Chapter 15- The Sleepover part 2

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The girls walk back in to see the boys sitting in the couch with the TV on and a movie waiting to be played. They tell the girls that they thought they could watch a movie before going to bed since it was already getting late and it's still a school night. They agreed as Alya sat beside Nino leaving Marinette to sit next to Adrien. 30 minutes into the movie Adrien feels extra weight on his shoulder and turns to see it was Marinette's head, she had fallen asleep.

He couldn't help but smile as his heart filled with joy since the girl he loves is asleep by him and he resist but stare at her beautiful features. The way she is so peaceful when she is sleeping and the way he freckles are placed perfectly around her nose and cheeks how she is so beautiful he can't believe he didn't notice before. At the same time Alya notices this and pulls out her phone and begins to take pictures but forgot to take the flash off waking Marinette up. As he notices where she fell asleep she jumps up "I am so sorry Adrien" she yells as she covers her face. "It's ok Mari I don't mind" Adrien answers and smiles at her *I would love for us to wake up next to each other every single day of the rest of our lives* he thinks to himself.

"Ok its late so let's get to bed, we got to wake up for school tomorrow. Unfortunately I only have two beds so we will have to share. So Nino and I will take one bed and you guys can take the other" Alya interrupts with a smirk on her face. Marinette loses it and yells "WHAT?? ALYA TELL ME THAT'S A JOKE." Alya and Nino both laugh but Adrien hides a frown but covers it with his model smile "Marinette if you are not comfortable with it then I can just sleep on the floor." Marinette quickly notices that he is faking his smile and realizes she hurt his feelings without thinking. It's not that she doesn't want to I mean she has dreamt of this moment for ever now but what about his girlfriend she will not be happy about this but at the same time does this mean that he wants to.

All the thoughts went through her head but faded as quickly since she know she really want to be by his side so she replies "No I can't let you sleep on the floor. I actually don't mind I just thought that you wouldn't want to." She notices him light up and it makes her lightly blush "Mari why would I not want to you are great I I mean we are friends and all so it's ok." Adrien mentally slaps himself. The friends then say their goodnights and head to bed. Even with all the emotions in the air they are all exhausted and blackout instantly.

Adrien's POV

The next day I wake up and feel a light weight on my chest and my arms wrapped around something. Don't get me wrong I like the warm feeling but it's not normal for me. I slowly open my eyes and that's when I see the best view in the world. I knew I loved the feeling and I truly do. I see Mari's head lying on my chest and her arm is around my waist. My arms were wrapped around her also and the feeling is amazing. I wonder if it's real or if I am dreaming. I instantly blush but I love the feeling so much I don't want to let go. Instead I pull her closer to me, if this is a dream please don't wake me up. I then close my eyes again and drift off to sleep.

Alya's POV

The sound of the Alarm going off wakes me up from a great night sleep. I then shake Nino awake and walk over to where Mari and Adrien are sleeping. My jaw drops and I begin to fangirl quietly so I don't wake them up just yet. "Nino get over here quick you got to see this" I whisper. Nino walks over and his gives the biggest smile I have ever seen. "Is that awesome or what, they are cuddling Nino they look like a couple, look at our ship." I keep fangirling and he pulls out his phone and gives me a smirk so I do the same and start to take pictures since we are going to be needing them for the wedding one day but once again my dumb self-forgets to turn the flash off and I wake them up. Well at least Nino got some good ones.

Marinette's POV

I was awaken by a bright light. I open my eyes and see Alya and Nino with their phones up. Before I can figure out what's going on I feel a pair of arms around me and that's when I notice, Omg I am laying on Adrien's chest and we is hugging me. I am still trying to process everything but my body doesn't move that was until I see his eyes open causing me to jump off the bed. "Omg I am so so so sorry Adrien I didn't mean to... I mean I didn't realize I..." "Mari stop its okay really, to be honest I kind of well I kind of liked it" he cuts off my blabbering. *Wait he liked it, he said he liked it. Omg maybe Alya is right and he likes me. Omg Mari no you are imagining things calm down.* I reply with an ok and walk away before he catches me blushing profoundly.

Adrien's POV

I feel something move waking me up and look to see Alya and Nino taking pictures and Mari freaking out telling me she is sorry. "Mari stop its okay really, to be honest I kind of well I kind of liked it" I reply without even thinking. *Oh god please tell me I did not just say that out loud. Great she probably hates me now.* I see her turn hiding her blush and I smile. I can see she doesn't hate me oh she is beautiful. I wonder if Nino can send me those pictures. I got to have them.

Marinette's POV

A few days have passed and Adrien and I have been spending a lot of time together. He has been amazing and such a gentleman every second with him reminds me of why I started to love him in the first place. Last night we studied and he helped me understand physics, he is so smart. I have gotten to know a lot about him and I know it's crazy but he reminds me so much of Chat *wait could he be my kitty? No! Mari now you just sound crazy. You probably miss Chat.* Alya tells me that Adrien is clearly flirting with me but I am pretty sure she is just seeing things.

Although sometimes I am sure he is that's why he reminds me of my kitty but I quickly come back to reality since I know he is still dating Kagami. The thought of them being together still hurts a lot a now more than ever since I feel like maybe he is just playing with my feelings but that's crazy right Adrien wouldn't do that would he? I am not sure anymore because last night he said we couldn't hang out since he was going to go see Kagami which honestly destroyed me. This morning I still couldn't look him in the eyes I felt like if I did I would cry. Luka texted me and said the tour got extended for another week. If I am being honest I was kind of happy about it since I would have more time with Adrien.

I hate that u didn't fall for him but I realized that my heart will always belong to Adrien and Luka is just a friend. I can't date him if I did it would destroy both of us because he deserves to be loved completely and I know I wouldn't be able to give him that. I care about him and I want him to be happy. So when he returns I will be completely honest with him. As for Chat, well I haven't see him much lately, I only see him when there is Akuma fight which was only two times since hawkmoth hasn't really been sending many akumas out and Chat doesn't know it's me so we don't really speak much. I really miss hanging out with my silly kitty.

Adrien's POV

The week is almost over and trust me when I say it has been the greatest week of my life I have never been so happy. Marinette and I have been spending a lot of time together with the help of Alya of course. Right when I think there is no way I can love her more than what I already do she makes me fall deeper in love. She is so perfect, two days ago I heard her tell Alya that when Luka comes back she will tell him that she only wants to be friends which filled me up with so much joy I wanted to scream of joy, I haven't been able to stop smiling since. I haven't been this happy since my mother's death I didn't even know it was possible for me to be happy again. Mari knows about my mom and the issues with my father and she is super supportive.

We have spoken of just about everything, something about her makes me want to tell her everything, and I can just really be myself with her. As for Kagami, well we aren't doing so well and I guess it's on me since I ignore her calls a lot lately I just want to give all my time to my princess. I know it's wrong and I should talk to her but I don't know how she will react and I don't want to hurt her. Last night she called and told me we needed to talk and I agreed since I have to be honest with her so we are meeting after school today. I really don't want to hurt her and I don't want her to hate me because I really like her as a friend but I have to break up with her I want to be with my princess. I am lost in thought when....

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