Chapter 14- The sleepover

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Alya's POV

Mari finally arrived but this is going to be exciting. I have a feeling she is going to freak out. When we got to my room I opened the door slowly white a big smile on my face. As soon as her eyes landed on him I notice her slowly beginning to panic. Since Marinette is my best friend I already knew what she would do so I stood behind her then quickly grabbed her hand and pushed her inside the room. I closed the door and stood in front of it just in case she was still thinking of running.

Nino's POV

We are in Alya's room waiting for Marinette and I can see Adrien is super excited that part two of the plan is in motion. My best friend is really in love, I can't help but feel happy for him because I know that it's is the one thing that his life is missing. As Marinette walks in the room she looks at me and smiles and then her eyes land on Adrien.

Knowing Mari for as long as I have and once having a huge crush on her myself I can tell that she is internally freaking out so I decided to speak before she makes a run for it, "Hey dudette I hope you don't mind but Alya told me about your sleepover and I thought we could join." I smirk and wait for her answer or more like the words since all she stutters is "g-g-rr-great." Adrien is still blushing and smiling like a dummy so I elbow his side so he can snap out it. "Hey Marinette" he finally greets her nervously and she stutters a back "H-ey A-Adrien".

Alya's POV

*Now, Let the fun begin*

Alya- "now that we are all here let's play a game"*this is our chance to make the first move*

Adrien-" which game do you have in mind?" *I hope they know what they are doing? I need to impress Mari*

Nino- "how about we play truth or dare?"*I get it Alya time to make the first move, my girlfriend is one smart reporter.*

Alya-"Great Idea Nino" *He so gets me, that's my man and look at Mari's face oh she is freaking out this is great.*

Mari- "I don't know guys' truth or dare?" *Help me I know Alya is up to something and is going to make me regret this.*

Adrien- *oh I get it, I have to convince her* "come on Mari please it will be fun, and also I have never played before. *There that should do it*

Mari- "o-okay" *for you Adrien anything*

The game

Alya- "I'll begin so Adrien truth or dare"

Adrien- "Truth" *Give me a minute Alya not yet please*

Alya- "No fun model boy but don't worry I got something for you" I snigger and then continued "Tell me Agreste if you could kiss anyone in the house who will it be and why?" I see him flush *come on Adrien make me proud*

Adrien- "I guess Marinette" I turn to Mari to see how she will react and she turns crimson *wait she is blushing does she like me back again?*

Alya- "Why is that?"

Adrien- *Come on Adrien is now or never* "well because she is pretty, nice, and talented" *don't overdo it, Adrien* "I guess for many reasons or I Ummm I don't know"

Marinette- *omg omg omg did I hear that right does Adrien like me? Breathe Mari breathe.* "Thank Adrien you I mean thank you, Adrien."

Adrien- *maybe showing a little chat wouldn't hurt I do want her to love all of me* "you're welcome Mari" I give her a wink and hear Ayla and Nino laugh. "So Nino truth or dare?"

Nino- "Dare dude I am a man" all four friends bust out in laughter

Adrien- "I dare you to kiss Alya for 30 seconds and on the lips" I hear Marinette say "good one Adrien" while holding the stomach in laughter

Nino- "Not cool dude" this is embarrassing I mean I have kissed Alya before but not on the lips for that long and not in front of people

Alya- "come on Nino don't worry we can get them back" I grab his shirt and pull him close to me and kiss him till I couldn't anymore. I feel my whole body warm-up and I am sure he want to faint since I am basically keeping from falling but I breathe and play it off.

Nino- *I have to breathe before speaking but now to make things interesting with a bit of payback* "Marinette truth or dare? And before you say the truth I will have you know that if you do I will let Alya ask the question for me" *look at her face ha-ha the look of terror, oh yes this is definitely my chance for payback*

Marinette- *omg I'm dead I should have known oh where is the luck when I need it?* "Nino what did I do to you? Uhhh well I guess I have to say dare don't I?" this is annoying

Nino- "I dare you to KISS ADRIEN ON THE LIPPPPPSSSS AND NOT FOR 30 SECONDS OH NO THAT'S NOT ENOUGH BUT FOR A WHOLE MINUTE!" *1-0 for DJWIFI I can hear Alya dying of laughter in the back while Mari's mouth is wide open and her eyes are wider than humanly possible."

