Chapter Four

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I had to admit that the entrance was more than grand. It felt wonderful to be on top, seeing people bow and curtsie before me in respect.

"Finally, some real enjoyment," Gilbert grinned, standing beside me as Antonio did the same.

"Oui," I replied with a grin as well. "And you two doubted me."

"So, which girl has caught your eye first?" Antonio wondered.

I huffed slightly, my grin still on my face.

"Always so serious, are you not, Antonio?" I answered. "Well, since you asked, none of them."

"None of them?" Gilbert and Antonio cried out in shocked unison.

"Precisely," I told them, becoming serious. "Forgive me, but do we have to do this immediately?"

"How about we ask them to gather together at your feet, introduce themselves, and give you a gift of their kingdom?" Gilbert suggested.

"That is actually a splendid idea," Antonio agreed with a bright smile.

"Fine," I nodded in approval. "Let us do that."

I clapped my hands three times, making the orchestra stop playing as everyone went silent and still.

"If every princess in attendance tonight could come and introduce themselves before me, please," I began with a mischievous smile. "No names, please, just to keep the mystery going, but your country of origin would be lovely. Oh, and a gift, if you would be so kind."

I sat down in my throne, watching them gather in a line before me.

"Who do we have here, first?" I wondered, my smile widening and my voice as smooth as melted chocolate.

The woman had pale skin, long, reddish-brown hair, and sharp, hazel eyes. Her dress was a dark red with white accents, and it looked Italian, so I assumed that was her country. Her mask matched the colors of her dress, and even her Royal Advisor looked similar to her. Her body was slender, and she looked fairly short for my type.

Short and slender? Forgive me if I refuse.

"Princess of Italy, Your Highness," she curtsied with a sweet voice, her Advisor presenting me a gold and ruby engagement ring with a polite bow.

"You must be innocent and afraid of war, I assume?" I questioned as I accepted the ring in my palm, turning serious now which seemed to confuse her.

"Ah, actually-"

"Nevermind," I interrupted her. "Next."

The next woman and her Advisor came forward, and I could tell that she was from the East because of her porcelain skin, long, black hair, hazel eyes, expensive silk, bright makeup, and glistening jewls.

"Empress of China, Sire," she bowed forward respectfully with her hands inside her dress sleeves, a custom that I was unfamiliar with.

I was gifted with titles and engagement rings after each princess had introduced themselves to me after that, and none of them had caught my eye.

Well, until the last one had started to walk up to me with what I assumed was a...knight beside her?

Ha! She could not even afford to bring a Royal Advisor with her? Wherever she was from, the people there must be really poor.

She was giving me a curtsie, she had pale skin, long, blonde hair that was styled simply, she had green eyes....

Wait, her eyes, as green as a thousand emeralds. So dark, so mysterious, so...strong. She was not smiling, but I did not care. The brave look in her eyes was enough to make me go still.

She was a true beauty, and I wanted to touch her face to see if her skin really was as smooth as it looked! Her body was also slender and short in stature like the Princess of Italy's, but that did not matter to me, anymore.

I had suddenly forgotten that her appearance was nothing but a poor peasant woman, because the more I looked at her the more I realized that she was actually dressed in green and gold, just like an angel sent from Heaven.

Other members of my Court started to whisper amongst themselves, and I took note that it was not in the pleasant way.

I broke out of my trance, covering up my staring with a smile and a relaxed composure.

"And who might you be?" I inquired, my voice smooth once more.

"Princess of England, Your Grace," she answered, her tone just as strong as her eyes.

She seemed unafraid to speak her title, and I was impressed.

The Mysterious Princess of England....

Wait, England? No! My sworn enemy. Of course this would only happen to me. It was probably God's way of saying that I had slept with too many women already, and needed to be taught a lesson on humility.

"I thought that I had smelled the scent of a ruffian," Gilbert snarled, unsheathing his sword and pointing it at her. "How would you like her head, Your Highness? On a stake, or on the floor?"

"You will do no such thing, my dear friend," I told him, still looking at the woman. "She is a guest. I invited her here myself, did I not?"

"Forgive me for coming here, Your Highness," the woman answered, still being brave. "I see that we are unwelcome."

