From Brothers To Rivals

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It was late in the afternoon and the day before the entrance exam and the Midoriya brothers are eating while also glaring at each other concerning their mom

Inko: Boys why are you glaring at each other like that

Both: Cause the moment we pass that exam we're rivals

Inko remembered they both wanted to be the next King of Games and thought to be the king together, but soon realized there can only be one King and that's the spark that started the fire of a rivalry between the two

After they finished their lunch a knock was at the door

Dakota: I got it!

Dakota went to answer the door and what he saw shocked him

Hisashi: Hello my son

Toshinori: Hello young man

Dakota:...... Hey mom! I think dad came back with the milk and he brought a friend

Inko: What do mean...

Hisashi: Honey, I'm home

Izuku came down and had the same shock as his mom and brother

Toshinori: The shock must be contagious

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Inko walked towards Hisashi and held on to him to make sure she wasn't dreaming and she wasn't as she hugged him tightly as he returned it

Inko: I'm glad to have you back

Hisashi: It's glad to be back

Dakota: Long time no see old man

Hisashi: Hey watch it squirt where's your brother anyway

Dakota: Right there

Izuku then ran at him in a hug form and hugged him tightly as Dakota decided to join in

After the little reunion he told the others that he was retiring

Dakota: Is that why you gave us the cards you used to use

Hisashi: Yes however their are eight cards I didn't get to use and I'm putting my trust with them to the both of you here they are

Hisashi: Izuku you get the magicians and you Dakota get the dragons

As the boys took them they already felt a powerful bond between each other

Dakota: So why is he here

Hisashi noticed Dakota talking about Toshinori as he spoke

Toshinori: I'm a friend of the duelists who trained you and I'll be teaching at UA I'm also retiring and seeing younger Midoriya with a warrior deck wanted me to give him these

Toshinori then handed Izuku some Elemental HERO cards as he thanked him

Hisashi: Oh and by the way boys I brought some kids over think of them as your friends who live with you

Hisashi left room and came with three kids that were the same age as Dakota and Izuku

Hisashi: Boys meet Tomura Shigaraki, Himiko Toga, and Touya Todoroki. Shigaraki, Toga, and Touya meet my two sons Dakota and Izuku

They greeted each other and left the adults

Eventually it got dark and Toshinori said goodbye to the reunited couple as the kids were already asleep on the bed in somewhat a messy human pile with Dakota sleeping in the middle, Izuku sleeping on the right, Shigaraki sleeping on the left, Touya sleeping on Dakota's legs, and Toga sleeping on Dakota's stomach

Timeskip Next Day

The 5 teenagers were awake and dressed eating breakfast as Inko spoke

Inko: So you three are going to UA as well

Toga: Yep and we know we're going to get in right Shigi

Shigaraki: Right

Dakota: Well seeing your guys decks there pretty powerful I wouldn't put it past me if you guys would be tough to beat

Touya: Heh thanks Dakota

Dakota: Don't mention it

Izuku: Hey Touya you're last name is Todoroki right you wouldn't happen to be related to Enji Todoroki would you

At this moment Touya and Dakota spoke at the same time

Both: Fuck Enji Todoroki

Hisashi: I should've mentioned Enji disowned Touya and Dakota thinks Enji doesn't deserve to be the number one duelist in Japan

Toga: Seems like you two are going to be great friends already

The 5 kids then left for the entrance exam and as they were standing in front of the gate Izuku and Dakota looked at each other

Izuku: This is it

Dakota: The moment we go past this gate is when our rivalry starts

As the five were walking towards the gate they walked through it and the rivalry between brothers was now unlocked

As that happened a familiar voice was heard

???: Out of my way extras

Dakota: Can you say please every once in a while Bakugo

Izuku: Seems after ten months without us and you're still stuck up prideful bitch huh Kacchan

Bakugo was shocked seeing Izuku and Dakota, but mostly knowing that he swore as Dakota was shocked, but also proud

Bakugo: Whatever I'll still destroy you both in here so watch yourselves

Bakugo left as Izuku went ahead and Dakota was talking to the other three

Touya: Well he's kind of a bitch

Shigaraki: He's also too cocky and prideful for his own good

Toga: He's just mean

Dakota: Yeah I don't let it bother me though

As they were walking they saw Izuku talking to a girl and as she left Dakota came up

Dakota: So was that your girlfriend

Izuku: What?! N-no I just met her

Dakota: Which will grow into a beautiful friendship and evolve into a romantic relationship

Izuku then playfully punched his brother's shoulder

Dakota: Okay, okay I'll stop teasing

They continued to walk in the building and went to take the written exam portion as Dakota finished first and Izuku finished right after his brother


In the auditorium Dakota was sitting in between Izuku and Bakugo while Hizashi Yamata was announcing the dueling part of the exam while Izuku was fanboying

Hizashi: What's up UA candidates thanks for tuning into me your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!

