Meet the Supernatural Detectives!

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No response.

"Matte yo!"

No response yet again.


THAT got his attention, which relieved me as he turned around. Normally, I would be happy to see him, but with his eyes perfectly blank and dark, I couldn't really stand it. It was like looking at a different person.

"What do you want?" A blunt and dead tone. A tone I never liked, least of all on Shin.

"Don't do it!" I pleaded. "This isn't worth it!"

"Why?... My mom's dead... Can't I join her?..." He looked so hopeless, so resigned to his fate.I can't let that happen!

"She's not going to be there, idiot! Her soul's not there!"

At that, SOMETHING flickered in his eyes, but it was soon gone, "Liar."

Determined to bring the real Shin back, I shouted back, "I'm not lying! Your mom was murdered!"

"Stop lying! She died because..... Because I was a burden to her!" I could see him trying to hold back his tears.

"As if!" I shot back. "You were taking care of her! In fact, she probably feels that way towards you all the time!"

His eyes widened, "I was.."

"You were doing so much to take care of her, to give her a better life! Are you just going to throw all that away just because your mom died?! She would be weeping in sadness seeing you like this-Wait, scratch that! She would be beating herself up for making you feel like this! Do you want that?!"

"O-Of course not! B-But..." he looked down at his shoes. "I-I don't have much of a purpose left..."

"You do! Life may be unfair at times, but these small things teach you unforgettable morals! So why don't you wipe that dark look off your face and find your mom's murderer?!"


"A Youkai manipulated her to kill herself! Don't you remember how weird she was acting?!"

"N-Now that I think of it, you're right..."

"That's why you shouldn't give up so easily! Come on!" I held out my hand to him. "Let's find that murderer together!"

Shin looked shocked at first, but soon he jumped down from the bridge, landing in front of me, and nodded as he took my hand with a smile, "Let's do it, Keizou."

I grinned, "Nice to see that you're on board."

*Crossposted on Requested Stories*

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