Chapter 19: Family reunited

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup had managed to put his children to sleep, they were deprived from Heathers tit milk, so they were starving. The young father sighed in exhaustion as he headed up to the deck of his dreadnaught, the Vikings on deck were at work, the slaves below deck were rowing the ship. 

The Vikings all turned their eyes on Hiccup and bowed down to him, the young leader gestured for them to rise and continue working, while the young man himself looked out toward the seas. It was a clear day, with light snow fall, and judging by the cold? They were back in the Barbaric Archipelago. Hiccup's appearance had changed over the months, his hair had gotten longer, so he had the sides of his hair braided and he tied his hair back into a man bun with a long strand sticking out over his face. He had grown light stubble on his cheeks and razor sharp jawlines, and his physic was clean lean muscle, no trace on fat on his body. 

Despite these changes though, Hiccup was angry, saddened, and afraid. He was angry that his disobedient dragon rider brought the contaminated treasure on his ship and as a result, the plague killed Heather and his third unborn child. He was sad because he lost someone who treated him with love, kindness, respect and equality, no one on Berk, besides Gobber and Gothi treated him that way. And he was afraid for his children, without the proper nutrients, they'd die, he would never forgive himself if he let his children die. 


Hiccup turned to suddenly see three dragons in the air. But these dragons were unlike anything he's seen before, they were massive in size and had four wings. The three dragons landed on deck and roared out, causing Hiccup's men and armored dragons get in battle positions, Hiccup however told them all to stand down as he slowly approached the three dragons. 

To Hiccup's surprise, these dragons had riders. They all wore leather armor and their colors represented their dragons colors as well, the middle dragon rose higher, and its rider wore a strange looking helmet with long skinny horns in all directions and had two short tusks in the front of mask, the figure had a large fur hoodie strapped around their shoulders, they had a shield in hand and had a strange looking staff as well. 

The other two riders wore similar armor and were just staring at us all, my warriors all looked at me; waiting to give out orders, so instead I raised a eyebrow at these three people and spoke out in a firm tone. "Who are you?" The three did not answer, the middle dragon then lowered its head, and its rider stepped off their dragon and approached me slowly, my men had weapons at the ready and my dragons were ready to obliterate this person if they showed any aggression. 

This person looked at me from head to toe and finally spoke out. "You have entered the territory of the Ryttere! You are approaching toward our nest with war ships. Have you come to attack us?" The person asked, the voice was muffled slightly from the mask but this person was defiantly female. I then shook my head and answered. "We did not know there were other dragon riders, or that anyone lived around here. We are just passing by to go home." Hiccup said, one of the Vikings then snarled out.

 "Just give us the order Lord Haddock, and we'll show 'em not to mess with the Red Maw!!" 

The rest of my crew and warriors grunted in agreement while still reading for any signs of aggression from this woman and her companions. She gasped at the mentioning of my name, she tilted her head and asked. "Lord Haddock? Y-you are son of Stoick the Vast?" I scoffed at the mentioning of my pathetic excuse of a father and answered. "No longer. I lead these people. Every ship you see, every warrior here, and every dragon among are mine. I'm Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III! Chieftain of the Red Maw!" He said in firm tone, the woman before Hiccup dropped her shield and staff, she then removed her helmet to reveal the woman's face. 

She was very beautiful, she wore orange war paint across her eyes and a thin layer of it under her eyes as well, she has hollow cheekbones, she had blue eyes, auburn hair that was done in three long braids that reached her tail bone, and by the look, she appeared to be in her mid thirties. She then slowly approached me and Hiccup could see tears swimming in the woman's eyes. 

"Hiccup? I-is it really you?"

Hiccup cocked his head to side slightly and and began breathing faster. "W-who are you?" He demanded, the woman swallowed thickly and answered. "I was once queen of the Hairy Hooligan tribe, husband of Stoick the Vast, and you're... my son Hiccup. My name is Valka Haddock. I'm... your mother." She said, Hiccup breathed heavily as he took in the sight of his mother, according to the Hairy Hooligans, she was taken by a dragon, and Stoick even described she was taken by a four winged dragon, the young leader looked at his supposed mothers dragon, who cocked his head at him, then he turned back to Valka. 

