Meeting The Legends

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As the morning sun was rising the Midoriya brothers grabbed the cards they had and were running downstairs

Dakota: Come on man we got to go

Izuku: I know, I know I'm going as fast as I can

Before they headed out the door their mother stopped them

Inko: Hold it you two you have to have breakfast

Both: Ugh

Inko: Don't worry you can eat on your way to the lab

Both: How?

Their mom then went to grab a box and opened it to reveal a box of chocolate and vanilla frosted donuts some even had sprinkles

Inko: I know you two are in a hurry so...

Both brothers grabbed two donuts Dakota grabbing two chocolate and Izuku grabbing two vanilla

Both: Thanks mom love you

Inko: Love you both too

The two then ran out of their house to Duel Monsters Scientific and Technology Center

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The brothers were at the entrance of the building as Jaden and Chazz walked out to them

Jaden: Sorry we're late boys

Chazz: Yeah, someone was fighting a vending machine

Jaden: It stole my money without giving me my Cheetos

Dakota: I understand that

Izuku: That's because you do the same thing

Dakota: Wrong! I stick my hand through the slot , next I shake it, then I punch/kick it, finally I ask for help

Izuku just gave Dakota a "really?" face then they followed the other two inside, but what they saw next shocked them

???: So these are the boys you two were talking about

Dakota: No way

Jaden: You know it

??? 2: They do seem to have some potential

Izuku: Impossible

The brothers saw six other duelists those were Yuma Tsukumo, Yusei Fudo, Kite Tenjo, Jack Atlas, Kaiba, and the one that shocked them to the core was Yugi Muto

Yugi: I agree with Kaiba they share incredible skill


The others looked at the two brothers causing them to look at the brothers

Yugi: Yes I am and you two are Dakota and Izuku Midoriya sons of Hisashi Midoriya the number one duelist in Japan

Izuku: That's right... well

Dakota: *scoffs* Not anymore he's apparently dead

Izuku: Dakota you know that's not true

Dakota: I know that's why I'm going to defeat Toshinori Yagi and don't take it personally, but then I'll be coming after you Yugi

Jaden: Well with that out of the way let's start training them

Yusei: First they have to build their decks

Jack: Yusei is right if their going to become our star pupils they need a powerful deck

Kite: Especially since they'll be here for the next 10 months

Both: 10 months?! What about school

Yuma: Don't worry about that besides you'll learn a lot more here than at school

Kaiba: So are you both ready

Dakota and Izuku both looked at each other and looking back at their now teachers and nodded their heads

Both: Yes!

Yugi: Glad to hear it now you're going to need some more cards for your deck so get to it

Both: Yes sir!

The two were lead to a room filled with nothing but duel monster cards and categorized by types

Dakota was in the dragon area while Izuku was in the warrior part


The Midoriya twins came back with their decks completed as their teachers looked through it and were indeed shocked with amazement

Chazz: Incredible kid you could possibly defeat Toshinori in one move that is though if you get the right cards

Jack: Any one of you could if you had a good hand

Kaiba: Then let's give them a test drive

Kite: Agreed

They all went to the duel stadium and they told Midoriya to go first

Izuku: Well who am I dueling

Yugi: You'll be dueling a duel bot

Izuku: Duel bot

Dakota: It's a great start for us especially since you can pick its level of training

Izuku: Well then let's do it

The duel started and Midoriya was making good progress there were times he made a few mistakes he still won his duel

Next up was Dakota

Dakota: Alright let's do this you bucket head

Bot: Prepared to duel

Both: Let's Duel

Bot: 8000 LP
Dakota: 8000 LP

Bot: I'll start

Dakota: Whatever

Bot: I activate Double Summon which allows me to summon my Queen's Knight and King's Knight now by using King's Knight's ability I summon my Jack's Knight. Now I use Polymerization to fuse my three Knights to summon Arcana Knight Joker! With that I end my turn

Dakota: My move, I draw! First I activate my field spell Mountain giving my dragons 200 extra attack points. Now I activate Chaos Dragon Ritual by sending my Blue-Eyes to the graveyard I can summon my Chaos Emperor Dragon and now I'll equip him with Dragon Nails giving him 600 more attack points

Yuma: No way he used his entire hand

Kite: Not completely

Jaden: Kite's right he still has one card left

Chazz: Maybe, but because of that Joker's effect can activate

Yusei: Actually take a closer look

Everyone looked closer and noticed the bot's hand was empty

Dakota: Finally I play Rageki which destroys your Arcana and because you don't have any cards to destroy in your hand Arcana's effect can't activate

A bolt of lightning struck the Knight and destroyed it

Dakota: Now my dragon attack him directly

Bot: 4200 LP

Dakota: I end my turn

Bot: My move. I play Pot of Greed to draw two cards and now I summon Gazelle, The King of Mythical Beasts and end my turn

Dakota: My turn, I draw! Now I activate the spell, Card of Demise which allows me to draw 5 cards, but during my fifth standby phase I have to discard them, but I won't need too. I use Ancient Rules to summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon, next I normal summon Lord of Dragons. Now time to end this!

Izuku: Already?!

Izuku was shocked seeing his brother end a duel in two turns

Dakota: Now, Red-Eyes attack that feline

Bot: 3100 LP

Dakota: Lord of Dragons attack him directly

Bot: 1900

Dakota: Now Chaos Emperor Dragon finish off that tin can with Chaos Blaze!

Bot: 0 LP

Everyone was amazed by seeing Dakota already pull off a flawless win

Jaden: Better look out Yugi this kid is really talented apparently

Yugi: Yes, he is a extremely powerful duelist, but he holds a grudge that can make him extremely violent and dangerous too

Yusei: I don't think you have to worry that much Yugi I mean what's the worst that can happen? An attack on him and his brother because of who they are

Little did they know in the dark shadows of an alleyway late at night someone screamed in fear and collapsed to the ground soulless

???: Just a few more souls and Toshinori or Hisashi will come around and no one will stop me

Back at the center the brothers are studying some book's well Izuku is while Dakota is asleep with his face literally in the book he's reading

Next time on A Midoriya With Fire. Izuku and Dakota's duel training finally begin, but it proves to be harder than it looks. Will these two survive the hardships of the eight powerful duelists or will they collapse? Find out next time. 10 Months Of Dueling Hell

Hello my glorious readers yes the second part is done and for those who are wondering I will be making a chapter on which character has what deck, but until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals cya

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