47. New Days

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Weeks Later

Lena was sitting in the car next to her mother. They were on their way from the airport to a hotel where they were to stay until the final missions to save the hostages held by Irish families were completed. It had been weeks already but the outcome was not victory yet for the Italians. There had been danger and threats detected in case things went wrong. So women and children of high ranked families were to stay in one place with high security until the rescue missions were completed and perhaps peace treaties could be signed at some point with new terms and conditions.

Eden was also accompanying them but she was arriving slightly later. Lena's father had suggested that Eden should come with them as she was linked to Luigi. Alessandrini territory was safe but protocol and precaution had to be followed.  Eden was not part of the family but Luigi cared for her safety and having her close to Luigi helped put his mind at ease.

Gabriela and her mother were also coming in the long line of cars from the airport. Bellagios were at the same hotel alongside many other families so it meant Lena could see Gabriela. She had missed her best friend. But also she felt she had missed the normal times.

A lot had changed in the past few weeks. Lena had studied at home for weeks and so had many other kids. The Italian and Irish schools had postponed the joint homecoming dance. Ironically families were against cancelling the event. For those who wanted war that was a power display and a chance to show a United front with their family connections. For those who wanted peace that dance represented a way forward toward peace for younger generations to be closer to being allies than rivals. This homecoming dance between Irish and Italian school was only set up because  Christian wanted it. The Kavannaghs would not have set something like this up for no other person or cause.

As she got off the car, at the hotel's car park, she was lead to her hotel room with her mother. She was free to walk around the hotel as it was safe but she had to be careful who she bumped into and couldn't go too far from their side of the hotel. The Italian crime families had become closer since the crisis had started and despite it being a stressful time it was time for unity so at this hotel she could be bumping to anyone. She was sure she was going to meet some people for the first time.

Lena was hoping to see Luigi around. She hadn't seen him in a while. Luigi was involved in missions and but she had no idea to what extent.  She just prayed for his safety and of course she prayed for Gianluca's safety too. At the thought of seeing him again after weeks she felt nervous and happy at the same time. He made her nervous but made her feel happy too. She had missed him and it was hard for her to admit it.

As Lena was walking around in the hotel trying to learn the new place she found herself lost in a corridor. She was adventurous. She was meant to find the indoor cinema of the hotel but she had become lost and there were no personnel in sight. But she was not too worried. What was the worst that could happen. This place was safe. But then her perspective changed as she ended up in so many different corridors one after another with no luck. How big was this place?  This was no ordinary hotel. So much time had passed now. Maybe an hour or longer. She was helplessly walking round and there was no sign or people around. She had been warned to stay at their side of the hotel and not go too far. She had not listened.

As Lena was losing hope and panicking she heard music. A calming music. It was the sound of a violin. She knew at least she would come across a person if she walked towards the music. The sound of music was so inviting and beautiful and if she was not stressing for being lost and being too far from her room, she would have enjoyed listening more to sound of violin. She followed the music and came in front of a room. The sound of music was so inviting and calming. She felt safe for some reason even though she was in front of a stranger's room. But she decided to slowly open the door and enter not to alert them because she did not want the music to stop. It was not locked to her surprise. She entered and closed the door slowly and then walked towards the sound that was from the back room.

Lena froze as she came to see the musician in the back room. He was standing at the window and playing the violin. It was Gianluca. Of all the people she had come across Gianluca. Even when he didn't know she was in need he was there for her by the looks of it.

Gianluca turned around as he was playing as she did hear some sounds that resemble footsteps but no one was crazy enough to disturb him. He did not stop playing and turned around to see where the sound was from and then was shocked to see Lena.

Gianluca stopped playing and put away the violin on the sofa as he walked towards Lena slowly "Lena?.... Its great to see you again... But what are you doing here?"

Lena walked towards Gianluca too and then instinctively she did the unthinkable and hugged him.

Gianluca held his breath and closed his eyes. Lena had just hugged him. What a great greeting. He tried to memorise every moment. He had missed her so much. He had not seen her for weeks.

Lena whispered "I was lost and the sound of your violin brought me here...." She then pulled away "Sorry for hugging you... I couldn't help it..."

