Chapter 20: Saving Dragons

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(Normal pov)

"Ninety eight!... Ninety nine!... Ugh!! One hundred!"

Hiccup had woken up early to do the training and exercises that he had been doing since he lived on Berk, his body was sleeked with sweat, his heat was beating heavily and strands of his long auburn locks dangled in front of his face. The young man decided to head to the pools to bathe, he grabbed a towel and a bar of soap, he was only in his leather pants and boots, he looked around to see Ryttere guards, they nodded at him in acknowledgment, so did Hiccup.

Hiccup was impressed with his mother and siblings clan, they weren't only expert dragon riders, but also amazing warriors, Hiccup didn't actually tell his family that he planned on obliterating Berk, they only assumed he'd frighten those who wronged him.


Those who wrong Hiccup killed him, slowly and painfully day by day for years, and Hiccup planned to the same to them as well, only ten times worse.

As Hiccup arrived at the pools, he took his boots off and pants, he hissed contently as his leather pants were off, the material was very cruel to his cock, especially if he had an erection. He then slid into the pool and submerged himself in the warm waters, once he resurfaced, he began scrubbing his hair and body parts.

He then heard a slight gasp, thanks to his draconic abilities, he turned around to see nothing, but he knew it was a female, he then continued to wash himself, he then spoke out.

"I know you're here."

Hiccup then turned around to see a girl around his age, she had their clans orange paint on her arms and a light line of it across her eyes, she was lithe in figure and she had platinum blond hair which was braided, hazel eyes and she definitely had Hiccup's attention.

"Apologies, I didn't know anyone else was up." She said in a apologetic tone, Hiccup waved her apology behind and gestured her to join him. "Please, join me." She looked uncertain, but then nodded as she stripped out of her clothing as well, her body was gorgeous, she was too, but for now? Hiccup wanted to just introduce himself to her.

Once the girl joined Hiccup in the pool, she blushed lightly, but Hiccup just chuckled lightly at her flushed face, he then rested his elbows on the edge of the pool. "What's your name?" He asked, she then brushed a strand of her hair out of her face and answered. "Siv. My name is Siv." She said with a light smile, Hiccup nodded in greeting. "I assume you already know who I am?" He asked, she nodded at him. "Yes. The third child of Valka Haddock. You look exactly like your siblings." She complimented the last part.

Hiccup smiled lightly, he continued to wash himself, he then turned back to Siv. "So Siv, how long have you been at the Dragon Sanctuary?" He asked, Siv too began washing herself and answered his question. "My family and I were brought her by Valka, Halfdan and Hava, they led us here we've been here for three years." Hiccup hummed in acknowledgment, once he finished washing himself off, he sighed heavily and saw Siv checking his body out, when their eyes met, she blushed deeply and looked away.

"No. No please, I don't mind." Hiccup said gently, Siv looked back at him, the two shared a smile, Hiccup then raised an eyebrow at her. "Your eyes have a certain... excitement in them." He said casually, he then looked at her, Siv nodded at her and replied back. "I've heard that you and your Red Maw went to the West. I've never been anywhere outside of the Archipelago." She confessed, Hiccup gently cupped her cheek so she could look at him.

"You have the blood of an adventurer Siv, I like that. If you wish, my Red Maw and I are about to go out and find other adventures, but after I conclude business here in the Archipelago." He said, Siv had an excited look on her face, Hiccup was offering her a chance to see what lies beyond the Barbaric Archipelago!

"Yes! Yes, I'd be honored to join you!!" She squeezed out happily, Hiccup grinned and nodded. "Good, I'll let you know when we will depart." Hiccup then surprised Siv by leaning in and kissing her lips, before Siv could respond, he pulled away, he then exited the pool, Siv blushed deeply at the sight of Hiccup's cock. He was as big as a stallion, the sight of his manhood caused her core to roar with arousal, not only at just the sight of such a beautiful cock, but because he had an amazing personality, he had a cut body, and Hiccup himself was very handsome.

He then grabbed his towel, dried his hair off and then covered his lower half, causing disappointment to swell in Siv, but then Hiccup turned back and smiled warmly at her, causing Siv to smile back at him.

"See you around Siv." He said, Siv nodded and replied back. "Y-yeah! S-see you around." She cursed herself for stuttering, but he didn't seem to mind at all, he then exited the pool chambers, leaving Siv there alone and looking at Hiccup's back, she then breathed out shakily with a light chuckle. "Wow." She exhaled dreamily.