"Nonsense," I laughed as I gestured for her and her knight to come closer to me, more than I had the rest of the princesses and their Advisors come. "I am a fair man, after all. Now, what gift have you brought to me?"

"Forgive me yet again, Your Grace, but-"

"Winterthorn, the sword of the Head General for the Army of England," the knight replied, bending on one knee to present his sword to me. "I give you this sword in the hopes that our armies may become an alliance someday to end the War."

I was interested in his offer, carefully taking the sword into my hands. It was well-crafted, and it looked like it had won many, fierce battles due to its almost non-existent damage.

"Henry!" the woman gasped, appalled. "You gave away your sword? But why?"

"And I give you this engagement ring as well," the knight, Henry, added on as he took a ring off of his princess' finger and handing it to me. "She and I were betrothed, but now I pass on that privilege to you."

"I beg your pardon?" the woman scowled, glaring at Henry with hatred and confusion.

Even I was appalled, a silence falling upon everyone in the ballroom.

"And you would truly barter away the life of your future bride to a suitor like me?" I wondered, breaking the silence. "A complete stranger?"

"I trust you to be a good and fair man, just as you had said earlier," Henry answered. "However, if you do harm her, I will have your head."

"You dare to threaten your superior?" Antonio growled, unsheathing his own sword now. "Perhaps it will be your head that will be lost?"

"Put your weapon down, Antonio," I ordered him, keeping my blue eyes on Henry's brown ones. "They are my guests, remember?"

"Argh," Antonio grunted, putting his sword back as Gilbert did the same.

I looked at the sword and the engagement ring again, realizing that this was my closest decision to having a bride than ever before.

Perhaps I could end the War this way, I thought, but it would be entertaining to get to know her more...intimately, first.

A smirk began to spread across my features, and I gently set all of my gifts aside.

"Since I have not made a final decision, yet," I began as I stood up, "I will speak with each princess individually so that I can get to know them more."

I clapped my hands four times, telling the orchestra to start playing their music again.

All of the princesses had split up, but I did not want to speak to all of them.

No, only one had my eye, and that was the mysterious, English princess. She was the only one that mattered, and I wanted to know her name and unmask her by midnight.

I saw her looking at the refreshments table, so I snuck up behind her to get her attention.

"Bonjour, mademoiselle," I said in her ear, and I chuckled when she had jumped in fright.

"Ah!" she cried. "Oh, forgive me, Your Grace, but you have truly frightened me."

"Hmph," I huffed softly as my smirk widened with pleasure at her fear. "Afraid of moi? Oh, please say that it is not so, my dear."

"Perhaps you should not have stood behind me, then, Your Highness," she answered, beginning to walk away from me. "I can hit pretty hard for a lady, just ask Henry, so I would prefer it if I did not have to hurt you."

"Your betrothed?" I asked her, walking at her side. "Oh, pardon me. I believe that you are my betrothed, now."

"Not until midnight, if I am your final choice, Sire," she replied.

"There is no need to be so formal now, my dear," I told her. "You can call me Francis from now on, and then once I know your name, well, that is when the fun can really begin."

I wrapped my arm around her thin waist, running my index finger on my other hand along the side of her neck. Oh, her skin really was as soft as it looked, and it felt wonderful to my touch!

"Your skin is so soft," I confirmed for her, smelling its scent of roses as I leaned closer to her. "I could kiss it endlessly."

I was about to, but then she pulled away from me before I could even give out a word of protest.

"I am not meant to be your enjoyment, Your Grace," she snapped at me. "I want to be treated with respect."

She started to walk away from me, then, but I gently took her hand in mine, twirled her around, and pulled her close to me again with her back against my chest.

"Then allow me to ask you for your first dance, m'lady," I smiled kindly, bringing her into a joyful dance with me.


Okay, so I KNOW that Francis' character isn't the usual type or his ideal main, but I just want to remind everyone that I am trying to make this story as realistic as possible.

That being said, like in chapter three, the following pictures are not mine. They belong to their rightful owners and Pinterest. I am just using them in the story.

Francis' outfit.

His mask.

Thank you again for reading my story! It really means a lot to me to hear that all of you want updates and are enjoying it! I cannot thank you enough, and I love you all! ❤

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