gauri's shocking decision

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Yeh... It reach more than 4k readers and 1k votes... Thank you so much for this 😘😘😘

Scene 1


At OM....

Rudra got up early and get ready. ..
He message bhavya to meet him in a cafe and leave OM without informing anyone...

Ommkara still in his room. ..he is sleeping...

Tej is not at home....he is disturb so he go office earlier...

Only dadi and janhvi is in home...

Scene 2

At gauri's house...

Rekha, Shankar is ready to go police station.. Bhavya is in dellima... She want some time to investigate all things..

Rekha call gauri... But all shock to see her.. She wore a yellow suit and ready... It look like she is ready for some function...

''Gauri... Why u ready like this''

Rekha ask..

''Didu... What happen''

Gauri come there... Look at them and silent..

''Ok... Fine... Let's go gauri beta''

Shankar told and about to go...

''There is no need to go dad''

Gauri said in a calm tone...

All are confuse to listen her...

''What are you saying didu''

''Why it's no need... We want justice''

Gauri sigh in shankar's word..

"Tell me didu... Why''

''Because now it's time for celebration''

Dadi told to them while enter the house..

All turn and shock to see her...
Dadi come with janhvi and some servants..

The servant hold some gifts.. All are confuse..

''Why u come here mrs oberoi''

Shankar ask irrited...

Dadi smile... Janhvi is little nervous...

''To discuss about the marriage functions''

Dadi reply...

''I told you Mrs oberoi.. I never send bhavya to your house''

''No shankar... Now here is no problems... Now all are solved.. And we are come to gave u sagun for our another bahu''

''What do u mean''

Shankar ask...

''Gauri agree to my proposal... She is ready to marry omm...she call me last night and told''

Rekha, shankar and bhavya is dump to listen this... They are silent...they are not react...

Dadi go to gauri with a smile... She gave her gold bangles as shagun... Gauri took her blessing... Dadi sign janvi...

Janhvi nervously smile... She gave gauri a decorated plate full with gifts... Gauri accept it and took blessings form her...

Janhvi smile but gauri is silent...

Rekha, shankar and bhavya come out of sense...

''Stop it... What the hell is going on.. Gauri... How can u accept this beta... I told you na... M here with you.. Why you scared''

Shankar said in hurt... Gauri go to him... She hold his hand...

''I know dad you are hurt.... But belive me.. I take this decision my own... No one force me for this.. And please agree for this marriage''

They could not belive in their ears that what they listen... Rekha come to gauri...

''What are you saying gauri.. Are you out of your mind... How can you marry a criminal''

''He is guilty mom... Everyone deserve a second chance ...and I thought to gave him a second chance''

Dadi and janhvi smile.. Bhavya could not belive...

''How could you didu... Please don't do this with you for me''

Gauri cup her face...

''Belive me bhavya.. I want it... M not force''

''You are lying didu... Please stop this...m not going to marry rudra''

'' u don't want my happiness bhavya''


''If you really love me... Then agree for this''

''But didu''

''I don't want to listen anything... M ready for this marriage... And you all have to agree''

[There is lot's of argument between the four... If I dragg then it takes too long so please adjust]

After lots of argument... Shankar, rekha and bhavya didn't say anything...gauri force them to accept.. Dadi take it a sign for agree and said..

''So.. If u agree... Then I want the engagement of gauri and ommkara tomorrow ...shagun is done now..rudra and bhavya are already engeged.. And I want the marriage of my grandsons in four days''

Dadi want this marriage ASAP... Because she is still afraid from gauri's parents..

''But it's so soon''

Rekha defend...

''M ready''

Gauri reply quickly... Her parents and bhavya is too shock to her behavior ..dadi and janhvi left after bid by to all..

After they leave her parents about to ask something but..

''I already told you my decision.. Now I don't want to anymore discussion''

Saying this gauri leaves... Her parents feel helpless... What to do... They are silent...

