52. Mercenary

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Lena was sitting down with Eden having breakfast in the cafeteria at the hotel. There were only ladies or young children in the cafeteria. The men and boys were in meetings since this morning and ate and drank elsewhere for the time being.

Eden said "I wish Gabriella could join us at this table for breakfast... But I guess she was pulled to other tables by different ladies who seem to be having breakfast with her mother... I don't know half of them... But they seem to be bombarding her with questions and discussions ... Look.People keep joining their tables to hers to talk to her... What's going on?"

Lena sighed "I can tell she is not enjoying the attention that much... The people here are thrilled about what she and Gianluca did last night... Who wouldn't be? Its a bigger deal than you can imagine... Gabriella and Gianluca managed to stop a war by going to Christian because they are close to the Kavannaghs. The people here are mostly congratulating her and trying to get close to her... After the news has spread, everyone wants to talk to her about it.... I bet Gianluca is questioned and is as popular during the business meetings that's happening now amongst the men...."

Eden said "What's new though? Your family and Gabriela's family are quite popular. Everyone tries to get close to your family members and hers. People try to get close to Gabriella and you all the time but they respect your personal time and your meal times alot... People do try to leave you in peace for some time in a public place before crowding around you and inviting you to places or activities... You must be getting a hundred invitations a week..."

Lena gave a smile "I did not ask for this much attention... It wasn't like this always... Slowly as I grew up and got older I am more included in whatever communication my mother is getting... Gabriella is getting more and more attention too.. Basically its part of the roles of wives and daughters in crime families to keep good relations with their counterparts... My mother is not that outgoing and likes to avoid gatherings and attention but she interacts with those women of her class and attends their events as much as she can out of duty when she is put on the spot like how she is now at this hotel. Gabriella's mother is more outgoing..."

Eden asked "I have noticed the difference between your mother's approach and Gabriella's mother... Why is your mother not so keen to respond to attention? Gabriella's mother seems to embrace it more." 

Lena sighed "My mother doesn't talk about it much... I hear about it from those around me and not her... But its to do with her family... My mother is a Marino... In her youth she had alot of suitors... She married my father out of love but so many others loved her... Some suitors madly loved her and some suitors may have not been in love with her that much but wanted to marry her  because of her status and getting close to her family. The Marino family are a well known family in Sicily... Much like the Marchetti family whom Gabriella's mother belongs to... So now my mother tries to keep out of public eye... She rejected so many men back in the day... Some of them are very powerful. Some were not even from places New York or any where close but were from outside America too..."

Eden asked "But why would your mother choose to hide away from the public? Its not her fault many men loved her..."

Lena shrugged "I dont expect you to understand... Well you dont know my father... My father is very powerful. No one dares mess with him and his family... If they do, they would disappear.... So my mother doesn't want people to die if you know what I mean.... If anyone is too friendly with her they die at my fathers hands. My mother wants to have a happy family life and not give her husband an excuse to kill people if they dare look at her the wrong way... She is not exactly hiding though. She does her duty but if she said yes to all event invitations and dinner time gatherings she wouldn't be home at all or she would be out of the country most of the time... She has chosen family over her career in some ways too... She could be a successful businesswomen who travelled the world but she tries to stay away from attention and some global opportunities."

Eden shook her head "Your world seems so complicated... So why isn't Gabriella's mum hiding from public?"

Lena said "Its not exactly hiding Eden... It's avoiding public attention. My mother and Gabriella's mother do their duties but they are just extra careful and selective about where they go and what they do... My mother is more careful but she doesn't need to be really. Its her choice..."

Eden sighed "Fine... But what's different with Gabriella's mum's situation? Didnt she have admirers?"

Lena said "She did actually... She did have plenty of admirers just like my mother... Gabriella's mother got married to a Bellagio while she had many admirers back home in Sicily.... Gabriella's mother and my mother were born and raised in Sicily. They came to America to study and got married here... Their families were both influential... So you see Gabriella's mother also had the same issues but she does not avoid gatherings because alot of her current connections are to Americans and wealthy and influential families who are not that connected to crime families. So Gabriella's mother lays low too like my mother when it comes to interacting with crime families. She is selective like my mother when she doesn't need to be."

