The Gift from the Age of Gods

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Gilgamesh and Y/n stared each other down. The king of Uruk was excited to be fighting someone like Y/n.

He smirked fondly as he remembered the first fight they had.


Gilgamesh was brought to one knee with the damage he had sustained. His body had been battered by the onslaught of Y/n's magecraft.

Siduri stood by his side as he slowly got up.

Gilgamesh: "I must say. Your abilities are rather impressive, Chaldea mage."

Y/n: "With all die respect, I'm not a mage."

Gilgamesh: "Oh?"

Y/n smirked before raising his hand.

Y/n: "I'm a magician."

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as he saw what formed in Y/n's hand.

—end of flashback—

Despite the power gap between then and now. Gilgamesh couldn't help but smirk in anticipation.

Y/n projected a sword into his hand before lunging at Gilgamesh.

The king summoned a sword of his own before parrying Y/n's attack.

Gilgamesh: "You're less skilled than before. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised though."

Gilgamesh lunged forwards and attempted to drive the sword into Y/n's stomach. Y/n then felt everything go cold and he jumped to one side before the heat returned and time moved again.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as Y/n kicked him in the side.

Y/n: "the benefits of time fuckery."

Gilgamesh smirked before charging at Y/n again, Y/n projected a sword into his hand to counter it. The two clashed and Gilgamesh seemed to have the upper hand due to having more experience with a sword.

Y/n then sweeped his legs out from under him before jumping back and projecting a handgun. He fired off three rounds and immobilised Gilgamesh by hitting his leg.

He then ran over and delivered a swift boot to the face. Under normal circumstances, Gilgamesh would be absolutely dominating this battle, but Y/n wasn't a normal Circumstance.

A total anomaly would be the best way to put it.

The two continued to clash as Y/n's servants gathered to watch. They were all extremely impressed by how strong their master was.

Gilgamesh struggled to move after Y/n had downed him and he raised one hand, signalling that he had given in.

Y/n then extended a hand to him as he caught his breath.

The king of Uruk smirked before taking his arm and allowing himself to be healed.

Once they were finished, Y/n entered the room where they kept Morgan Le Fay. She was awake and she glared at Y/n when he entered.

Morgan: "So? What now? You going to torture me? Rape me? I'm in no position to fight back."

Y/n: "No. none of those things. I simply want to question you."

The cruel smirk she wore on her face faded upon hearing those words.

Y/n: "I'll ask this first. Do I seem familiar to you?"

Morgan: "Tch, why should that matter?"

Y/n: "Your sister and son seem to know me."

Morgan: "Of course they do, they're your servants."

Y/n: "*sigh* I see, then let me ask you this. Why did you want to kill Artoria so badly?"

Morgan: "Isn't it obvious? I am the legitimate heiress to the throne. But no. Father decided to give all of the attention to my sister. So I made it my ultimate goal to kill her, I even created Mordred to help me make it much sweeter."

Y/n: "I don't think you understand that Artoria is, by nature, a king. From what I undertand, that's always how she's been. You on the other hand, you're just twisted. You went so far as to rape your own sister while Merlin was in dick wizard mode just to make Mordred."

Morgan: "She was bred to be my ultimate creation. Not only that, but she carried out her task, didn't she?"

Y/n: "That may be true. But look at how she and Artoria interact now."

Morgan raised an eyebrow.

Y/n: "Those two have been slowly getting closer as my servants. They've started healing the rift that you made between them."

Morgan: "How did I make a rift between those two?"

Y/n: "By treating Mordred as a weapon. Imagine what would have happened if Mordred had just admitted to being Arthur's illegitimate child in the first place. Sure, it would have taken some time, but knowing Artoria, she would have trained Mordred and taught her to be a king. But no, you bred her to kill Artoria. You were the one that indirectly ruined them both."

Mordred: "What does that matter?"

???: "It matters because we both lost in the end."

Y/n and Morgan turned to the door and saw Artoria standing there."

Artoria: "Y/n is right. If Mordred had come clean, I would have eventually taken to her. As he said, it would take time. But I would have accepted her as my own if she had spoken to me about it."

Morgan: "Like you have any room to talk. You were always the favourite!"

Artoria: "Because you showed no interest in being the ruler of Camelot to begin with. It was only when I started training that your jealousy started to flourish."


Y/n: "The you were destined to fail."

Morgan glared at Y/n as he held a stern expression.

Y/n: "If you only wanted to Rule Camelot, then you were set up to fail. Artoria, why did you want the throne?"

Artoria: "Simple. I wanted to protect the people and place that my Father loved so dearly."

Y/n: "Exactly. You wanted control, Morgan. Artoria wanted to protect. That was why she was chosen as Uther's successor."

Morgan glared at Y/n even more fiercely than before. He then sighed as he stood up. He then reached into his back pocket and pulled out a picture.

Y/n: "Think about this."

Both Morgan's and Artoria's eyes widened as they saw the picture.

Morgan looked up and saw Y/n's eye flash green as he walked out of the room.

Y/n sat in his room studying his magecraft. He was trying to create a replica of Artoria's lance. Suddenly, the world turned cold.

He looked around and saw that nothing had changed. So he decided to just get some rest. As he lay down, he emptied his mind of any thoughts and entered his dream state.

