51. Portrait

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Eden opened her eyes to find that it was still dark out there. She had slept only a couple of hours and it was way too early in the morning. She had been dreaming of her home when she had been sleeping. Noe she found herself back in her hotel room.

It was way too early to get up and go for breakfast. But she did not feel like going back to sleep. She instead got dressed and decided to go for a walk around the hotel. As she was walking in the corridors and different sections, she was thinking of her talk with Luigi the night before. They had an argument. A big argument. She had initiated the argument. She had walked away from him and had asked for Luigi to give her space. Maybe she had gone too far. Maybe. But how far was too far? Boundaries and limits did not mean much to her. Not any more. Ever she had become immersed into the secrets of the criminal underground, the rules that she had known did not make much sense. This world had other rules.

As she was walking around, Eden decided to go to where she had last had an argument with Luigi. They had that argument in one of the TV rooms that was nice and cosy. The place was quite far out and no one really used it except for her and Luigi. She thought maybe sitting in that room could help her clear her head. Now after her few hours of sleep she was feelings doubts about her judgement. She felt she was right to argue with Luigi as her concerns and complaints were valid. But  she felt she had been too harsh to Luigi and needed to apologise. Luigi had been good to her. He deserved better treatment. He had been very calm and reasonable during their argument. She had not expected that from him. He was an arrogant jock but he cared for her and respected her feelings.

As Eden entered the TV room she froze at the door. Luigi was there. He seemed to be sleeping on a couch right in front of the fireplace and close to a dimly lit lamp. Hadn't he gone to his bedroom to sleep last night? She walked slowly towards him. She saw how innocent looking he was when he slept. She couldn't help smile. His face looked like an angel. Too bad he was a jock.

Eden's eyes wandered to what was on the floor next to the couch. It was a clipboard that was face down. There was a pencil next to it. She slowly leaned down and picked up the clipboard. At seeing what was on the clipboard her breath hitched in her throat. She looked at the paper with a mixture of shock and awe. It was a portrait. A magnificent drawing of her. The drawing was her mirror image... Could Luigi draw so well? He did not even study art in school... She knew it was his drawing. She recognised his hand writing next to the drawing. It was a quote from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream "The course of true love never did run smooth." She was so touched. But she felt guilt too. She had started an argument and had made him feel this way.

Luigi's sleepy voice startled her "Eden?" His sudden voice made her drop the clipboard.

Eden looked at Luigi as he rubbed his eyes "What are you doing here?"

She looked at Luigi and hesitated and then said "Erm... Maybe we can talk... About last night... Do you want to?"

Luigi looked at his watch and then at Eden "You want to argue more? Is this round two?... Isn't it abit too early in the morning for arguments... Go to bed Eden... You will have plenty of time to argue with me later..."

Eden said quickly "No. No. I don't want to argue... I want to apologise actually. I am sorry about last night... Maybe I was out of order... I went too far... I shouldn't have shouted at you..."

Luigi looked at Eden with a surprise look in his eyes while laying down on the coach. He did not expect her to apologise. He said "You don't have to apologise Eden... Now go back to sleep..." He then closed his eyes "We can argue later..."

Eden said "I dont want to argue. I just want to talk... Either way I cant sleep... I was walking around the hotel to kill some time and then saw you here..." She bent down and picked up the clipboard "I did not know you drew... Why didn't I ever notice?"

Luigi's eyes were still closed while he was laying down on the couch as he said. "Eden... So you want to talk about my drawing? What about it?... We can always discuss it later..."

Eden said "This drawing is so beautiful..."

Luigi opened his eyes and sighed. He shook his head and stood up facing Eden. "No Eden... It's you who's beautiful. Not the drawing..."

Eden felt his cheeks heat up at his compliment. He sounded like he meant it. It was not a sarcastic remark. His tone was honest and his eyes were penetrating her soul as they were so intense..  Eden looked away "Thanks I guess..." She then looked up at Luigi and asked "Why didn't you tell me you drew so well?"

Luigi said took the clipboard from her hand and dropped it on the coach. He then turned to Eden "You never asked..."

Eden said "Your sister is a good artist too. She uses her talent on needle work and makes nice patterns on fabrics. It must run in the family to be a good artist... Seriously why didn't you say you draw? Is this one of your hobbies? Why don't you do art in school?" She genuinely was curious. The drawing was drawn so well and he had used just a simple pencil. It looked just like her and it was well detailed.

