Meeting The Rich Amazon

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A week has passed since the entrance exam as Izuku was pacing back and forth across his room while Dakota was sleeping

Izuku: *sigh* How can he sleep in a time like this isn't he anxious at all

While Izuku was somewhat panicking something else was going on in Dakota's head

Dakota: The hell? Where the fuck am I?

Just then heard four different voices

???: So this is our new partner now

??? 2: He does share a high similarity to Hisashi

??? 3: Indeed and the skill he possesses are even greater than Hisashi's too

??? 4: Yes and he shows some slight violence in his duels

Dakota: Huh?

Dakota turned around to see four dragons

Dakota: Odd-Eyes? Dark Rebellion? Clear Wing? Starving Venom? This is weird

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Odd-Eyes: Here. We're simply duel spirits like Chaos Dragon Emperor

Dakota: Hmm?

Dakota turned around and saw the dragon behind him

Dakota: So I assume you brought me here for something

Dark Rebellion: Yes and it has to deal with us

Clear Wing: Usually we can be summoned like others

Starving Venom: However if the one who controls us are under a dark influence something darker can be brought out in us

Dakota: So I just got to make sure I don't get a dark influence? Alright

Dakota was then awoken by his brother

Dakota: What is it bro

Izuku: Our letter is here

Dakota was now fully awake and took the letter opening it without hesitation

When he opened it a hologram projector appeared showing Toshinori Yagi

Toshinori: Hello again Midoriya twins it is I Toshinori Yagi as I said before I'll be teaching at UA

Izuku: He was serious?

Dakota: Now this is interesting

Toshinori: Anyway let's get right to the chase. You both excelled exponentially not only did the both of you get all questions right, but you Dakota reached the highest out of all the others. You Izuku scored right behind your brother.

Dakota: Ha! Bakugo is going to be so pissed when he finds this out

Izuku: He sure is

Toshinori: Anyway there's more to a duelist than just smarts. As you both know about the computer you dueled against, you Izuku left us unimpressed at first, but seeing you synchro summon and ritual summon grabbed our attention, not only that, but you were able to turn the tables in your duel and win. If it wasn't for that you would have 6500 points which is just enough to get in, but because of your undeniable skill and charisma you gained an additional 4000 points putting you at 10500 points. However you Dakota impressed us by ritual summoning on your first turn as well as fusion summoning and special summoning by banishing a light and dark monster. With that you would easily have 10000 points, but because of your pure determination and power as a duelist you gain another 3500 points putting you at 13500 points.

The two boys were in absolute shock hearing their score

Toshinori: Congratulations to the both of you. Especially since you Dakota ranked number one and you Izuku ranked number two out of all the freshman who took the exam. I look forward to seeing you around UA and to see you both progress and grow into stronger duelists just like your father. Welcome to UA Duel Academy

The communication ended as there was a small silence that then turned to shouting

Izuku: YES!!!


There mother walked seeing what happened

Inko: Are you two okay I heard...

She was then enveloped in a hug by her two sons

Both: We're in!

Inko then smiled hugging her sons back


Despite the letter they got the Midoriya brothers still had a week to get prepared for UA and involved them arranging their decks at the Duel Center with learning more from their duel trainer

As they were working on their decks Kaiba opened the door

Kaiba: Listen up you two I've invited the Yaoyorozu family to visit and show them around and they have a daughter who's the same age as you two

Dakota: Alright

Izuku: Okay?

Kaiba: She's also one of the kids who got in on recommendations for UA, so clean yourselves up

Both: Yes sir!

They got up and went to the shower room and freshened themselves up

After that Dakota had an idea

Dakota: Hey, Izuku want to make another song

Izuku: Hell yeah!

Dakota: Man I really need to get use to this new pumped up you

Dakota setup the mic and stereo why Midoriya got a device he made that he used as any instrument even if he doesn't know how to play it

Dakota: Ready bro

Izuku: Ready

At this moment Kaiba is greeting the Yaoyorozu's

Kaiba: A pleasure to see you today Mike and Athena

(A/n: I don't know Momo's parents actual names so just go with it)

Mike: Yes, we've been wanting to visit for quite some time now

Athena: As technologically enhanced as ever I see. You haven't changed at all Seto

Kaiba: I'll take that as a compliment. Hmm?

Mike: Oh, yes! Kaiba allow us to introduce our daughter Momo Yaoyorozu

Momo: It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Kaiba

Kaiba: The feeling is mutual, but please call me Kaiba

Momo: Very well

As Kaiba was showing the family around the center Athena mentioned something

Athena: Oh, Seto we also heard you and Yugi were training two kids the same age as Momo

Kaiba: That's true. Why you ask?

