50. Leaders

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Christian's eyes were solely focused on Gabriella in that moment. The room had disappeared for Christian. There was only Gabriella for him and nothing else existed in that moment for him.

All these years Christian had loved Gabriella and had hidden his feelings from her. All these years he had dreamt of a day to tell her how he felt and had been anticipating her reaction.

What had happened was unexpected. Christian had expected any reaction from Gabriela but this when it came for confession time. Never in a million years he would have imagined that Gabriella would return his affections.

The most overwhelming and unbelievable was how true her words had sounded. He could feel the truth in her tone with every fibre of his being. He had known Gabriella for years. He knew her well. He had been observing her when she hadn't been paying much attention.

Christian could not bring himself to break the silence between them. He did not want to be the one to speak. He was  just  standing there staring into the most beautiful pair of eyes that had a calming effect on him. Her presence made him breathe easier. He loved life more when she was in his life. She made him feel alive.

Christian found himself finally finding his words as he was looking at her intensely "How could it be? How? Did you just say that?..."

Gabriela breathed and said in hardly a whisper "Yes. I just did..."

The truth in her gorgeous eyes and her words had meant so much to him. His heart was bursting with joy. He closed his eyes and said "I have dreamt of this moment all my life..." He opened his eyes.

Gabriella swallowed hard as she felt his intense stare really penetrating her. She felt her body shake from the mixture of emotions she was experiencing that she was not used to. She looked away and started playing with the button of her coat as she was trying to avoid his eyes. She then kept glancing at him and then looking past him at her brother who was staring at them in silence. This was the most intense experience of her life. An experience that had made her heart race very hard. Her heart was beating very fast and she had no control over it. She was feeling all sorts of emotions. She was glancing at Christian and at her brother. She had to be truthful. She did not want to keep secrets from Christian.

After Gianluca had told Christian that Gabriella loved him, she had suddenly found the courage to confess her feelings too. Her brother had been patient with her and on their way here while driving he had given her knowing looks every time the topic of Christian's relationship with her had come up. She knew that Gianluca had felt it that she loved Christian. When he had shouted it out loud seemed like the moment had come for him to accept it. But had he accepted that Christian loved her? She was not so sure. She was sure Gianluca had come to terms with her loving Christian. But he hadn't yet come to terms with Christian loving her. She didn't know if he could ever be ok with it.

Gabriella was becoming nervous as the silence between them was getting too much... She then saw as he started taking steps towards her with an unreadable expression, his stare was not leaving her making her shake again. She was finding it hard to keep eye contact with him. His stare made her nervous. His full attention was on her and it made her feel emotions. He had the most handsome face. But she could not think straight when he was looking at her that intensely in that moment. As Christian was taking steps in silence towards her, she started retreating. She wasn't sure why. She just did. He kept walking towards her while his stare didn't leave hers as she took step backwards while glancing at him from time to time and looking away.

Gabriella gasped as her back hit the wall. Was she cornered? Damn it. She was. There was no escape. She had to face up to him.

Christian stood in front of her looking at her just staring at her as she was trying to hold his stare but kept glancing around.

Gianluca at this point was not watching. He had his back to the glass door and had closed his eyes as he had his hands in his pockets. He was trying to accept the situation. But it was not easy. His baby sister was there with Christian inside and they were confronting each other's feelings. He understood it. He had a girlfriend himself. He did not have double standards. His sister was allowed to love who she wanted and could date who she wanted as long as the choice of hers was honourable and powerful enough to respect and protect her. Christian ticked all the boxes. He trusted Christian with his sister's life. He did. He did not need to warn him off. He did not need to bang on the glass door to tell him to back off.

Christian even at times was more considerate towards Gabriella than Gianluca was. He could not deny that. He was trying to tell himself that Christian loving his baby sister could not come between their friendship. Christian was Christian. Their friendship could survive it. But again, this was no friendship. This was a brotherhood. This was closer than a brotherhood. Luigi had been right though. He could not find it within himself to despise christian because he knew deep in his heart that his sister did love Christian. He had ignored signs that his parents had not ignored. His parents believed they always knew there was attraction between them. Well he hadnt seen it. So... No... Nothing could change between them... Nothing... As long as he did hurt his baby sister and did not break her heart.

Christian was looking right into Gabriella's eyes as he was shaking his head "I cant believe it. I can't believe you said it... How is this possible? How? You said you love me? Are you... sure?"