Eden said "Its good to know its not only Luigi who has admirers and a huge fan club of single girls... This matter is historical it seems... It runs in the family..."

Lena said "You could say that... I dont think of it like how you do... I actually try not to think about it..." 

Eden noticed how Lena went quiet and seemed nervous as she was looking down. Eden asked "Lena... Is something bothering you? What's the matter?"

Lena shook her head while looking down "Its nothing you can help me with..."

Eden said reassuringly "I can try... You are always here for me when I need to talk... I can listen..."

Lena sighed and looked up "Eden... I am worried..."

Eden asked "About what?"

Lena looked around and then at Eden. "Eden... You know how we talked about admirers..."

Eden said "Yes..."

Lena said "I have admirers... That is natural ... I know.... But... There is one boy ... I did not expect him to like me..."

Eden said "Which boy?"

Lena whispered "Salvatorio Romano..."

Eden tried to remember where she had heard that name. She thought hard. Then she remembered "Oh.... The guy who helped you carry your shopping bags when you bought some stuff from the hotel lobby shops?"

Lena nodded "Yes. Him..."

Eden said "I thought you said he is just a family friend..."

Lena said "He is..."

Eden said "But you did not seem to mind him. How do you know he likes you? Did he tell you that he likes you or you heard it from others... He seemed quite descent and respectful to you. Your guards even trusted him around you..."

Lena nodded "It's a long story.... Let me tell you everything... Remember when Salvatorio helped me carry the bags, you left me to put your bags in your room and then we were meant to meet in the cinema room. He talked to me then after you left.... He told me he likes me..."

Eden said "He dared tell you he likes you when he knows you have a boyfriend? You must tell Gianluca..."

Lena said "Let me tell you everything first. Ok... You dont know my background with him... Some information is new to me too and I was just told about it.... Its hard for me to get my head around it.. So here it goes.... My mother's family are the Marino family in Sicily and they are close with the Romano family  there... I met Salvatorio years back when we visited Sicily with family... I became friends with his sister Smeralda and we are still good fiends and write to each other even... After I became Gianluca's girlfriend, Salvatorio became livid apparently..."

Eden said "I bet all your admirers must have become livid after that..."

Lena said "That is true... But some admirers  may have given up by now that I am with Gianluca and some just won't dare come forward now unless they have a plan and can face the Bellagios... The Bellagios are very powerful. No one dares mess with them... Why ruin the relations? But Salvatorio does not mind angering the Bellagios.... Salvatorio wants me to be his and is determined to do something about it..."

Eden said "What do you mean he is determined to do something about it? That does not sound good..."

 Lena said "Salvatorio moved to America shortly after so he got closer to where I am.... His family  has allies here... He has friends here. He joined forces with Marcello Rizzi. The Romanos are forming more and more connections in America... They will be all on Salvatorio's side... So heaven knows what else he is planning to do..."

Eden asked "Marcello Rizzi. His name rings a bell... Isn't the the guy who just stares at Gabreilla all the time... He doesn't say anything but he seems so angry all the time..."

Lena said "Yes... That is Gabriella's admirer....

Eden gasped "What? He likes Gabriella. I had no idea... I thought he might hate her or something. When I told Gabriela that this guy keeps staring at her, she just dismissed it and said he has anger issues and he is grumpy all the time..."

Lena said "Well. Gabriella tries to ignore it. She doesn't want to talk about it...  Gabriella was right though. Her admirer does have anger issues and is always grumpy. Just a warning. Marcello's family and Salvatorio's family are not like our families. They are more violent and brutal actually. We have some leniency and forgiveness in our family business culture. They don't. Not all families are as civil as us in business. It is a cut throat world..."

Eden said "Have you told Gianluca about Salvatorio? Has Gabriella told Christian about Marcello?"