Everyone: *Silence*

Hizashi: Keeping it mellow huh? That's fine I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is going to go down okay. Are ya ready? Like your application said each and everyone of you will duel a computer called a Duel Bot it's like a robot though it's only function is knowing how to duel. Now each of you has a timer until the duel ends. You'll gain points based on moves you play as well as points depending on how much time you had left to defeat the bot and how many life points you have remaining.As well you'll be given 5000 points if you defeat the bot

Dakota: I get it they're scoring us on our skill, strategy, and power makes sense

???: Excuse me sir, but I have a question?

A boy with blue hair and glasses stood up and having his hand raised

Hizashi: Hit me!

Glasses: On the paper it says there will be bonus points, but it doesn't specify

The kid continued going on about how it's shameful until he pointed to Izuku

Glasses: Also you with the messy hair you've been muttering this whole time stop that if you can't take this seriously then leave

Dakota: Oi! How bout you shut up and mind your own damn business and let Hizashi finish

The boy with glasses was caught off guard, but decided to listen anyway

Hizashi: Alright let's save that energy for the dueling. Those bonus points are for you mindfulness or trying to keep a calm demeanor it's something everyone will be scored on so don't think to much about it. Now with that being all I'll send you off with our school motto. Let's hear a Plus Ultra

As Dakota, his brother, Shigaraki, Toga, and Touya are in a waiting room Dakota sees Izuku spot the girl from earlier

Dakota: You should go talk to her man

Izuku: You sure?

Dakota: Of course I'm sure

As Izuku started walking to the girl the boy from before stopped him and Dakota stepped in

Dakota: Oi! Leave my brother alone he was just going to talk to her to calm her down since he saw she's nervous. So again mind your own god damn business before I make you

The boy backed off due to the intimidating demeanor Dakota had and left while Izuku went to talk to the girl


Eventually everyone went even Izuku and eventually Dakota was up

Dakota simply walked up the duel arena and faced off against a bot

Dakota: Alright let's get this over with you bucket of bolts

Bot: Ready

Both: Let's Duel!

Bot: 8000 LP
Dakota: 8000 LP


Bot: I'll make the first move by playing Double Summon allowing me to summon Command Knight and King's Knight. Command Knight then raises King's Knight's attack by 400 points due to her effect. Now I play two cards face down and end my turn.

Dakota: My turn, I draw! First I'll activate Heavy Storm which destroys all other spell and trap cards on the field. Next I activate Chaos Dragon Ritual

Bot: It's not possible!

Contestants: WHAT?!

Dakota: By sacrificing my Blue-Eyes White Dragon and I can summon the dragon of Chaos

Dakota raised his right hand holding the card

Dakota: I ritual summon! Chaos Emperor Dragon!

A giant clawed arm raises from the ground as a bright light surrounded it

Dakota: Next I activate Pot of Greed allowing me to draw two cards and then I activate Tribute to the Doom by discarding one card I can destroy ANY monster on the field, so say bye bye to your Command Knight

Multiple bandages wrap around the knight and dragged it down

Dakota: Now I activate Card of Sanctity allowing both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hand. Now I play the spell Polymerization fusing my Red-Eyes and my Blue-Eyes to summon Shining Darkness Dragon

A Dark scaled dragon with blue eyes rose up roaring in the sky

Dakota: Oh! In case I didn't mention he gains 200 attack points for every dragon monster in our graveyard and on our fields, so he now has 4600 attack points, but there's more than this. By banishing my Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Red-Eyes Black Dragon I can summon my Chaos Emperor Dragon's second form meet Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End

A dragon similar to the original rose up and roared with the other two

Dakota: Now I equip Dragon Nails to Shining Darkness giving him 600 more attack points and I play the field spell Mountain giving my dragons 200 extra attack points

Shining Darkness: 5000

Chaos Emperor Dragon: 3200

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End: 3200

Dakota: Now Shining Darkness attack that knight

Bot: 4600 LP

Dakota: Chaos Emperor Dragon attack that rust bucket directly

Bot: 1400 LP

Dakota: Finally, Chaos Emperor Dragon -Envoy of the End finish this off with Eternal Hellfire

Bot: 0 LP


Dakota left the arena as everyone was in shock

Next time on A Midoriya With Fire. The results are in as the Midoriya brothers along with Shigaraki, Toga, and Touya all got accepted into UA. As they wait for their first day though they spend more time at the Duel Center and they meet a certain girl that catches Dakota's attention, eye, and maybe even heart. Find out next time. Meeting The Rich Amazon

Hello everyone yes we learned that Touya was sadly disowned but now he's part of our family and no Toga will not be obsessed with Izuku, Touya and Toga will be the same age so I might have them get together, but that remains to be seen so until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals cya

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