Chapter 10: Raids

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Hiccup led his warriors up the hills to gaze upon the town where the monk had said, it wasn't big, but for now? It was a start. The Vikings let out bloodthirsty battle cries and charged, the people let out horrific screams and ran for their lives, the place the Vikings were attacking was a monastery, so there were no soldiers here to protect the monks here to further educate themselves in their belief In God.

The people closed the gates, but Hiccup snickered to himself, as if reading his mind, which he was, Toothless let loosed a plasma bolt and it tore the down; sending wooden splinters flying in all directions, the people covered themselves from the debris and nearly soiled themselves at the sight of these... pagans.

"Take anything of value, and take the people as slaves, if they resist? Kill them." Hiccup ordered his men, they nodded and started running in all directions, while Hiccup, Heather, Toothless and a handful of Viking warriors headed off toward what Hiccup believed to be a temple. The doors were barred shut, Hiccup scoffed, and breathed heavily, his hands burned and pulsed with crimson plasma, he then unleashed a devastating blast at the door, which stood no chance against the plasma bolt.

The monks inside the church screamed and backed away in fear, they laid eyes on Hiccup's hands which were still burning and his thin slit pupils, the boy steadied his breathing before he returned back to normal, the group of Vikings entered the church and laid eyes on a massive golden cross which had jewels embedded in it, Hiccup smirked at the sight and urged his men to take it, they happily obliged, the monks however tried stopping them, they were speaking Latin, begging them to not take the treasures of God, but the Vikings didn't understand a word they said, so they slaughtered the monks that stood in their way.

Outside, the Viking men raped any Saxon woman they laid eyes upon, while the Viking women rounded up the men and children and binding their hands, once the men had slaked their lust, their dragged the women to where the other captured Saxons were and tied them up as well. They then proceeded to storm the homes, businesses and carts outside for anything of value, which they did. Soon Hiccup and his group exited the church with a handful of monks that were tied up as well, the warriors led the monks to their people and they watched over them while Hiccup, Heather and the others divided the wealth they had looted.

"All too easy!!"

"HAHAHA!!! Not even a challenge!!!"

"It was like stealing from children! HAHA!!!"

The Vikings roared out, Hiccup however rolled his eyes at his mens arrogance, he then ordered his men to bring a cart, when they arrived with a large cart, they started to load up all the treasure they had found and headed back to the beach. Heather walked side by side with her husband and interlaced their fingers together, they shared a warm smile and pecked each others lips.

"A good raid." She said, Hiccup chuckled lightly and shook his head. "It was not a true challenge, we must seek out a greater challenge... but we must also be smart about the place we raid next, these lands hold great opportunity, but also great dangers that we have yet to encounter." Hiccup said as he turned to Heather and smiled at her. "In time we'll have to face these peoples warriors, then we will raid on and on until we conquer these entire lands!" Heather smiled at that and grinned lightly. "I'm eager for such a day." She said, Hiccup nodded in agreement and he then. turned to Toothless to fire a plasma bolt in the air.

The Night Fury nodded and fired in the air, when the bolt exploded, the captured Saxons screamed in fear, causing the Vikings to laugh in amusement, the rest of the Viking fleet soon made a beach landing, and the captured Saxons paled at the sight of hundreds of thousands of heathens arriving at their shores.

Hiccup laid eyes on his lieutenants- Gudmundr of the Hornedheaded tribe, Gunhild the White Wolf of the Icelanders, Njal the Giant of the Murderous tribe, Fjalar the Deciever of the Hysterics, Dahlia the Dark One of the Lava Louts, Torvi of the Boneheaded tribe, Magna the Scarred of the Vandals, Alvin the Treacherous of the Outcasts, Cutthroat the Vile and Dagur the Deranged of the Berserker tribe.

"Lord Haddock."

They all said in unison as they bowed down before him, Hiccup urged them to rise, once they were back on their feet, Hiccup gestured to the Saxon slaves they captured and the cart full of treasure. "I bring you slaves and treasure!! And more of this to come!!" Hiccup roared out, causing the warriors of each tribe to roar and give battle chants, Hiccup then ordered the soldiers to set up camp, he then turned his attention back to his lieutenants.