Lena nodded "Yes..."

Eden gasped "Wow..."

Lena said "I told Luigi... He was not thrilled and I think he had an argument with Salvatorio about why he told me about his feelings when he knows I have a boyfriend... But to be fair Salvatorio wasn't doing anything wrong... I am not married. When I get married things change. My parents dont like him for me though... They approve of Gianluca much more... Luigi told me... That is a relief. At the end of the day if my family dont approve of Gianluca at any point, then this relationship has to end. As children we dont have a choice... I hope Gianluca never angers my family in any way or I will have to break up with him.. There are rules in the crime business world. Family come first."

Eden looked away thoughtfully.

Lena noticed that it was Eden's turn to be quiet. She waited but she was silently looking away. Lena asked "Whats wrong Eden... Are you okay?"

Eden smiled at Lena "Yes. I am fine Lena..." She then got busy eating as the memories of  her conversation with Luigi from last night came to her. Family came first. Luigi had to choose his family if she came between him and his family in any way. She was not planning on causing a rift. But the possibility was there. 


Gianluca had been in so many back to back meetings all morning. Now it was lunch time. He looked forward to sitting down to have lunch.. Finally, after months of crisis, a peace treaty was being agreed on. Everything was going to  soon go back to how it was before the crisis with the Irish. It meant Italians and Irish would not hurt each other unless they were provoked, people trespassed or spied on their lands or people got hurt and some other scenarios that Gianluca knew was unlikely since no one benefited from tension. Everything was being finalised. More meetings were going to follow and could run to the next day even. But he knew in the next few days he could be home and out of this hotel. The end to this crisis was very close.

As Gianluca made his way to the lunch hall. Then he saw a commotion. What was going on? He saw Alessandrini men acting different. They seemed to be shouting orders and in hurry walking around frantically. He asked around what was happening. Now he recalled how Lothario Alessandrini and Luigi left the last meeting a few minutes early as they were called upon for an urgent matter. He did not think it was a big deal until then. He was about to question the guards on what was going on but then heard his name being called. He turned and spotted Aldo who had called his name. Gianluca walked towards him as Aldo walked towards Gianluca. 

Aldo was Luigi's close trusted friend and  potentially Luigi's future underboss. Aldo was from a similar background to Alfredo who was most likely going to be Gianluca's future underboss one day. Aldo was born into the life of crime. Generations before him served the Alessandrinis. He was very loyal to Luigi.

Gianluca dragged Aldo to the side "What's happening Aldo? This is not looking good. Alessandrini guards are all over the place mobilising and I cant see Luigi or his father nearby. What's going on?"

Aldo sighed "I dont know how to tell you this... But don't panic... The Alessandrinis will find a way..."

Gianluca said "Dont keep me waiting... Tell me what's going on? Why would I panic and why are Alessandrini employees seem to be preparing for some kind of war..."

Aldo said "They are not preparing for war... They are preparing for a search mission.... I don't know... I dont know how to tell you this but ... Lena is missing..."

Gianluca's eyes widened "What?" He froze. His shock quickly wore off. He was trained all his life to be calm and rational in all situations. As much as he wanted to run to find her he needed to know what Aldo knew and had to compose himself. "Are you sure she is missing?" He took a threatening step towards Aldo.

Aldo felt the danger. Gianluca had a calm exterior but Aldo knew what Lena meant to him. One wrong word and he was dead. He spoke slowly and carefully "I am so sorry Gianluca.... She has vanished from this hotel... There is no sign of her... No one can find her..."

Gianluca asked "Has everywhere in this hotel been checked? Has everyone been questioned?"

Aldo said "That is what we are doing now..."

Gianluca shook his head and spoke in a hard tone "I cant believe it... We need to start a search party. Any other family would lend their resources..."

Aldo said quickly "Other families are going to be informed within the next hour or so. The families are having lunch now... Mr Alessandrini will make an announcement maybe once people have finished eating lunch.... Other families are going to be called upon to help shortly..." The Alessandrini men have started searching the hotel and questioning people already... Mr Alessandrini is currently devising plans and preparing  for all sorts of scenarios that we could be facing..."

