Chapter 18: Loss

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(Hiccup's pov)

With the threat of the plague approaching us, I decided that only a few of us would enter enemy territory, so my men were using catapults to bombard Edwards kingdom, I along with a clutch of my best dragon riders had been rounding up treasure left and right, it was all out on the streets, but then I spotted all the homes and buildings windows were boarded up. 

Could it be...?


It can't. 

The plague wasn't to arrive until the following day, according to Dahlia. 

Thanks to my draconic abilities, I could hear the sounds of vomiting and violent coughing everywhere. T-thats why...

Oh no. 

I drop the treasure thats in my hands and turn to my dragon riders. "Don't touch anything!!" I seethe out, they all give me confused looks, I then gesture to the boarded up windows. "These Saxons are sick, very sick and it is possible that whatever caused them to become sick is on whatever they last touched and the sickness is no doubt in the air as well." I then decide to let the plague kill the Saxons, I turn back to my dragon riders. 

"We have what we came for. Lets go." 

One of my dragon riders though decided to test my patience. "We came here to plunder Haddock!! Why in Odins name are we-?" Before that dragon rider could continue speaking, I closed the distance and seized him by the throat, my enhanced strength allowed me to lift the rider off his feet. "Do you forget who you are talking to?" I ask with my pupils now turned into thin slits, the rider was clawing at my hand, but I just squeezed tighter. 

"Ap-polog-gies!! L-lord H-Haddock!!"

I smirked and let the man go, he coughed and wheezed violently, I then climb on Toothless and turn back to my riders. "We go!!" Toothless and I then leap into the skies as we return to our armies that were bombarding the city with catapult fire. 

As we returned to our ranks, my fellow chieftains all gave me expected looks, they looked at each other in confusion and some with worry. 


"Did you not bring back treasure?"

I turned toward them and extended my arms out. "The Saxons were all very sick, and I decided that my people come first. There are many more places to raid and attack. None the less, we have the treasure of the rest of the English kingdoms. It will have to do." I simply say as I then turn to my generals and warriors. "Break off!! We return to the boats and head home!!" I roar out, they all roar. in approval and we all head back to our ships. 

(Hours later)

Upon returning to our fleet of ships, we could see the warriors left to guard our ships were already packing up and escorting our slaves into the lower decks. Once every Viking tribe was in their dreadnaught and ships, we set sailed back to the Barbaric Archipelago.

As I made my way to my chambers though, I stopped halfway on the way there, something was wrong in the air. Toothless too smelled something wrong, he then crooned at me. 


I ran toward my bed chambers and kicked the door down to see one of our healers with a veil over her mouth, the healer turned around to face me, I then shoved her out of the way to see...


She was sleeked in sweat and by her painful breaths? She was in labor. Toothless approached her and sniffed, he growled lightly, I turned to him. "Toothless? Whats wrong?" He turned toward me and bared his teeth lightly. 

::Heather. She... she has the plague::

I turned back to Heather and placed a hand on her forehead, she was burning up with high fever, I then looked into Heathers eyes, she was crying, she grasped my hand and I interlaced our fingers together. 

"H-Hiccup. I'm scared." Heather whimpered in fear, I shushed her fears, I leaned down and kissed his forehead trying to comfort and soothe her while the healer tended to the children that were about to be born. Heather then let out agonizing screams, I held her hand tighter as Heather squirmed in pain, she also began coughing violently, I didn't understand, what was happening? 

I then enhanced my hearing, I could hear liquid flooding in her lungs; cutting off her chance to breathe, the healer then announced the children were coming, but at the moment, I was doing everything I could to keep Heather as comfortable as possible. 

How did Heather even get the plague?! We brought nothing back with us from the Saxon capitol city. 


The dragon rider I intimidated hours earlier, its the only explanation, if he brought anything back from that city, I will tear him to pieces, but that could wait, for now I needed to keep Heather comfortable. Heather continued to scream in pain as she squeezed out the first child, the healer quickly washed the child off, as Toothless sniffed the child to ensure that it wasn't infected, he turned toward me and barked out over Heathers screams. 

::It is a boy Hiccup! And he's not infected!::

I sigh in relief as I dump a clean rag in ice cold water and dab it on Heathers forehead to cool her off, Heather then screams out loud as she squeezes out the second child, once more the healer quickly washes the child off and Toothless sniffs the child to ensure it isn't infected. 

