Chapter 11: Send a message

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(Island of Berk)

Fishlegs Ingerman was currently in the Great Hall, having finished his breakfast, he was now nose deep into the Book of Dragons, the boy had spent many weeks increasing in knowledge, he had been present when the people found the message written in blood where he left Hiccup to suffer at the hands of Snotlout and his loyal lap dogs, the flabby boy felt a chill crawling down his spine remembering the message written in blood.

"You should've killed me tonight. Now I swear to every god in Asgard that I will raise an army, grow fat from strength and power and return to Berk with a fiery vengeance."

Whatever Snotlout and those idiots did to Hiccup that night must have finally caused the former heir of Berk to snap, perhaps the message meant nothing now, since Hiccup was dead. Killed by a Night Fury.

Regardless, since the death of Hiccup, Fishlegs has felt nothing but guilt and regret weigh heavy on his mind. The large boy was not known for his physical prowess, but he still could've helped Hiccup that night, and maybe he would still be alive today.

He was a coward.

Hiccup called him that the moment Fishlegs turned his back on him that night. The large boy closed his eyes and fought the urge to cry, he was a coward. A coward that could've easy overpowered Snotlout and everyone else that hurt Hiccup in that alley, if he could turn back time, he would've helped Hiccup in a heartbeat.

Sadly that isn't the case anymore.

"Some Viking you are Ingerman." Fishlegs muttered to himself, the large boy sighed heavily as he laid eyes on Astrid and the Hoffersons having breakfast, many of the villagers passed them by and congratulated Astrid, Stoick had announced he had chosen Astrid as his heir, and since then, the young shield maiden had a more focussed look on her face, well more than usual anyway.

"Look at her. She probably has it so good right now."

Fishlegs turned around to see Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut having breakfast together, the remainder of their group had finished their food early and went out for training, leaving those three together. Snotlout didn't take the news of Astrid being Stoick's chose their well, neither did the whole Jorgenson clan, they were of royal blood and were the logical chose to claim the seat of power on Berk, but Fishlegs could see why Stoick didn't choose Snotlout.

The boy was loud, far too full of himself, smart as a pile of rocks, arrogant, and would no doubt plunge Berk into ruin within the first week of his rule as chief.

Thank Thor he wasn't heir, but Snotlout believed otherwise, his jealousy was as clear as day, and his behavior was like a child throwing a series of tantrums, the whole village was starting to get sick of it, especially Fishlegs.

"Uh... how does she have it good? I mean she is one helluva of warrior! Better than you Snotlout!" Tuffnut snickered, Ruffnut too butted in. "Plus, she did come in first in dragon training, killed a Monstrous Nightmare, thus becoming an official Viking of the Hairy Hooligan tribe, and has become Berks chosen heir!"

These threes lack of intelligence insulted Fishlegs, he rolled his eyes and continued writing down information on dragon behavior, feeding patterns, and so on, but as the argument between the three teens became louder, Fishlegs became more annoyed and more frustrated with their loud voices.

"Wow!! Way to state the bloody obvious you two!! You guys are literally naming reasons how Astrid over there has life so good right now!!" Snotlout snarled out, he then sent Astrid a jealous gaze, as he took a messy and loud bite out of his chicken leg and began smacking his lips, he then faced the twins again. "I come from royal blood!! I should be heir and be learning how to take over as chief!! Not a girl!! It should be me that should have everything I can have and get! Me! Me! ME!!!!"

That was the last straw for Fishlegs.

"Maybe if you weren't such a lazy, arrogant, idiotic little shit, Stoick would probably would've dubbed you heir of Berk!" Fishlegs growled out at Snotlout, the Jorgenson boy stared wide eyed at Fishlegs comment, he then got up from his seat and placed a hand around Fishlegs shoulder. "Excuse me?" He asked in a low voice, Fishlegs smacked Snotlout's arm off his shoulder and glared right at him. "You heard me Snotlout! Stoick made Astrid heir because we all know that big mouth of yours will no doubt plunge us into war with the other tribes!"