Luigi said "You ask too many questions Eden... Why does it matter? The questions you ask are not important to discuss... Let it go Eden..."

Eden said "That drawing looks so good but you dismiss it..."

Luigi said "Eden... I told you... The drawing does not look good. You look good... You are so perfect Eden... In every way... When you decided to be my girlfriend officially, I couldn't believe it... I thought to myself what have I done to deserve you? You are so beautiful on the inside and outside. You are beautiful, pure and honest... You were right last night.... My world is not transparent and is unpredictable. You were right to say you cant trust our relationship to go anywhere... I am trying Eden... I am trying to play by the rules in my world and save our relationship... I could never be with another girl even though you threw it at my face that I have admirers amongst crime families who would never challenge me like you do and would do as I say in a heartbeat with no argument... I dont care about any other girls from other crime families who have feelings me... I could not care less... None of them are you and in fact do not come anywhere close to you... I love you Eden.. And no one else..." He then sat down "I prefer it if you walk out again like how you did last night rather than throwing at my face that there are other options out there for me... It hurts to hear it from you... You insulted me..."

Eden said quickly "No... No.... I didn't mean to insult you.... I am so sorry...." Eden walked slowly towards Luigi and sat next to him on the couch as she looked at him. She was so touched by his words. He truly loved her. Her heart hurt. She actually felt bad.

Luigi looked at Eden "Sorry for what? For telling me how you feel? We dont hide things from each other and I love that... After you found out who I am and what my family does I felt relieved. I wanted nothing to be between us but the truth... Be honest with me... But you should know I have a limit Eden... If you insult my love for you, it hurts me... It messes up my head... You ask me about drawing... If I draw its because I want peace. Thats the only time I draw... Drawing helps me calm down... I missed you last night... I drew you. Drawing you brought me peace last night to a point I could feel calm enough to go to sleep and calm down... Nothing else could... Except your memory... ... I resisted the urge last night to go after those girls who told you how they felt about me and upset you enough to have an argue with me.. Maybe they didn't mean to upset you but they did... Do I care about their intentions... No... I care about your feelings Eden.... I do.. I just felt closer to you when you weren't with me... I missed you Eden. You argued and I didn't think you talk to me again the next day. You said you won't when you were walking out after our argument..."

Eden felt overwhelmed with emotion... She did not understand what was happening. Her heart was beating fast and she felt like she had fallen in love with Luigi all over again. Why was he so good to her? Why were his words so honest and sincere? How could a jock be so considerate and loving and respectful towards her but be a total jock at the same time?

Eden looked away. She wasn't sure if she could find her words if she looked at him. She could feel his penetrating stare on her though. It was unnerving but she managed to speak "Let's talk about last night Luigi. Let me talk and finish...Lets go over what happened and what was said" She took a deep breath and said "I regret some of the things I said last night... I was mad... I won't shout again. I was just angry... I said some things I didn't mean..." She glanced at Luigi who seemed abit calmer and she could feel there was less tension within him.

Luigi nodded. "I am listening..." He then remained silent waiting for Eden.

Eden gave him a small smile and then looked away "Ok... So while I have been with you officially I have met many people from crime families. Especially at this hotel I came to meet girls my age who belonged your world... A number of them are your admirers..."

Luigi said "Yes... You referred to them as my fan club last night...."

Eden said " Indeed and this fan club spoke highly of you... They scrutinised me and reprimanded my actions and my words. But not in a malicious way or anything...In an honest way... These girls are your fan club... They told me the truth like it truly was... I am a liability... I cant be trusted not to be a traitor... I can't be trusted to be able to protect myself without your family or the Fontanas making arrangements... Well they have a point... My aunt was abducted as soon as my parents left the safety area..."

Luigi said "Eden... We can work it out...."

Eden said "We can... I am sure we can... But is it worth it? For you? You could marry anyone of them... You will not be forming an alliance with a powerful family by choosing me as your girl... My aunt is married to the Fontanas... But they have all but disowned my father either way.... They owe your family a favour but do not count the my family as family... The Carters are dead to them like their enemies... What my father did has been forgiven after your family's intervention. But not forgotten... They hate my family, the Carter family... They said it themselves. Who can blame them? My aunt could have gotten hurt. My father did things without thinking... How can you want to build connections with a family that has no advantage for you when you are destined to be leading your father's business empire? You dont need trouble in your life... You might decide to break up with me if my family make mistakes like this again.... Or your family might force you to do it..."

