Chapter 3 Restored Relationship

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     Tikki picks up the box.  She is not sure if she should look inside.  What if it makes her heart crumble all over again?  It is bad enough he came in the first place. It is like life has a funny way of making the past meet the present rather you want it to or not. 

      Plagg watches her.  He knows she told him to go. He can not just walk away. Not again.  It was wrong for him to have done it the first time. It was painful for him to let her go.  Why did he let his pride get in his way?

     "Tikki, you okay, kiddo?"

      "Yes, father, I am fine."

      Her father goes back to the party before his wife notices his absence.  He does not need to worry more than she does already.  It is bad enough that their daughter is sulking instead of enjoying the celebration.

      He supposes that not everyone can be happy all the time. He recalls a time in his past when he was not.  


       Tikki stares at the stars. She shuts her eyes and makes a wish. Then, she opens her eyes and slowly removes the lid off the box.  Inside is a charm bracelet. Not just anyone, but the one. As in it's the one she lost years ago. How?  How could it have gotten inside?

       "H-how did you find it?"

      "Oh, so now you are ready to listen, are you?"

       Tikki nods her head as she sits on the balcony in silence.

       Plagg sits beside her with a gleam in his eyes. He gently wraps an arm around her just like old times.

       "Well, you see, it was like this..."

         "Plagg's  Flashback..."

            Plagg smiles.  He can not wait to give the charm bracelet to his beloved girlfriend, Tikki.

           It is her birthday. It is better to let her down easy.  This way, she will not suspect anything is wrong.  He thought.

             Tikki is so happy. She hugs him.

             Plagg decides he can not go through with it. Not today anyway.

             A few days later, Plagg tells Tikki he thinks he needs some space.

          "Space, what do you mean?"

          "I think you know what I mean, Tikki."

            "Stinky sock, you are dumping me?"

             Plagg nods his head.

             Tikki puffs her lip out. She feels tears flow. She does not stop. She pulls off the bracelet.

             "What are you doing?"  He shouts.

             "Tearing it apart! Just like you did with our relationship.  I thought I meant something to you.  I was wrong."
  " I never want to see it or you again!  Now, go, and never return!"

                 Tikki yanks charm after charm off.  She throws the ruined jewelry in the dirt and runs back inside.  She refuses to let anyone tell her they told her so.  

                   Plagg watches Tikki runoff. He wishes he could go to her. He can not.

         He just broke it off with her. His father insisted.   Besides, he is with Pollen now.

                 Two months later, Plagg longs to see Tikki again. He hates the way things are with Pollen. It is awful. He has to pretend it is great.  Tikki was the best and he let her go.

                 He sobs. He is about to go home now that he has left Pollen's place, but his toe stubs on a piece of metal.

                "What is this, thing?"

               Plagg picks up the object. He gasps when he recognizes it. It is Tikki's charm bracelet.  He gathers up the charms when he finds them. He puts all the pieces into his pocket and heads home.  

        Maybe he will return it someday. Yeah, someday...He thought.

       " End of Plagg's  Flashback..."


     Tikki listens closely.  

 "Plagg, you mean it?"

"Mean, what, sugar cube?"

   "The part where I was the best that happened to you."

    "Yes, and I am sorry, I ever hurt you."

     "What about Pollen?"  Tikki hesitates to look at him.

       "Oh, her, right.  She and I never hit it off, so we broke up."


        "Who was it  in Times Square on one knee?"

          "Gosh, Tikki that was just for a photoshoot."

           "It was?"


           "Wow, I am so ashamed."

           "Do not be Tikki."

           "I am the one who messed up everything."

            "Will you forgive me?"

             "I do not know."


         Plagg frowns. Then, makes the same funny noise he used to do when he lost an argument before they broke up.

          Tikki giggles.  "Plaggy, I forgive you."

           Plagg grins.  He hugs her.

     He does not care who sees. He is just happy he gets his Tikki back.

    Tikki is so happy. She can only hope this is all real. 


       Wayzz gives Plagg a thumbs up. He is glad for his buddy.  

     He can tell more than a charm bracelet was restored.

     He sighs.  Too bad he does not get to have such a blessing himself.

        Find out more in Chapter 4

      bye, bye little owlets!

     -Summer out!



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