Ruffnut and Tuffnut got up too and smirked at each other, loving where this was going, Snotlout growled and snarled out. "You don't know that Ingerman!" Fishlegs barked out a laugh and shot back. "Yes I do actually! Its no secret Stoick made you acting chief when we were thirteen winters old, and he had business in our beloved capital of Denmark, for the week he was gone, the Bogs came to us for help, and you made Big Boobied Bertha so angry that you nearly caused a war with a tribe of ferocious women!" Fishlegs yelled out, he then stood up and got right into Snotlout's face. "Stoick chose his heir well, and I'm glad I don't have to suffer life on this island ruled by a Jorgenson." He then turned around and was making his leave, until Snotlout grabbed Fishleg's beefy bicep.

"Take it back." He said cooly, Fishlegs turned around and shrugged. "Take what back? Me stating the obvious? No I won't!" Fishlegs then did something that no one had every seen him do before, he then head butted Snotlout, staggering the smaller boy and then punched him square in the face, knocking him back a few feet.

The Hall was silent, everyone stopped eating ad stared in awe at how Fishlegs managed to shut Snotlout up in such an aggressive way, which was so unlike his passive behavior. The flabby Ingerman sighed heavily and whispered to himself. "That one's for Hiccup." He then took his leave and slammed the Hall doors shut.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut stared at the doors and then back at Snotlout, they then faced each other. "Its always the quiet ones that snap." Tuff said, Ruff hummed in agreement. "Who knew Fishy had the balls to do something like that."

Astrid had seen and heard the whole confrontation, she had to hide her grin while she was taking a drink of water, it was about time someone shut Snotlout's whining, and her only regret was that it wasn't her to do it. She did however hear Fishlegs he shut Snotlout up for Hiccup. She knew where he was coming from, more than anyone. Everything she was doing now was in remembrance and in honor of Hiccup, she had abandoned him when he needed her the most.

And she swore to the gods, she would do everything in her power to make things right.

(Hiccup's pov)

The sounds of Heathers moans were turning me on, she clutched my shoulders while she was riding my cock which was buried deep inside her slick, warm and tight womanhood. We both let out loud moans as we both found each other pleasure, she threw her back and her waist long raven locks were sticking to her sweaty back, she cupped her own breasts and starting tweaking and pinching her nipples, I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around her right nipple, I tugged the pebbled bud lightly with my teeth, causing Heather to scream in pleasure.

"Ah!!! H-Hiccup! I... can't anymore... gonna cum!!" Heather whimpered out as she clutched my head tightly as I continued to worship her nipples, I released her nipple with a wet pop and groaned in agreement. "Cum with me... ah!!" I groaned out loudly, she began riding me harder and faster, we both clutched each other tightly, sliding our sweaty bodies down each others chest, the feeling of her erected nipples dragging across my chest made my pupils turn into slits, I pulled her down for a deep and passionate kiss, she moaned loudly in my mouth as she returned to kiss with just as much passion.

Without warning, Heathers womanhood squeezed my cock like a vise, we both moaned in each others mouths as we came in perfect sync, her juices soaking my cock and my seed painting her walls white. We broke apart from each others lips and breathed heavily, we rested our foreheads together and looked into each others eyes, we grinned at each other before we started laughing hysterically, she buried her face into the crook of my neck and licked the sweat off my skin and kissed my pulse point there, I continued laughing lightly as I held her closer.

When she had ceased her loving kisses, we then collapsed together on out bed, sweaty and entwined, I stroked Heathers hair as she placed a loving kiss over my heart, we just held each other in comfortable silence as we rode out our orgasms.

"That was..."


We both looked at each other and laughed again, she nuzzled further into my neck and traced shapes on my sweaty chest. "Hmmm, who knew you could be such an animal in bed." I said as she continued to lick and kiss my neck, causing me to groan pleasantly, she snickered against my skin and replied back. "I could say the same to you." She looked into my eyes and smiled. "Remind me why we waited this long to actually have sex?" I pursed my lips and shrugged.

"Maybe because... I was forgetting old crushes and silencing those old feeling for good." I said, Heather knew who I was talking about, beside being my wife, Heather was also my best human friend, and she was the one who closed old wounds and pieced together my broken heart.

Gods, she was gorgeous. For once, I'm thankful Dagur actually provided me a woman I could actually trust, relate to and be comfortable with.