Gianluca asked firmly "We need to find Lena. I would like to join the search..."

Aldo sighed and said reluctantly "There is something else you should know... There is a possibility that this is an inside job..."

Gianluca asked "What do you mean?"

Aldo said "We have been ordered to expect any possibility. We could be dealing with anything right now. Lena could be missing. Lena might be lost. Lena could be even abducted. Who knows? The Abduction scenario is quite extreme. Anyone who even thinks of abducting Lena must be mental. We don't know what hss happened but we will find Lena... She is missing and some people who managed to get close to her in this hotel could be responsible potentially. Alessnadrinis are trying to find out whats happened exactly and how.  This time frame before public announcement could be crucial for that..."

Gianluca said "Who in their right mind will mess with the Alessandrinis though..."

Aldo shook his head "Probably someone who isn't in their right mind... It is hard to believe that any Italian family in this hotel to be involved with her disappearance since they know exactly who they are dealing with...." 

Gianluca asked sounding concerned but he was still calm "How much do you know? Where could she be?"

Aldo said "She could be anywhere, Some men are searching the hotel. Some men are posted to be searching the area nearby. Every corner of this hotel and every corner close to the perimeter around the hotel will be searched first and we will question as many people as possible... If this is an abduction, then it's an inside job. How else could Lena go missing?.. Trust the Alessandrinis and their plans. They will inform other families in the next hour so they can join the search and you will know more as time goes on... I dont know much else  to be honest...We will bring back Lena."

Gianluca vowed to do anything to find Lena. Anything. He had to find her. He did not have time to go into a fit of rage or get angry for Lena going missing. He did not have time to be emotional. It was time to act and think logically of the possible scenarios behind her disappearance. 


Lena opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar surrounding. She had a bad headache. She felt weak. She tried to move but she couldn't. She noticed she was laying on a bed and her wrists were bound to the bars of the headboard of the bed with hand cuffs. What was this nightmare? She looked around trying to find out where she could be. She seemed to be in a normal room. The reality hit her. She had been abducted. She felt chills run down her spine. She felt quite unwell too. She had been drugged most likely. As she was in her shocked state she was trying to recall how she had ended up here. What was the last thing she could remember? She tried hard to recall. she recalled her last memory. She was walking down a corridor alone. And then she felt a cloth on her mouth. That was it. She had been knocked out most likely by some drug and she had been abducted. She swallowed hard.

Suddenly footsteps were heard and the door opened. She saw her abductor enter. She had seen him before. He worked at the hotel.

The man entered and she felt tense as he started walking towards her. She wanted to speak but her throat felt very dry and she still felt weak most likely because of whatever drug they had knocked her out with. 

The man approached her bed and said "Finally you are awake... Maybe I gave you too much drug. I didnt know you will get knocked out for a whole 24 hours when I abducted you..."

Lena felt horrified. Had she been out for 24 hours? What were her parents thinking now? They must have been worried. The questions were running in her mind now. Who was this man and what did he want from her? She said "Why?" The word came out as a whisper. She felt so weak. 

The man said "Why what? Why are you here? You were mistaken with someone else. I wasn't meant to take you away... I was paid to abduct someone else.... You were wondering off without guards, your age and your appearance and the colour of clothes matched the girl I needed to abduct. From behind you seemed identical to her.... I made a big mistake... When I heard they were looking for you and found out who I had abducted, I realised my mistake... I got as far as possible from the hotel..."

Lena cleared her throat and asked in a whisper "What are you going to do with me?"

The man said "I work for money... I would give you to a wealthy criminal family who will pay good money for you over here ... We are in a hotel room in Mexico now... Far away from your people. No one can catch me..."

Lena felt nothing but horror. She was in Mexico? How could her family find her? Could she see them again. Could she? Could she see her parents, Luigi... and Gianluca again? She felt a sob escape her.