Luigi shook his head "I love you... How can you doubt me?... I would never break up with you... You might... And if you do, I would carry on loving you and will work days and nights to convince you to give our relationship a chance... You are my everything... My life... My soul... I dream of a future that is with you and no one else... My family knows you are the only one for me... Everyone knows... I only want you in my life as my partner and companion and no one else Eden..."

Eden turned slowly and looked at Luigi. She could hear his promise in his words. He meant every word. He truly did... She was slowly getting emotional and tears were threatening to come out. She looked away and sighed as she said "Ever since I have arrived at this hotel, I just see that I don't fit in Luigi... I saw that you have a big fan club amongst the female population of your class... You have many admirers. Apparently you ignored them all and chose me, an ordinary girl who's not Italian and not even from a crime family... In their eyes I have taken what they wanted... They despise me... They have good reasons for it..."

Luigi said "I can make sure they never talk to you again... But you told me you would not forgive me if I interfered. Just let me go after them. They wont even look at you again let alone speak to you if you let me handle it..."

Eden looked at him "You will give rise to tensions between your family and theirs if you did that..."

Luigi shook his head "I know what I do and how to go about it to handle such situation... You just let me handle it and they wont ever bother you again... Trust me... I am capable of protecting you Eden... They were sure you wont let me go after them otherwise they would not have dared tell you they fancy me... They know you play fair... But you dont have to play fair... You can play fire with fire... We are a team Eden... Partners."

Eden looked away and rubbed her eyes hoping no tears came. She felt very emotional and it felt strange to her. Tears hadn't come but they were close. She then said as she was looking down "The fan club is not a problem... I accept some girls fancy you and I prefer honesty to lies... They are honest and I welcome that... Their affection for you wasn't what made me walk out so dramatically..."

Luigi said "What was it then?"

Eden slowly turned and looked at Luigi "While that late night meeting was happening... You know... When there was news about the voting by the Kavannaghs and what Gianluca had done..."

Luigi narrowed his eyes "Yes... What about it?"

Eden said "I did something I should not have..."

Luigi asked "What did you do?"

Eden said "I... Well.... I was venturing into a forbidden area with your sister Lena... We wanted to find out what was the outcome of the vote... We didn't know you were going to announce it so soon after the end of your meeting... We walked where we should not have and we found files... On my family... Your father is keeping files on my family... Your father does not trust my family... The truth hit me.... My family does not belong to your world... You would be better off without me... It made me realise I am just wasting your family's time and resources... They have us under surveillance... And we should be watched... I dont blame them... I am wasting your time... Your fan club is right,,.. Any girl would be jumping at the chance to be with you... You form a blood sealed alliance while business is booming in New York City in the post war era and your family will become more powerful... I am an obstacle in your way... I always have been... You are better off without me.... It hurts me to say it... It hurts me to be away from you... Thats what made me angry... My heart is selfish. I wanted to break up with you last night to free your family and you of me... My heart was not in it... I could not do it... Thats why I left like that... I was angry at myself. I feel that.... I feel that I love you Luigi... Its hard not to love you... You maybe a jock... But you are my jock..."

Luigi was totally shocked. It was rare for Eden to pour her heart out like this. He could not form words. She admitted she loved him... Just after their argument when he was preparing for her to give him a silent treatment and not talk to him for awhile or ever again. Now he was feeling like he had a chance in life. Life seemed bright again. Future seemed bright. But he felt the pain in her words too. There was sadness and pain in the confessions and he waited for her to finish before he tried to comfort and assure her. He badly wanted to tell her how much he loved her again and reassure her that he was going to be by her side but he had to wait.

Tears then came out and she wiped her eyes as she looked away "I have to let you go so you become happy and have a better future.. But a part of me will die if I do it... A part of me that you have brought to life Luigi... You make me feel like there is hope... You make me feel like I can have a good family life unlike my parents... My parents work long hours to avoid each other. Now that we dont need the money they still work long hours... They stopped working and fighting started between them once more... They cant stand each other. They hardly see each other. They are waiting for me and Ethan to reach eighteen years old and then they will file for divorce... Maybe that's why I am the way I am... Maybe that's why I dont trust males mostly.... How can I? When my parents' treat each other like strangers... They shower me and Ethan with love but they feel nothing for each other. what's the point of a loveless relationship?"