"Sorry, I should've have reopened old wounds." Heather said, I shook my head and kissed her , she kissed me back, when we broke apart, I smiled lightly at her. "Astrid was just a crush, she was beautiful, but her personality is poor. Besides..." I move my hand under the furs and cup her womanhood, causing Heather to close her eyes and moan happily, I lean forward and whisper in her ear. "...I have someone better in my life." She moans lightly, drinking in my words and she too moves her hand to stroke my cock, causing me to groan in pleasure.

"I'm glad to hear it, she threw away her opportunity to get to know the real you. You're a kind, amazing, handsome and strong man." She purred out, her thumb brushed against my still oversensitive tip, I moaned out loudly and chuckled lightly. "I'm glad to hear you say that Heather." I confess, we then cease each others actions against our sexes and just caress each others skin and smiled lovingly at each other.

"Who knew my life would take such a drastic turn for the better." I whisper out, Heather smirked and scooted down, my pupils return to slits as Heather kissed her way down to my cock, she looked into my eyes and purred at how the draconic side of me was awaiting her next course of actions. "I can think of a few reasons." She giggled out, before leaning her head down and taking my cock back in her scorching hot mouth, I throw my head back and moan in pleasure, I bury my hands in her raven locks and massage her scalp.

Oh its good to be me right now.

(Hours later)

Heather and I had spent many more hours making passionate love making, because thats what it was. Making love. She wasn't like Astrid, Ruffnut, Camicazi our another girl I knew back in the Archipelago, she was different.

A good different.

She confessed to me when she learned about Oswalds death, it tore her apart, and what made the pain worse was that Dagur was the one to land the killing blow, at first, Heather wanted to rip Dagur to shreds, but accepting that her older brother was chief of the Berserkers now, she accepted that Vikings did what they had to do to make their place in this world.

And when Dagur offered Heather to me as a bride, I honestly didn't know where it would lead, but since then? I've had no regrets at all. Heather was an amazing woman, not just as my wife, or my friend, but as a person. She was one of many within my ranks to actually acknowledge me as a human being.

Unlike those animals on Berk.

I shake my head at the thought of Berk, I smile at the sight of Heather curled up by my side, she was in deep sleep, I don't blame her honestly. With all the raiding we've done, as well as training, setting up our defenses on the beach, as well as finding her a dragon to train, plus the intense love making we've had hours ago.

I sighed and could see the early evening sunlight entering the window of our quarters, I kissed Heathers lips and caressed her skin lovingly and got up to get some fresh air. First, I went toward a massive bowl of water, grabbed a rag and drenched it in water, I washed my face, body and body parts before drying off and getting dressed. I throw on my crimson tunic, black leggings, strap on my black and red painted armor and boot on my black boots, I give one last look at Heather and smile at her naked beauty, the furs clinging to her skin in such an arousing way.

I start to get erect at the sight. I laugh quietly at myself and take my leave before I get uncomfortable in my pants due to my raging erection, I urge Toothless to get up, he groans at me in annoyance though.

::While I'm glad you've finally decided to mate with Heather Hiccup, truly I am. But the amount of noise you tow have made? I'm surprised I was able to even get some sleep::

I chuckled lightly and starch my friends head. "Yeah sorry about that bud. That was my first time having sex and I apologize for if the noise disturbed you." I said, Toothless opened an eye and gave me draconic chuckle.

::As long as you're happy with her Hiccup, I'm happy for you::

I smile at my dragons words, he then gets up and stretches out before following me above deck of my dreadnaught, the cool air hits me still damp face and I breathe in the rich and crisp air and exhale slowly, I take pride in the hundreds of ships on the beaches and the hundreds of thousands of Vikings under my command, I then turn to Toothless and smirk. "Want to go for a ride bud?" Toothless turned to me and smirked back at me.

::I thought you'd never ask::

I nod and climb on Toothless's back, I then turn to the warriors above deck. "If Heather wakes up, tell her me and Toothless are out flying." I say, they bow their heads in acknowledgment, I nod at them and we then take off to the skies, Toothless letting out an excited roar. "YEAH BABY!!!" I roar out, never getting tired of such an exhilarating and adrenaline pumping feeling.