::It is a girl Hiccup! And like your son, she is not infected!!::

"Only one left Heather! Do you hear me? Hang in there!!" I say as I squeeze her hand, I suddenly hear liquid overflowing both her lungs, she coughs violently and starts choking, I frantically turn her to her side she can throw up whatever liquid is trapped in her lungs, but for some strange reason, she cannot. "No no no no no no!! Heather!! Please!! HEATHER!!!!" I scream, she continues choking as she turns towards me and pulls me closer. 

"Hi-i-iccup. T-ta-ake... c-ca-are... of... t-th-he... chi-ildr-ren..." She wheezes out, I nodded frantically at her and I could feel tears streaming down my face. "I will Heather. I promise." I caress her face gently and lovingly, she leans into my touch and kisses my palm. "I... l-lo-ove... y-y-you." She breathes out before her hand slips out of mine, I could her heart completely stop, the healer and Toothless look at me with looks of sadness and worry. 

I could hear both my children crying, I order the healer and Toothless to keep them comfortable, while I would have a chat with the dragon riders I took with me into the Saxon capitol city. 

On deck, I saw the dragon riders I took with me, and the one I handled roughly was in my sight, I approached him and grabbed him by his riders collar and flipped him over, causing many of the Vikings on deck to look our way. 

"M-my lord?! What are yo-?"

"SILENCE!!!" I roared out, I then saw he had a satchel on the floor, I opened it up and saw treasure, using my enhanced abilities, I sniffed it and could tell it was covered in bacteria and germs caused by the infected Saxons, I then raise the satchel to the riders face and raise my eyebrows. "You brought this treasure on board this ship, which is contaminated from the plague." I then place my heel into the riders throat and roar out. "MY WIFE IS DEAD!!! AND MY THIRD CHILD!!!!" The Vikings on board mumble in shock at this news, I then throw the bag of treasure over board and then seethe out. 

"You killed my wife and my third unborn child because you disobeyed me." I then seized him by the throat once more sank my claws into his neck; killing him in seconds, I huffed and puffed in rage and threw the body over board, I then let out a razor of pure rage, causing me to transform into my draconic side, my people all lowered their heads; an attempt to ensure that I wouldn't slaughter any of them in my enraged state. 

I then began to sob bitterly, because I lost what may in fact be the only light left in me. Heather and my third child are dead because of my mans disobedience, but I also know that I am to blame as well. I then slowly transfer back into my human state, I then look at everyone and roar out. "GET BACK TO WORK!!!!" Everyone quickly returned to their posts, while I returned below deck to gather Heathers body, I covered her body in a thick blanket and carried above deck once more. 

I then had a dinghy prepared, I placed her body in the small boat and lick my lips. "Goodbye Heather, may you find rest and rejoin Oswald and your mother in Valhalla." I then order my men to lower the dinghy as it slowly drifts out to sea, I then take a bow and arrow, light the arrow tip, take aim and let the arrow fly. The arrow hits its target and soon the dinghy is engulfed in flames. 

I wipe away my tears and glare angrily behind us, England will be now known as the Plague Lands. I would not have any of our ships sail there our anywhere near that vile place. During our time there, we lost in total fifty people. And one of those casualties was both my dead wife and child. 

"Lord Haddock?"

I turn around to see the healer and Toothless approach me, the healer held both my now sleeping babies in her arms and handed them both to me, I carried them both and gently cradled them in my arms. 

::Perhaps you should name them my friend::

Toothless suggested, I nod at him and look at the boy, I then gently kiss his forehead. "Your name shall be Halvor, meaning defending the rock." I then turned to the girl and gently kissed her head too. "And you shall be Ingrid, meaning beautiful goddess." I then look back and forth at my children. "Halvor and Ingrid Haddock, may you both live long and prosperous." I coo to them, I then lower them to Toothless, he gently licks their heads and rests his forehead against mine, I do too and we both let out identical purrs. 

::Your children will be powerful Hiccup::

"Yes. I believe they will bud. I believe they will."

A/N: RIP Heather. Tbh, yes I am starting to get a little tired of always writing Hiccstrid, yes they're hands down the best animated couple, you CANNOT touch them. But, it is always nice to spice things up a bit, so starting now, Hiccup is going to be crowned king and he's going to have a harem, he's going to be named Viking Overlord, basically Hiccup is going to be the most ruthless Viking to ever live, he's going to raise his children in the shadow of his growing empire, and he's going to meet family that was believed to be dead. Stay tuned for more to come!

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