Luigi said softly and gently "Eden... Please first of all I want to say its not your fault that your parents have fallen out of love... Relationships can go wrong.... Dreams can go wrong... Life has its ups and downs... We must accept our destiny... When we first met, you never asked me what my parents did for a living or who they were... You did not care... I respected you so much... Do you know how worried I was about how you might judge me and refuse to be close to me if you even got a glimpse of what my family did and what I am destined to become... You never hold anything against someone if it is out of their hand... You may be disappointed in your family because of their loveless marriage ... Believe me... I am disappointed in alot of things my family does or has done... But I am not responsible for actions of others.... You are not responsible for actions of others either... Me and you are only responsible for our own actions..."

Eden looked at Luigi as she had stopped her tears now but her voice was emotional "You cant dismiss everything I say... Dont you hear the main problem here... I am an obstacle to you Luigi... I am an obstacle in your way of greatness... Some people think this way... They may not dare say it to you but they think it... I should let you go so you can marry a girl who wont be an obstacle and be an asset to you... You need a girl from a happy powerful family of your class... That is what some others expect you to do... I need to find the strength to break up with you and save you..."

Luigi said "Eden... You have no idea what you are talking about... You have no idea how ironic you sound... You really have no clue... You are the one saving me by allowing me to be with you... You are my saviour Eden... Before I met you I had lost hope of ever finding a girlfriend... I knew I had to do my duty... The pressures are real... I am the only Alessandrini... I have to get married and have children as soon as I am an adult. It is my duty... If you did not come into my life I would have had no hope of ever marrying a woman who I loved... When I was forced to choose, I would have had a marriage with a girl from my fan club as you call them and would have made so many people happy... I would have been condemned to live a life with a woman out of duty and not out of love.... My children would have seen no love between me and their mother.... It would have been great for business reasons... But I would not have felt complete... But now I do feel complete whenever I am with you Eden.... You are the one for me. Eden in my eyes you are my future wife and nothing could change that destiny for me.... Nothing except your will... If you give up on our relationship and break up with me then yes, you will be truly an obstacle between me and my happiness... I want to marry you one day Eden..."

Eden was looking at Luigi with wide eyes. She whispered "You want to marry me one day?" She did not know what she expected but she did not expect this. Luigi sounded so sure and certain when he said. He wanted to marry her one day. He meant it in a tone that left no room for argument or doubt. She swallowed hard. Luigi was a jock who wanted to be a family man. She knew he was a loyal type but she did not think he would confess it to her that he wanted to marry her in such determined voice and a tone of true heartfelt honesty.

Luigi had gone quiet now. He had stood up and was walking away slowly towards the fireplace as Eden was deep in thought watching him. He stood up in front of the fireplace and spoke as he was staring at the flames "Eden.... Spending my life with you is true happiness for me... I love you Eden... You are the only one who has ever made me feel that I can live happy as a family man and at the same time be a leader to my family business in a dark world full of betrayal, mistrust and crime... You brighten up my world... If you push me away you truly leave me in darkness Eden... You complete me... You make me whole... Without you I would still have to get married. I would have no choice... Without you in my life, I would be forced to choose a woman to marry whom I do not love and I will have an empty marriage... Being with you is my only chance for happiness in life Eden... You can take my happiness away.... My family has wealth and power... I will inherit it all because of my bloodline... I am entitled to my family's position and money because of who I am... I am not entitled to your love though.... I have never taken your love for granted and never will.... I want to have a place in your heart and I hope you allow me to be in your heart and remain in your heart..."

Luigi did not expect to hear anything from Eden.. But it would have been nice if she did say something. He sighed as he still had his back to her. Then he froze as she found himself face to face with her. She appeared in front of him and looked into his eyes "Luigi..."

Luigi whispered "Yes..." He was taken back by the closeness. Their chests were almost touching. He had never been this loose to her. He did not move.

Eden gave him a faint smile "Can you promise me one thing..."

Luigi said "What is it you want me to promise?..." He was still conscious of their close position that made him feel her warmth.

Eden said in a serious tone "Don't judge and don't ask about why... I am about to do something and its not easy for me to do it... But I can't help it... Deal?"

