Chapter 2

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Just as Minji had intended to make a swift exit for her dance practice to divert her mind from recent events, Mrs. Choi interjected with a suggestion. "Minji, why don't you let Beomgyu drop you off at your company?" 

Minji responded frantically, "Mrs. Choi, that won't be necessary, but thank you for the suggestion." 

Despite Minji's initial resistance, both sets of parents remained persistent, ultimately convincing her to go along with the idea. Surprisingly, Beomgyu did not attempt to object, and so Minji found herself reluctantly agreeing to let him accompany her to the company.

Keeping a one-meter distance behind Beomgyu, Minji found herself lost in her thoughts. However, her trance was abruptly interrupted when Beomgyu suddenly came to an unexpected stop, causing an accidental collision between them. Unaware that they had arrived at Beomgyu's luxurious car, Minji marvelled inwardly at its lavish appearance. As expected from one of the wealthiest individuals in Korea. Apologising to Beomgyu, she entered the backseat and waited for him to start the car. However, to her surprise, she noticed him standing outside, raising his eyebrows as if judging her. 

"What?" Minji snapped. 

"Do I look like your driver? Move to the front seat," he retorted. 

Letting out a scoff, Minji rolled her eyes and begrudgingly made her way to the front passenger seat.

As Beomgyu drove away from the suffocating parking lot, he found himself stealing brief glances at the enchanting girl seated next to him looking out the window. As the wind gently tousled her chocolate brown hair, the sunlight cast an ethereal glow upon her face, accentuating her flawless features. Undeniably, she possessed a strikingly beautiful face, but Beomgyu's fascination extended beyond mere physical appearance. It was her captivating smile that held an enchanting power, with her soft pink lips curving upward and her heart shaped dimples adding a touch of perfection to the overall expression. 

Regardless of his denials of any interest, he couldn't resist being intrigued by her. Despite her status as a K-pop idol, she exuded a down-to-earth nature and possessed an intriguing aura that captivated Beomgyu. Determined to refocus his attention, Beomgyu decided to keep his gaze fixated on the road ahead.

The lengthy drive remained shrouded in silence, with neither Minji nor Beomgyu uttering a word. However, a sense of comfortable silence settled between them. As Beomgyu pulled to a stop in front of Minji's entertainment agency, Hybe Labels, he couldn't help but notice how adorable she appeared, peacefully asleep with her arms wrapped around herself, a small pout appearing on her lips. 

After what felt like for ages, Minji began to wake up from her slumber, gradually becoming aware of her surroundings. When she turned her gaze toward the driver's seat, she found Beomgyu already fixed on her, their eyes seemingly entwined. Although she desired to avert her gaze, she found herself unable to do so. The deep stillness enveloping them was interrupted by Beomgyu's voice. 

"I think you might be running late for your dance practice now. You were knocked out for a solid 30 minutes. It was like trying to wake up a log," he remarked.

Responding with a roll of her eyes, Minji swiftly exited the car, eager to make it to the building's entrance to avoid her manager's lecture for being late. 

However, her departure was halted by Beomgyu's voice, reminding her, "Shouldn't you thank your soon-to-be husband for the ride?" 

Turning back with a forced smile, Minji retorted with a heavy dose of sarcasm in her tone, "Well, thank you, Mr. Choi, for graciously providing me with a drop-off." 

Beomgyu nonchalantly responded, "No problem, Mrs. Choi. It is after all my responsibility as your fiancé." 

The mention of "Mrs. Choi" sent Minji's heart racing, unsure if it was due to anger or an unexpected flustered sensation. Before she could protest any further, her sentence was abruptly cut short by the sight of Beomgyu's smiling face as he drove away.

As Minji stepped into the agency building, she was met with her manager, who seemed ready to explode at any moment, and her best friend, Lisa, who was also a fellow K-pop idol. Lisa had been a close friend even before their singing careers, acting more like an older sister to Minji than just a friend. Their bond was characterised by complete transparency, with no secrets kept between them.

Encountering Lisa's warm, smiling face, Minji rushed into her embrace, giving in to a complete breakdown. Seeking solace in her friend's presence, Minji confided in Lisa, and as a result, she was granted one hour off from her dance schedule to release some steam. 

Walking towards Minji's private recording studio, where they could talk without being overheard, she began to explain to Lisa, "You know my parents called me in for a business meeting, right?" 

Lisa replied, sounding puzzled, "Yes?" 

"Well, it turns out it wasn't a business meeting at all; it was a marriage proposal." 

"Oh, that's fun! So, who is the lucky guy that Miyeon is getting married to?" 

