Broken Butterfly

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Shinji: "STUPID BITCH!!"

Shinji punched one of the walls nearby in a fit of rage. Not only did his house get destroyed while his father was visiting, but he also lost Sakura. Now Gilgamesh refused to answer his summons.


Kotomine walked in behind him and sighed.

Kotomine: "You're angry about losing Sakura. From what I understand, Gilgamesh is also being rebellious."

Shinji: "No shit, asshole! He refuses point blank to answer me! Not to mention that Sakura's with that little shit, Y/n!"

Kotomine: "I know how you feel. It seems Lancers has also been taken by Y/n L/n. Though under different circumstances."

Shinji: "Are there any more servants you can give me? Ones that aren't useless!"

Kotomine: "I'm afraid not."

Shinji: "Then why does HE have so many!?"

Kotomine: "The grail seems to have summoned more servants than usual. I'm not sure why. But Y/n is certainly not a master to be trifled with. Not only does he have an abnormally powerful Archer servant. But he also has three Avenger class servants as well as a Ruler."

Shinji: "How the hell!?"

Kotomine: "There's only one reason I can think of, and it may be why he's so close to Illya von Einzbern."

Shinji: "Oh? Do explain."

Kotomine: "There was another member of the Einzbern family alongside Illya's mother. His name was Hans Von Einzbern. A cruel, sadistic bastard that experimented on his own son."

Shinji: "That son being Y/n?"

Kotomine: "Possibly. But he was experimented on and given extraordinary potency not just with magecraft. But with true magic as well. The third lost magic was something that the Einzberns craved, and Hans unlocked his sons ability to use it. He was of course, killed by the family when they found out about the experiments. Irisviel also hid Hans' wife and her children from Magos society. A tragic tale to be sure. But it can be moulded into a weapon to use against Y/n."

Shinji smirked upon hearing those words. What he didn't know was that Serenity was listening in from above them. She was silent as she moved around in the rafters above the two.

Shinji then ran out of the house and Serenity made her move. Kotomine was cautious, but not even he could sense Serenity's approach. He turned at the very last second, just as one of Serenity's blades was stabbed into his eye. She used another to slash his throat.

The cut was clean and blood stained the tatami mats on the floor.

Serenity then exited the mansion and returned home.

She went into her masters room and found Sakura asleep next to him.

Serenity: "Master."

Y/n opened one eye slowly before looking over at Serenity.

Y/n: "What's up?"

Serenity: "Shinji Matou is on his way here. Kirei Kotomine has been eliminated."

Y/n: "Attagirl. Lemme get dressed and I'll deal with Shinji."

Y/n got out of bed and petted Serenity on his way past. When he was fully dressed, he stood leaning against the doorframe outside.

He then saw Shinji walking over to the house with his usual shit-eating smirk.

Shinji: "You look like you were expecting me, Y/n? Am I that noticeable?"

Y/n: "Just say what you're going to and leave."

Shinji: "Oh, I know what I want to say. But I want to make this moment even swee-"

???: "It's because of his past, isn't it?"

Shinji's eyes widened as Gorgon rounded the corner with Medusa.

Shinji: "Rider! You're still alive!?"

Medusa: "Yes. I am, and we all already know who Y/n is."

Shinji: "But he doesn't! He used magecraft to bury his memories of that time!"

Y/n: "I did, yeah. I completely buried my memories and knowledge of magecraft and the holy grail wars. But I know who I am Shinji. As well as who I was."

Shinji: "What? HOW!?!?"

Y/n: "For crying out loud, Shinji. Get a grip of yourself."

Shinji: "No! I demand to know how you learned who you are!"

Y/n: "My cousin, Illya. That's how. Before I went to bed last night, I chatted with her and she let slip that she had an Uncle. From there, everything pieced itself back together and I remembered everything."

Shinji: "Then...why? Why are you still fighting!? YOU SHOULD BE DESPAIRING OVER YOUR TREATMENT, YOU LAB RAT!!"

Y/n: "That would be your reaction, Shinji. You are not me, as I am not you. I think I'd wanna shoot myself if I were you though."


Y/n: "I've got an Idea though."

Gorgon saw Y/n's shadow start to glitch as the tips of his hair started turning white.

Y/n: "You go home every day and beat Sakura senseless. Once you're finished with that, you decide to take out your inadequacies out on her and sexually assault her. You're nothing but a parasite feeding off of a butterfly."

Shinji: "And what would that make you!?"

Y/n: "Me?"

