The Tale of Two Midoriays

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As the planet earth was coming into view someone started speaking

Boy (Narrating): This is my home. There's really nothing special about it though I mean aside from being the only inhabited planet in our solar system nothing else is special. There's no super powers, no hybrid beings, nothing well except for one thing I guess

It then showed two monsters roaring at each other and started fighting

Boy (Narrating): At some point in time a card game was created only to not just be a way to have fun, but now it's practically our lives. Shops were built to sell cards, buildings were built to further enhance the game, tournaments were created so others can play, even schools were built to teach kids how to play the game. What is this game you might be wondering? It's called... Duel Monsters

Multiple different cards were shown as the boy kept speaking

Boy (Narrating): Duel Monsters soon became the talk of the world and still is. Tournaments were hosted all over the world and there was a title for the one who was the strongest that title is called the King of Games.

Eight silhouettes were shown each having a different pose

Boy (Narrating): The top strongest duelists to ever exist are Kite Tenjo, Yuma Tsukumo, Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, Chazz Princeton, Jaden Yuki, Seto Kiaba, and the first to be named the King of Games Yugi Muto.

It then shows two boys running one with green messy hair and the other one with slightly spiked up white hair with one blue streak on each side

Boy (Narrating): My twin brother and I might look and act different

The boy with green hair was just running while the other one was doing some parkour

Boy (Narrating): But we have the same goal and that's to be the next King of Games

The two boys stopped as they saw a duel was in progress

Green: No way

White: This is going to be epic!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A duel was in progress as it was Shinji Nishiya dueling Yu Takeyama as the boys saw the life points they had

Green: Yu only has 2000 life points left and Shinji has 3000 left he definitely has this win especially with Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En

White: Izuku you do remember the times we dueled and whenever you thought you were going to win I made a come back

Izuku: Yeah, but that's only you Dakota

Dakota: Anyone can pull a comeback

Shinji: It's your move Yu so make it quick

Yu: Oh, I will. I draw now I activate Dark Hole which destroys all monsters on the field

Dakota: See what I tell ya and you remember what monsters she uses right Izuku?

Yu: Now I play Monster Reborn which brings back my Dogoran, The Mad Flame Kaiju

Shinji: No way!

Yu: Yep! Now Dogoran attack Shinji directly

Shinji's life points were then reduced to zero shocking Izuku

Dakota: Well now that that's over let's get to school before we're late little bro

Izuku: Coming!


It shows a school then a class is shown as a teacher was speaking to his students

Teacher: Sooo as third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives. I could hand out some career aptitude tests, but why bother? I know you all want to go to the duel school

Everyone started cheering except for three students while the teacher was trying to calm down everyone someone else spoke up which was none other than Katsuki Bakugo

Bakugo: Hey teach don't lump me in with these losers I'm the real deal, but these guys will be lucky enough to be in the top 50 duelists in the world. Hah

The rest of the class was angered by what he said while two of them didn't

Boy 1: You think you're better than us Katsuki?!

Bakugo: Let's go I'll take you all on

Teacher: Hmm. You have impressive test results maybe you will get in to UA Duel Academy

This shocked the class as Izuku just looked away lowering his head while Dakota silently scoffed at Bakugo

Bakugo: That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me

Bakugo then hopped up from his seat and stood on top of his desk

Bakugo: I aced all the mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in. I'll be even be more popular than Toshinori Yagi himself and be the greatest duelist of all time. People all over the world will know who I am and it all starts with UA Duel Academy...

???: Tch as if

Everyone turned around including Bakugo who was now agitated until he saw who it was which was Dakota Midoriya

Dakota: Now how long do you plan to stand on that desk before it breaks and you fall flat on your ass

Bakugo: The hell did you say Snowcap?!

(A/n: Snowcap is the nickname Bakugo calls him because of his white hair)

Dakota: You heard me and you think you're the only one who's trying to get into UA

This got the teacher's attention as he looked through his papers and found what he was looking for

Teacher: Oh yeah, Midoriya and Dakota don't you two want to go to UA too

Bakugo was frozen when he heard that as the rest of the class laughed at them, but mostly Izuku

Boy 2: Izuku?! No way!

Boy 3: Dakota I understand, but even so he'll probably abandon his championship duel after all like father like son

This anger Dakota incredibly however Izuku was quick to stop him

Dakota: The fuck you say about my dad you son of a bi-

Izuku quickly covered Dakota's mouth before he could say anything else

Izuku: Calm down Dakota remember your deep breathing

Dakota calmed down until Bakugo slammed his hand on to Izuku's desk causing him to fall over

Bakugo: Listen up Deku you're even worse than these damn wannabes especially since you don't even have a deck

Izuku was a smart guy, but the problem is he has a tendency to overthink a little making it difficult to create a deck for himself

However Bakugo was yanked back by Dakota as both of them were in each other's face as a small bolt of lightning was shown between them

Teacher: Alright you two that's enough I don't want to send the both of you to the principal's office... again

The teens then shoved each other off and walked back to their seats while they called each other a name

Bakugo: Snowflake

Dakota: Angry Pomeranian


As the class ended Dakota, Izuku, and Bakugo were heading to duel class while Bakugo and Dakota were arguing in a normal tone

Dakota: You really think you're all that

Bakugo: You really think you can beat me in a duel

Dakota: I don't think I know

Izuku: Can you guys actually be nice to each other for once


Izuku covered his from the loudness of both his brother and Bakugo

Eventually they made it to class, but what was planned ticked off both Dakota and Bakugo

Both: What do you mean we're not dueling today?!

