Chapter Five

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If there was one word that I would use to describe Prince Francis, the word of my choice would be 'unpleasant.'

Yes, I did fall for him right away when I first saw him, but looks could only take someone so far.

Their personality is what makes a man, or breaks them.

Was Francis handsome? Yes, very. Beautiful? Of course! I was not one to lie, even though my situation at the moment was quite ironic.

However, he could not stay quiet for less than a few minutes. He always talked about something, like his 'fantastic' hunting and swordsman skills.

He also had the habit of touching me in a way that no one should be touched, but I just told myself his culture was like that.

Unfortunately for me, Francis consumed three dances so far with giving me his sole attention, and I suddenly wanted to excuse myself so that he could speak with a different, far more beautiful princess instead of me.

He deserves a better woman than me, I thought, especially since I am not a woman at all.

"You are staring at me," Francis smirked, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I did not realize I was that handsome."

"In my humble opinion, Your Grace," I began with a straight face, "you talk far too much."

"And you do not talk enough," he replied, his voice smug as he twirled me around and pulled me back in. "We are dancing, my dear. It is not polite for you to leave your partner talking to themselves, you see."

"Forgive me if I do not know the proper dance etiquette, then," I sneered as I began to walk away from him, but he pulled me back to continue the dance.

"Then allow me to teach you, m'lady," Francis said in my ear. "Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do in your spare time? I like to read and train with my knights. Your turn."

Prince Francis was mad! How dare he think about asking me such private things?

"Certainly not talking to people like you," I snapped at him, ignoring one of his hands running up my waist.

He laughed, amused by my reply.

"I love your wit," he told me. "It is so intelligent, amusing, and brave. No one dares to go against me, and yet, you do. I truly admire that in a woman, my dear."

"Your useless attempts of flattery are getting you nowhere, Your Highness," I replied. "Perhaps you should try earning my heart another way?"

I stunned him enough to make an escape from his hold, so I began walking towards a vacant corner of the ballroom.

However, he still followed me like I was merely his enjoyment and bride-to-be.

"I love playing games," Francis grinned as he stood in front of me this time, "but must you make this so difficult?"

"Yes, I must," I answered. "Because if you have not realized it, yet, I have no interest in becoming a pawn in this dreadful chess game of war, love, and beauty. I am the ugliest woman in this ballroom, even with this...mask on my face, so why are you consuming your time with me instead of someone who is far more beautiful than I am? We are enemies, Your Grace, so I am afraid that our love is already doomed, whether you want it to be or not."

I walked away from him once more, sighing softly once I had reached a corner that no one was dancing, talking, or standing by.

"What are you doing?" Henry wondered, walking up to me and seeing Francis finally talking to a different princess. "Do you realize that he does not want someone else? He wants you, so why are you making this so difficult?"

"Because he does not want me!" I whispered to him. "He wants my sister, the very woman that I am currently impersonating!"

"Calm down, Arthur," Henry comforted me. "You were doing great up until you walked away from him. Just go up to him, tell him about yourself, and who knows? Maybe you will get his hand in marriage?"

"I do not wish to marry a man, or even a woman, who has no respect for people whatsoever," I told him. "He is so full of himself, he touches me in places a man and woman like myself should never be caressed, and he talks to me endlessly!"

"Yes, well, he is technically your suitor now, whether you want him to be or not."

"I could honestly care less."

"Now who is full of themselves?"

I looked at him, scowling with anger and betrayal.

"You are doing this on purpose!" I accused.

"Perhaps," Henry grinned. "If I am or if I am not, it is amusing to see you so angry like this."

I huffed, crossing my arms and looking at Francis once again. He was on his own, now, so I began making my way towards him.

"I enjoy reading as well," I told him, "along with taking long walks around my castle and the adjacent church. I believe that it is your turn, now."

Francis smiled, acting as if he had already won me as his wife.

"You are quite the mystery to me, my dear," he answered. "First you act like you do not wish to be near me, and now you want me? How clever."

"Well, when I saw you over here all alone," I began with a mischievous grin, "I did not want a gracious host, such as yourself, to be denied by his guests."

Francis wore the same grin, supposedly feeling proud of himself because of his...charms.

He was attractive, but was also too arrogant for my liking. Unlike him, I was more mature, humble. I saw people for who they were, and not for their looks.

So, he had room for potential, I supposed.

"Would you like to go to the balcony?" he offered, extending his hand for me to take.

Surprisingly, I did not hesitate, placing my hand in his as we walked onto the balcony. Francis closed the doors behind us, standing next to me.

"The stars are so beautiful at this time of the year," he said softly, "but your eyes are even more so."

"Hm," I smiled a bit. "Thank you, Your Grace, but I fear that I pale in comparison when I am standing next to you."

His cheeks went a dark red, and I immediately realized what I had done.

No! I thought. I cannot entertain him like this!

"Well-played, my dear," he winked at me. "Not everyone can be as gorgeous as me."

"If I told you that you did not look as handsome as you say," I began with a grin, "would you be angry?"

"You are a very naughty girl," Francis chuckled. "It pains my heart to see how little you think of me."

"Well, I did just make your acquaintance, Your Highness," I replied. "You cannot expect me to trust you right away, can you?"

"I suppose that is fair," he agreed. "Is that why you cannot bring yourself to say my name?"

"Alas, my secret has been revealed!" I sighed dramatically.

Francis laughed, and I gave him the best, feminine giggle that I could.

We stood in silence, then, just looking at the starry sky and the people walking around the City of Paris.

"What is England like?" Francis wondered, looking at me.

"You have never been?"

"No, but I want to, someday."

"I am afraid not, Your Majesty," I told him, my voice sad.

"Why not?" he asked, frowning at my reply.

"Because you are an enemy," I explained. "You would get killed if you were to step into our borders."

"Oh," he replied, looking away.

I felt awful for telling him that, but it was the truth! My country was filthy, too, so he would not fit in with all of the dirt and poor people.

"I am glad that I am here, though," I smiled, trying to cheer him up. "Paris is so beautiful compared to London, and...I really love it, here."

Francis smiled, too, seeming to enjoy my words.

Before he could answer, a Guard informed us that midnight was here.

Oh no, I thought with fear. What if he chooses me?

Every other princess and I gathered before Francis and his throne, his two friends standing on either side of him.

I was frightened, not wanting to be picked. Yes, I was starting to like Francis again, but...our love simply could not be!

"I have decided which princess I am going to marry," Francis announced, and everything went silent.

Please do not choose me, I prayed with my eyes closed. Please do not choose me!

"The Princess of England," Francis smiled, and I felt my heart fall.

I wanted to protest, but I could not. His decision was made, and my fate was sealed.

I walked up to him, seeing jealousy on so many of the other princess' faces. Once I was standing before Francis, my betrothed, he gently placed his fingers on my mask.

After it was taken off and Francis gasped in surprise, I ran away from him.

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