Gabriella breathed as she was looking at Christian "How many times do you ask if I said what I said? Yes... I am sure... I do love you Christian..." Then she felt the urge to confess more as she said in a whisper with a faint voice "Christian... I heard what you said to my brother....." She looked away "I was here. I am sorry... I did not mean to eavesdrop but I didn't think your conversation would take so long... He was meant to speak to you and then I wanted to speak to you about the voting... So ... The question is ... are you sure? I mean you are the only heir to your family... Wouldn't your grandfather get mad?... Maybe.... You will forget me... You have duties..." She had doubts and fears.

After a few seconds of silence and her looking away she looked up at Christian who was still staring at her. His expression had hardened slightly and he looked serious and thoughtful. But as their eyes met, his eyes softened slightly making her feel slightly at more ease. But on the inside she was worried.

Christian said with meaning and promise behind his words "I Can't change how I feel about you Gabriela. I love you Gabriela. I have always loved you... And I always will...  I have never been so sure about anything in my life.... I know I love you and no one else... I know there are obstacles... I can't deny it... I want to be there in your life... That is all I have ever known Gabriella. I have always wanted to be close to you... I have always wanted to be there to protect you from the dangers in the world...I have always wanted to be the one who holds your hand through happy days and sad days.... And you ask me I should forget you? Gabriella... I could never forget you... Ever... The only way I would ever forget you is if my heart stops beating... As long as I breathe. As long as I live, I will always love you..."

Gabriella swallowed hard. Her heart was racing again harder than ever but she felt more at ease as his tone was so gentle and sincere. She felt the courage to look into his eyes. She felt overwhelmed but she could hold herself enough to speak her mind and question Christian further "But Christian... How can this go on? How can this love last? All my life I always saw you as off limits. You were always my brother's best friend. I tried to keep away and ignore you. I tried not to get to know you as well as I could... I distanced myself when I could... We are from different worlds... You are friends with my brother... But you said it yourself... You cant change your business decisions for the sake of your friendship with Gianluca.... You have duties as a Kavannagh... Your actions could go against my people and then what? My parents may not accept us... Your grandfather may stop our relationship... Aren't we doomed already? ... should I try to forget you if you don't..." She felt her tears threatening to come out but held herself together. In that moment all she was thinking about were her worries and doubts."

Christian said "Gabriella .... I need you Gabriella. I need you in my life... That is all I have ever known ever since I have laid eyes on you... That is all I have ever dreamt about... I need you... I need to be with you... I need to be in your life... I will do my duty. What I told Gianluca was the truth... I cant change my principles. I cant change my rules.."

Gabriella took a deep breath and nodded trying to not let her tears come out feeling emotional. Christian was who he was. Then Gabriela watched as Christian reached his hand up and stroked her cheek as he said in a low tone "I cant change my rules for anyone.... but you..." 

Gabriella froze at his soft touch that was so gentle. But his expression was so serious.

Christian said as he was touching her cheek "I have duties... But .... I live for you Gabriela.... I live for spending every moment of my life with you. I live to protect you. I live to keep you safe... I live to make you happy... I don't want to make you sad... I would never take any actions that would break your heart... I would never hurt you Gabriella... Ever...."

As Gabriela heard his heartfelt words she felt emotional. Her tears came down her cheeks making him stop talking and look at her with questioning eyes. He wiped a tear gently  with his hand "Dont cry... Did I make you cry?"

Gabriela said with an emotional voice "No... Christian... You didn't make me cry... I know you dont want to hurt me with any actions... What if its business? What if you have no choice?"

Christian said as he pulled his hand away from her cheek "There is always a choice....  There is a right choice and a wrong one in my eyes whenever I am faced with decisions. I have to choose the option that my instincts tell me to choose... But if you dont like my choice, then I could go against my instinct and judgement and make a choice that would make you happy. I would be capable of doing it. But will I? That is what you are wondering...." He hesitated and searched her eyes with his stare.

Gabriella's tears had dried up now. Gabriella was looking at Christian expectantly. Gabriella was feeling there was an important revelation coming. She waited for him to continue. Her hands were shaking so she put them behind her pushing against the wall as she was trying to stop shaking from anticipation.

Christian said with a firm tone "Gabriella... I always have and always will hide from you a side of me and my actions that I know will break your heart... If you dont witness my business side your heart wont be broken and I would be keeping my promise to myself that I would never hurt you...I try to do that.... But sometimes it is not possible to hide that side of me... That is when a fight erupts inside me... A fight like no other... Part of me says you will learn to forgive me and I should follow my instinct.... Another part of me says to follow my heart... Your love is in my heart... Only your love... The outcome of that fight will depend on the circumstances.... As I grow older my responsibilities will change..... I will change... But I know some things wont ever change....  How I feel about you wont ever change... I just know that I always will love you and would do anything to protect you Gabriella.... Always..." Christian then took a step away from Gabriella and said "Now... I have to ask you a question... I need you to be honest with me... Now after knowing what you know now... Has anything changed between us?"