Gianluca said as he looked intensely at Lena "I dont know how you ended up in my room but I am glad you are here... I have missed you too." He could not believe still that Lena had hugged him. It was a dream for him that Lena initiated a hug. He was bursting with joy inside. Just what he needed to distract him for a few moments from his recent dilemmas and challenges.

Lena blushed but tried to compose herself and said "Well.... This hotel is so big... I was only going to the cinema..."

Gianluca smiled at Lena. She was truly innocent "You were going to the hotel's cinema and you ended up here? You are so far away.... I take you back... You are right... This place is big... There are buildings for different purposes next to each other in this place.... Next time take a map of the hotel with you Lena... I will take you back..." As he was about to walk towards the door.

Lena said "Wait... Gianluca..."

Gianluca said "Yes Lena...." He was curious what she wanted to talk about.

Lena said "I am very curious... Why were you playing the violin? I though you never play..."

Gianluca didn't expect her to ask him that. He sighed and hesitated but then said "Its nothing I can explain Lena... I just wanted to play the violin.... They had some musical instruments lying around in the hotel, so I felt like playing it... besides this place is empty right now... All the men are off site in action and meetings... I had come back to grab some supplies but had some time to kill... " The truth was that since he had suspected that Christian loved his sister he had used the time to go over memories of the past in his free time when he had thinking time. Playing the violin with Christian had comprised a very big part of their childhood friendship and the years that had followed. In some ways by playing the violin he was reminding himself that if Christian truly loved Gabriella and that possibility was true, Christian was still Christian to him. He was the friend he always had trusted. But it was hard to imagine him loving his sister. How could it be possible? He could be wrong. He hoped. But he could be right too. Time could tell.

Lena felt like there was so much more on Gianluca's mind at that point but she didn't want to question him. Maybe he could tell her when he was ready. She nodded "Ok... Great.... I am glad you are playing.... I love the music you play..."

Gianluca said "Let's go Lena... I need to leave to attend to business after I take you back to your side of the hotel...."

Lena followed Gianluca silently out of the room and down the corridors. Gianluca explained "Us men stay here and families with kids not taking part are at the other side. Dont come here Lena... "

Lena asked carefully "Is it unsafe?"

Gianluca said "No. Not for you... But you may come across sights you may not like to see or you may bump into people you may not like to come across... Not everyone is nice here and not everyone is doing nice things..."

When Gianluca finally lead Lena to a corridor that had the Hotel's cinema sign, Lena said "Thank you Gianluca...."

Gianluca said "You are welcome. See you later...."

Lena said "Wait...Will I see you again?"

Gianluca said "Sure... There will be time to see each other.... Stay close to your side of the hotel Lena... I hope this crisis is resolved soon so we can get back to our homes..."

Lena said "Me too...." But as she was about to continue  she heard her name was called.

She looked past Gianluca and saw Gabriella coming towards them.

Gabriella shook her head at Lena as she approached her "Where have you been? Your mother said I could find you here. I arrived here after you and I got here earlier. The girls are all inside..."

Lena said "Sorry Gabriella. I got lost on the way and Gianluca showed me the way..."

Gabriella reached in front of Lena and looked at Gianluca "Hi... How are you? You should come to see our mother you know... She hasnt seen you in weeks...."

Gianluca said "I have to return..." He was debating with himself to discuss his doubts regarding Christian's feelings towards his sister with Gabriella but he wasn't sure if this was the best time and if this was the best idea.

Gabriella said "Ok... See you around... Come by and say hello when you can..." She could sense something was bothering her brother but she didn't press it. Maybe he was occupied with the crisis.

Gianluca said "I will do..." He then walked away.

Gianluca made his way back to the other side of the hotel and grabbed the supplies he needed and made his way outside. So much was happening. A crisis. His doubts about his best friend's feelings towards his baby sister and of course improvement in his relationship with Lena. She had hugged him. Even thinking of that hug had a calming effect on him.


Days later

Eden was so emotional as she had just seen her aunt safe and sound. She had spent as much time possible talking to her and checking if she had been safe. Their brief meeting had been cut short as her husband who was now almost recovered after getting shot weeks ago had come to reunite with her in the room. She had just stepped outside the room as she came face to face with her cousin, Falco outside the room.