(Hiccup's pov)

Yes, I wanted to lead the Red Maw into another conquest else where, but judging by Valka's tone when mentioning her opponent Drago Bludvist, she sounded like she needs help now. So I returned to my families network of caves, I laid eyes on Toothless who was still fast asleep, I then headed toward the cradle that held my sleeping children in it.

"Good morning little ones." I cooed gently, both Ingrid and Halvor was on their backs and still deep in sleep, they were so beautiful though, and I was going to raise my children with protection, love, kindness and respect. After seeing my children, I went over to where my armor was located, I put on my crimson tunic, and then strapped my leather armor on, once I was satisfied with my look, I headed toward the table and started writing letters to each chieftain in the Red Maw.

Once I finished writing the messages, I made a pack of Terrible Terrors deliver the messages to each chieftain, I had objects of each of the chieftains and my loyalists scent on them, so the Terrors should find them with ease.

"No rest for the weary huh?"

I turned around to see my sister Hava, she was only wearing a tunic that stopped to her thighs, her auburn locks weren't in her ponytail and she grabbed two mugs and took them to a large stalagmite that was made of ice, while she was filling the mugs with water, I nodded and answered.

"It was nice to catch my breath, but I have plans dear sister, and those plans involve us moving into Denmark and mold it into my image." I said, I turned back to see Hava give me a worried look. "Hiccup, you haven't been here less than a day and you're just going to leave mother? Halfdan? And me?" Hava then approached me and handed me a mug that was filled with crystal clear water, I drank slowly and felt the cold liquid spread throughout my body.

When I finished taking a drink, I looked into my sisters eyes. "I'm not saying that Hava, but I am saying that I need to establish a base of operations, Denmark will be the perfect place. Its large and with my numbers and dragon riders, we can fortify our position easily, plus Kattegat is the largest trading center in all of Norway! Its a simple strategic plan, we move into Denmark, take it over and show the citizens that Vikings and dragons can live in peace." While I was explaining my plan, Hava's eyes were filled with worry, and to be honest? it was driving me crazy.

"Hava. What are you thinking? Spit it out!" I demanded in a tone I regretted, she backed away from me slightly, I sighed and held my hands out. "I'm sorry, just... please, tell me what you are thinking?"

Hava nodded and looked into my eyes. "Hiccup... you want to destroy Berk and everyone there." She stated, deciding there was no point in lying, I told her why I'm on this path. "You would never understand." I murmured, Hava snorted and shot back. "Try me." I nodded and shrugged. "Stoick. Our father, all he ever cared about was killing dragons, seeing Berk thrive and ensure that I, his "only" child was molded in his own image. But the man is impossible to have a normal conversation with, he's always on about "Oi Hiccup! Eat your chicken!! You'll want to bulk up!" or he'd moan out to the gods and go all "I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side! This here? This is a talking fishbone!" Stoick never loved me! He never has and he never will, and I sure as hell don't love him!" I spat out, my anger boiling in my blood.

Hava nodded in understanding, she looked at me with pity. "I'm- I'm sorry Hiccup." She said with sincerity, and to my surprise, she approached me, kissed my cheek and hugged me, my brain was on pause for three seconds before hugging her back. "Stoick and his people made my life a living hell, and I will return the favor." I said, when we broke apart from our embrace I saw Valka and Halfdan approach us with their riding armor strapped on.

"Mother." I said in acknowledgment, Valka smiled at me and hugged me, I returned her hug, when we broke apart, me and Halfdan grasped each others forearms and nodded at each other, my family then sat at the table while Valka pulled out a map. "Sit down son." She said, I sat down and watched Valka point to circles all around the map. "These are known Dragon Trapper and Hunter squads that are working for Drago Bludvist, as I said last night, we've been disrupting Drago's operations for years now, and because of that, the madman has deployed his soldiers to further support his Hunter and Trapper squads. We could use the aid of you and Toothless." Valka said, I looked behind me to see Toothless waking up and then heading over to the feeding station along with Cloudjumper and my siblings Stormcutters.

"Mom, I have my own mission, and that's making those Hooligan bastards pay for what they did to me..." I began but Valka cut my sentence off. "Hiccup. Revenge is like a poison and before you know it? It can turn you into something ugly." I looked away from her disapproving gaze while she continued speaking. "These dragons are being captured to become mindless war machines, and I can't let that happen. Please, help us, you obviously know how to fight if things get ugly, besides, I always knew from the moment you were born that there was something different about you, as well as your siblings. You all don't think like the average Viking, and as a result those who despise our lifestyle with dragons underestimate us, dragons aren't just used as war machines, they have souls that bond with our own, the dragons protect us and everyone within this mountain has sworn an oath to protect ALL dragons from harm."