"My mother is dead." Hiccup said in a cold tone, Valka however shook her head and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. "No. No I'm here son. I'm right here." She said in a gentle tone, Hiccup shook his head in disbelief, he then saw Valka's two companions dismount their dragons and remove their helmets, the boys hair was short and spiky, while the girls hair was in a long braided ponytail, both teenagers hair color was auburn too and their eyes were forest green. 

And they looked exactly like Hiccup. 

Hiccup then turned back to Valka and pointed at the two teens behind her. "And who are they?" He demanded, Valka turned around and nodded at them, the boy approached Hiccup and nodded at him. "My name is Halfdan Haddock, I'm your brother." He said, Hiccup then turned toward the girl, she nodded at him in greeting and introduced herself. "My name is Hava Haddock, I'm your sister." She said, Hiccup suddenly became light headed, he stubbled back lightly against the ships railing as he breathed in and out slowly. 

"So... you've been alive for almost sixteen years and have had more children?" Hiccup asked in frightening tone, Valka reassured him. "Halfdan and Hava are Stoick's children, when I gave birth to you, Gothi and the healers were unaware I was pregnant with triplets, so Cloudjumper..." She gestured to her dragon then continued. "...took me to our nest and I gave birth to your siblings, and I raised them how to live peacefully with dragons." I looked at my long lost family and shook my head in disbelief. 

"Do you know why I left Berk?" Hiccup asked, Valka shook her head and Hiccup continued speaking. "Stoick... the moment we thought you were dead, he didn't give a rats ass about me! He and the village killed me slowly everyday- verbal, physical and... sexual abuse." He breathed out in a cold tone, Valka gasped at this news, especially the sexual abuse part. "Stoick, did he...?" She asked, Hiccup shook his head. "No, Uncle Spitelout and Aunt Helga's son, Snotlout." Hiccup spat out, he still remembered his cousin ramming that wooden pole inside him, Hiccup planned on making his cousin begged for his life when he would return to Berk for revenge. 

"Son. I'm so sorry." Valka whispered out, she then closed the distance and hugged Hiccup, the young leader was shocked by this action, but then she began softly singing the song that she used to put Hiccup back to sleep at night as a babe. Hearing those words, Hiccup finally burst into tears and returned Valka's embrace, she was his mother, and she was alive and well. And he had a brother and a sister. 

"Forgive me Hiccup. I-if I had known how much you've suffered I-"

"Would've come to get me out of there." Hiccup finished for her, he sniffled and nodded in her neck. "I know mother, I know." He whispered, Hiccup then heard the familiar warbles of Toothless, he heard Halfdan and Hava gasp and when Hiccup pulled away from Valka's embrace, Hiccup showed his mother Toothless. "Mother, Halfdan, Hava, this... is Toothless, my dragon and perhaps, the last known Night Fury on earth." Hiccup said with a sadden tone, but at the same time he was proud to be Toothless's trusted rider and best friend. 

Halfdan and Hava offered Toothless the chance to sniff them, the Night Fury warbled at them in greeting, the Strike Class dragon approached Valka and the woman stroked his scales lovingly and cooed. "Aren't you a beautiful dragon." Toothless closed his eyes and had his tongue sticking out at her gentle affections, Hiccup saw his siblings approach him. 

"Hiccup, do you have an alpha dragon among your ranks?" Halfdan asked with respect, Hiccup nodded at his brothers question and answered. "I have two Stroker class hatchlings back at the Boneheaded tribe, but they won't be hatchlings anymore, by now they're no doubt the size of a dinghy or bigger." Halfdan nodded in acknowledgment and then Hava spoke up. "Our clan, the Ryttere, are many. We all serve the Bewilderbeast, the King of Dragons. You and your people are welcomed to join us." She said gently, I then turned to see Valka approach us. 