Mike: We wanted to meet them

Kaiba: Very well I'll show you their room, but they might not be what you're expecting

As Kaiba led the family to the Midoriya's room as muffled music could be heard from inside and as he opened the door Dakota started singing while Izuku was playing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota looked up seeing Kaiba and three others

Dakota: Whoops we weren't being to loud were we?

Kaiba: Not at all the Yaoyorozu's simply wanted to meet you

Dakota: Oh. Well in that case I'm Dakota Midoriya and the kid over there is my twin brother Izuku Midoriya it's an honor to meet you

Dakota slightly bowed his head showing respect as Izuku did the same

Mike: Midoriya, huh? It's been awhile since I heard that name. You two wouldn't happen to be related to Hisashi Midoriya would you

Izuku: Actually we're his sons

Dakota: Yep

Athena: Well I guess it makes sense for someone like you two to get into UA like Momo here

Both: Hmm?

Dakota and Izuku saw a tall girl with black hair in a ponytail and black eyes as well while Izuku was calm, Dakota was actually blushing a little

Momo: It's a pleasure to meet you both

Dakota: We could say the same thing to you. I honestly never thought I'd go to the same school as a Yaoyorozu actually

Momo: I see. I would like to know which one of you scored the highest in the exam

Dakota: That would be me. Why do you ask?

Momo: I challenge you to a duel

Dakota: Oh, well okay then

Momo: I just simply want to see where I stand, so now's the perfect time to compare

Dakota: Fair enough. Then follow me to the duel arena

Mike: Good luck kid no one has been able to beat my daughter

Dakota: Well your daughter never dueled me before

Dakota and Momo left to the arena

Mike: That kid sure has confidence, but I want to know if he can back it up

Athena: Than let's watch and find out

It showed Dakota and Momo facing off

Dakota: You ready Yaoyorozu

Momo: I'm ready

Both: Let's DUEL!

Momo: 8000 LP
Dakota: 8000 LP

Dakota: Ladies first

Momo: Very gentlemanly of you. First I summon Red Sparrow Summoner in attack mode and I'll place two cards face down and end my turn

Dakota: My move, I draw! Hmm? First I summon Curse of Dragon in attack mode! Now Curse of Dragon attack that summoner

Momo: 7600 LP

Momo: Thank you Dakota you just activated my Summoner's effect that allows me to summon a warrior type monster with 1500 or less attack points. Now say hello to Amazoness Chain Master

Dakota: Fine I'll place two cards face down and end my turn

Momo: My turn. Since I have an Amazoness monster on my field I can special summon Amazoness War Chief in attack mode. Now I activate the spell Amazoness Fighting Spirit which gives my monsters 1000 attack points when they attack. Next I normal summon Amazoness Paladin and she gains 100 attack points for each Amazoness monster on my field bringing her up to 2000 attack points. Now I'll use War Chief's effect that lets me set a spell/trap or Polymerization from my deck to the field. Now Amazoness Paladin attack his dragon!

Dakota: 7000 LP

Momo: I'm not done yet since I still have three monsters. Now War Chief attack him directly!

Dakota: 5100 LP

Momo: Finally Chain Master attack him directly too.

Dakota: 3600 LP

Momo: I end my turn

Dakota: My move, I draw! First I play the spell card Ancient Rules allowing me to summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

As Dakota's dragon rose up it roared at Momo and her Amazons showing its supremacy and dominance

Dakota: I normal summon Lord of Dragons in attack mode and when he's out your spell/trap and monster effects don't affect my dragons

Momo: Damnit

Dakota: Now Blue-Eyes attack her Paladin

Momo: 6600 LP

Dakota: I end my turn

Momo: Your dragon is impressive Dakota, but not impressive enough. I activate my face down Monster Reborn bringing back my Paladin. Now I activate my face down Amazoness Secret Arts which allows me to fuse my Paladin on the field with my Amazoness Queen in my hand to fusion summon Amazoness Empress! Now Empress attack his Blue-Eyes and don't forget she gains 1000 attack points thanks to Amazoness Fighting Spirit.

Dakota: Great

Dakota: 2800

Momo: Now War Chief attack his Lord of Dragon

Dakota: 2100 LP

Momo: Now Chain Master attack him directly

Dakota: 600 LP

Momo: I end my turn

Kaiba saw what Dakota was doing and was surprised to see him use such a risky strategy while Momo's parents were smiling and Izuku was shocked seeing his brother about to lose

Mike: I knew the kid was too cocky for his own good

Kaiba: Just wait Mike cause then you'll see his plan

Athena: What plan Kaiba

Back in the duel

Dakota: I draw! Now I activate Graceful Charity allowing me to draw three cards, but discard two. Now I activate Monster Reborn bringing back my Darkblaze Dragon that I just sent there and because he was special summoned from my graveyard his attack points doubled

