46. Sword

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Christian was at school. He was playing billiard by himself deep in thought in an area that only he had access to and used. He was aware that so much must have been going on but did not know anything about specific details. 

That morning, his uncle, Artan Armstrong, was not home but had given out his orders. Christian was not allowed to contact Italians. He was not allowed to go to any Italian territories until further notice and that included the Italian school site. This was nothing new. Sometimes when tensions rose he had been instructed to be cautious this way. He only went to Bellaggio territory anyways. That was banned now until further notice.

Christian was not allowed to cantact Gianluca even by telephone but he ignored the rules. The rules did not stop him if he wanted answers. When he was sure there was zero risk of getting caught he broke the rules gladly. So Christian had tried to communicate this with Gianluca via telephone but Gianluca had not answered his phone calls. He knew something was up if he did not answer the phone. 

When Christian had arrived at the school, he had noticed that the Irish school had banned the students from the Irish school to cross over to the Italian school until further notice and the Italian school had done the same. This did not look good. Tensions may have risen very high. Christian then, had tried to get in touch with Gianluca to get him to come over through the American teachers who worked at both sites but they had said that the children of many of Italian families were absent that day from school including Gabriela, Lena, Luigi and Gianluca.

Christian had felt annoyed. Why was Gianluca absent? Why was Gabriela absent? What was the emergency? Just when him and Gabriela were getting close and even pretending to be going out together, this had come up.

Christian was so frustrated that he hit the ball so hard it shot off the billiard table.

Cristian walked away and picked up the ball from the floor. Just then the door opened and Lorcan entered. Christian threw the ball in the air and caught it "Did you have any luck?"

Lorcan nodded "Yes." He then stepped aside and waited. He then sighed and stepped outside "Come inside..."

Christian watched as a reluctant looking Alfredo entered. Christian had sent Lorcan over to the Italian school to get Alfredo who was in a similar position as Lorcan for Gianluca. He was an underboss in training and answered to Gianluca only. But unlike Lorcan who had been scouted for his role and had landed at Christian's doorstep by fate and luck, Alfredo had been born into this life. Generations of his family before him had served the Bllaggios. Alfredo had always shown potential above all other children of men who worked for the Bellagios and were Gianluca's small army in school. He had proved himself and Gianluca always knew he was potentially his future underboss and confided in him the most.

Lorcan closed the door behind him and said "He said he can only can stay 5 minutes..."

Christian walked towards Alfredo and said "Oh... So you are setting me a time limit to question you now? Are you?

Alfredo sighed as he looked at Christian. "I follow orders from Gianluca. He warned me you would try to contact him..."

Christian was now standing in front of him as he crossed his arms over his chest "Go on... What did he order you to tell me if I caught up with you?"

Alfredo hesitated and sighed. "Everything..."

Christian chuckled. It was obvious Alfredo did not think it was a good idea. Alfredo was loyal to Gianluca and only to him. Just like how Lorcan was loyal to Christian.

Alfredo gave Lorcan a look "You need to leave..."

Lorcan did not react and stood there.

Christian was finding this interaction amusing. Alfredo was looking at Lorcan with contempt. Lorcan had managed to cross over and locate Alfredo and pass on Christian's summon call to him. It was obvious Alfredo blamed Lorcan for him being there.

Christian said "There is no need to look at Lorcan like that. He follows my orders. He found you... Now. Tell me everything..."

Alfredo turned to Christian "I refuse to talk in front of him..."

Christian said "Did Gianluca specifically tell you to defy me if I asked you to speak in front of someone else?" Christian knew how Gianluca worked. He was very specific when he ordered people and so was Christian.

Alfredo hesitated and then shook his head.

Christian said "Then Lorcan stays... I have a feeling you don't want to be best buddies with Lorcan but he is my top candidate to become my underboss one day. As Gianluca's top candidate for underboss position, you better start getting along with him... Now... Talk Alfredo...."

Alfredo did not argue. He followed Gianluca's orders and did not defy him even if it meant losing his life. He started talking about the account of Eden's aunt Eleanor and what Eden had gone through and how she was safe with Luigi and knew everything and Luigi was now officially going out with Eden..."

Christian was looking at Alfredo with surprise "Hold on... You are telling me Eden now knows everything and Luigi is going out with her in the open? ...."

Alfredo said "Yes. All correct. They are together and she knows everything. She knows who are from crime families in our school and in your school..."