"Yes Hiccup, you should join us, we can have the opportunity to catch up after so long." She offered, I then turned to my ships captain to drop anchor and order the other chieftains to join us on my dreadnaught. Thirty minutes later, our fleet stopped and all my chieftains were present and accounted for, I then introduced my family to them as well as my children, Valka gasped at the sight of my son and daughter, she then looked around the room and asked me where the mother was. 

I had told her all about Heather, how we got married to forge an alliance with the Berserkers and how we invaded England, I had told her about the plague and how it took her and my third unborn child away, my siblings and mother comforted me as that fresh wound continued to fester, regardless, I ordered the chieftains to return to their home islands, share their riches with their people, rest, and when the time came, they'd go to Denmark and claim the Viking capital city for the Red Maw. 

(Hiccup's pov)

The Red Maw moved out and each tribe returned to their islands to rest, reunite with love ones and await my next orders, while me, my children and Toothless joined Valka, Halfdan and Hava to the Ryttere nest. it didn't take long to get there, but when it came into sight? It blew my mind away. The nest was covered in greenish-blue ice sticking in all directions, we then entered a network of chambers and tunnels, but I could see guards with the same types of masks Valka was wearing, as well as the armor. 

"So, how many of you are here exactly?" I asked, Valka turned around and answered. "We have three hundred people here, they're all former Vikings who believed people and dragons can coexist in this world." The look of pride and joy in Valka's eyes made me smile lightly, we then entered a lush chamber that was full of plant life, a self sustaining network of pools and springs, and of course... dragons. 

::By the moon goddess. This place is...::

"Beautiful." I finished Toothless's sentence, we could see dragons we have never seen before, some familiar to us, and many infant and baby dragons, me and Toothless looked down to see a behemoth of a dragon below us. Its colors were snow white, with black and reddish tips on along its spines, and head crown, and it had massive tusks, it appeared to be sleeping by the look, I then turned to Halfdan and Hava who were smirking at me and Toothless's shocked faces. 

"This is the Bewilderbeast Hiccup! Its a gentle giant here, but if it is threatened, it will fight to protect those within this nest- human and dragon alike." Valka said, she then landed on the nearest ridge line, my siblings and I joined our mother and Cloudjumper as we took in the gorgeous view this sanctuary. 

I then could hear my children crying still from starvation, I then gently rocked them both and turned to Valka. "I don't suppose you can prepare food for my children? I can't loose them." I said, Valka nodded at me. "Of course son, wait here." She climbed on Cloudjumper and the duo flew lower beneath the sanctuary. Meanwhile Hava approached me and smiled at the sight of my children, Halfdan too. 

"They're so beautiful." Hava cooed out, she then looked into my eyes. "May I?" I nodded and handed little Ingrid to her, she suddenly stopped crying once Hava began cooing something in her ear, Halfdan chuckled lightly at the sight. "Mother sang us little songs to knock us out if we ever cried our diapers off as babies." He then turned toward me and smiled at me. "Your children are lucky to have someone like you as a father Hiccup." I snorted lightly at my brothers words. "I want them to be strong, respected, but most of all... loved." I nodded and kissed Halvor's head. 

"Stoick disregarded you when you lived on Berk?" Halfdan asked, I nodded and answered. "That... man cared more about his damned village rather than his own son, he said I was... different like out mother and I even heard him and others say that perhaps it would be better if I had died." I said in a furious tone, Stoick was not my father, he never was, and I would destroy his precious village out of spite. 

"I am sorry Hiccup, truly I am." Halfdan said with sincerity, I looked into my brother forest green eyes and shook my head. "Don't be, the Hooligans made the mistake of disregarding and underestimating me, simply because I was named after the runt of the litter. I will exact my revenge against Berk and all who support them." I said firmly, Valka and Cloudjumper returned with baby food, Valka approached Hava who was still cradling Ingrid, once my baby girl had some food in her empty stomach, she was satisfied and out cold. 