He saw in his mind, a sort of cloud swirling in one place like a cyclone.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Morgan Le Fay summoned her dagger, Erosion, and cut the ropes that held her.

She then stood and walked out of the room. She walked through the house quietly, occasionally peeking into the other rooms. She found all three Artorias and Mordred asleep in the same room. She walked in and kneeled by Mordred's bedside.

Morgan: "...even I must admit, it...feels good seeing you happy."

She gently moved Mordred's hair away from her face before walking out of the room.

She then saw a golden glow coming from Y/n's room. She had a peek in and saw a strange chain wrapped around Y/n's arm.

She suddenly went cold as she felt someone behind her. Morgan quickly spun around and her arm was caught by Gilgamesh.

He smirked as he saw the chain.

Gilgamesh: "Even in death, you find a way to make yourself known."

Morgan: "What are you mumbling about?"

Gilgamesh: "That arm belonged to Enkidu, my oldest friend. It seems as though it's allowing Y/n to utilise his abilities."

Morgan: "Is that even possible?"

Gilgamesh: "Who knows? This one seems to be proficient when it comes to breaking the laws of magic and magecraft. The von Einzbern family did a good job hiding him from the rest of magus society."

Morgan: "He's on the run?"

Gilgamesh: "Pretty much."

The two stopped as they saw Haruna getting up to do her work.

Gilgamesh: "Miss Haruna. It's already time for your shift?"

Haruna: "Yeah. The organisation needs me to do my progress report."

Gilgamesh: "I see. I will ask Jeanne to make extra breakfast for you."

Haruna: "Thanks, Gil."

Morgan: "You've been here for less than a week, yet you already have the trust of the others."

Gilgamesh: "It's because of the mutual respect that Y/n and I have. Also, My master was killed so I'm a free servant for now."

Morgan: "I see."

Morgan thought to herself for a while before heading back to the room she was kept in. She then opened one of the cupboards and found a Futon. She then lay down on it and fell asleep.

The next day, Y/n trained with Leonidas before school began. Sakura was still unconscious and Medusa did her best to be there for her.

Edmond and Gilgamesh arm wrestled nearby while Mordred and Artoria sparred.

Y/n was able to keep up with Leonidas' training for the most part, but Spartan training was no joke. He had slabs of concrete tied to each of his legs as he avoided and countered attack after attack.

Once they were finished, Y/n headed to school. Serenity was nearby in case he needed her.

Rin and Shirou kept cold glares when they saw him and he returned to favour by giving them a smirk that promised pain.

After everyone had headed home. Archer appeared in the hallway.

Y/n: "Problem, Emiya?"

Emiya: "Rin's asked me to deal with you."

Y/n: "*sigh* that's too bad. Oh well."

Y/n raised his arm to summon a sword to his hand. He then felt his whole arm seize up as his magic circuits glowed with golden light.

Y/n and Emiya's eyes widened as they saw a particular sword form in Y/n's hand.

It's blade was black and cylindrical. Red markings ran up it and its hilt was golden.

From seemingly nowhere, Gilgamesh appeared behind Y/n.

Gilgamesh: "Denial of Nothingness. The ability to create perfect copies of anything. It's not restricted to conventional weapons, it can copy noble phantasms as well."

His smirk widened as he looked at the sword.

Gilgamesh: "The sword you hold in your hands is the sword, Ea."

Y/n gazed at the sword in his hands as the cylindrical blade turned slowly.

Emiya charged forwards to try and stop Y/n from using it, but the young magician ducked under him and delivered a devastating blow to Emiya's side.

As Emiya tried to recover, Y/n unleashed an attack of his own by pointing the Ea towards the sky. The blade started turning faster until a red orb of energy appeared at the tip of the blade.

Gilgamesh: "You're still new now. But I've seen how you fight with that sword."

Y/n: "Enuma...ELISH!!!"

The orb expanded and turned into a massive pillar of energy that smashed straight into Emiya.

Y/n: "You picked the wrong Magician to fuck with!"

Emiya was consumed by the blast, but he gave a small smile before he disappeared.

Emiya: "Dammit. Oh well, there's always the future to look forward to. Sorry, Rin. I'll see you again someday."

Once he was gone, Y/n fell to one knee as the Ea disappeared.

Gilgamesh: "Copying noble phantasms, not an ability to take lightly."

As Y/n stood with Gilgamesh's help, a bolt of red lightning struck near Ryuudou temple and the sky turned red.

Gilgamesh: "Damn. It's the grail!"

Y/n: "The Grail!?"

Gilgamesh: "Yes."

Just then, Medusa appeared.

Medusa: "Y/n! It's Sakura. She's gone!"

Y/n's eyes widened before he turned to where the lightning had struck.

Y/n: "This is it, huh?"

Gilgamesh: "It seems that way."

Y/n smiled before turning to Medusa.

Y/n: "Gather the others. We're going to deal with her."

Medusa: "Very well."

Medusa then disappeared and Serenity walked over.

Serenity: "How are we gonna handle this?"

Y/n: "No clue."

He kept his eyes trained on where the grail was.

Y/n: "But we're sure as hell not gonna lose this war at this stage."

Serenity smiled as Gilgamesh smirked. The three then ran out and made their way to the temple.

The final battle was here. The grail war was about to come to a conclusion.

End of Chapter.

Next Time: A Spring Blossom Falls

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