Rikara in pain....rudra find a clue..

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Scene 1

Dadi and janhvi come to oberoi mention...

Ommru and tej is in hall...

"U come... What they said"

Tej ask in anger... Dadi and janhvi are silent...

"I told you mom... You are doing wrong... How can they agree for this"

Tej shout...

"They agree... Wait for some time"

Dadi said...

"Dadi please... Why u stubborn"

Rudra try to make her understand...

"U don't know anything rudra... So just silent"

Dadi said in a strict tone...

"But I know everything dadi... U only want to save your reputation... U didn't care about gauri... U didn't care about her family... U only care for your so calld reputation"

Ommkara shout at peak... He is hell angry...

"So what u want... Do u want to go jail... Do u want to distroy oberois name"

Dadi ask in anger...

"Yes... M happy if she send me jail.. M happily accept the punishment what she gave.. But I m not ready to destroy her again...it's injustice dadi"

"Shut up omm...injustice word is not suit u... I try my best to cover your mistake... And u... If u really hurt for her... Then why u destroy her life... Why u not think at that time of all this"

Omm is silent to listen dadi... His guilt eat him..

"And now when m trying to gave her a new life... U have problem"

"U not going to gave her a new life... U gave her hell... How can u imagine about this marriage dadi... She is already suffered a lot... Now I don't want to gave her more pain"

Ommkara reply with tear eyes and pain...

Dadi go near him..

"I know u are guilty... Please understand beta... This marriage gave you a chance to prove yourself... To prove her that u are change"

"I know you are emotionally blackmailing me... But m not convince dadi... Listen to me carefully... M not going to marry her... No means no... And don't try to force me"

Ommkara reply... Dadi is shock... Tej and rudy stood there silent... Because they support omm for this...

"And what if gauri agree for this"

Ommkara is shock...

"She didn't"

"She will omm... She accept this proposal soon... U just wait and watch"

Dadi reply with confidence... Omm, is shock...

"It means you pressurized her... Why u do all this dadi... No one can happy to this marriage please"

Ommkara pleaded...

"Mom... Just stop all this"

Tej said...

"Dadi... Do u have any idea what are you doing"

Rudra ask...

"I know what I m doing... It's good for all"

Dadi reply...

"I didn't agree for this ever... And it's final... Did u listen... M not going to marry her"

Omm declared and go to his room... Rudy follow him but he shut the door...

"Mom... I don't think we did right.. Omm not agree for this"

Janhvi ask worried...

"Don't worry janhvi... I know what I m doing"

Dadi reply..

Scene 2

Gauri sit on bed... Tear continuously flowing in her eyes like river... Dadi's word running in her mind...

Can she is really selfish... Can she not think about bhavya and her parents... And dadi is right... Why she silent in these years...

She lean on bed and crying...

Dadi is right... If anyone know about it then her parents face humiliation... No one can marry her sis... This society only blame girls for this...

He is an oberoi... It's not the big deal for him to come out from this case... And what happen after that... This society not left them...

But... How can she marry that monster... She is shivering to imagine him near her... She hate to see his face... How can she bound herself with him...

She hate his touch... How can she allow him to touch her...

She got up and open the draw of the dressing table... She hold a little knife...

"Death is better to this living hell"

She about to cut her wrist but stop... Her mom and dad's face come to her mind... She remember how his dad support her... How can she kill herself... Her parents broke if she do this..

She through the knife and fall on knees... She is crying badly...

"Why me... What was my fault"

She shout at peak while cry... No one here to listen her...

"M a girl...it's my fault?  ...or I love and trust someone blindly... It's my fault?...  Someone tell me please"

She question herself... She lean on floor... Cocoons herself and cry her heart out... She feel helpless... Hopeless now... She feel empty...

Scene 3

Rudy roming around in his room... Totally tensed...
His phone ring...

He saw the caller I'd and relax...

On call...

"Hello... Where are you... Did u find that"


"Ok... Tell me"


Rudy bring paper and pain and wrote something which that person say...

"Ok... Done... Thanks"

Rudy hang up the call...

"I have to call bhavya... I have to told her that I find a clue"

Scene 4

Ommkara... Sit on floor.. His head lean to the wall...

He continuously think about gauri... What is her conditions now... She is already suffering and now dadi gave her hell pain... And he was the reason again...

"Why... Why god... Why always she is suffering... She had no fault... But she bear punishment"

Ommkara lean to the floor...

"Please god... Gave me her pain... Gave me punishment...kill me.... But please make her happy... She is innocent... M the criminal... I destroy her trust and love"

Ommkara is crying badly... His guilt is growing up ...

"M sorry gauri... M sorry... Always m the reason of your pain and suffering... But not this time... I promise... Not...... This... Time"

His voice is choking... He cry his heart out...
His pain is unbearable...
How can he face her if she is agree for this... He really don't know what to do...
He want to talk with her... But it's not possible...

Scene 5

Rudy call bhavya...

"Now what u want Mr oberoi... It's not enough what your dadi said"

Bhavya shout in call...

"Bhavya.. I know what dadi said it's wrong... But please listen to me once"

"I don't want to talk to you"

"Bhavya please... I promise... I never let this marriage happen"

Bhavya crying...

"Bhavya please don't cry... I found a clue"

Bhavya wipe her tears and calm herself...

"What... What clue"

"I found the address of bhai's friends... Who went with him shimla 6 years ago"

"But how"

"It's not important bhavya... But the tension is all are settled in other countries.. Only one is in India"


"Yes... His name is "aahan" ...he lives in kerela... We have to go there tomorrow... We had no time"

"But... What we gain to all this"

"May be he know something about this incident bhavya... Please trust me once"

"Ok... But please be quick rudy... Everything was messy now... I don't want this marriage"

"I also don't want this... Bhai and di... No one can happy to this marriage"

Rudy hang up the call..

Scene 6

Gauri stood up.... Wipe her tears with a brave face...

"U can do it gauri... U r not a loser... Be strong"

She said herself...

She take her phone and call someone ..

Dadi is so stubborn.... OMG... Rikara suffering from too much pain... But what is gauri's decision... Can she agree... Can ruvya successful in their mission before it's too late.. Can aahan help them... And what about omm.. Can he successful to talk with gauri... Let's see..

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