Christian said "And... Isn't she going to run a mile after that after hearing what's happening?" He did not want Eden to run. If she did then Luigi could be a bigger threat to taking his Gabriella. When he dated Eden it had not put Christian's mind at ease very much. Luigi was a threat until he married Eden.

Alfredo said "No..."

Christian said "And... Luigi's family... Are they ok with this? This girl is dating Luigi and is not from a crime family..."

Alfredo said "Well... Her family have seen and heard everything now and know everything... I told you that the Alessandrinis managed to strike a deal with the Fontanas and saved them from their wrath and got them amnesty and forgiveness... In return they will help rescue Eden's aunt Eleanor. It may not sound like a lot to you but that family now feel so much gratitude to the Alessandrinis. They are alive and being protected from revenge because of their role in Eleanor Fontana's abduction... Eden's family are being treated in hospital for the trauma they endured right now. They will be released from hospital soon and will go back to normal life...."

Christian said "How would they guarantee that Eden would not pose a threat and most importantly she would not be under threat herself? The Carters have no crime family behind them even if the Alessandrini name throws a protection blanket over them..."

Alfredo said "That's a good point... As caution, Eden's family will move to live close to the Alessandrinis... So now that they live on Alessandrini territory there won't be ray of doubt in their safety as long as they dont leave the territory without informing the Alessandrinis. Their main chemist shop would remain on the Bellagio territory though... But I am surprised that they are not required to work for the Alessandrinis to repay the debt for their lives being saved. But Alessandrinis dont ask for payment when they choose to save people. Either way Eden is still not from a crime family. Her aunt is married into one but she is still a neutral American. The Alessandrinis dont see her as an enemy and frankly there is minimal risk to Alessandrinis. So its all well..."

Christian could not believe this "So... There is no resistance from the Alessandrinis against Luigi dating this girl? Isn't she seen as a threat in any way at all?"

Alfredo rolled his eyes "No... How can the Alessandrinis not trust Eden to date Luigi?... The Carters are so grateful to the Alessandrinis and have no problem with this arrangement. The Carters are not part of any crime family to have any interests in any businesses that could rival the Alessandrinis in any way... And its not like Eden and Luigi are getting married... As long as Eden is judged not to be a threat to the family, then they can date.... But marriage has different criteria to dating for crime families and we both know that..."

Christian was too relieved to hear Eden and Luigi and were now officially dating that he decided to forgive Alfredo for his last sentence. Alfredo had emphasised on "we both know that" and had given Christian a knowing look. No one dared comment on his relationship with his Gabriela. Alfredo was pushing his luck by faintly pointing to his situation. His rival for now was pursuing Eden and that was all that he cared about.

Christian asked "What else is there for me to know Alfredo?"

Alfredo sighed "Look... You will find out everything else that's been going on if you just ask around from your own people... Why dont you just ask your uncle, Artan Armstrong?"

Christian stated "Because I want to know the Italian version before I hear it all from the Irish side..."

Alfredo said "Alright... So Eleanor Fontana was abducted. The Alessandrinis are trying to free her and the Bellagios have joined in. But... there are more people linked to Italian crime families who were abducted after Eleanor was abducted... This is act of war... Some Italian families have been strategically targeted. This is to put fear in the Italian families that their people are not safe...  Italians want to rescue the hostages and get revenge. So now the Irish are reacting by protecting their own people... As you can see we are not allowed to cross over to each other's school even out of safety concerns until this hostage crisis is resolved..."

Christian nodded and thought over his words.

Alfredo asked "Am I dismissed?"

Christian asked "Is that all? Or you are hiding something from me? We both know the end won't be pleasant for you if you hide anything when Gianluca has instructed you to tell me everything..."

Alfredo said "Actually the ball is in your court now... I dont know what else is happening... My instructions are to stay in school for now... The members of all the absent families are affected and linked in some ways with what's happening..."

Christian narrowed his eyes "Has anyone struck the Bellagios from the Irish side? Tell me now."

Lorcan noticed the first sign of anger from Christian in a long time. He was always composed and patient mostly even when angry. But he watched as Christian now was in Alfredo's personal space and looking at Alfredo with a message loud and clear in the way he was staring into his eyes "Hide anything from me if you dare." 

Lorcan noticed how Alfredo seemed composed to his credit. Maybe because he was sure Christian won't kill him out of respect for Gianluca.

Alfredo shook his head quickly. "No. No. The Bellagios are helping the Alessandrinis and other affected families but they have not been targeted at all. The Bellagios are not in school because they are helping out and as precaution Gianluca and Gabriella are not in school. Besides, Luigi and Gianluca are old enough to be involved in the business front. So they are involved and their absence from school is not technically for safety. Luigi and Gianluca are busy working with their fathers..."