Momo: So now he has 2400 attack points

Dakota: Yep, but I'm not finished cause now I activate Card of Sanctity allowing both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hand. Now I activate the spell Double Summon letting me summon Power Tuner and Hunter Dragon. Now I activate my face down Dust Tornado by discarding one card from my hand I can destroy one of your spells or traps so say bye to your Amazoness Fighting Spirit

Momo: So much for the bonus attack

Dakota: Now I tune my level three Hunter Dragon and level 4 tune Powered Tuner to synchro summon. Spread those wondrous and beautiful wings, and strike down your enemies at the speed of light! I Synchro Summon! Appear now! Level 7! CLEAR WING SYNCHRO DRAGON!!!

Everyone saw the mighty dragon as it roared into the sky

Dakota: Now Clear Wing attack Chain Master!

Momo: 5600

Momo: Now her effect allows me to look at your hand and choose a monster and summon it on my side of the field, but I have to pay 1500 life points

Momo: 4100 LP

Dakota showed his and saw a dragon that peeked her interest

Momo: I pick your Red-Eyes

Dakota: Grr

Momo then got the Red-Eyes in her hand

Dakota: Now Darkblaze attack War Chief!

Momo: 3600 LP

Momo: Impressive Dakota, but you still have a long way to go before you win

Dakota: I don't care

Momo: Huh?

Dakota: I don't care! I don't care how far I have to go to win! I won't give up until I either have no cards or life points, and last time I checked I still have both!

Momo was shocked during all of her previous duels people only dueled for the hell of it and for their own goals

She didn't find having a goal when dueling a bad thing, but all of her opponents lacked two things Dakota didn't... Spirit and Heart

Dakota: I end my turn. Your up Yaoyorozu, so make it count

Momo: I plan on it. I activate the spell Polymerization and fuse Amazoness Tiger and Amazoness Spy and summon Amazoness Pet Liger. Now Liger attack his Clear Wing and when Liger attacks he gains 500 attack points

Dakota: That's what you think I activate Mirror Force causing both of your fusion monsters to be destroyed!

Momo: Shit!

Kaiba was smiling knowing he lured her into a false sense of security while Momo's parents were in total shock and Izuku was amazed

Dakota: Heh you have to give me props for a move like that

Momo: You didn't use the face down on purpose just in case I brought out a stronger monster and lured me into a false sense of security. Impressive, I end my turn.

Dakota: My turn. Darkblaze attack her directly

Momo: 1200 LP

Dakota: Now Clear Wing finish this duel with SPINSTORM SKY STRIKE!

Momo: 0 LP

Momo and Dakota walked out of the arena

Izuku: That was incredible Dakota I thought you would lose

Dakota: Ha! You really think someone like me would lose that easily

Kaiba: Your strategy was clever, but it was incredibly risky as well

Dakota: I knew that, but I still did it

Mike: Seems like I was proven wrong

Athena: Indeed, now Seto can we finish the tour

Kaiba: Yes follow me

Athena: Momo why don't you hang out with Izuku and Dakota try to make new friends

Momo: Yes mother

The three teens were chatting with each other and they talked about the duel

Izuku: By the way Yaoyorozu you were incredible back

Momo: I'm sure I wasn't that good

Dakota: Ha! Don't make me laugh Yaoyorozu out of all my duels I had you are by far the first duelist I went against who got me below more than half my life points

Momo: Thanks Midoriya

Dakota: Dakota

Momo: Huh?

Dakota: Call me Dakota mostly because it confuses me and Izuku

Momo: Then call me Momo

Dakota: Fair enough

The three of them went to the room where Izuku and Dakota were singing

Momo: So you both sing

Dakota: I'm actually the only one who sings Izuku here works on the background music and vocals. Ever heard of the online singer Draco

Momo: Of course he's post songs online and even streams himself singing for charity like orphanages and mostly animal shelters

Dakota: Yep that's me

Momo: Wait you're Draco?!

Dakota: I am indeed you can say I'm a Zoophilist or in other words an animal lover that's why me and my bro here cleaned the beach

Momo: Wait that was you two

Izuku: Sure was

After getting to know each other more they were starting to leave, but Dakota then asked the greatest question he will never forget

Dakota: Hey Momo could I get your number

Momo: Sure

Dakota: Thanks. Oh and here's mine

They each handed each other their number and gave each other a farewell as they both headed home

Next time on A Midoriya With Fire. It's the first day of UA and the Midoriya brothers are in for a hell of a time. Will their brotherly bond be washed away by their rivalry or will their bond between them stay intact through out the school year. Find out next time. All or Nothing

Hello everyone yes this story is still going, but don't worry because a few twists will happen as this story goes on so until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals cya

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