"While you all remain here with our armies, I will take a handful of dragon riders with me and scout out another town for us to raid, we will not attack until we've scouted out ever inch of our target. I expect camp to be made by the time we return, secure the treasure, place shackles on the Saxons and put them to work, ensure that our warriors remain sober, have the dragon riders I leave with you all to patrol the surrounding lands in case of retaliation, and remain on high alert. Am I understood?" Hiccup asked, his lieutenants bowed their heads and answered.

"Understood, Lord Haddock."

Hiccup grunted in confirmation and order the dragon riders he was taking with him to follow him, he and Heather climbed back on Toothless, and they then took off into the skies. Heather let out a loud whoop as Toothless gained higher altitudes, the Night Fury let his tongue out and closed his eyes in contentment as the winds caressed his scaly face, Hiccup grinned at Heathers excitement and he too let out a loud whoop as they and their fellow riders followed them in the bright morning sky.

(One hour later)

As far as the eye could see, it was nothing but forests, and vast green plains and hills, the riders spoke out that perhaps they should split up, but Hiccup shushed that talk and ordered his riders to stay on course, they then spotted a large town.

"My Lord! Down there!" One of the riders pointed toward the large town which beneath them, Hiccup nodded and ordered his riders to follow him, they then had their dragons lower altitude and scout their target from the air, again, like the monastery they raided not long ago, this town had no soldiers or guards by the look, instead there was only citizens and priests on the streets, purchasing food for their homes, children in the streets playing with a pack of geese and the women were washing clothing, the ones that were outside their homes were anyway.

"Argh! Nothing more than common folk! Let us move on to a greater target Lord Haddock!" One of the riders boldly suggested, Hiccup however turned to that rider and gave him a deadly glare. "Idiot! We are not ready to face the full might of these lands soldiers!! We will attack smaller prey first, the hierarchy of these people will surly send soldiers to greet us, and when they do, we shall see how they fight, when we have learned how to fight them, then we attack larger targets." Hiccup seethed out, his hand then burned and glowed with crimson, he pointed his palm at that rider and hissed out. "Suggest such stupidity again, and your life on this earth will end in the blink of an eye! Am I understood?" The rider furiously nodded and apologized.

"Y-yes Lord. Forgive me!"

Hiccup rolled his eyes and his hand returned back to normal, he decided that they gathered enough information to know what they faced, this town didn't deserve the wrath of their entire army, but with a clutch of their warriors, the citizens would be no challenge at all, they'd take them all as slaves and plunder their riches.

"Let us return to camp! We need not raid this town with our entire army, but only with a handful of men! We go!!" Hiccup roared, the riders nodded and followed Hiccup as they made their way back to the beach and their forces.

(Hiccup's dreadnaught)

The young leader, his wife and all his lieutenants were gathered to discuss their next course of action, Hiccup had explained to them all that they found another town about an hours flight from where they were located that held an abundance of livestock, people they could use as future slaves or whores, and perhaps more treasures within the walls of that town. When the more aggressive of Hiccup's lieutenants suggested throwing their full army at this town, Hiccup said no, he said that the civilians aren't worth killing, he said he'd take a clutch of men and sack the town and return back to the ships.

"How long should we wait to unleash the full might of our armies my Lord? If I may bold ask?" Gunhild asked, Hiccup turned towards the beautiful chieftess, her platinum hair glowed in the candle light, as did her azure eyes, Hiccup chuckled lightly at her question then answered. "When these people send in soldiers to deal with us, and trust me, they will come, we shall capture one and spare him to send a message to his king, that we are here to stay and that we will not stop until this land is slaked with their blood." Hiccup said sternly, Gunhild hummed in acknowledgment and nodded.

"Any more questions?" Hiccup asked, when nobody said anything, Hiccup smiled. "Good. I shall take a clutch of men to follow me and we shall return when we are able." The lieutenants bowed their heads and exited Hiccup's conference chambers, the boy then turned to Heather.

"Ready?" He asked, she smirked and nodded. "When you are." She said, Hiccup nodded and the duo exited the conference room and gathered a clutch of men who were saddled on horses, Hiccup and Heather mounted Toothless and the young leader only had four words for his men on top of the horses.

"Try to keep up."