The man sighed and walked towards her "I hate it when women cry. Be quiet and you will live. I will open your handcuffs now... Dont try to run. This place is surrounded now actually. We just wait until the crime family representative comes... It should not be long now. Their security men are here so some big boss is on their way to get you... Everything in this town is controlled by a Spanish crime family that controls many businesses in many towns in South America... I am hoping to get alot of money for you... They get to kill you if you are lucky... They are merciless to any rivals from what I hear..." He then opened her hand cuffs. "You sit up... I give you some water... I need to deliver you in good condition... Then they can kill you how they wish..."

Lena slowly sat up on the bed and wiped her tears. But more tears came. 

The man sighed. "Actually.  Forget the water....I am just going to knock you out again... For ease of transport... You will be breathing even unconscious... They must give me my money anyway..."

Lena wanted to protest but before she could react, a cloth was placed on her mouth and she was knocked out again.


Lena opened her eyes and looked around her confused. Where was she? What day was it? What time was it? Then she remembered what had happened previously. She had been abducted. Yes. Abducted. She sat up quickly. She did not feel weak. She just felt a bad headache. The man hadn't given her much drug this time probably. So she felt enough energy to get up and bolt out of that room where she was. But as she took in her surroundings she did not feel in danger. She didnt know why? She was abducted and in a foreign country. She could hear some people speaking Spanish outside her room. So she knew she might have been still in Mexico. The place seemed comfortable. The room was massive and the walls were decorated nicely. Many framed paintings were on the wall. Why would anyone place her in a nice room and not handcuff her if they wanted to kill her? She saw a table covered with so many plates of food and jugs of drinks. Who had he given her to and what were they going to do to her? She knew she couldn't be destined to die? Why would you treat someone nicely if you want to torture and kill them. But she wasn't sure. Could she run? She could try.

Then as she was looking around the room thinking of what to do, the door opened and a woman  who was clearly a doctor based on the stethoscope around her neck came inside. She looked shocked "Oh you are awake.. Fantastic. I can run some tests now... I need to take your blood pressure first... Is that ok?"

Lena looked at her with curiosity "Who are you? Where am I?"

The woman said "Of course... You must be confused... I have to run tests... We can talk while I do it.... I am sorry about your situation... You can be assured you will be returned safely to your family.... I need to make sure you are ok and then I need to get you to eat some food. Just dont stress... Stress is not good for you..."

Lena asked "Would I really be returned to my family?" She hoped it was true.

The woman nodded "Yes..." 

Lena said her thoughts out loud "Its too good to be true...." After what she had been through she wasn't sure what to think.

The woman said "Look. No one wants to hurt you here.... I will run some tests to make sure you are healthy and get you to eat something... You will go home soon. I promise... The Serrano family have no intention of harming you..."

She froze "The... Serrano family?"

The woman nodded "Yes... You are at one of the Serrano residences and I am one of the doctors who work for the Serrano family. You are perfectly safe here.... You must know that."

She swallowed hard. She knew she was safe. She definitely was. The Serrano family were very well known. They were Spanish American but operated outside America. They were known for their strong females who ran some businesses within the family empire. Women ruled like men in every way. They killed. They tortured. They fought. They were very strong. 

Lena did know the Serrano family and she did not have a good feeling about being there at their home or rather one of their homes. She hoped she could get out of there as soon as possible.

The daughter of the  head of the Serrano family was called Estrella and was one of the most fierce and scariest girls she had ever met. She was the same age as Luigi.  And she came across as a girl with no emotion or feelings for anything or anyone. She was very cold. Sometimes she wondered if she had a soul or conscience. She was very strong and very cruel in everyday.... Estrella only loved one person in her life. That person happened to be ... Luigi. This made things complicated. Lena did not think Estrella was good for Luigi and Luigi did not love Estrella. But Estrella loved him and she never stopped pursuing Luigi. 