Luigi didn't know what she was on about but didn't want to refuse her in that moment. He said "All right... Deal..." As soon as the words were said, he felt her warm touch. She put her hands on his shoulders and leaned close. She got closer and closer. Their lips suddenly touched. Eden was kissing him. She was actually kissing him? He was shocked at first and then when he felt confident he was not dreaming and imagining this situation, he slowly reached his hands around her waist and pulled her closer as he kissed back. In that moment nothing and no one existed for Luigi. There was just him and Eden.

Eden slowly pulled away as she was breathless. She looked into Luigi's eyes and whispered "I always wanted to know what it felt like to kiss someone like in the movies... Its better than I imagined... Thank you for making my first kiss special Luigi..."

Luigi did not expect to hear that... He was in shock. What had just happened?

Eden said "Thank you for keeping your promise and not asking any questions.... Dont ask me why... I just had to do it. I want to remember my first kiss... And I want to remeber it with you... In fact I don't want to remember any kisses with anyone but you Luigi... I would do anything to make our relationship work... Our relationship is not perfect but no one is... Nothing is..." Eden's heart then melted when Luigi did one thing that made her moment perfect. He smiled. The same beautiful smile that he gave her when they first met. A true smile that came from the happiness in his heart. The same smile that she fell in love with. The smile that convinced her that a man was capable of making her happy in life. A loyal man. An honourable man.... By the name of Luigi Alessandrini. The only man she loved and was ever going to love.


Gianluca woke up from his sleep in his hotel room. It was early morning. Another long day was ahead.

The Bellagios and other Italian families were meant to set off home early morning from the hotel that day. That was the plan but when Gianluca had walked towards his hotel room after meeting his father last night, he had found out from the guards that the plans had been adjusted since there was no war. There were going to be more meetings. Peace was offered. So there was no war preparation. But there surely was going to be some agreements to make sure this peace last.

Gianluca had missed a lot apparently in his short few hours of absence last night. While he had been driving towards the hotel after seeing Christian the outcome of the vote had been communicated with the Italians with details. Peace treaties were to be renewed. All heads of the Italian crime families at the hotel had been summoned back again to the meeting room to hear the announcement. Well. Everyone knew what Gianluca had done. On his short walk to his room Gianluca had come across a few people that he knew. They were giving him looks and thanking him for risking it all to bring peace between the Italians and the Irish. He was no hero. He did not feel like a hero. The truth was that the peace they had achieved with the Irish avoided bloodshed but that was all. There were still tensions. There were still no collaborations. If people trespassed they could die. But there was absence of an open war now which was a relief.

A knock came on the door. He shouted "Who is it?" He then heard Luigi's voice "Its me..."

Gianluca got up from the bed and said as he was putting a shirt and a pair of pants. He started walking towards the door while getting dressed. "I am coming... Wait a minute."

By the time he got to the door, Gianluca was dressed. He opened the door.

Luigi said "Hi... Glad to see you are alive after venturing behind the enemy lines..."

Gianluca gave him a smile "Hi... You missed me then? Come in.."

Luigi then walked in.

Gianluca closed the door "How are you?"

Luigi said "Tired... I am tired of dealing with this crisis that has threatened to elevate tension and war with the Irish. This crisis was forced on us....And for what? This peace wont last unless there is more dialogue and efforts.... If anyone takes a step wrong it can go back to square one... This crisis lost the little trust that was between the Irish and Italians.... It would take a long time to rebuild the trust again...." He walked towards a sofa and sat down.

Gianluca walked towards the sofa opposite Luigi and sat down "I am with you.... This has been a crisis like no other... But They said the Irish are holding off any open wars for now... There should be peace like before..."

Luigi sighed "I guess... There is no war... For now.... Thats all thanks to your efforts with your sister.... You did great yesterday you know... Going to Christian... You stopped a war... Everyone is grateful for what you did... Peace is on horizon... Let's hope it lasts... I am not so sure..."

Gianluca said "I agree with you Luigi... It doesn't look like we would see peace last unless we all work for it and be willing to co-operate with any form of efforts to ease the tensions and improve relations with our Irish rivals.... I think my efforts and Gabriella's could easily be for nothing if the allies at this hotel don't retain the peace... I dont think this peace will last long unless there are more collaborations... Alliances seem off the table for now... But does it kill them for Italians and Irish to work together even on small matters and be united in some form or shape?..."