Christian snapped "What about Gabriela? Why is she absent? Who would dare hurt her in school?"

Alfredo knew he was close to getting a taste of Christian's wrath if he gave him the wrong answer. He knew Christian cared for the Bellagios. He did not understand the friendship between Christian and Gianluca and it made no sense to him but he knew their bond was like brothers if not stronger. He said honestly "I agree with you. She would be safe. But this is just protocol. She is alone at the Bellagio mansion and she is just catching up on their studies. This reminds me, she wants astronomy notes from you. She asked Gianluca to get a message to you to send her work..."

Christian's expression changed slightly "She asked for astronomy notes?"

Alfredo nodded "Yes. You can give them to me or get it delivered somehow to her. I dont know by post maybe. The choice is yours... Either way I have to go now. My job is done... Can I go?"

Christian nodded "Yes. You can go.... after you give me names of all people who have been abducted... I need to know."

Alfredo sighed and complied. After writing down what Christian wanted, he asked "Can I go now?"

Christian nodded "You know the way out..."

Alfredo said "I do... Very well..."

As Alfredo walked to the door and was about to open it, Christian said "Wait..."

Alfredo turned "Yes."

Christian said "I think you deserve a bonus reward. I give you amnesty for the next minute. No consequences. Say what you want to say. Ask for what you want to ask... Use your imagination."

Alfredo said almost with a hint of a smile "I want to save this bonus reward  for later..."

Lorcan knew Alfredo was wise to do that. If Christian gave you any bonus reward you had to cherish it. Christian must have respected Alfredo for most likely defying the Bellaggios and interacting with Christian against their orders. Alfredo's loyalty to Gianluca was rewarded by Christian too. Lorcan wondered what kind of treatment he could expect to get from Gianluca in a similar situation.

After Alfredo left, Christian said "You heard him. Gabriela wants astronomy notes... I will get it to her... You will cover for my absence..."

Lorcan asked "Absence?"

Christian nodded "Yes. I am going to Gabriela's house and hand over the notes."

Lorcan shook his head in disbelief. Christian couldn't be serious. Could he? He stared at Christian in shock. "You are leaving?"

Christian said "Is there a problem?"

Lorcan composed himself "Please forgive me for this. But what about your safety? What if you get hurt? Your uncle would not be happy if he hears you have defied his orders."

Christian said "Lorcan. You don't question me. I made it clear."

Lorcan said "I would obey all your orders and this time is no exception. But I am asking you to reconsider for your safety..."

Christian said "Request denied. I will tell you what to do and what to say in this situation... It would not cause any problems..."


Gabriela was walking in the gardens. She had decided to go to her tree house. As she was walking alone amongst the threes, she almost screamed when she came face to face with Christian. She covered her mouth.

Christian said "Hello. I brought you the astronomy notes you asked for..."

Gabriela let her hand down and looked at Christian in pure shock "What on earth are you doing here? My parents even have banned me and Gianluca from calling you until this mess is over... And you are here? Are you mad?"

Christian said "You needed notes. I brought them over. This is no crime..."

Gabriela sighed "You take nothing seriously. You ignore all the rules. What is wrong with you?" She then looked around "No one should see you here. Come to the tree house. You came all the way here. You might as well teach me the content. Why waste the trip?"

Christian was so excited at the suggestion "Sure. Why not?"

Gabriela lead him inside the tree house and closed the door. "Sit."

Christian sat down and did not need to be asked twice. He asked "How is Gianluca? I was hoping to go say hello and kick his backside for not picking up the phone..."

Gabriela sat down "He is not home... Only my mother and I are home... I dont know when I see him again... Limited contact is just temporary..."

Christian nodded "Fine... I forgive him.... I think...."

Gabriela rolled her eyes "I bet he would contact you at some point either way. He is like you. He doesn't care about the rules. You shouldn't be here you know..."

Christian smiled "Well. You are right. Gianluca and I don't care much about the rules... But you are no different to me or Gianluca... You are sitting in a room with me of all people... You can't be in touch with me because of this so called crisis..."

Gabriela said "I bend the rules. I don't break them..."

Christian said "I guess we have a lot more common than you think..."

Gabriela stared at him in silence and then looked away as she felt her cheeks hearing up for some reason. When he looked at her like that, it made her nervous. She cleared her throat "Let's get down to studying..."

