Enter the Tobot Pilot Time World!

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*Crossposted in Requested Stories*

To be honest, summer was Duri's favourite season.

Everyone in Daedo knew why.

It was the season he and Nebok defeated Sora Wang/Acnee, the mayor of the city, exposing her dirty tricks to the public.

To Duri, the events leading up to it would be unforgettable.

Especially how it started.

That one night.

When Nebok changed history forever by letting go of his hand when he was about to fall off.

Duri remembered how the cold water hit him the moment he hit it. Thankfully, he had taken a deep breath before falling in, which allowed him to focus on his surroundings.

He never expected a fortress to be under that "island" he had fallen off.

Getting into it was a piece of cake.

The hard part came after he found a file with all the Tobot Pilots' names on them, when he was discovered by the Bikerbots.

He had to run. He couldn't let himself get captured.

(Hint: He did.

Sora Wang laughed in his face for only a few days, taunting him over his weakness.

Then, that arrogant smirk was wiped off her face when he escaped.)

For a few days afterwards, he was on the run, not eating, not drinking, yet still fighting off the Bikerbots.

It was no wonder that he had lost so epically during one of his fights.

He would forever be grateful for Aruki and Makho for their timing of finding and saving him.

So would his family and friends.

Admittedly, one of the hardest part of that one year spent on finding ways to beat Wang was getting over his depression. It was one of the worst cases ever recorded, with a mix of Split Personality Disorder, and it was what most people saw of him. Main reason why Duri would never advise anyone to hold in any bad feelings.

It was hard to hide it from his dad, who favoured his brother and just couldn't help finding all his weaknesses, refusing to see beyond all the "arrogance", "stubbornness" and "laziness", so he was a bit relieved when Aruki and Makho helped him out.

A long battle, but it was worth it.

At some point.

His depression came back after a while, and it was hard to break out of it again.

Thankfully, they helped him finally end it.

And that made him love his friends more.

Another thing that hurt him a lot was definitely seeing his partner, Y, being controlled by Acnee again. The first time had been brief, but the second one lasted for a year.

Duri would never forget how his guilt ate away for letting Y get captured no thanks to how much he trusted Nebok. Even more than his own dad.

Okay, Aruki had said that it was understandable, considering how mean Do-un had been to him for the past years after the fire that began it.

But it was still stupid.

Y was really understanding, though, which made him happy.

Duri gave him a huge power-up the moment he got to a computer.

The second most important time of his life was when he met Nebok after Acnee revealed that he was alive via an android version of himself.

Okay, to be fair, he had that urge to punch Nebok.

But he saw how much he regretted his decision that day.

So, he held in his anger.

They eventually got over their differences, and worked well as a combo, which secured their victory over Acnee.

He and Nebok remained close friends, despite his heart still a bit broken due to having a crush on Nebok before the betrayal.

But it eventually faded.

Nebok even had a crush on him at some point.

Which Duri did NOT understand at all. He was one of the most average people around. Why on Earth would Nebok like HIM of all people?

(In the background, Hana and Semo were laughing at how adorable Duri was, while Doun was already on the ground, laughing like an insane madman.)

When outsiders ask the Tobot Pilots about what his other side was, they would probably give various responses.

Nebok would say, "A chivalrous person who would never give up on his friends."

Hana would say, "A baby who must be protected from his internal trouble magnet."

Semo would be smiling as he stated, "Someone who helped me when I was at my darkest, and who I owe a lot for letting me date Hana-hyung."

Dingyo would laugh, "The light of our lives who touched us with his own, risking his own purity for our sake."

Doun would proudly say, "A son who I'm proud of, and ashamed of underestimating and making him hide for so long."

Ogong would give them a smile, "A matchmaker who lightens the atmosphere."

Timmy, while not part of the Pilots, but was an honourary member due to being Ogong's brother, would agree, "He would rather endanger himself than let any of us get hurt. It's a bit frustrating at times, but I still love him as a brother."

Limo would look at the sky and adjust his glasses before facing the curious questioner, "If anything, Duri reminds me of my wife before she died. To be honest, we were quite close, and my betrayal had impacted him greatly. Thank goodness that Aruki and Makho helped him. Otherwise, I would hate myself for centuries to cone."

Gyosu would just do a Santa laugh, "He's such a lovable leader. Wise, smart and rarely gets angry." Then, a stop. "Wait, scratch that. He DOESN'T get angry. It's just not in his nature."

Hera would giggle thinking about him, "An innocent puffball who is great with fighting with his kitchen knife, magical programming, and inspirational speaking, and an analyst who has not idea about the crushes people may have on him."

Duri served as a reminder to the Daedo citizens that no one should ever give up. A role model to kids everywhere for his selfless decision to fund his family by moving to Malaysia to work with the X-plorers, joining Remy, his cousin, Shah, Jumbo, Louis, Jean, Ken Ichijouji (yes, you read it right, THE Ken Ichijouji), and Nebok (eventually).

These days, anyone could recognise him by the white shirt, beige pants, black sport shoes, golden glasses which adorned his eyes, and Tokey proudly worn on his left arm, a warm smile ready to greet everyone he met with energy.

Duri had been through a lot.

But he fought his inner demons for a great cause.

That's what makes him so great.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is Cha Duri. 

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