Luigi said "I am with you... We the youth will have to play our role well and help this peace go an extra mile... It would be our responsibility to take the next steps when we can... That joint homecoming dance that Christian Kavannagh suggested is more important than you think in retaining some civil relations there with the Irish rivals of ours... Once we get back to school we need to make sure that dance event happens and we get to join a party under the same roof without bullets flying... That dance is so important... Its postponed... I hope you can work with Christian to make sure it doesn't get cancelled or anything...."

Gianluca said "I will try my best... You should also try to make sure all those people who you know will show up and not cancel... A peaceful dance event can be a start... I am hopeful that one day we can enter the territories of our Irish rivals without worrying about getting shot at..."

Luigi said "Well said..." He looked at his watch... "We should go Gianluca to have breakfast... The meetings are back to back today and some paper work needs to be discussed and debated... A renewal to peace treaties with the Irish hopefully will go through by tonight and then we all can go home..."

Gianluca asked "Is the cafeteria of the hotel open at this hour?"

Luigi nodded "Yes... Its not every day the Irish call and say they have agreed to not start an open war... We better make it official and give our response before they change their minds... Its rare... I honestly don't blame some of the Irish who voted for war... The plot by those three Italia families was a sinister one... They wanted loss of life and wanted to frame the Irish,... Some of the Irish families were fuming and were ready to unleash their wrath in the most united way to teach the Italians a lesson... Yet Christian managed to convince them to hold off revenge and make peace... I have a new found respect for him you know..."


Christian woke up from his deep sleep with noises coming from outside his window. He had come back from that voting meeting quite late the night before. He had arrived back and for once he had a nice and deep sleep in contrast to the past few nights since the turn of events in crisis had made him aware of the grave situation. He laid down in bed and thought back to the night before. He had been to heaven and back. His Gabriella had said she loved him and had kissed him. He was thinking back to the memory with disbelief. How could his life be so blessed? His Gabriella. Her touch. Her beautiful eyes. Her words. She was perfection. The girl he loved so much more than life itself. She was finally his. He smiled to himself.

He knew he had to wake up as duty called. He had time to think of his sweet memories of last night later. Plenty of time. And he hoped over time he could form more memories with his girl by his side. His Gabriella.

He smiled to himself and got up. He walked to the window to look at what the noise was for. There were a line of cars pulling in. His uncle Artan had guests. He had totally forgotten it was a big day. The Armstrongs had guests. Important guests. Plenty of guests who were so keen by the looks of it as they had come so early. Did they have to come so early in the morning? He looked at his watch and then was shocked to see the time. How many hours had he slept? He was tired to be fair. It was a long journey. It was past lunch time now.

Christian quickly grabbed his clothes, ran to the shower. He got ready in record time. He then made his way outside his room. He walked through the corridors of his uncle Artan's Boston mansion. All his mansions were unique. This one was the most interesting. You could find rooms and facilities in the most unlikely places.

Christian walked to his cousin's game room that no one dared enter without permission unless they had a death wish. Christian was allowed to enter of course. His cousin did not mind him. Not even guards dared go in uninvited. The game room was his cousin's private space that his cousin liked to spend time alone in. He welcomed his peace and solitude sometimes and most people did not dare disturb him when he was there unless they had a good reason... If anyone needed to get his cousin from his game room. they preferred to contact him using telephone. He had a telephone in his game room and people made good use of contacting it. In other rooms, his cousin could be approached. He was hostile but people walked away in one piece if they came across him. But in his game room, his cousin's rules only existed.

Christian made his way quickly to the snacks cabinet his cousin kept and managed to find a couple of packers of some chocolate covered pretzels. He picked one up and then grabbed a crisps packet. He muttered "These will do for breakfast." He then walked to a corner and sat on a table as he was eating his breakfast. He was not meant to eat snacks between meals. He was meant to have a proper breakfast. But why not make the most of his stay when he could? His cousin was not keen on snacks and did not like candy or chocolate as much as Christian did. He ate snacks in moderation once in a whole. He had so much treats in his game room lucky for Christian.

Christian heard his cousin's footsteps entering the corridor. The door soundly opened and his cousin came in with a few boxes in his hand that were wrapped up. They looked like presents.

Christian said "Hi Archer... Why didn't you wake me up?"