Christian said "Let's do that..." He then went through the contents of the notes gladly as he was helping himself to the candy jar she had kept in the tree house.

Gabriela was sat down and was making some notes as he was eating candy. While looking down at the notes she said "I can't believe you did this for me..."

Christian said "You are my girlfriend."

Gabriela stopped writing and looked up "But we are not really dating... We are pretending to date. One day you will find a real girlfriend."

Christian stared into her eyes in silence intensely. It made her nervous just like last time and she looked away. The look in his eyes was so intense but also was in some ways reprimanding. Gabriela felt like her heart was racing. Why did she feel like she had said something wrong and had insulted Christian. It made no sense. The look in his eyes made her feel that way.

Christian said in a firm tone that did not give his feelings away in any way "Either way... I will do anything for you to make you happy. You can think of us as anything you want. You are my girlfriend. It doesn't matter if you see it as pretence for a different cause. I will look at you like my girlfriend and will treat you like one... until you break up with me..."

Then came silence again.

Gabriela did not know why her heart was still racing. Something suddenly hit her. She liked Christian. The more she thought of it. The more the thought of him becoming her real boyfriend sounded right. She had never thought of him as a potential boyfriend. Why would she? She was Gianluca's baby sister to Christian. And Christian was like a brother to Gianluca. That was it. She ignored him and just tried to take his sarcasm and annoying ways into heart. Christian was seen like a brother by Gianluca. She treated her with respect, looked out for her, looked at her like she mattered and always did anything he could to help her. He had never refused to be there for her. he was suddenly realising... Christian was like a brother to Gianluca. Gianluca looked at Christian like a brother.... And Gabriela confessed to herself in that moment that she actually liked Christian and not... like a brother.

Silence was not broken. Gabriela was still looking away as her heart was racing. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Gabriela felt more nervous as the seconds went past in silence. She felt like something had changed inside her. She never had seen Christian like this. Why? She had just fallen in love with him. Had she? Was this it? She had spent years around him but had she ever tried to get to know him. Right now he had come all the way from the Irish territory to see her not caring for the consequences. Wasn't this boy worth being her man? He was. And her heart was even beating faster now. What was she going to do? She couldn't possibly admit to him that this was the moment she had just realised she liked him more than just a friend that he had always been to her without expecting anything in return.

Gabriela suddenly got the courage and turned. She looked into Christian's eyes. His eyes held in them what they always held in them... Sincerity, honesty, courage and affection. She then looked away again. Why was this so hard? She then looked at Christian again. She had to face him. Life went on "I am sorry..." Why was she apologising? She didn't know. It was a reflex reaction. She felt like she owed him an apology.

Christian said "You are sorry? For what?"

Gabriela had to say something that was the truth. She couldn't lie to him. She didn't have it in her to lie to him. How could she. She loved him. She could hide her feelings. But she was going to be truthful. She breathed "Christian... I just feel like you have been so good to me... I am so sorry for troubling you and I am sorry for everything else..."

Christian asked "Everything else?"

Gabriela nodded "I really don't know how to tell you what is going on in my mind right now.. I just know a lot has changed between us and a lot is going to change..."

Christian said "Not really. Nothing has changed for me..." He told himself "I still want nothing but to be there for you, protect you.... I love you... I dont want to tell you this until I know you are ready..."

Gabriela nodded "Right..." She then looked away "Its getting late... You should go... I hope you dont get into too much trouble... Please dont stay any longer..." She was so overwhelmed with emotions. She truly was. She had just fallen in love with the next Kavannagh heir who's grandfather was against all Italian crime families... Christian had told her he was willing to marry her if it came to it... If this was what made her happy. He cared for her this much. How could she not love him?

Christian said "I want to stay longer... Why not? Dont worry about me. I won't get into much trouble if I am caught..." He saw her concerned expression "But wait... Are you worried you get into trouble if they find me here? If that's the case I go... Christian said "Alright. I go now... See you later" He stood up.

Gabriela definitely did not want him to get hurt. The thought of it really hurt her heart.

As Christian stood up and was walking towards the exit of the tree house , Gabriela stood up and said "Wait...."

Christian turned and said "Yes..."

Gabriela walked to him "I want to thank you for ... everything you have done for me recently..."

Christian smiled "Any time..."

Gabriela slowly walked to a corner and opened a small box in the corner. She took out a handkerchief. She said "My friends made me make this... Its a handkerchief with a pattern on it... In my circle of girls who I am friends with we give handkerchiefs as keepsakes to any boy we date... I know we are pretending to date. But my friends said I should make one for you with a pattern that's special to you..."