"Ugh, no! It's not for Miyeon; it's for me," Minji yelled in frustration.

Lisa blinked multiple times, double-checking if she had heard her best friend correctly. Once the initial shock wore off, she couldn't help but burst into giggles, assuming Minji was joking. 

"Come on, you can't be serious," Lisa said, still laughing. 

Minji whined, "I wish I was joking, but it's true." 

Amid her fits of giggles, Lisa retorted, "Well, if you're getting married before me, I guess pigs might as well start flying."

Pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation, Minji mumbled, "I'm getting married to Choi Beomgyu." 

Lisa's laughter ceased instantly as she stared at Minji with wide eyes. Minji avoided her gaze, and Lisa asked incredulously, "Wait, what did you say? Choi Beomgyu? The same guy who sponsored your music video last year?" 

Minji nodded slightly, biting the inside of her cheeks nervously. 

"Oh my gosh, you have no idea how lucky you are! Why would you even complain if you're marrying The Choi Beomgyu?" Lisa grumbled in amazement.

Minji poured her heart out, expressing, "The truth is, I don't like him, and I have no interest in him whatsoever. I can't even be sure if I'll ever develop any feelings for him after marriage. Sure, he's really handsome and is basically every girl's dream guy, but what happens after that?"
"I'll never be able to marry someone I genuinely like, and divorce isn't even an option because it could ruin both of our public images," she explained with frustration and concern.  

Feeling sympathy for her friend, Lisa attempted to console Minji, saying, "Hey, you never know, perhaps he'll develop feelings for you, and you'll both end up together." 

Minji, however, shot Lisa a glare and retorted, "Maybe, but... ugh, why does he have to be such a big jerk? I already hate him and his attitude."

"Well, it looks like you two are already a lost cause," Lisa remarked as she got up stretching her limbs and headed for practice. 

Just as Minji decided to stop dwelling on the situation and got up to leave alongside Lisa, her phone chimed with a text from her mom. 

Mom: Make sure to cancel all your plans for tomorrow. We will be going shopping for the wedding. 

"Shopping? Already? How soon are they planning to get Beomgyu and me married?" Minji exclaimed in disbelief. Rubbing her temples, she followed Lisa to the dance room.

---- The Next Day ----

Minji was abruptly awakened by her blaring alarm, urging her to get up. Reluctantly, she rose from her bed and got dressed to go for her wedding shopping. Opening her phone, she was startled by the headline, Minji's heart sank as she read the breaking news: "K-pop Star Kim Minji and CEO of Choi Enterprises, Choi Beomgyu, confirmed to get married after being reportedly dating for 2 years in secret." 

The reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt a mix of emotions ranging from disbelief to anger. The news had spread like wildfire, and now the whole world seemed to know about their marriage, further intensifying her feelings of being trapped in a situation she never wanted.

Pushing back the negative thoughts, she decided to focus on what she needed to do now. Prior to their meeting, Minji's mom had texted her, informing her that a car would be picking her up right in front of the house. As she walked to the gate, she noticed a familiar black car parked there. Assuming it was the driver, she opened the door with a smile, only to be taken aback when she saw Beomgyu's face. 

"Beomgyu?! What are you doing here?" Minji exclaimed in confusion. 

"Didn't your mom tell you I'd be picking you up so we could choose everything together?" Beomgyu responded. 

Shaking her head in disbelief, Minji attempted to get out of the car, but Beomgyu held her hand, showing his smirk and his phone in his hands, ready to call her mom. 

"Fine, I'll stay put. Jeez," Minji said, feeling frustrated.

As Minji tried to catch some sleep in the car due to her restless night, Beomgyu decided to play music, purposefully annoying her. Frustrated, she hit her head on the window, releasing a tired sigh. On the other hand, Beomgyu seemed to enjoy teasing her. 

When they arrived at an expensive looking wedding dress boutique, Minji couldn't help but wonder why a fake marriage had to be so grand. Stepping out of the car, Minji noticed Beomgyu extending his hand towards her. 

Baffled by this unexpected gesture, she responded rather rudely, "What's this? Another one of your annoying antics?" 

Rolling his eyes in response, Beomgyu retorted, "Haven't you seen the news headlines today? We're supposed to act like a real couple in public." 

Sensing Minji's sudden change of mood, Beomgyu playfully nudged her arm with a smirk, adding, "Come on, holding hands with me isn't that terrible, you know?" 

Offering a small smile, Minji took his warm hand which seemed to fit perfectly in her own, and to her surprise, Beomgyu even intertwined their fingers, causing her heart to thump wildly in her chest.