I'm beyond shocked, if not insulted how Vikings haven't tried bonding with dragons centuries prior to our time, my warriors thank me for helping them train dragons, and we can cause ten times more damage to our foes from the air, plus having a dragon companion forms an eternal bond and makes traveling much more faster, depending where your destination is that is.

Regardless, since bonding with Toothless, I've had no regrets what so ever, Toothless is the dragon version of myself, we've both been forsaken, abandoned by our opposite species and we're brothers.

::Truly this has been an adventure of a lifetime Hiccup! We've gone beyond the lands we've known our entire lives and now there's nothing thats holding us back from seeking out of full potential!::

Toothless roared out over the winds, I chuckle at his words and pat his head. "I couldn't agree more bud! And this is only the beginning!" I say, before we could continue though, I spot a clutch of men on foot and horseback approaching where camp is located.

::Hiccup? Are those-?::

"The enemy soldiers? I believe so." I say, there weren't many of them, I then urge Toothless to take us lower. "Take us down bud." Toothless looks at me with uncertainty.

::Are you sure?::

I nod and answer. "I am. Its time to introduce ourselves." Toothless nods and flies back down to Midgard, we then make a thunderous landing miles away from the enemy soldiers, we wait for them until they are several feet in front of us, the foot soldiers had steel helmets on their heads, they had armor strapped to their bodies and had shields and spears in hand, they got in battle formations and aimed their spears at me and Toothless. I assumed that their leader by the look of his armor and cache of royalty around his torso approached me still on top of his horse, though the horse was nervous, Toothless bared his razor sharp teeth at the stallion, the leader of these soldiers then spoke up.

"Y-you. You're one of the heathens that have invaded our lands." He said, Toothless snarled at the word heathen, I raise an eyebrow, so far these people, well the people anyway were very religious, much like us, however they claim that there is only one god. Turning my attention back to this man, I cross my arms across my chest and smirk at him. "I am." The man nods in confirmation and I could actually... smell the fear radiating off him and his men.

Thats new, must be a new part of my draconic abilities.

"We're here on orders of our ruler. King Edward III. He declares that you and the rest of your heathen dogs leave this place and return to whatever devilish lands you come from." The leader of these men says boldly, I chuckle in amusement, they think they have me and my forces outnumbered.

"We've only just arrived here, besides, I like your lands! I think we'll stay." I say in a taunting tone. "Tell your King Edward he can kiss my ass!" I laugh out before urging Toothless to take off toward our camp, we're going to lead them right to the slaughter.


Thats right. Follow me.

I turn my to see the horse back riders and for soldiers going as fast as they could to catch up with us, I chuckle at the misfortune thats about to befall on them. Once we reach the beach, I land and bark order for my men to prepare themselves, they quickly air themselves and archers are at the ready. When the Saxons arrive, I could them pale, I laugh out loud at let out a battle cry, my followers follow my example and roar out, banging their weapons on their shields.

I then nod at my archers, they nock their arrows, then let them loose, the Saxons quickly raise shields, however some were struck down by the sharpen steel, I then order my men to kill them all expect one, and that the lone Saxon would serve as a message to their king. My warriors charge and quickly overwhelm the Saxons, within three minutes, all the Saxons lay dead; their blood soaking the sands, all except one.

My men drag that lone Saxon to me and force him on his knees, that Saxon looks at me in horror, he whimpers in fear and begs me to spare his life, I then lean forward and seethed out. "I have a message for your King Edward. Tell him that the Red Maw are here to stay and that he should send his strongest armies to face us." I then cup the Saxons cheek tightly. "Do you understand me?" I ask, he nods furiously, I smile and nod. "Good. now... GO!!!!" I roar out, my pupils turning into slits, and the sight nearly caused the Saxon to soil himself, my warrior roar in laughter, I join them as well, and order them to bring the Saxon a horse.

Once the horse was delivered, the Saxon climbed on and urged the horse to ride like the wind, my warriors and people all roar in victory and throw insults and taunts at the lone Saxon, I scratch Toothless's chin and sigh out. "Oh Toothless, it feels soooo good to be feared for once." I say in a blissful way, causing the Night Fury to give draconic chuckle in agreement.

Whoever this King Edward III was... I certainly hoped he'd offer us a decent challenge. For his sake, as well as the sake of his nation and people.

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