Christian was frozen in spot. Was this happening? Was he dreaming?

Gabriela walked to him and handed him the handkerchief "This is for you..."

Christian took the handkerchief and looked at it. She had used silver needle work to formidably create a pattern of a sword on it... The sword that was a big part of his family crest.

Christian looked up "This is so special to me... You know that..."

Gabriela told herself "You are so special to me... I just never realised it for some reason." She shrugged "Its custom... Do you want to carry it?"

Christian smiled. Was this a trick question. He nodded "Sure... But you must keep something from me...." He then put the handkerchief in his pocket. He reached up and unlocked a necklace that was around his neck. It was a small medallion with his family crest. He handed her the necklace.

Gabriela gasped "I can not accept this... Only Kavannaghs wear this... This is so valuable" Christian had many necklaces like this made with different colours. His family crest was special. Very special and unique. No merchant dared copy the design and sell it... There were no medallions like this one.

Christian said "Its yours... You are my girlfriend Gabriela... Wear this..."

Gabriela said "But this is so precious to you..."

Christian said "I have many of them... It would make me happy if you wear it..."

Gabriela's heart melted. His words had sincerity. He meant it. How long could she hide her feelings from him. Loving her brother's best friend and the next Kavannagh heir? She had to keep it secret. She had to.


Christian made it to his house in time and climbed the walls. He walked towards the main mansion and saw Lorcan looking around and then at his watch. As Lorcan spotted him he took a deep breath of relief and walked towards him as he was shaking his head "I was worried..."

Christian smiled "I told you it will be fine..."

Lorcan said "Your uncle wants to see you... Please do not keep him waiting any longer... He is in his study."

Christian nodded "Thanks for covering for me..." He then made his way to his uncle Artan's office or rather the room his uncle Artan had taken over as his office.

Christian entered the room and said ""Hello uncle..."

Artan Armstrong was sitting behind his desk and reading some papers. He said without looking up "Hello Christian... Finally you made it home... Go to your room. Pack your bags. We are going to have an interesting weekend."

Christian asked "Where are we going? For how long?"

Artan said as he looked up "I will explain to you on our way... If you had turned up earlier I would have explained to you what is happening and what we will be upto... But that has to wait. Go pack your bags with what your personal belongings that you will need for the weekend or longer."

Christian said "Fine... Aren't we going to have dinner first?"

Artan said "Of course... We will on the way. We are going on a business trip..."

The last thing Christian wanted to do was to get away. He wanted to be close to what was happening. To the Bellagios... To Gabriela.

Christian tried to argue "Can I stay?"

Artan shook his head "No... We have been though this Christian... You cant stay away from your responsibilities.... You need to be focused on business when business calls... So go pack your belongings and meet me at the front of the mansion within the hour. And wear something more formal for when we set off... What are you even wearing?"

Christian recognised the finality in his voice. He nodded "Fine..." He then opened the door and left. As he walked down the corridors he imitated his uncle with a bossy voice "Wear something more formal for when we set off. What are you even wearing?." He sighed. He didn't like his uncle Artan dragging him away from Gabriella when he had just managed to get so close.

The voice of one of his grandpa's underbosses Sedric came "Show respect to your uncle...." He had heard him mock his uncle.

Christian turned and said "Sure, I try..." He then walked away as he rolled his eyes.

Just when he was getting somewhere with Gabriela was getting closer to her, he was being pulled away to some business trip. He did not trust his uncle's words at all. Perhaps, a weekend trip would have been reasonable but he knew full well this trip was going to last much longer. Much much longer. His uncle didn't pass up the chance to get him away and have alone time with him on his business trips.

Christian entered his room and laid down on his bed as he took out the handkerchief that Gabriela had given to him. He smiled as he traced his fingers over the sword pattern and then kissed it.


Gianluca was sitting opposite Luigi around the a desk in a meeting room at a hotel where some of the allies in their operation were staying with some papers on the table. 

Gianluca said "So. This is it..."

Luigi said "Yes. This is all my father showed me. We have no more information. If we add it to your people's information it adds up to enough to be going on the search to locate the abducted people..."

Gianluca said "Yes. So I expect my father to go ahead with the operation from tonight. Have you told Eden about the risks?"

Luigi shook his head "No. I said I will be involved in efforts to save her aunt and people from other affected families who asked for help from us. But I didn't say how I will be at the front line."