As Minji and Beomgyu entered the boutique, the staff exchanged excited glances among themselves, and a few girls rushed forward, bowing continuously. Minji wasn't quite sure what all the fuss was about until she noticed everyone bowing. Soon, a person approached them, dressed in a formal suit and looking older than them – no doubt the store's manager. She greeted Beomgyu with a small bow, to which he reciprocated. It all finally clicked for Minji; of course, they would shop for top-quality dresses at a store managed by Beomgyu's company.

Beomgyu took charge and addressed Mrs. Yoon, the store manager, saying, "Mrs. Yoon, I believe you received the message about my upcoming marriage. Please pick the best dress for my fiancé."

Mrs Yoon replied with a smile, "Aigoo, I can't believe you are already getting married and especially to this beautiful lady."

Guiding Minji by the hand, Beomgyu led her to a wide display of the most stunning wedding dresses she had ever seen.

He then removed his hand from hers, leaving Minji with an inexplicable emptiness. "Go ahead, choose whatever you want. The staff will be here to assist you if you want," he instructed.

"Ah, actually I don't know anything about this, can you maybe help me choose?", Minji said nervously with her gaze fixated on the ground.

Seeing Beomgyu's teasing smile, she stuttered, "Uhm, you know what? It's fine, I'll just choose whatever."

As Minji turned to leave, she felt a firm grip on her arm, pulling her back. She spun around and collided with Beomgyu's chest, causing her face to heat up.

She felt Beomgyu's hand creeping around her waist, as he spoke with his deep voice whispering in her ear, "No, I'll choose for you". 

At that moment everything seemed to stop for Minji and Beomgyu, melting in his gaze, she felt an entire zoo erupting in her stomach. 

Startled by someone knocking on the door of the room where Minji and Beomgyu were in, she pushed him away and whispered urgently, "Yah, have you lost your mind? There's no one here, so we don't have to act like a couple right now!"

Ignoring her protest, Beomgyu simply walked to the aisle filled with dresses, while Minji placed a hand on her chest, feeling her heart racing uncontrollably. As Minji went to open the door, she found a young girl bowing before her. 

The girl inquired, "Ms. Kim, is there anything you need assistance with?" 

Before Minji could respond, Beomgyu interjected, "No, we can manage on our own." 

With a nod, the girl left the room, and Minji turned around, glaring at Beomgyu, who seemed engrossed in examining the dresses. Rolling her eyes, she sat on the couch, observing him pick out a dress. 

He returned with a simple-looking one and said, "Try this one on. Wait here, I'll bring Mrs. Yoon to help you." Minji entered the dressing room, where Mrs. Yoon assisted her. 

Looking in the mirror, she saw how the dress fit her perfectly. Mrs. Yoon looked at her and said, "You know, Beomgyu is very lucky to have someone like you in his life. Please treat him well, especially considering everything he went through during his childhood. It's the first time I've seen him care about someone so much." 

Minji was taken aback by the mention of Beomgyu's childhood and his supposed care for her. She replied, "Ah, okay, of course." 

Mrs. Yoon continued encouragingly, "So, are you ready to show him? Don't worry, you're the most gorgeous person I've ever met."

As Minji opened the curtains, she saw Beomgyu engrossed in a phone call. However, the moment his eyes landed on her, his hands dropped to his side, and he was rendered speechless. Just looking at her in that dress made his mind go wild. The simple white dress with flower embroidery and a sweetheart neckline emphasised Minji's collarbones and figure. Beomgyu couldn't take his eyes off her, and Mrs. Yoon, satisfied with the scene, discreetly left the couple. Stepping closer to Minji, Beomgyu's breath caught in his throat at her ethereal beauty. 

Minji finally snapped him out of his trance by calling his name, "gyu- Beomgyu! Are you there? What do you think of this dress?" 

Trying to play it cool, Beomgyu stammered, "Uh, what do you mean? Of course, it would be perfect if I chose it." 

Minji scoffed and returned to admiring herself in the mirror. However, Beomgyu couldn't resist, and he gently placed his hand beneath her chin, turning her face towards him. He was about to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear when they were interrupted by a girl entering the room. 

Panicking, the girl bowed and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Please continue," stopping her sentence midway.

Amidst the awkward silence in the room, Beomgyu decided to break it by suggesting, "I think we should finalise this dress; it would look great." 

"Y-yeah," Minji agreed, still feeling a bit flustered. 

Exiting the boutique, they got into the car. Just as Minji was about to open the car door, she inquired, "Hey, what about the engagement ring? Don't we need to pick that too?" 

"No, it's already been chosen," Beomgyu replied. 

Without asking any further questions, Minji got into the car, and they drove back home in silence.

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