(One hour later)

Saxon children were playing outside the town walls, they were squealing and laughing uncontrollably as they played a game of tag, they suddenly heard the earth rumble, the children stopped laughing and speaking when they spotted horse riders approaching, these people did not belong here. The children also heard a banshee like whistle, they covered their ears and saw a creature that looked like out of ones nightmares, the creatures roared at the children, they all screamed in terror and ran back to the town, the Viking riders charged and entered the walls of the town and struck down anyone in their way, Hiccup and Heather were still on top of Toothless as they strolled the streets.

A pebble struck Hiccup's head, he groaned in pain and turned to see a boy that had a hard face; trying to look brave, Hiccup then slid off of Toothless and advanced toward the boy, the child quickly backed up and threw another pebble, Hiccup caught it and threw it aside and grabbed the boy by his hair and yanked back, causing the child to scream in pain, while clawing at Hiccup's hand, the boys nails dug into Hiccup's skin and thus breaking the flesh and producing blood, Hiccup groaned in pain and choke slammed the boy down.

The boy whimpered in fear and clawed at Hiccup's boot, but the young Viking dug his heel into the boys throat; choking him. Hiccup looked into this boys brown eyes and he could see the pure horror in the Saxon boys eyes. It was not long ago where Hiccup himself was in a position like this with Snotlout and his other bullies back on Berk. The thought of his old tormentors made Hiccup's blood boil, he wasn't like them, in fact, he was better than them.

Hiccup then removed his heel from the Saxon boys throat, he would not stoop so low to kill a boy that was acting like a fly circling a boars ass. The boy coughed and hacked as he rubbed his tender throat and looked at Hiccup with fear and wonder at the same time, Hiccup however scoffed at the sight of the child and walked away, returning to Heather and Toothless.

::You could've easily killed that boy my friend. Why didn't you?::

Toothless asked, Hiccup raised his eyebrows and scratched his dragons chin. "Because seeing the horrified look in that boys eyes brought me back to Berk, where I too was at the mercy of my oppressors." He confessed, Heather smiled lightly and caressed her husbands cheek. "You did the right thing, if you killed that boy, you most certainly would've regretted it." Hiccup smiled and nodded in thanks to his wife, the trio then turned to see their fellow Vikings return with Saxon prisoners, bags filled with treasures and everything else of value, the young ruler nodded at the sight and ordered his men to burn the town down. Once the town was up in flames, the Vikings tied their prisoners in groups of four and would tow them behind their horses as well as the treasure.

Oh it was a good day to be a Viking.

(England- Kingdom of Mercia)

"Who are these strangers?"

"I cannot say my Lord, our scouts from Northumbria said that ships were spotted landing on the beaches there, but these ships... are unlike any other."

King Edward III, King of England and Lord of Ireland sat upon his throne while his military councilors reported most grim and disturbing news to him about... barbaric raiders.

"These raiders... they were not Franks then?" Edward asked, one of the councilors shook his head and answered King Edward's question. "No they looked very different, our scouts said these raiders carried many axes and most were as tall as giants." Edward nodded in confirmation, another one of the consolers spoke up.

"Sire, these raiders have already sacked the monastery off the coast of Lindisfarne, one of the monks there managed to evade these pagans clutches and write a letter detailing those grim events, he then delivered it to our scouts." The councilor approached with a letter and gave it to Edward, the King of England began to read it out loud.

"These pagans came to the church at Lindisfarne, laid everything to waste with grievous plundering, trampled the holy place with polluted steps, dug up the altars, and seized all the treasure within the holy church. They killed some of the brothers of the faith, and captured many of the people there with them back to their dreadful ships to most likely be killed in unspeakable ways." Edward finished with a shaky breath, he then asked what was on his mind.

"Where do they come from? These pagan dogs?"

One of the councilors answered the kings question. "We know not, but the monks who wrote this letter said that these raiders spoke Norse, the Northman." Edward grunted in acknowledgment and sat back on his throne. "Where they come from, wherever they came from, they are not welcome in my kingdom." The King of England turned to one of his military generals and gave him orders.

"General, I want you to lead a clutch of soldiers to where the pagans were last spotted and engage them, drive these heathens back to whatever lands they come from!" Edward said firmly, the general bowed his head and exited the throne, the King of England sighed heavily and nodded to himself, these pagans believe they can commit such grievous sins and walk away without repercussion?

Such sins and grievances will be answered for, and since these pagans do not worship the one true God, they will have to be struck down and be driven back to whatever vile lands they hail from.

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