Gorgon's eyes widened as Y/n's shadow reached out to Shinji, even though he hadn't lifted a finger.

Y/n: "To you?...I'm a fucking extinction event."

Without warning, Shinji felt something grab at his throat. Y/n's eyes slowly started turning green as the Air was choked from Shinji's lungs.

Pain encompassed his every sense as he struggled to fight against the grip of whatever it was that Y/n was using.

Medusa: "Y/n! Let go of him! Think of how Sakura mighty react!"

Y/n's eyes widened for a second as the green faded from his eyes.

Y/n: "Good point. She hates him, but it would kill her psyche if I kill her brother. Adopted or otherwise."

He then turned to Shinji's weak and pathetic form as he fell to the ground.

Y/n: "Good news, dumbass. You get to live another day. Now get away from my house."

Shinji panicked and made a break for it. At current, Y/n could have easily sought out the grail and took it for himself.

Y/n: "tch. I need five servants to die for the grail to be summoned. I'm not willing to sacrifice anyone here."

Y/n then turned to the skies behind him as the sun slowly rose.

Gorgon: "Y/n. Did Illya really tell you about your past?"

Y/n: "Nope. Found out on my own. When you looked into my head the first time, I remembered everything and feigned ignorance until now."

Gorgon smiled at her master.

Gorgon: "I see. You really are a strange master."

Y/n: "Yup. But you're stuck with me until such times as this war ends."

The next day, Emiya called Y/n out to Ryuudou temple. Y/n left everyone asleep as he headed out. Upon his arrival, he found Sakura, Shirou, Rin, Illya, Shinji and Emiya himself.

Y/n: "What's this all about?"

Emiya: "Everyone here are the last masters remaining. Sakura with Rider. Shinji with Gilgamesh. Rin with myself, archer. Illya with Berserker...and you with a multitude of servants. Shirou's just here because I have business with him."

Y/n: "Fair enough."

Shinji: "Kotomine's dead. He was killed at my fathers home."

Y/n: "That was Serenity."

Shinji: "Then I'll kill you after I have some fun with Sakura."

Y/n: "You touch her, I break every bone in your body."

Shirou: "We don't need to fight like this though."

Y/n: "Shirou. Shut up. I suppose this is how it was always gonna be."

Illya: "I'm going to stay with Y/n. The rest of you are dead meat!"

Shinji: "Oh, I'll kill you right before Y/n then!"

Y/n: "'re on thin Ice, Shitji."

Rin and Illya were both surprised when they saw Y/n's shadow glitch.

Sakura: "W-Why? Why are you making us do this!?"

Y/n: "Sakura. Go home. Ask Jeanne to make you some tea. Maybe ask Edmond to let you hang out with him for a while. It's either that, or You kill Shinji. I'm not killing you or Illya. The rest of you are fair game to me."

Sakura was frozen from fear. She could see the shadows of Crest worms carrying a butterfly away on the ground nearby.

She became more and more stressed out as the seconds ran past until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Y/n standing in front of her. He nodded solemnly. It was such a small action, but it gave her confidence.

Sakura then started walking towards her brother with a new fire in her eyes.

Sakura: "You and your father made me suffer for years, Shinji. I had to endure your abuse and assault. Because of what? A little jealousy? You're pathetic."


Shinji lunged at her and pinned her to the floor. Shirou was about to run in, but Rin stopped him. Sakura's eyes were widened with fear as Shinji tried to tear her top off. Just as he was about to do so however, a black ribbon slashed at his neck and killed him immediately.

Sakura: "Sh-Shinji?"

Y/n: "Oh shit. This don't look good, chief."

Rin: "No. Really? What gave it away!?"

Sakura turned to Y/n with tears in her eyes as her hair turned white.

Sakura: "Y/n...what's happening to me?"

Y/n: "Sakura...I'm sorry."

Y/n saw a sadistic smile spread across Sakura's face as she fully lost it.

Faster than he could react, Y/n's left arm was gone. His eyes widened as unbearable pain shot through his body. Despite that, he refused to scream. He knew that his screams were what she wanted. He wasn't about to let her have that.

Y/n: "Sakura...this is not...what I had in mind."

Sakura: "I know. But It's what I had in mind."

Y/n grit his teeth before Sakura giggled. She then appeared in front of him with that same sinister smile.

Y/n then turned to the others.

Y/n: "Get the fuck out of here! NOW!!"