Gabriella felt touched and overwhelmed by hearing his words that came from his heart. She could feel that he meant every word. Gabriella took a deep breath and looked into his eyes as she said in a weak voice "I trust you..."

Christian visibly relaxed slightly and there was less doubt and tension there within him.

Inside Gabriella's heart,  there were so many emotions. She didn't know where to start... But she had to address what she could within the time they had. She could see the clock on the wall behind Christian throughout their conversation as she had glanced around sometimes. She said "There is not much time Christian... There is not much time to talk about everything we need to talk about... When I realised I have feelings for you I thought you only saw me as your best friend's sister... I didn't think you loved me... Others around me ever since we started dating, kept saying we look great together and you love me... I didn't fully believe it... And then I started asking myself.... What if? What if you loved me... What if you actually did... What then? I was not prepared to answer my own question. I couldn't? How could I?"

Christian asked as he was looking at her with an unreadable expression as intense as before"And now? What about now?"

Gabriella hesitated and then closed her eyes. She opened her eyes as she tried to compose herself and not feel too emotional. She then got a glimpse of the clock on the wall knowing she did not have much time. She did not want to leave things where they were. She wanted to tell him how she truly felt before he left. It was not easy to say it. But she had to. She took a deep breath and said  "And now... And now the time has come to face this truth... I had no idea I would hear you say you love me tonight. I was not prepared for it. Nothing could prepare me for hearing that you are committed to me and have always loved me..." She then swallowed hard "I wish we could meet in better circumstances... I really wish we did... I do love you Christian... I really do and I cant help that feeling... I can't control it... Love is a feeling that's out of our control...."

Christian was lost for words. He was feeling his heart jumping out of his chest hearing her confess she had feelings for him. Every time she implied it, he felt like a burst of joy and excitement making his heart jump.

Gabriella paused and looked at the clock and then reminded herself it was now or never. She had to say everything she wanted to say before Christian had to go.  She said with some urgency in her voice that was filled with emotion "You asked .... You asked me me if anything has now changed between us.... You asked me to tell you if the events of tonight have changed anything.... I am going to honest with you... I need time to think about this... about us... All I know right now is... this... I love you... Love is not enough for two people to be good partners... Trust is also important...  Christian... I feel love for you but I also trust you... I always have trusted you... You have always kept your word. You have always meant what you have said... You have always been committed. I have always felt safe with you.... Here is your answer. You have not changed for me Christian... I love your commitment, I love your honesty and I love how you are a man of your word... Your honour made me fall in love with you..."

Christian felt loved in that moment in ways he had never felt before. He was loved. His dream was to be loved by Gabriella. His dream had been to be worthy enough to be loved by her. Here it was the dream that was becoming reality. He wanted to speak but then he wanted to take in the moment and remember it as the moment that he had no doubt was one of the happiest in his life and was going to remain as one.

Gabriella closed her eyes and then opened her eyes. She hesitated as she got to the hardest part of what she wanted to say. She said with urgency and some panic in her voice "Christian....Now you know how I feel... Now I know how you feel... Let's talk about our feelings later... There is time for that later... I know you have to leave any minute now for that meeting.... After you leave this room I dont know when I see you again... I hope its soon... But that's not important... What's important is this... Before you leave I want you to know that no matter what you vote for tonight and what happens in that meeting, it won't change how I feel about you... If .... If you vote for war... It would break my heart... But I will still love you... I respect your choices but I expect you to respect my choices too...Always"

Christian was having a warm glow inside after she had said she loved him. But he reacted with words to her last sentence that had a deeper meaning as he whispered "What is your choice now?"

Gabriella said "My choice?... My choice is to kiss you... And not a kiss on the cheek. A proper kiss..."

Christian was shocked. He was frozen. He asked "Pardon?" She wanted to kiss him? Now? He couldn't believe what she had just said. Could he be any more blessed in life?

Gabriella said as she was looking at the clock "Yes Christian... It is important to me... I want to kiss you... I want to feel what a kiss feels like with you before you become who you are destined to be. I am aware of what kind of life you are going to lead.... Like Gianluca you have an inevitable destiny of becoming a leader ... You will become a head of an Irish crime family one day.... Tonight a big decision awaits you... Tomorrow another could be awaiting you... And the day after that... Who knows? So... I need to kiss you... And I need to remember this kiss ... I need to remember how your lips felt before you fully become who you are meant to be... It's only the beginning. You are sixteen... It normally begins now..."

