Chapter 1

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Echoing through the expansive marble hallways, the sole sound that permeated the silence was the rhythmic clank of Minji's heels against the glossy floor. Summoned by her parents to attend a business meeting with the Choi family, she couldn't fathom why her presence was necessary. Minji, having dedicated herself to the entertainment industry, possessed little knowledge about the art of business dealings. Nevertheless, the significance of her presence was evidently important to her family. In regard to the Choi family, Minji's interactions with them had been limited to a single encounter, during which she hadn't even had the opportunity to meet their two sons.

After a journey that led her to an immense golden door, guarded by two people, Minji braced herself, inhaling deeply as she prepared for whatever awaited her on the other side. Summoning courage, she swung open the doors, gracefully entering the room and capturing the attention of those engaged in conversation. In that moment, her gaze fell upon her parents, their faces radiant with warmth, causing a wave of relief to wash over her. Meeting their familiar gaze, Minji responded with a gentle smile, her dimples accentuating the corners of her brown eyes, creating the most enchanting eye smile.

Within the room, Minji noticed a small gathering of individuals. Apart from her parents, there were only four others present. Among them, she recognised a high school student seated nearby. Adjacent to the student sat a mature couple, presumably Mr. and Mrs. Choi, of similar age to her parents. Occupying the remaining seat was a young man, approximately Minji's age, who exuded a striking appearance. Clad in a sleek black suit that fit his slender yet masculine physique, his tousled black hair partially veiled his eyes. His jawline possessed a razor-sharp perfection, and his lips exhibited a captivating hue of pink and red-

Clearing her mind of the intrusive thoughts, Minji gracefully inclined her head in a respectful bow towards Mr. and Mrs. Choi. Her parents, indicating with gestures, directed her to occupy the seat facing the captivating young man—none other than Beomgyu, renowned as Choi Beomgyu. Despite his tender age of 17 when he launched his business, he had achieved remarkable fame and resounding success, establishing himself as the foremost figure in the fashion industry throughout Korea.

Sitting down in front of him, Minji panned her head to face Beomgyu who already had his eyes glued on her.

Amidst the absolute silence enveloping the room, Mr. Choi shattered the stillness with his words, "Now that we are all present, it's time to delve into the topic of marriage."

Beomgyu mirrored Minji's bewildered and clueless expression, clearly indicating that he had no idea about the subject of marriage Mr. Choi had brought up.

Beomgyu interjected, expressing his confusion, "I apologise, but I fail to see the connection between discussing marriage and boosting sales in Mr. Kim's business. I thought our meeting was centred around that topic."

Minji's attention was abruptly drawn back to the conversation by the unexpected resonance of Beomgyu's deep velvety voice. However, her focus quickly shifted again as her father spoke, stating, "In fact, we have been contemplating arranging a marriage between you and Minji."

Both Minji and Beomgyu wore expressions of shock and disbelief, their faces reflecting the overwhelming impact of the revelation. Minji found herself unable to fully comprehend the situation, her mind swirling with a multitude of thoughts and emotions. One prevailing question dominated her thoughts: Why had her parents kept such a crucial and significant piece of information from her until now?

Stealing a quick glance at Beomgyu, Minji noticed that the initial shock on his face had dissipated entirely. Instead, a sense of calmness seemed to have settled upon him, evident in his composed expression.

Contrary to Beomgyu's composed demeanour, Minji's emotions flared up, engulfing her in a wave of fury towards her parents for withholding information about the ridiculous marriage. The idea of it all left her incredulous, questioning their reasoning.

Unable to contain her anger, Minji rose abruptly from her seat and firmly declared, "I'm sorry, but I cannot accept this proposed marriage."

Continuing her statement, Minji asserted, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go attend my dance practice."

Just as Minji was preparing to depart, her father's gentle voice halted her in her tracks. He said, "Minji-ah, I urge you to consider doing this for the sake of your mother and me, instead of for our business."

Without granting Minji an opportunity to interject, Mr. Choi swiftly redirected the conversation, shifting the focus towards Beomgyu. He posed a direct question, his gaze fixed upon his son, "Beomgyu, are you willing to accept this proposal of marriage?"

As you turned your attention to Beomgyu, anticipating his objection to what you considered a foolish notion, his response caught you off guard, surpassing your expectations.

"Dad, I accept this marriage," he stated, his words resonating with unexpected resolve.

Suppressing the quivering of her lower lip, Minji endeavoured to conceal the welling tears in her eyes.

Despite her internal struggle, she couldn't help but entertain an outrageous thought that escaped her lips, "Why not let him marry Miyeon? She has a greater understanding of these business matters than I do."

Minji discerned Beomgyu's mocking scoff, but she paid it little attention as her primary focus was on finding an escape from the proposed idea.

She shifted her gaze towards her father, hoping for some understanding, only to hear him respond, "You're aware that Miyeon already has a boyfriend, right? They have plans for engagement as well. It wouldn't be fair of me to ask her to consider such an arrangement."

Interrupting the conversation, Beomgyu requested, "May Minji and I have some time alone, please? We would like to resolve this matter and find a favourable outcome."

Acknowledging her father's subtle nod, everyone else vacated the room, leaving Minji and Beomgyu alone with each other. Minji purposely turned her back towards Beomgyu, avoiding direct eye contact as she was not ready to face him in that moment.

Beomgyu released a deep sigh, his words carrying a blunt tone as he expressed, "You should say yes to this marriage."

In response, she questioned him, her voice tinged with curiosity and concern, "Are you genuinely okay with all of this? Doesn't it bother you?"

He acknowledged, "Of course it bothers me, but I am ready to go through with it to prevent my family name and business from being tarnished."

With a gulp, Minji summoned the courage to face Beomgyu directly, taking in his tall stature as he stood before her. As she beheld his face up close, her heart skipped a beat, momentarily captivated by his striking handsomeness. However, she swiftly refocused her attention, realising that his appearance was not her primary concern in that moment.

In a composed tone, Minji declared, "Fine, I will accept this marriage, but I want to make it clear that I am doing this for the sake of my family and myself as well."

Minji became acutely aware of Beomgyu's alluring charm as a subtle smirk graced his lips, accentuating his already considerable attractiveness.

Lost in a momentary connection, they stared into each other's eyes, oblivious to the world around them, until Minji's throat-clearing broke the spell. "I think it's time we bring our families in," she proposed, aiming to restore focus to the matter at hand.

Beomgyu, acknowledging the necessity, broke their eye contact and went back to his seat.

Suppressing the slowly approaching anxiety, Minji retrieved her phone and swiftly dialed her parents' number, beckoning them to return.

As her parents reentered the room, Minji's mother wasted no time and inquired, "So, dear, what is your decision?"

Gathering her courage, Minji responded with a gentle smile, "Mom, I have decided to agree to this marriage as well."

A shared sense of joy passed between the elders, while Minji couldn't help but notice the high school student, whom she recognised as Choi San and Beomgyu's brother, exchanging a knowing smile with Beomgyu. Despite the interaction, Minji opted to disregard it, although Beomgyu appeared visibly displeased.

"Great then, we shall prepare for this wedding as soon as possible.", announced Mrs Choi with great enthusiasm. 

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