But bhavya is in tear... She know her sis agree to this only for her.. She call rudy but it's switch off.. Then she remember rudy msg her to meet...

She don't want to go now but she have to meet rudy now...
She leave from there without inform her parents...

Scene 2

Ommkara woke up with headache... Because he cryed whole night..he remember everything what dadi said...

"No... I couldn't let this happen... I have to talk with gauri"

. He freash up and come downstairs...

But he is confuse to see his dadi and mom come from somewhere...

"Dadi... Mom... You come from where in this early morning"

"From your father in laws house my grandson"

Dadi reply proudly... Ommkara is confuse...


"Yes.... Gauri agree for this marriage... And tomorrow is your engagement"

Ommkara is silent... His face fell in shock... He couldn't believe in it..

"Wha... What did you say"

"I said... Gauri is ready"

Dadi reply him...
Ommkara is angry now... He know dadi force her for sure...

"It means at last you sucess to force her... How could you do this dadi"

"I didn't force her... She agree with her own will"

"You are lying dadi"

"Omm... Mind your language"

Omm had angry tear... He is already in guilt and now this...

Janhvi come to him and cup his face...

"Omm... Please calm down... Please agree for this beta... It's good for all"

Omm jerk her hand..

"How could you say this mom... You are also a woman right... Did you not feel her pain...if we had a sister and it's happen with her... Then can you agree to marry her with that criminal"

Ommkara question his mom... She is silent...

"There is no use of argument omm... Tomorrow is your engagement... So get ready"

Dadi order...

"I said it before and now I repeat it again... M.... Not going to marry her....and it's final"

Omm shout on them and go to his room...

Janhvi try to follow him but dadi stop her...

"Don't worry janhvi... Gave him some time... I will talk with him tonight"

Janhvi sigh in tensed...

Scene 3

Rudy wait for bhavya in cafe...
Bhavya come there with tear... Rudy is confuse...

He go near her...

"What happen bhavya... Why you crying"

He ask her worried...
Bhavya cry and hug him...
Now rudy is scared... He broke the hug and cup her face...

"Shhh... Stop crying... Please tell me what happen"

Rudy wipe her tears...

"Rudy.... Didu agree to marry ommkara...and tomorrow is engagement"

Rudy is shock...


"Rudy please do something"

Rudy think for a while...

"Come... Let's go to kerela... We have to meet aahan today"

"But rudy... This time"

"I know bhavya... Di and bhai need us... But we have to find the truth ASAP"


"Please bhavya... Let's go... It's the only way to help them... We are going in chopper... We return before evening...after that we discuss about it"

Bhavya nooded and they leave...

Scene 4

Ommkara sit on his bed... Hold his head...
He already had headache and now it's more paining due to over stress...

His phone ring... But he not in a mood to receive... He cut it without see the caller I'd...

Phone again ring... Now he see the I'd... It's a new number... He cut the call and through the phone on bed...

It again ring... Now he irritate but receive it...


There is no response from other side...
Omm is angry...

"Hello... Who's this"

He about to brust out on call... But stop...

He only listen breathing sound and gasp from other side...

He reconize... Who is this... He is shock... He stood up slowly...

"Ga.... Gauri"

In other side... Gauri is shock... How can he identify her without listen... But she console herself and ready to speak...

"Gauri... Please say something... I.... I want to meet you... Please.. I...... "

Ommkara said her in stammar...

"Meet me at ABC restaurant... In evening...I also want to talk with you"

Saying this she hang up the call... She find his number from bhavyas phone last night... And call him for a meeting..

Ommkara sigh in relief... At least she want to talk... No matter she belive him or not... But he had a chance to explain her or listen her..

Ohh.... So gauri want to meet ommkara... But why... And why she agree for this marriage.... Can dadi succeed in her motive... Can ruvya find the truth before their engagement... Can ommkara success to explain gauri... And what about tej and gauri parents... Can they accept this marriage... Let's see...

Thank you 😘😘😘

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