Suddenly a knock started Gabriella as she was startled. She watched as Christian looked at the direction of the door. A voice came from behind the door "Sir. You are expected... It is time...."

Gabriella looked at Christian who turned and looked at her. Christian said "Gabriella... I have to go..." Gabriella made up her mind and closed the distance between them. Christian was about to speak but she attached her lips to Christian's lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck. They shared a deep kiss.

Christian pulled away slightly and looked at Gabriella with wide eyes "Gabriella... Thank you... Thank you for... existing..."

There was a louder knock on the door "Sir... It is time... We are under orders to accompany you safely to the meeting room. We need to leave now..."

Christian shouted "One minute... I am coming..." He then looked at Gabriella " You mean the world to me..."

Gabriella attached her lips to his lips one more time. They shared another deep kiss.


Gianluca was looking up at the clear night skies full of stars as he was still locked outside on the balcony. He understood why Christian had chosen this floor. He loved star gazing and the position was strategic. He could oversee the entire place. He took work and snugness seriously but still work did not stop him from enjoying what he loved. He loved heights, stars, scenery. He loved life. He was alive. They had bonded instantly when they had met. Christian was full of life and Gianluca had so much in common with him. They knew each other quite well... But not well enough of course. Gianluca had no idea Christian loved his baby sister and now he had to come to terms with this reality he had never expected.

The door of the balcony opened and he turned to see Gabriela.

Gabriella looked up and said "They came for him. He has left... I dont know what he will decide." She knew Gianluca had not seen their kiss. Gianluca had been looking away ever since Christian had cornered her. Gianluca was that kind of brother who gave her space and privacy. So it had saved them an awkward conversation since he had not witnessed a kiss between his best friend and his sister.

Gianluca didn't say anything and slowly entered the room. He ran his hands in his hair. "I should have known he will lock me out..."

Gabriella said as she closed shut the balcony door "I am shocked he did that and did not let you finish..."

Gianluca said "I was not shocked... This was not his first time he pulled a stunt like that..."

Gabriella walked towards him "Really?"

Gianluca turned around and looked at his sister "Yes. That's typical of him... When he knows there is no way I would back down without a big fight and he wants me stay out of the way for my own sake he takes actions like this... That's Christian for you... He is too far gone now I bet. I wont be able to catch up with him. He would be on his way to the meeting in that elevator by now... I hope he chooses peace..."

Gabriella smiled sadly at Gianluca "I hope so too... We did what we could..."

Gianluca said" Exactly. We did what we could. Now, the only thing we can do is wait..."

Gabriella asked "So... We are waiting here until he comes back?..."

Gianluca said "No. Of course not.... We wait here for a while until things calm down at the front gate abit. Its starting to clear now that the meeting is about to get under way... I have identified a path for us to take and leave safely... As soon as its all clear for a safe passage we move... It may or may not be after he casts his vote.... I dont know how long the meeting will be... Christian's speech before his vote will determine it...."

Gabriella swallowed hard "Gianluca.... What if he chooses war?"

Gianluca sighed "Gabriella... Well if he chooses war, then there would be war... Wouldn't it?"

Gabriella asked slowly "Would you cut friendship ties with him?"

Gianluca said "Gabriella... There are no friendship ties between me and Christian... There is only brotherly ties... There are ties in our brotherhood that nothing can break... I could never cut off ties with him completely even if there is war... I can't... If a war happens... Well... I wont fight him... But I will have to fight anyone else that is needed, I will have to commit to offence and defence where necessary. War is war.... I will always do my duty... But if a war happens, in addition to fighting,  I will also spend every waking moment searching for a solution to bring back the peace..."


Soon Gianluca managed to get himself and Gabriela out of there and they were on the road once again but this time back to where the hotel was. They had no idea what the vote outcome was. They had left as soon as they could.

Gabriella occupied herself with map reading and she didn't talk to Gianluca about anything else besides the directions he had to take the car in but at the same time she was thinking of what had happened with Christian. It had happened fast. But it was meant to be. In her heart she knew all that had happened was meant to be. It was destiny.

Soon after, Gianluca pulled into the car park of the hotel. He then accompanied Gabriella to her room.

Gabriella unlocked the door to her room and said "Good night Gianluca..."

Gianluca said "Good night. Thank you for your help today... Dont worry... You wont be in any trouble with father when he finds out... I will make sure of it...."

