Getting ready for the eggs.

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Celestial was getting close to laying her eggs and need someplace to have privacy.

"Jake love is there someplace private where I can lay my eggs?"

Jake thinks a moment and smiles.
"Yes there is love, the old training facility. It is right outside of our bedroom window. It is plenty big enough for you to lay the eggs."

Celestial nods and smiles Jake takes her to the building and opens the door turning on the lights a dusty, concrete floored room is illuminated.

Jake chuckles and says.
"Its a bit dusty because we haven't used it in 15 years. Nothing a little work can't fix, the walls are brick so the cold won't be a problem it also has a industrial grade ventilation system that will be more than sufficient to handle the smoke."

Celestial walks in and looks around and nods.
"This is perfect Jake. All I need now are some round stones and lots of wood."

Jake nods and smiles.
"That we can handle. There is plenty of fallen trees that we can use and a pile of rocks that we can go through for the stones."
Jake turns to Logan and says.
"Get the pack out here and let's get this place cleaned up, half the pack will clean the other half will get the wood and stones. Luna could lay her eggs at any moment so I want everything ready today."

Logan nods and smiles.
"Yes Alpha, we will get started right away."

Logan instructs the pack on what has to be done and tells them Alpha wants it done now.

The pack nods and splits into four groups. One group cleans, one group takes all the old equipment and trash out, another group starts to cut up and collect the wood, the last group goes to the pile of rocks and selects the roundest stones from the pile. After 6 hours the old training facility is turned into a nursery for Luna to lay her eggs. Jake smiles and looks around and nods.
"Thank you everyone for your hard work, because of you Luna now has a safe and comfortable place to lay her eggs."

The pack nods and smiles.
Logan looks at Jake and Celestial.
"I think I speak for everyone when I say it was a true honor to do this for Luna. Truthfully we are just as excited about Luna laying her eggs as you are."

The pack nods and smiles in agreement. One of the pack members smiles and says.
"Honestly Alpha we were wondering what you wanted to do with this old training facility. It had been sitting unused for so long we were afraid that you would have it torn down."

Jake nods and smiles at Celestial.
"If we had not found Luna I fear that would have been the fate of this building."

Setting everything up Celestial follows instincts. Going behind Jake as he attempts to set up the stones Celestial chuckles and stacks the stones in a pyramid with a spot for the egg on each one. After an hour everything was set and ready for Celestial to lay her eggs.

As Celestial lays down to relax she smiles as Jake puts the last few finishing touches.

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"Can I show you something? I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

Celestial nods and smiles, any surprise from Jake was as she had figured out a truly wonderful surprise.

Jake stands up and shifts to a hybrid of wolf and dragon. His fur had a red hue to it and his white stripes ran down his body. His paws were huge and had black talons, his tail was long and slender like a dragons, his head was wolf but his body was dragon. Two horns right behind his ears looked as if they were made of flames.

Celestial growls in approval as she looked at his body. Never had anything like Jake ever been seen or even thought of. Celestial smiles and lightly pats the ground beside her wanting him to lay down with her.

Jake smiles and cuddles with Celestial as he kisses her.
"My dragon and wolf did this. They decided to become one with each other. I can still shift to wolf but I really like my new look."

Celestial nods and kisses Jake.
"I really like it also. You look so amazing, if only my planet had not exploded we would have everything we could ever want."

Jake smiles and kisses Celestial.
"I have everything I need here. My true love, family, young on the way. How could I ask for more?"

Celestial smiles and lightly rubs her nose on Jake.
"You truly are the best thing to ever happen to me. I'm glad I came to earth."

Jake smiles and cuddles up with Celestial.
"I'm glad you did also. Let's get some rest. We have had a busy day and tomorrow is going to be another busy day."

Celestial nods and lays her head on Jake's shoulder and drifts off to sleep. Jake smiles and kisses Celestial and lays his head down and closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

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