Teacher: There's more to Duel Monsters than just dueling an opponent it also requires organizing and building your deck just as much

The two duelists scoffed after they heard they were going to go over their decks to think of a strategy that helps them both which was pretty difficult since their decks had no synchronization with each other

Dakota: Ugh! This is pointless our decks are too different to help each other out

Bakugo: For once I actually have to agree with you. This is impossible!

Izuku: Sometimes I wonder if you guys are the ones that are related

Dakota: Hah! Yeah right I wouldn't want to be this guy's sibling even if my life depended on it

Dakota started going through his deck until he finally realized why they couldn't find ways to combo

Dakota: Wait a minute? This is my old beast deck!

Bakugo: That figures and yet you say you can beat me

Dakota: The deck doesn't matter Bakugo it's the duelist that does


After school ended Izuku was still a little down not being able to build a deck and Dakota noticed this and got struck with an idea

Dakota: Hey bro let's head to Takoba Municipal Beach Park

Izuku: Why?

Dakota: Cause I heard a lot of people abandon cards there, so maybe you can find some cards that you can make a deck with

Izuku: Alright let's give it a shot

Dakota: That's the spirited brother I know

The brothers then headed to the beach where they saw nothing but trash

Dakota: Tch people abusing the tide to illegally dump their trash here it fucking makes me sick

Izuku: Come on you said you'd help me look for cards

They both started going through the trash until Dakota found some

Dakota: Hey bro come look at these cards

Izuku walked over and saw the cards and was surprised and upset at the same time

Izuku: They don't have that much attack power, but their effects sure are powerful huh?

Izuku spotted a card and went to grab it and was amazed and shocked

Dakota: What'd you find bro

Izuku: This

Dakota: No way Elemental HERO Neos?!

???: This seems to be something

???2: I'm actually wondering what's going on

Izuku and Dakota turn around and we're shocked to see two of the eight most powerful duelists and one of their idols Jaden Yuki and Chazz Princeton

Izuku: Oh my god! Your Jaden Yuki!

Dakota: Your Chazz Princeton right?!

Jaden: Last time we checked we were haha

Chazz: So what are you two doing here

Dakota: We were looking for some cards to help my brother here build a deck

Jaden: Sweet! Hey why don't we help you two

Izuku: You would really help us?!

Jaden: Of course we will. Right Chazz?

Chazz: You can help green boy there, but I'm training the snowball

Dakota: Why does everyone give me a nickname based on my hair color

Jaden: We should check in with their parents first though

Chazz: Good point you two don't mind leading us to your house right

Both: Not at all


The brothers finally arrived to their home and immediately got an earful from their mom on how worried she was

Jaden and Chazz appeared and explained what they knew what happened and that they wanted to teach them more about Duel Monsters however it required them to spend the next ten months at the DMSTC or Duel Monsters Science and Technology Center

Inko: Okay you two I want you to be on your best behavior while you're learning by Mr.Yuki and Mr.Princeton okay

Both: Yes mom

Inko then remembered something

Inko: Oh, I almost forgot something

She pulled out two boxes with them having their names on these

Dakota: What are they mom?

Inko: They're presents from your father I wanted to give them to the both of you when the time was right. It seems now is as good time as any though

Izuku: Thanks mom

The boys opened the boxes and what was in them

For Izuku

For Dakota

Both of the boys were completely shocked

Dakota: These are the cards to summon Black Luster Soldier and Chaos Dragon Emperor

Izuku: How did dad get these

Inko: Well they were your father's favorite cards

Before anything the brothers quickly embraced their mom into a hug catching her off guard, but returned hug back

Both: Thanks mom

Inko: You're both welcome

Jaden: Well we'll be waiting for you tomorrow morning

Inko: Okay and thank you, both of you for wanting to help them

Jaden and Chazz both nodded their heads and left

Next time on A Midoriya With Fire. Dakota and Izuku start learning under two of the eight most powerful duelists. That suddenly changes when the other six duelists arrive and are ready to help train the brothers. The question is do they have what it takes? Find out next time. Meeting The Legends

I've finally done it everyone I finally made a MHA X Yu-Gi-Oh crossover story. So prepare yourselves because I honestly have no idea how this is going to go, until guys, gals, and non-binary pals see ya

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