Falco smiled at her "Hi... How are you holding up? Dont worry. My mother will be fine..."

Eden wiped away her tears and looked at her cousin Falco who seemed so calm and collected as always. Eden had seen him around at the hotel a few times in the past few days since arrival. He had been involved in rescue missions apparently and so had Luigi. It was hard for her to imagine. Falco and Luigi were so young. How could their families allow them to be at the front line to go behind enemy lines to face dangerous criminals. But apparently it was what the did. They were first born heirs who were learning to lead. What was wrong with these people?

But everyone downplayed the shocking ways the youngsters were involved in the crime business. Lena agreed with her and was worried for Gianluca and Luigi and thought it was too much. Apparently this crisis had opened her eyes too to some truths. But Gabriela downplayed everything. She said the boys were trained for this kind of life just like how Eden found helping out in her father's chemist shop natural. Gabriela was very different to Lena in many ways. But she still liked her. Even though her and her boyfriend really were a pair she could not figure out. She had only met Christian Kavannagh once but had heard about him a lot. He was so mysterious and she was wary knowing he was enemies with Luigi. She knew he was dangerous. But she didn't judge him beyond that. Obviously Gabriela liked him enough to go out with him.

Eden took a deep breath "Shouldn't I be asking how you are holding up? Your mother has been missing for weeks and you seem so calm..."

Falco looked around the corridor that was packed with Fontana guards "Let's go for a walk. Let's have a talk..."

Eden nodded and walked alongside Falco who made his way through corridors to an empty lounge.

Eden took her seat on a sofa and Falco started pacing in front of her as he spoke "I am just grateful she is alive and safe... When I saw her she was shaken up but she was healthy. A doctor saw her immediately ...  I guess we were lucky. She is just abit shaken. It will pass. My mother is strong. She will pull through.."

Eden asked carefully "How did you rescue her? How did you do it... Did you get hurt?"

Falco stopped walking and turned around looking at her "I tried to rescue her. My team didn't find her..."

Eden raised an eyebrow "You didn't? But you brought her back. She was in your car...."

Falco said "Luigi found her and brought her to us..."

Eden gasped "Luigi's team?"

falco shook his head "No. Not Luigi's team... Luigi did this alone.... He wasn't meant to be there at the front today. He was meant to stay back and just wait for orders for missions tonight if we failed... He couldn't remain behind... So he .... he went behind enemy lines and rescued my mother and handed her to us..."

Eden was shocked. "Luigi has done this. All alone..."

Falco nodded "Yes. You must know how much he loves you by now Eden.... In his view today was the best chance for her to be rescued as they were relocating somewhere that was going to be harder to reach... So he risked everything to rescue her today. If it wasn't for him, we would be still searching. He is so skilled. My cousin Ferruccio even respects Luigi even though as you know he can be quite a jerk if you know what I mean. None of the Fontana team thought it was possible to execute a plan like how Luigi did. You should be proud of Luigi..."

Eden instinctively put her hand on her heart. She was touched and all sorts of emotions went though her heart. Luigi was so brave. So selfless. He had saved her aunt and Eden felt so much gratitude to him. She breathed "Where is he now? Is he ok? I want to see him... Is he safe?" Suddenly she felt alarmed. Where was Luigi. He would have come to check on her on an occasion like this. Was he out there in danger? Was he safe?"

Falco said "He is ok. Yes... But I am not sure when he will be back at this hotel or when you can see him next..."

Eden asked "What do you mean? You say he is ok though.... Are you hiding something from me? Is he injured? Is he captured?" She stood up looking at Falco.

Falco shook his head and gave out a sigh "What? No. No.... Come on. If he was here, he would be rolling his eyes at you... He is not that easy to capture or injure. I told you even my cousin Ferruccio who is a big head hateful jerk had nothing to say but admire him for his courage when he showed up with my mother. He seemed exhausted but he was fine... Dont worry."

Eden asked "So... Why isn't he here? Where is he?"

