Celestial Changes Her Mate

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As they head back to the pack house Celestial looks at James and says with a yawn.
"I'm a little tired love. As for your dream yes I plan on making you part dragon. I will call you when I'm ready."

James smiles and kisses Celestial.
"Yes love. I will be waiting."

Celestial goes up to the room and lays down. She needed to get a little rest before she changed Jake. Celestial was really not looking forward for this.

Jake was busy with his Alpha duties. It helped keep his mind busy but he was looking forward to becoming part dragon.

After a good hour nap Celestial starts to prepare for the change. Moving the bed to one side of the room she looks around and nods everything was ready, she called to Jake.
"Come to me love. I'm ready for you."

Jake walks into the bedroom and smiles. The room had a glow that was pulsating. Celestial signals for Jake to lay down. He was naked, his mind was clear and the connection with the pack disconnected as she had instructed him. Jake nods and lays down under Celestial his head on a pillow. Celestial adjusts him under her and looks into his eyes, the mesmerizing power in her eyes. Jake smiles and looks into her eyes, having his mate standing over him was exciting to him.

Celestial makes sure he was ready and using a claw she lifts a scale over her heart and opens the skin under it and pulls out the sharing part of her heart, with her other claw she opens his chest and puts it next to his heart. The half of Celestial's heart takes control and stops Jake's heart for just a moment and it starts beating again. Seeing that everything was fine and there was no problems she sealed the cot with a quick shot of fire.

Celestial nods and smiles.
"Lay still for a few moments. It will be a little bit as your body fills with dragons blood. When it does I want you to shift."

Jake nods and smiles he could feel a power growing within him. After he waited until she stepped from over him Jake shifts and he looks at himself. He was red with white stripes on his side's and one that went down the middle of his back nose to tip of tail.

Jake smiles and says with a small chuckle.
"Wow I look amazing. Why am I so much more colorful than you?"

Celestial chuckles and kisses him.
"The males are always flashier than the females."

Jake nods and smiles as he kisses her.
"I get it. The males have to look good for their mates, or to attract a mate."

Celestial smiles and yawns, she chuckles and her eyes droop as she fights to stay awake.

Jake kisses her and asks.
"What is the matter love? Are you ok?"

Celestial nods and yawns again.
"I'm just tired that's all. I used a lot of energy for the magic to change you."

Jake nods and helps Celestial into bed. Because of him being part dragon he was able to lift her without a problem and puts Celestial in bed.

Celestial chuckles as he puts her in bed. She loved how he cared for her it filled her with pride and love.

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"Rest sweet heart. You have had a busy day. I'll be up later to cuddle with you. I have a few more things to do."

Celestial nods and smiles.
"Alright love. Don't be too long I always sleep better with you beside me."

Jake nods as he closes the door and goes down stairs. The packs was in shock on how he looked.
The packs gave him complements and a few of the females gave him sexy whistles.

Celestial growls as she hears the females down stairs.
"Don't even think about it ladies, that is my mate."
Her voice boomed through the house.

Silence fills the house as her voice boomed through the house. No one dared say anything, it wasn't wise to upset Luna.

Celestial had almost gotten up but figured her angry voice was enough. Nodding as silence filled the house she lays down and falls asleep. A couple of hours later Jake climbs into bed and cuddles up with Celestial. Celestial growls as he cuddled up with her and sighs as she feels his warmth.

Jake has been given a gift by Celestial. He is now a more powerful and dominate Alpha. It also appears that the females find his dragon sexy, but we all know Celestial's thoughts on that subject. Now the question is will his wolf and dragon get along or will there be a conflict with him? Find out next chapter and as always please remember to vote and comment. I do read every comment and appreciate whey vote.


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