Mari- "WHAAATTTT? ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT IS NOT FAIR WHAT DID I DO TO YOU NINO? PLUS THAT'S BASICALLY A PUNISHMENT FOR ADRIEN AND HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND AND ALSO HE DOES NOT WANT TO DO THIS RIGHT ADRIEN!?" *Oh god help me please, I can't kiss Adrien I have never kissed anyone like that I mean it is a dream come true for Adrien to be my first kiss but this is a game and I know he doesn't want me and to be honest well it was my dream I have found myself wishing it would be Chat*

Adrien- "Actually, Ummm I don't mind at all I mean Ummm that's of course if you want to do it" *I would love to kiss you Mari I am not going to lie I am nervous since I have never kissed anyone on the lips before not even Kagami I know she is my girlfriend but I never could but I really want to kiss Marinette it would be a dream come true for her to be my first.*

Alya- "Marinette don't be difficult you have to do it a dare is a dare and you can't back out because if you do there will be a worse punishment." *this kiss will happen*

Mari- "Adrien are you sure you are okay with this I mean I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" *I can't do this what if he hates my kiss and then he starts to hate me and won't want to be my friend anymore and I will never move on and....wait he is speaking well I guess I better listen to the rejection*

Adrien- "It won't make me uncomfortable because it's really ok," I say while getting up and walking towards her I give her my hand to help her stand and continue to speak "I actually Ummm want to umm so bad..." I stop myself when I realize what I said and see her shocked face and pull her close and brush my lips against hers. At first, it was soft and I felt her freeze but then she begins to kiss me back. *Her lips are so soft; the feeling is unlike anything I have ever felt before. It's so passionate it's full of love. There is no doubt in my mind that she still has feelings. I can't pull back I don't want to I want to stay here in her arms and our lips together forever. I pull her closer I need air but I don't want to let go.*

Mari- *I am kissing Adrien the Adrien Agreste kissed me he is the one who grabbed me and kissed me and he said he wanted to kiss me by why? At first, I am not sure what to do but I can't help but kiss back. I am sorry Chat I love you I'm sorry I gave Adrien my first kiss but It feels so right. Why can't I stop I am supposed to forget him but I can't I still love him it feels so right. His lips so soft and the kiss is so passionate if I didn't know better I would think he loves me too.*

Alya- *oh I need a pic of this* I pull my phone snapping as many pics as I can. They didn't even notice the flash

Adrien-*her lips taste like cherries, I want to taste them for the rest of my life. If only she knew how much I love her, how she is the only one on my mind lately, and how I only want her not ladybug, not Kagami, no one but her. Our lips move in sync it is like we are meant to be together and our lips are only meant for each other. I feel shivers down my spine but the good one I know it's been more than a minute but I want to keep going but now I have to breathe oh how I wish we didn't need air.*

Mari- *I am lost in the kiss I even forgot about Alya and Nino in the room, oh I still love him so much. I want to keep going but I need air. I feel him begin to pull back so I do as well since I am in desperate need of air. As he pulls back I feel the warmth of his body disappear and I don't like it. I don't know how to feel and what I am feeling but I got to keep together.*

Alya- Wow! *Omg that was amazing it was like a movie, so full of passion my ship is happening*

Nino- "Wow Dude what was that it was for a minute not two" *Wow I can't even it was so perfect even I'm jealous*

Mari- "U-mm I- I yeah s-sorry"

Adrien- "I um I think we should take a break"

Mari- "Yeah Ayla can I speak with you for a minute"

Alya- "We'll be back in a second boys"

End of Game

The girls walk out of the room and Marinette turns to Alya with a serious look on her face "What is going on Alya what is all this about? First, the boys are here, and then the game?" Alya looks at Marinette and grabs her hands "Look Mari I am your best friend and I know you still love Adrien I am just trying to help and from the looks of it he likes you too I just want you to be happy" Alya gives Marinette a smile and lets go of her hands "Als he does not like me" Marinette tells her with a frown "Mari that kiss, it was special I was there remember I saw it. He kissed you and not a normal kiss it was full of love and passion I know you felt that." 

Both girls smile remembering the kiss and stay silent for a minute. "I can't lie to you Als I felt it, it felt like nothing else but Alya what about Luka?" Marinette's smile turned back to a frown. "Mari do you actually have feelings for Luka?" Alya asked with a hit of sadness and disappointment that her best friend is questioning the passion that kiss had. "I-I don't know Alya I wish I could say yes or no but it's all too confusing." Marinette's voice lowers making it barely a whisper. "Look Marinette we both know that you might feel something for Luka but it's not romantic, you have loved Adrien for a long time and after this, there is no doubt that he is into you, listen to your heart we both know who it wants, Just give him a chance," Alya replies in a caring tone reassuring Marinette that her best friend is doing this for her happiness. 

"You are right I want to give him a chance I really do but I can't Alya he has a girlfriend and in the end, I am just going to get hurt again," Marinette says heartbroken. Alya sighs and pinches the bridge or her nose before speaking "Let me ask you something, Mari. When he kissed you just then what did you feel?" Marinette turns giving Alya her back and looks to the ground "I- I don't know Als I felt amazing, it was special in a way that I can't explain. It was like there was no one else in the room but me and him. The way he was holding me close and his lips caressed me I reminded me that I will always love him and it felt like he may have felt the same but at the same time It hurt because it was my first kiss and it also reminded me that he gave his first to Kagami. Oh my god, Alya, my first kiss was with Adrien Agreste." Marinette turns back and gives Alya a hug and the girls smile "That's right girl you did. Look let's just see how the week goes and then we can see what to do ok?" "Yeah, ok thanks Als."  

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