Falco said "Look... I am not sure.... He is in trouble with his father.... Luigi went against his father's orders... He is answering his father at some place that I am not even allowed to go.... Only Bellagios and Alessandrinis can go there. Its a warehouse of some kind that's multipurpose...  Its nearby. But I am not allowed there... Well. When you see him, will depend on his father's decision. He may decide to punish him for this... I know if I did this, my uncle will crazy on me.... We cant risk our lives like this. We are heirs to crime bosses. He could get captured, could get hurt or get killed. He disobeyed his father na put himself in danger to save my mother... So he has to answer to his father.... I definitely owe him big time for this... He is one day going to be a very powerful mob boss one day Eden... If he is like this right now, go figure what he is capable of years later when he is in his 20s... I tell you no one I know wants to be this guy's enemy..."

Eden sat down on the sofa deep in thought. She whispered "Oh my god... He is in trouble... For saving my aunt Eleanor... What's going to happen to him? Would his father punish him for disobeying him.... But he was only helping. He meant well" She knew this sounded serious. He had sacrificed so much for her already by being the reason his father had agreed to help the Fontanas to save Eden's family. And now he had saved her aunt. She was worried so much for him and felt so much admiration for him at the same time.

Falco's expression softened and he sat down next to Eden. He held her hand "Its ok... Dont worry.... He will be ok... If I see Gianluca I will ask him to find out about his fate... Like I said I cant go to that base.... Gianluca only goes there because he is a Bellagio and on good terms with Alessandrinis.... I will let you know as soon as I find out..."

Eden turned to her cousin "What do you mean? Would I see you around still? Your mother is rescued now... Aren't you returning home?"

Falco said "I think you have a pretty good idea that this whole setting up camp for families in this hotel and having bases nearby belongs to no ordinary mission. We are near enemy territory and some scores need to be settled. This is war Eden.... We all will go back to our normal lives once peace treaties are signed. Luigi is in trouble because his family is involved in other missions around here too... This is not just about rescuing... Its more complicated. I cant talk about what other activities our families do around here.... But I know the crucial times are near... So we need to be vigilant. So I am sticking around. My father is taking my mother home to help her recover. But I am around with my cousin and my uncle." He then looked at his watch "It reminds me, I have to go now... I should go somewhere with my cousin and uncle. If I am not outside in the next 10 minutes, I will be in trouble." He then stood up "Dont worry. I will give you a call or some see you as soon as I hear about Luigi.... Well. He is in big trouble though... I told you before Eden... In our world we do anything for the ones we love. Anything. Luigi loves you and he endangered himself. His father loves him and he cant forgive his son easily for endangering himself. Luigi is his blood. Nothing is more important than our blood in our world... His father has the right to tell Luigi off. But I am grateful to him and I am glad he disobeyed his father. My people owe him big time... Dont worry though. Luigi will be fine... You take care of yourself."

Eden nodded at him and watched him leave. Falco left him alone in the room to think over her life. So much had changed. Her life could not be the same again.

Eden closed her eyes and thought of Luigi. His smile. His livelihood. His bravery. His cockiness. His confidence. There was so much about him that made him stand out from other boys she had met. She felt closer than ever to him. He was now in the middle of a mob war between the Irish and Italians. He could get hurt in this war but again her cousin dismissed that. But surely even she knew Luigi was in serious trouble with his father. She had met Lothario Alessandrini. He was one of the most intimidating men she had met.  Everything about him said he was a man with great authority and power. Yet, her cousin Falco had warned her that Luigi was going to be like his father one day. However, Falco's words that were repeated in her mind were "Nothing is more important than our blood in our world". She knew full well, she was not blood. And Luigi had risked it all to save Eden's aunt Eleanor because Eden was related to her. He had broken protocol.


Luigi was in an office alone with his father. He was standing in front of his father's desk listening to his father's lecture. Luigi's father was sitting behind his desk and lecturing him. He had no idea how long he had been standing there listening to his father. His father had given him a chance to explain what had happened and what he had done. Then he had not stopped reprimanding him and reminding him of all the ways his act of rebellion could have placed him in danger. His father did not care about how his actions would have deepened the crisis. He only cared for Luigi's safety and nothing else in all this.

Luigi watched his father stand up. His father left his seat and walked towards Luigi.