She spoke with such passion, enthusiasm and determination, she's committed I'll give her that. "Its not that I don't want to rescue these dragons mother, its just that my plans have expanded, and it involves establishing a home base with Denmark." I said, Valka's eyes widened slightly. "Our people will never allow dragons in Viking society Hiccup! Its pointle-" I then slammed my palm on the table, cutting her off, my pupils turned into slits and my family gasped at the sight. "Believe me mother, I can be very... persuasive, besides, I know what I'm doing, I've changed the minds of the most psychotic, bloodthirsty and ruthless Vikings in the Archipelago's minds about dragons, I think persuading our peoples minds within Kattegat and the capital will be no sweat." Before Valka, Halfdan or Hava could ask how my pupils turned into slits, I decided to give them aid.

"Very well mother, I suppose my plans can wait a while longer, my followers are ordered to go to Denmark and begin the preparations of establishing my power base." I said as I got up and headed toward Toothless, I then turned back to my family. "Well come on, lets save some dragons."

(Unknown location)

Eret Son of Eret and his crew were delivering a shipment into a fortified fortressed that Drago Bludvist used as a delivery outpost, soldiers patrolled the walls and outpost grounds to ensure intruders were kept out. Once Eret and his men docked at the fortress harbor, the crew of Sami and Inuit Trappers offloaded their dragons, the soldiers stationed there escorted the group of men and their captured dragons.

"Not a bad haul today lads! Drago will be satisfied with this lot!" Eret said with a smirk, his crew grunted and hummed in agreement, the soldiers then shoved and poked them with their spears to keep them moving, once they arrived at cages, they shoved the dragons into them and loaded them up into a ship that would leave to Drago's hide hide at dawn.

"Alright! Get these dragons loaded up on the ship!" One of the soldiers yelled out, other soldiers nodded and gathered handfuls of men to aid in carrying the caged the dragons to the ship. Eret crossed his arms and one of the soldiers turned to him and his crew, he snorted at them and pulled out a large bag of coin. "Your payment for delivering these lizards to the master." He said as he tossed it to Eret, the Trapper caught it and took out a smaller bag, he subtracted his share of the payment and then handed it to his crew so they could all get their cut.

"Pleasure doing business, as always." Eret said, his relationship with Drago is strictly professional, anytime he would slip up, he is punished harshly by the evil madman.

"Ready to leave Eret?"

"Yeah, I think we may have over stayed our welcome."

Some of Eret's crew said, the man himself hummed in agreement, just as they were about to leave, a massive explosion grabbed their attention and they could see liberated dragons flying off, Drago's soldiers trying to fight back, and the fortress was getting hit in every structural weakness, causing it to crumble and fall.

"C'mon lads! We gotta help them! If we let these dragons escape on our watch, Drago will have all our heads!!" Eret roared over the mayhem, the crew of trappers got into battle positions; manning net cannons, drawing out their spears, swords, axes and shields. Eret laid eyes on a Rumblehorn about to take flight, the trapper quickly sprinted toward the dragon, he grabbed a pile of chains, spun it around and threw it around the Rumblehorns leg, soon Eret's men rushed over to help him as they wrangled with the enraged dragon.


"He's a heavy bugger!!"

"Put your backs into it lads! PULL!!!"

The Rumblehorn thrashed violently, but the trappers were persistent, Drago did not tolerate excuse or failure, they needed to keep as many dragons from escaping as possible. One of Eret's men rushed over with Dragon Root dipped arrows, the trappers who had bows in hand nocked the Dragon Root arrows and shot down the Rumblehorn, the dragon crashed down and was breathing weakly. Eret and his men dropped the chain and breathed heavily, they could see many more dragons getting shot down whether with nets or Dragon Root arrows.

"Lovely. On to the next disaster." Eret growled out to himself, everyone then heard a high pitch whistle, Eret looked up to see a black blur in the sky, the man breathed out in disbelief. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked to himself, but Night Furies were all gone, apparently not by the look of it.

Capturing the last known Night Fury and delivering it to Drago would no doubt triple Eret and his crews payday, the thought of that brought a grin to Eret's tattooed face, the man then turned to his men. "BOYS!! Lets take down that Night Fury!!" The trappers roared in agreement and the group evaded and dodged rubble and debris flying everywhere to find long range weapons to take down a Night Fury.