Valka then approached me and helped me feed Halvor, she smiled at the sight of my son eating the mushy food so quickly, I gently stroked my sons forehead as Valka continued to feed him, after Halvor had had his fill of food, he too was fast asleep, I turned to Valka and nodded at her. "Thank you mother." I said, she smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "The pleasure is all my mine son." We then headed down toward where the humans were settled within the sanctuary. 

They all wore dragon riding armor, the colors of their armor resembled their dragons colors too, as we approached my families side of the nest, I noticed the people regarded Valka as Queen of the Nest, once we entered the Haddock section of the nest, Valka, Halfdan and Hava stripped off their armor until they were all in their tunics and riding pants. 

"Are you hungry Hiccup? I'm cooking smoked salmon, along with cooked potatoes and vegetables." Valka asked, I nodded. "It was a long journey back, I would gladly have some of your cooking mother." I said in containment, Valka smiled and continued cooking, while Halfdan and Hava brought in baskets full of fish for the dragons inside, Toothless eyed the fish with hunger, he looked at me for permission to eat, I gestured for him to go for it, he then bounded over to the stockpile of fish and shoved his face in, causing me to chuckle lightly. 

"So mother, I noticed the people within the nest call you Queen of the Nest." I said, Valka was humming softy then spoke out. "Oh! Yes, its just one of my many titles within the sanctuary, myself and your siblings are the three leaders of this place, the leaders of the human colonists anyway, it is the Bewilderbeast that rules over all of us while we dwell within his home." She said with passion as she continued her miracles in the kitchen, and it all smelled amazing. 

I put Ingrid and Halvor into a cradle which I supposed was used for when my siblings were babies, I gently rocked the cradle and draped a fur blanket under them so they wouldn't get too cold. "Sleep well my children." I cooed, I then turned around to see Cloudjumper approach me and began sniffing me lightly, the large dragon than nuzzled into my side. 

"Mother, what species of dragon is Cloudjumper?" I asked in curiosity, she smiled and answered. "Cloudjumper is a Stormcutter, his soul matches my own, so it was only natural that he brought me here to live among dragons, rather than wasting my time to persuade those Hooligans that dragons are innocent creatures." She said, I patted Cloudjumpers dead gently and turned to my mother. "You and I have that in common mother." I said casually, Valka paused her cooking to gaze into my eyes, she smiled sadly and replied back. "Some people aren't capable of change, or rather the don't want to." I hummed in agreement as I scratched Cloudjumpers chin, causing the large dragons to purr contently. 

"I uh... also noticed guards here, are you and your clan of dragon riders fighting someone?" I asked curiously, Valka had finished cooking and started placing the food on plates and then looked back at me. "Sadly yes were. He's... a foreigner, but he is a walking plague, he is cruel to both man and dragons alike." Valka looks into my eyes and continues. "His name is Drago Bludivst." I cock my head to the side hearing this mans name, I shrug and shake my head. 

"Never heard of him." I say, Valka nods and replies back. "No, I wouldn't expect you to. The man wants to conquer the world, but he abuses dragons, he uses them simply as war machines, and he's no different to his human companions. We've been freeing captured dragons from his hunter and trapper squads, but... the man has been increasing his guard patrol whenever we try to liberate those terrified and enslaved dragons." Valka breathed shakily and looked back at me. "Drago uses good dragons to do bad things son, and when he has no further use for them? He kills them, skins them and uses their skin to make fireproof cloaks, capes and whatever uses he has for dragon skin." 

I didn't take this news well, in fact, it made me angry. I myself use dragons for my desires, but I don't torture them or hurt them, I honor and treat them with respect, and I make sure all my followers do the same for their dragons too. 

"If you, Halfdan, Hava and your people need assistance, me and my Red Maw will come to your aid." I say, Valka smiles in appreciation. "I will son, thank you. But for now? Lets eat." She says, I nod in agreement and I see Halfdan and Hava join us, we all smile at each other, say a prayer of thanks to Odin and dig into the food. 

I did not expect to be reunited with my mother and the siblings I never had, but I could tell that they and the Ryttere clan will be a most welcomed addition to my empire. 

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