Gianluca said "Lena doesn't know anything either. I didn't tell her... She knows there will be significant days coming up. But she doesn't know I would be in the front..."

Luigi said "Have you thought about what the outcome of this mission will do to your friendship with Christian?"

Gianluca said "Nothing will change for me... Ever. He is my friend and remain my friend."

Luigi said "The outcome could affect Irish-Italian relations and could make it much worse. Maybe your friendship will survive but that's if all the abducted people are returned safe and the culprit families are warned off. We don't even know where they are held..."

Gianluca said "We know it's the work of three families operating in the same region. We will locate them..."

Luigi said "Italians have had casualties. But no one high ranked has died in any family yet. But what if the Italians are not going to be so lucky at the end... There will be a war which those culprit Irish families want... You can't possibly continue with trusting Christian's people. You trust Christian but do you trust his people? They take the side of their people."

Gianluca said "The Kavannaghs have nothing to do with this crisis. The people who were interrogated named names and no one was associated with them amongst those responsible..."

Luigi said "But if things escalate Christian will have to pick a side. He won't pick our side. He might pick your side but your side only... He hates Italian crime families..."

Gianluca sighed "Look. I know Christian is a friend of mine and remains one... I agree that at the end his loyalty is not with anyone on our side except me and that's for the sake of our personal friendship not business interests or anything remotely to do with business. Also you are right that I do not trust his people. I only trust him..."

Luigi said "I hope your friendship won't turn into tragedy for your family. You trust him near your sister. He is dating your sister..."

Gianluca sighed "He has honour Luigi... I trust him with my sister's life..."

After their meeting, the boys made their ways to their hotel rooms to rest.  Luigi's words were on Gianluca's mind the entire time. 

Gianluca knew Luigi was right to question him. Things could spiral out of control quite fast. Gianluca overlooked Christian's hate for friends of his and his allies. And Christian overlooked Gianluca's closeness to those who the Kavannaghs saw as enemies. Nothing had come between their friendship until now and in Gianluca's view nothing ever could except ... if Christian hurt those he loved... But Gianluca could not see it happen. Christian was not capable of betraying Gianluca this way. He was sure.

Gianluca entered his room. He sat down on his bed and thought harder about his conversation with Luigi about Christian. Nothing really bothered him about the conversation except when Gabriela's name was mentioned. Christian held Gianluca's family sacred. So sacred that he treated them like one of his own. Christian had agreed to even date Gabriela to protect her from Marcello Rizzi. Who did that? Christian had proven time and time again he was loyal to Gianluca. He could never hurt him by hurting his family. No. Luigi was wrong about this. Christian could never hurt Gabriela. Christian unusually was always protective of Gabriela. He always looked out for her. He always showed nothing but respect and care for her. In fact he even went too far in being protective of Gabriella. Way too far sometimes. Sometimes Christian reacted so drastically that Gianluca had to calm him down. He reacted to the smallest things that bothered Gabriela whenever he heard about it. He smiled. Gianluca did not mind that. 

Suddenly a thought occurred to Gianluca. What if ... What if Christian had feelings for his sister, Gabriella. Christian agreeing to date Gabriella had gone too well. Way too well. Christian had acted so naturally as Gabriela's boyfriend... Christian had acted way too naturally in a way that had slightly bothered Gianluca. It just made no sense.... unless Christian loved ... Gabriela.

Gianluca swallowed hard. He shook his head in disbelief. No. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. Christian couldn't have loved Gabriela. It was impossible. But could it be true in any way at all? Was there the slightest chance? He was not so sure and he had to know. Gianluca had no way of knowing if his suspicions were true unless he questioned Christian. But they were in the middle of a crisis right now. He could go against his father's orders and contact Christian. He was capable of doing it and disobeying orders was not his concern in this case. But did he want to? He was torn. What if Christian had eyes for his baby sister? No he didn't. He couldn't have. It was not possible. For the first time he was finding it hard to convince himself that finding the truth was the best option.

Gianluca was battling his urges on the inside. He concluded that either way, nothing was proven. His suspicions may have been baseless. Gianluca thought that maybe if he lived with his doubts about Christian's true intentions towards his sister in silence it could be best. Then if he saw any loving affection from Christian towards Gabriela with own eyes, he could then confront Christian. Was this for the best? Or was he meant to march to Christian's house and get the truth out of him.

Christian was like his brother. No. He was even closer than that to Gianluca. What if Christian truly loved Gabriela?  Could this affect his friendship with Christian? He needed to figure that out himself. 

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