Rin dragged Shirou, Emiya and Illya away. Illya yelled at Rin to let her go. Y/n then stood up in front of Sakura.

Y/n: "This isn't what Either of us want, Sakura. This is the grail doing this to you."

Sakura: "Hehe. I know, It feels wonderful. For once, I feel free! Like I can do anything!"

Y/n: "Was committing bald-cunt against my arm really the best solution though?"

Sakura: "Well, I needed to know that you wouldn't escape easily."

Y/n: "Shoulda aimed for my legs then."

Sakura: "Heh. That'd be no fun though."

???: "Speak for yourself."

Sakura turned around, only for someone to punch her with enough force to send out a large shockwave.

A blonde woman wearing some kind of feathered crown stood behind Sakura. Behind her was a cloaked man as well as someone that Y/n recognised vaguely.

???: "I hope you know what you're doing. This could severely screw up your timeline."

???2: "Nah. This is exactly how I remember this going down."

The man kneeled in front of Y/n. One of his eyes was green while the other was E/c. He had a small scar across his lips and a larger one across his face crossing from the left side of his forehead to the right side of his lower jaw and crossing over his nose. He had some kind of mud in his hands.

???2: "This was given to me as a gift. You'll know what it is in the future, for now. Take it."

The man moulded the mud into the shape of an arm. He then held it up to Y/n's shoulder and it attached itself.

???: "Master. Is this really a good idea?"

???2: "You remember what happened, right? He gave us his arm since I told him what happened."

The woman nodded before kneeling down to Y/n's level.

???: "Oh well. Hola, past Master!"

Y/n's eyes widened as he realised who that man was. The other servant he recognised was similar to Serenity. She walked over next and Kneeled.

???3: "You are not my master yet. But know that I am Hassan of the Hundred Faces."

She then stood up and the three disappeared. Y/n then felt all feeling return to his arm and he tried moving it. It was like nothing happened. But something felt off, he felt more powerful than before.

He had a flashback to a green haired man.

???: "With this, you can be whole again. Now go, become who you were meant to be, and never forget the name...Enkidu."

Y/n: "Enkidu..."

Y/n got to his feet and saw that Sakura was knocked out completely. Her hair was still white, but she was out cold.

He walked over and picked her up before turning to Shinji's body.

Y/n: "a spineless rodent like you doesn't even deserve a burial."

He then carried Sakura back to his house. When he arrived, Jeanne and Artoria both threw themselves at him in a group hug. Jeanne pulled him away from Artoria before laying a kiss on him.

Gilgamesh nodded with a smirk while Leonidas gave him a thumbs up. Jalter and Alter Artoria both nodded to him. Medea did the same. Medusa took Sakura from Y/n's arms while Gorgon hugged her master. Serenity looked up at her master with a neutral look. What she didn't know was that she had a single tear in her eye.

Y/n smiled and hugged his assassin servant, much to her surprise.

He then found Chulainn and Saber Artoria standing outside. Chulainn nodded at him while Saber bowed to him.

Ishtar was stood against the wall and she grew a frown when she saw him. She then stormed over and slapped him.

Ishtar: "Stupid master! Never do that again, that's a goddess' orders"

Y/n: "Heh. Like you could stop me, Tsundere."

Ishtar turned red before huffing and walking off.

Frankenstein hugged her master when she saw him. Then came Mordred. Y/n knocked on her bedroom door and when she saw him, she simply couldn't help herself.

Mordred jumped up and kissed her master, much to his surprise. When they parted, Y/n heard someone coughing nearby. He turned and saw Edmond with a mischievous grin.

Edmond: "Ya finished?"

Y/n: "No. give us an hour in private."

Edmond laughed before ruffling his masters hair.

Edmond: "You really scared us there, buddy."

Y/n chuckled before walking to Haruna's room. He opened her door and found her asleep at her desk with a framed photo of them together. Tears ran down her face.

Y/n kept a solemn expression before he picked her up and carried her to her bed.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, Sis. I make you worry far too much...but I don't regret my choices as a master. I'm still breathing ultimately. That's enough for me to smile about."

With a small smirk, Y/n stood up and left the room.

He then saw Gilgamesh waiting expectantly in the garden.

Y/n: "Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh: "Y/n. This is something I've wanted to ask since you became a master. Will you battle me? Remind me of the thrill of battling a strong opponent!"

Y/n smirked at Gilgamesh before he stood in silence in front of the servant.

Y/n: "Let's do this!"

End of Chapter.

Next Time: The Gift from the Age of Gods.

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