His father started circling Luigi's standing form slowly "Luigi... You will not repeat the stunt ever again.... Next time, if you want to save the world, you come to me... You will not act alone... You will consult me...."

Luigi whispered "Yes father..." He knew this meeting was about to be concluded as his father had started giving him ultimatums after reprimanding. He was going to give him a verdict now. His father could punish him for his disobedience. He did not have any regrets. He knew what he was doing. His father was quite cross with him and he had expected nothing less.

His father said as he carried on circling him "I expect more from you Luigi... Even when you take over my leadership role in this family, you will be working with underbosses, your business partners, your guards, your soldiers.... Running in front of the firing line of the enemy is a last resort... You cant afford to risk everything when there are other routes for getting what you want.... I know you did this because you thought you had no other options... But if you had come to me, I would have suggested other routes with the same outcome that did not involve you risking your life... Do we have an understanding?"

Luigi whispered "Yes father..."

His father now was standing in front of Luigi "Luigi... I won't punish you this time for not following my orders... I don't need to... I trust you to be intelligent enough to understand the seriousness of what you have done. I don't need to teach you a lesson the hard way. Luigi. I understand why you went against my orders... Lucky for you in the process you did not get hurt... Lucky for you no Alessandrini got hurt..."

Luigi watched as his father lifted his hand up and tilted Luigi's chin up as he stared into his eyes "But next time you act alone and endanger yourself when it's not the last resort, you may regret it dearly... I will not forgive anyone who hurts you or our family... Also those who are loyal to us may not be so forgiving... If you get hurt it's not just me who will be looking to avenge you... We have allies... friends and blood relatives who hold your life more dear than their own..." He then let go of his chin.

Luigi took a deep breath.

Luigi watched his father walk towards his desk and sit down "Now. You may leave...."

Luigi hesitated and didn't leave. He stared at his father curiously. Was this it? No punishment. Anyone else would have been killed for much.

Lothario looked at his son "Luigi. I said you may leave..."

Luigi talked slowly and carefully "Father... So .... There are no consequences for me or anyone else for my disobedience?" He wasn't worried about himself. He was worried for Eden.

Lothario said "No Luigi. Not this time. But next time, depending on the reasons you go against my orders and the outcome, I can't promise there would be no consequence of any kind for you or your accomplices or anyone who may have lead you down the path of danger. If you were a Romano or Rizzi or were from any other extreme crime family then I bet Eden would have been hurt for your stunt to teach you a lesson ... But you are an Alessandrini and Alessandrinis don't operate that way. I understand your judgement Luigi in this particular case of your disobedience but I won't tolerate you playing the hero again with no plan, back up or consultation of our people. This is the real world Luigi. In this world death is a price of heroics sometimes. Do you understand?"

Luigi said "Yes father."

Lothario nodded "Good. You are dismissed. Follow my orders from now on..."

Luigi nodded and made his way towards the door. He put his hand on the door handle and turned to his father "Father. What would you have done if you were in my exact situation?"

Lothario said in a firm tone as he picked up the phone to dial a number "We can talk about that later Luigi. I am busy and don't wish to discuss my mindset when I was your age right now with you. There is a time and place for that. We are in the middle of a crisis that is going towards a big war unless we act fast and sharp. Leave now. You need to rest until I call upon you for the next mission. There is a big meeting in a few hours. When I send a call don't be late for it... You must be present... Use the time to rest and recover until then."

Luigi nodded. "I understand. I am going." He turned to leave but then turned around said "Thank you father for not hurting Eden. Thank you for not acting like some other heads of families in this situation... Thank you for understanding." He then left and closed the door.

Lothario sighed as he was dialling a number. "You are welcome son..." He smiled at the thought of Luigi's question. Luigi had asked a good question. Lothario could not answer that question. But Lothario's father certainly could. Lothario's father, Lorenzo had heard from the Fontanas what had happened. He had called up Lothario before Luigi had showed up in the office and had advised Lothario to take it easy on Luigi. Lorenzo Alessandrini had said that Lothario would have done the same as a teenager.

Lothario was proud of Luigi. He truly was. He was proud to call Luigi his son. A true leader with good instinct and fearless.

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