Lena had made it clear that she thought Estrella couldn't be suitable to be Luigi's girlfriend and was true wrong match for him. So naturally Lena was not Estrella's favourite person. However, no one was Estrella's favourite person. She liked no one and respected no one... except Luigi. 

After Lenas's tests were over she had some food, the doctor then declared her job was done. As the doctor got up she said "I need to go report to Señorita Estrella. She is the lady of the house as Señor and Senora are not here and are away...."

Lena did not have a good feeling about this. She said "Mr and Mrs Serrano are not home?..."

The doctor said "Sorry. They didnt know they will have a guest today... They were on a plane to South America  when this family was contacted and told of your whereabouts. Sadly you cant see them this time during your stay... You will be picked up within the next hour I think and can go home... But you are welcome to spend time with Señorita Estrella. But if you need to rest that is fine as well... We would like you to stay but your family are keen to get you back to American soil to safety. It makes sense... Hopefully next time you can come visit the Serrano family in better circumstances..."

Lena chose the option to stay in her room. She did not want to see Estrella. She scared her in many ways. Lena just laid down in bed and hoped she could leave soon. She felt lucky and felt grateful to the Serrano family for being the ones to find her. But she wanted to return to safety. She felt safe there knowing that girl Estrella was never going to let any harm come to her at her family home because she loved Luigi. Even existence of Eden was not going to change anything. Then it hit her. Eden was danger. Estrella had vowed that even if Luigi had a girlfriend or got married she was not going to give up. She had vowed to get to have Luigi.... even if it meant fighting another woman. 

Soon after, Lena heard loud voices. She got up from the bed and walked towards the door. Someone was speaking English. As she approached the door, she saw the door open and saw Gianluca enter. She had expected her parents or Luigi to come get her but it was Gianluca. She was happy to him. Very happy. She knew she was truly safe now.

In that moment Lena lost control of all her emotions. All came out in one go. She ran to Gianluca and sobbed. 

Gianluca found himself embraced by Lena. He was relieved to see her safe and alive. But he was shocked. Lena had hugged him. Gianluca hugged her back and rubbed circles on her back. "Its ok... You are safe Lena... Please dont cry."

Lena broke away "I thought I never see anyone at home again.... I thought I never see you again... I thought I never get to do this..."

Gianlcua asked softly "Get to do what?" He then was stunned he found Lena's lips on his. She was kissing him. He felt emotions he never knew was possible. He closed his eyes and kissed her back as he embraced her tightly.

Lena was standing on her tiptoes kissing Gianluca which she had thought could not be possible because she just felt too conscious and afraid of showing her true feelings. 

Lena broke away and stood straight. She breathed hard and Gianluca let her catch her breath as he stared at her with so much emotion in his eyes. He loved her so much. And now she had kissed him willingly. He never dreamt of this. She meant the kiss. It wasn't a reluctant kiss. It was a real kiss. As real as he had imagined his first kiss to be with his Lena.

She took a step back and said as she felt her cheeks feeling hot"I thought I will never get to have my first kiss with you... You deserve it.. But I was too shy to share my first kiss with you until now...."

Gianluca took a deep breath "Thank you Lena... I have been dying to share a kiss with you for a long time... Thank you for your pure heart and pure soul that has blessed my life so much..."

Lena said nervously as she started playing with the buttons of his dress.  "I cause trouble for people.... I am so sorry.... How many times do I need to be rescued?"

Gianluca shook his head "Its ok Lena... Its not your fault you were abducted yesterday just like how it wasn't your fault for when Nick played with you like that... Walking round with no guards should not mean trouble always. You were wronged by people who had bad intentions towards you... Please dont feel bad ... You are alive and safe. That is all that matters.... Lets go now... We should get you out of here."

Lena nodded and followed Gianluca outside the room and down corridors that were lined up with some people who were Serrano employees most likely as they were speaking Spanish.

Lena asked "Where are my parents? Where is Luigi? Are they mad at me?"