Archer rolled his eyes and put down the boxes on a table "I should have.. Then you could come and grab these presents... You could help me unwrap them while I kill some time here... We are not expected up there for now... My dad said to meet him in an hour giving him time to have a some meeting that we dont need to attend. He still thinks you are sleeping and recovering from your last night's journey by the way... " He then walked to the billiard table and picked up a billiard stick. He started hitting balls as he glanced at Christian "I was serious... Open those boxes.. Will you?"

Christian put the last mouthful of his breakfast snack in his mouth and then jumped off the table he was sitting at. He walked to the boxes and looked at them "Who are they from?"

Archer shrugged "Our guests... Who else? There is more on the way as they arrive..." He then hit a ball with a billiard stick.

Christian started unwrapping a box "You could be more enthusiastic you know... Why are you so anti social?"

Archer said "Christian... I am not really in the mood for your smart remarks... Maybe you are way too social... Have you thought of that?"

Christian said "Not really..." He then saw what was in the box... He announced "Come take a look... Its a train set... The silver rails look so cool..."

Archer said as he glanced at the opened gift "Thats a useful gift I guess... I like train sets. This one seems alright" He then carried on playing billiard.

Christian said "This one seems more than alright Archer.... This is the latest train set that probably not even on the market yet. Who are these clients of the Armstrongs who gave you this set?"

Archer said "Shipping tycoons..."

Christian put away the train set in a cabinet and opened the next box that was smaller "A watch..."

Archer said "Thats more than a watch actually. I will show you what else it does later..."

Christian said "Who's this from?"

Archer said "Some undercover government agent of some kind who gives consultations on weapons and other odd jobs here and there... You should see the stuff he has brought my father..." He then carried on playing.

Christian then opened the last box. He gasped "This is a huge box of the finest chocolates you know... They don't sell this brand in New York..."

Archer glanced at Christian and the box. He sounded annoyed "I hate that brand of chocolate... Throw it away or eat it... I dont care...." He shook his head and hit a billiard with a stick.

Christian said "Are you sure dont want this stuff... They are so good... You should try them..."

Archer said "No thank you..." He then carried on playing.

Christian put one of those luxurious chocolates in his mouth and closed his eyes as it melted in his mouth.

Archer glanced at Christian "Can I ask you something?"

Christian said "Hm... Sure..." He picked up the box of chocolate and put it inside a cabinet. He then turned to his cousin as he said "What's the question?"

Archer put away his billiard stick and said as he leaned to the billiard table facing his cousin "Why did you vote for peace?"

Christian said "Why do you ask?" He started walking towards Archer "You really want to know?"

Archer nodded "Yes... I was sure you would vote for war.... But you voted for peace... I am just curious why you did it..."

Christian approached his cousin and stood in front of his cousin. He looked at him "I did it because of Gabriella..."

Archer was taken back "What? You are telling me you gave up the most golden opportunity that comes once in a lifetime to avenge your parents for your girl?"

Christian nodded "Yes... She changed my mind... I wanted to vote for war... But she made me change my mind..."

Archer looked at Christian thoughtfully "No way..."

Christian said "Is it hard to understand?"

Archer said "Yes. It is very hard for me to understand your change of heart... I don't have a girlfriend.... How can you change your mind about war and peace for the sake of a girl? How much can you love someone?"

Christian said "One day you will understand... You will get a girlfriend one day... "

Archer said " My parents want me to get a girlfriend.... The pressure is getting real for me to date... I make an effort and meet girls when they insist... But it has not worked out... Girls want romance... I don't even know what that is... Do you?"

Christian knew what Archer was talking about when he talked of pressure. Grandpa Aidan Armstrong was the head of family right now. His son Artan was next. Then Archer was next in line. Archer was expected to become the future leader. Archer was a very good leader now within responsibilities he was given and was the model Armstrong. He was perfect in the eyes of everyone. But he had no girlfriend. He did not want one but had to meet his family's expectations. He was expected to have a girlfriend as senior year in high school approached just like most boys their age in most crime families. Expanding families in early adulthood and forming alliances through marriage were important in many crime families especially when loss of life in mob wars was on the forecast. No one could predict the future. Peace could come and go. Families had to be prepared. A family with no heir and leader could collapse fairly quickly.

Archer came across as hostile, heartless and intimidating to the girls he met. No one interested him enough to make him act nicely to them... But who knew? Maybe he could fall in love one day.

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