber. Saber knelt before Y/n.

Saber: "It was an honour fighting with you, Y/n L/n. Though I regret that our time was short."

Y/n: "The honour was all mine, Saber. Until next time."

Saber stood and nodded before vanishing.

Lancer Artoria was next. She didn't kneel. Instead, she hugged her master.

Artoria: "This is not our final meeting. Know that I'm truly grateful for all you've done. You brought Mordred and I closer than I could have imagined."

She smiled at him before the two shared a last kiss as she vanished.

The only one left...was Jeanne.

Jeanne: "Well, Master. This is it."

Y/n: "Yeah. I'm really gonna miss you guys."

Jeanne: "Yes. I too will miss everyone, you especially. I imagine the house will feel far emptier without us."

Y/n smiled solemnly as Jeanne approached him. She then reached up and removed her headpiece.

Jeanne: "Take it."

Y/n smiled as she handed him the headpiece.

Jeanne: "When we next meet, Maybe we can have an actual date?"

Y/n: "...yeah. I'd like that."

Jeanne smiled before giving her master one last kiss. The two held each other as she vanished. Finally, Y/n and Sakura were the only ones left.

He looked to the sky as Sakura walked over.

Sakura: "Y-Y/n?"

Y/n: "...I really am gonna miss them."

Sakura saw tears rolling down Y/n's face.

Y/n: "But I know that this is only the beginning."

The two heard rushed footsteps and they saw Rin and Shirou running over.

Rin: "What happened!?"

Sakura: "...It's over. The Grail's been destroyed."

Both Shirou and Rin sighed a breath of relief.

The four all smiled and headed back to Y/n's place. Y/n clutched Jeanne's headpiece in his hands as they walked.

The four of them celebrated surviving the grail war under the starlit sky.


Rin and Shirou went on to graduate high school and they went to live in London together. Sakura went home to the Tohsaka estate and learned more about being a mage.

As for Y/n? He started studying magic like nobody's business. He moved into Illya's old home and the homunculus maids that worked there welcomed him as a member of the Einzbern family.

Eventually, Y/n volunteered for a master programme at Haruna's work.

Unfortunately, he got caught up in an explosion and sustained major respiratory damage while he was training.

The last thing he saw was Haruna's smiling face with tears rolling down it in the hospital.

She said something to him, but he couldn't hear as the sedatives kicked in and he was placed into a medically induced coma.

His thoughts kept ringing out in his head.

He then heard something, people moving around. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in a tank of cold blue liquid. A mask covered his face and he slowly looked around.

Y/n: "I was only out for a few minutes. What the hell's happening?"

He then saw a woman walk in wearing some blue red and brown clothes.

She smiled up at him before turning to one of the doctors.

???: "Let's get him outta there. I think he's ready."

The doctors all nodded and started draining the liquid.

Soon enough, he was out and doctors were wrapping a towel around him.

The woman kneeled down in front of him.

???: "I imagine you have many questions, Y/n."

Y/n nodded slowly. The woman smiled in response before slowly helping him to his feet.

???: "Well, Y/n L/n. My name's Leonardo Da Vinci. Welcome to Chaldea!"

The End.

Next Time:
Fate/Grand Shenanigans: Orleans Antics.

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