Gianluca replied "They are not mad at you? No one is Lena... You think you are in trouble? You definitely are not in trouble. Dont worry... Your parents are here... So is Luigi... Your parents are talking to the only Serrano in charge who is in this house... The big boss here is Estrella Serrano since her parents are not here. She is the most high ranking member of the Serrano Organisation in this building and our parents are just having a talk with her in the living room... They are thanking her of course for contacting them and sending men to bring you here safely...."

As Lena followed Gianluca outside she saw Luigi leaning to a car standing in front of the building. Lena ran to him and Luigi embraced her tightly "Are you okay? Please tell me you are not hurt..."

Lena said "I am ok..." She broke apart from his embrace and took a step back "I am sorry for the trouble... Everyone had to come rescue me again..."

Luigi smiled at her reassuringly "You are worth any trouble Lena... Its ok... Why dont you get in the car with Gianluca and catch up on what you have missed ever since you went missing. Gianluca did not want to stay in New York no matter how much he was assured that you were going to be safe with the Serranos. He had to come to make sure you returned safe. We soon will be done here... Then you can go straight to the airport with him once our parents come outside. They shouldn't be long. I guess I will have to see you in awhile. I am not sure for how long I have to stay here...."

Lena asked "What do you mean?"

Luigi nodded "I have to stay..."

Lena gasped "What? Why?"

Luigi shrugged "You should ask Estrella Serrano. Her orders say that a representative from our family must remain here until her parents return from South America... Apparently its not respectful if we leave without staying and having a meal with her parents if we have come visit... She chose me to be the representative to stay... I am not sure when her parents are going to be back... But I have to stay here as guest...."

Lena shook her head "Does she know you have Eden now?"

Luigi said "Yes... News had reached her... It makes no difference to her Lena..."

Gianluca said "You could refuse to stay Luigi..."

Luigi said "The cards are in her hands Gianluca... I could refuse to stay but there is alot more at stake here.... We must compromise.... As you know, the guy who abducted Lena is a well known mercenary with so much inside knowledge of the crime life... He was at that hotel paid to do another mission. He has never failed a mission before... He is caught now and he is spending time in the Serrano prison. We need Estrella to hand him over to us to interrogate and take back to New York... We need to find out everything he knows and locate his accomplices... Estrella could refuse to hand him over or worse, kill him... This is a business matter... I stay... Its fine..."

Gianluca said "Not really. Its not fine... You have to endure her company.... She is the devil herself. She is from hell..."

Luigi said "You dont want her guards to overhear you speak about her like that Gianluca... Trust me... Wait until you leave this country and go across the boarder before you talk like that about her..."

Lena turned to Gianluca "Gianluca... Estrella doesn't treat Luigi like she treats others... Luigi wont have a bad time here... She just probably would come on to Luigi for sure that Luigi politely refuses...." She then turned to Luigi "But I wish you didnt have to stay here because of what happened to me..."

Luigi said "Its ok Lena..."

Gianluca said to Luigi "Either way Serranos must hand that guy over... Why refuse to hand him over or kill him when they can gain favour with your family or mine actually?"

Luigi said "They don't need favours I guess.... So many others owe them favours perhaps... Or Estrella thinks its worth it to take us on if we don't do as she requests... Refusing her invitation is an insult or so she says... She is not bad company actually if she didnt try to form a relationship with me that I dont want... We would just get along just fine if she doesn't bring up the relationship topic..."

Gianluca said "Get along just fine with her? With the devil?"

Lena sighed "She treats Luigi differently Gianluca... Luigi gets special treatment from her..."

Luigi looked around "Seriously Gianluca. You dont want her to hear you... You cant anger her when you are standing on the soil where she holds power..."

Gianluca sighed "Fine..." 

Lena encouraged Gianluca to get into the car as Luigi had suggested so she could ask about what had happened after she had gone missing and to stop Gianluca from being overheard speaking the truth... Everyone agreed with Gianluca. But of course they were not as fearless as Gianluca to say it out loud. Estrella was known as the "Heartless One" amongst her circle of friends. But she apparently had a heart when it came to Luigi.

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