(Hiccup's pov)

These soldiers that were running around, and their ship? They definitely weren't Vikings, they were putting up a fight, many of the escaped dragons were either recaptured or shot out of the sky, for those who did escape, Halfdan and Hava escorted them back to the Dragon Sanctuary.

"Hiccup! There's still dragons left to save!" Valka said over the enemy artillery firing at us, I nodded at her, before I could register what happened, a net wrapped around me and Toothless, I roared out in rage, I quickly pulled out Inferno and started cutting the netting around us, but Toothless quickly wrapped his wings around me.

::HOLD ON!!!::

Toothless barked out, I retracted Infernos blade and held on to it as I prepared for impact, when the impact came, I was bouncing back and forth around Toothless's wings, I could hear Toothless grunt in pain, once we stopped, Toothless groaned in pain, that landing was rough.

"Alright boys! Lets claim our prize!"

I heard a voice say, Toothless related me from his protective embrace, he then crouched on all fours and roared out menacingly, his teeth bared and pupils turned into thin slits, I too ignited Inferno and stood by my dragon. The enemy soldiers and Dragon Trappers gathered around us, looked up to see Valka continuing to free dragons.

"Soil my breaches! That IS a Night Fury! Thought they were all gone for good!" I saw a man that was tall, broad shouldered, had beefy arms that were marred with scars; no doubt from dragons, too bad they didn't take his face off. The man boasts a blue tribal tattoo on his chin, and neat dark brown hair, with two bangs draped in front of his ears.

"Looks like our luck has turned out for the better lads! Don't think Drago has one of those in his dragon army!"

I then growled out. "If I were you? I'd look for a new line of work, Drago's days are nearing an end." The soldiers and trappers laughed at my words, the tall and broad shouldered trapper finished laughing and shot out. "Oooh! That supposed to scare us?" He taunted, I gave the man a shark like grin and shook my head. "No. This is." I then transformed into my draconic form, I let out a ghastly roar, causing the enemy to nearly soil themselves at the sight of me.

I then charged and grabbed a soldier by the leg and started beating other enemies with him, I swatted them into nearby debris, walls and other soldiers, once the soldiers were gone, I discarded the soldier in my hand and I snarled out to the trappers. "If I ever see you hurting innocent dragons again? I will find you, I will remove both your arms, both your legs, and then I will skin your face right off your head! You will be this... armless, legless, faceless thing! Rolling around. Are you picturing your fate?" I asked, the broad shouldered trapper nodded furiously.

"Y-yeah man! You w-won't have to deal with us again! I swear to the gods!!" He stuttered out, I scoffed at his frightened tone, I inhaled heavily and transformed back into my human form, I then climbed back on Toothless and pulled out something that should set these trappers for life. "Consider this as... a token of my kindness." I said as I threw several bags to the trappers, they all caught them with ease, when they opened them, their mouths were agape with shock.

The bags were filled to the brim with rubies, emeralds, sapphires and diamonds, on the way back to the Archipelago, my Red Maw and I had found an island that had those little beauties all embedded in cave walls. So we took everything that island had to offer for us and all that treasure will be put to use to build my empire.

The trappers looked up at me with disbelief, shock, fear and awe. The broad shouldered trapper slowly approached us and asked. "Why? Why give these to us?" I rolled my eyes at him and answered. "Because your'e all set for life. You can retire early, or, if you want more thrill, adventure and action in your lives... come find me. A new world order is rising and I will govern it." I simply say as I pat Toothless's neck, we then take off into the skies, leaving the trappers behind.

As we headed back to the sanctuary will flocks of dragons behind us, Valka flew beside me and gave me a shocked face, I shrugged at her. "What?" I asked, she then pointed back there. "You... transformed it something. What in Odins green earth was that?" She demanded, I snorted at her and decided to get this over with. "The night I left Berk, Toothless licked my wounds, his saliva not only had incredible healing properties, but also something else caused me to have dragon like abilities- greater sense of smell, hearing, strength, and so on. But this other side of me is also a monster mother, when someone makes me angry? Well... you get the picture." I say as me and Toothless get ahead of Valka and Cloudjumper.

I wasn't ashamed of my draconic side, in fact, I embraced it. Toothless gave me this gift whether he knew or not, and I will repay him by treating him as my equal, best friend, and brother. As I always have, since the day we met.

A/N: Did you guys see the new Hidden World trailer? If not, check it out! It's got me more hyped for the movie!! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I'll catch you in the next one!

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