Gabriella smiled at Gianluca and said "Be careful..."

Gianluca walked away and made his way towards his bedroom. On his way, his father's men informed him that his father wanted to see him.

Gianluca sighed. His father may have known what he had done... But if he didn't, Gianluca knew this was a good time to tell his father what he had done... He did not need to hide the truth from him.

He knocked on a door that was being guarded by two of his father's men. He entered and he saw his father sitting behind a desk on the phone.

Gerrardo Bellagio cut his conversation short and put down the phone soundly. He then stood up and said in a firm tone "So... You disobeyed my orders I hear.... What were you thinking?"

So his father already knew. Gianluca watched his father walk towards him "I had to do this..."

Gianluca then understood what Luigi had felt when he had been lectured by his father after disobeying orders. His father went on lecturing him for a very long time.

Finally when Gianluca felt it was time to hear what the verdict going to be, his father stood in front of Gianluca and looked into his eyes "Have you told anyone you disobeyed my orders?"

Gianluca said "Well... No... I just arrived..."

Gerrrardo said "Well... Everyone thinks you had my blessing and permission for leaving..."

Gianluca said "Everyone? They know I left...."

Gerrardo nodded "Yes... A report came from the Irish side and the outcome of the meeting.... Before Christian made his speech he had explained why he had been slightly late. Imagine my surprise for when I heard what he had said... he had said that you and your sister had visited him on his invitation to convince him of peace... Of course he had then started his speech. Then in fact he demonstrated in his speech that your quest for peace was not of any key influence or impact. His speech was a powerful one... He is quite smart... He truly is intelligent..."

Gianluca asked the dreaded question "Father... What did he vote for?" He was not sure what the answer was going to be. His father's expression gave nothing away.

Gerrardo said "Peace..."

Gianluca gasped "He... He did? But you said .... I mean he said before his speech that our visit had no influence..."

Gerrardo nodded "Yes. He did say that he valued your opinion but that was not a key factor in his decision.... And he proved it in his speech too... He did not give any emotional reasons why he voted for peace. He gave all business reasons and what's best for Irish assets, interests and political influence. From what I hear he gave a very convincing speech on why he voted for peace and not war. All the points in his speech were backed up by evidence and facts... You know... statistics. He is good with statistics. You always told me... But I didnt know he was this good. His speech was followed by an standing ovation..."

Gianluca was speechless. Christian had voted for peace... This was amazing.

Gerrardo said "You see.... Christian acted well in front of his people. Pretending that he invited you Gianluca to drop by... And then you had taken your sister with you which he says was the most pleasant surprise. We both know he did not invite you... We both know that our Italian allies suggested it in that meeting and needless to say that me and your grandpa opposed it... He saved you from causing a new crisis. Since he said you went there because he invited you and you only visited his part of hotel, it was deemed an acceptable invite... Gianluca. What you did was serious. If any Irish had seen you and he had not declared he had invited you, there would have been a new crisis at hand... You cant trespass where the Irish have meetings... It's an act of spying and war. You dragged your sister with you too. What you did was very dangerous and serious...."

Gianluca wasn't sure what his father wanted to conclude. Truly he understood what Luigi had meant when he had said the agonising wait for a verdict seemed like forever. He wanted to say somethings were worth fighting for and taking risks. But he didn't. He was fully confident in protecting himself and his sister on their journey. But of course if he was found on the premises of where that all Irish meeting was held uninvited there was going to be a crisis. A big one.

Gerrardo put his hand on Gianluca's shoulder and sighed "Now... All the Italian allies of ours see you as a hero for visiting Christian when he had apparently invited you and taking your sister with you.... They think you and your sister visiting may have affected the vote in the favour of peace somehow even though Christian denies it ... Even if you slightly made him have a moment of doubt and made him think of backing peace for brief moments before that crucial meeting, you are a hero and have showed honour by picking up your sister on the way... That is what our allies are thinking...  Dont pull a stunt like this again...."

Gianluca asked "So... Is there a  consequence for me?"

Gerrardo asked "No... But dont expect a reward...."

Gianluca asked " Is there a consequence for Gabriella?"

Gerrardo said "No. You can leave now. Go to bed..."

As Gianluca said goodnight and said thank you to his father for not going hard on Gabriella, Gerrardo sighed. This situation looked familiar. He remembered when he was Gianluca's age. He had showed initiative and rebelliousness... Gianluca was ready to take on bigger leadership roles. Gerrardo didn't want to encourage Gianluca's disobedient side so he hadn't praised his son but he was proud of him.

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