Chapter 26: Familiar faces yet different people

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(Normal pov)

"Daddy daddy daddy!!"

Hiccup scooped Halvor and Ingrid in his arms, both of his children were five years old now and they were one of the many things that were keeping him from losing his mind. Halvor had raven black hair and Heather's personality- kind, gentle, and fierce. Ingrid had Hiccup's auburn hair and had a keen mind like her father. Both children had bonded with Toothless hatchlings, they all learned how to ride with each other even at a young age, but Hiccup and Toothless taught their children to not rush the process, but rather to take their time with it and trust in each other fully.

"Hello little ones! How was dragon training?" Hiccup asked, Halvor giggled and buried his face in Hiccup's chest, while Ingrid hugged Hiccup's neck and answered. "It was fun Daddy! Spot and I are getting better and better!" Hiccup smiled at his daughters words, he then turned to his son. "Halvor? How was riding with Gnash?" Halvor looked into his fathers eyes and smiled. "Fun Daddy! Gnash lost another tooth today though." Hiccup nodded at his sons words, Gnash had lost many of his teeth as a earlier hatchling, and Hiccup used the teeth to construct dragon teeth necklaces for his children.

"What about you Daddy? How was your day today?"

"Yeah!! You lead everyone and everything here! Aren't you really tired?"

Hiccup chuckled at his children's words and hugged them close, as they did to him, Hiccup kissed each of their heads and answered their questions. "Oh yes, I'm tired, but I find ways to stay awake long enough so I can finish my duties for the day." Hiccup looked into his children's eyes and smiled. "One day, either one of you will become king or queen of the North. You'll lead the largest Viking empire in history! Many will fear you, love you, respect you, and disappoint you. But you must choose your allies carefully, being king is very dangerous."

"Why is that Daddy?" Halvor asked curiously, Hiccup smiled at his sons childish innocence but answered his question. "Because being king can also paint a target on your back. Bad people will try and take everything away from you, kill or sell all or dragons. And wipe our culture off the face of Midgard." Hiccup said, both Halvor and Ingrid gasped in shock at Hiccup's words. "Why would people want to hurt us Daddy?" Ingrid asked, Hiccup turned to his daughter and smiled sadly. "Because... being a Viking and befriended dragons isn't... the traditional Viking way. For those who came before us anyway. The truth is children, those who frown at our ways are scared of us."

Both Ingrid and Halvor cocked their heads slightly. "Why is that Daddy?" They both asked, Hiccup licked his lips and answered them. "Because we have dragons. We ride them and we share bonds with them. So the reason the bad people are scared of us is because they know that we're stronger than them and that we can destroy them all thanks to the help of our dragons." Hiccup said in a way his children would understand, they nodded in understanding, but before they could ask another question, a knock was heard at the door, the family turned their attention to the door.


The door opened to reveal...

"Grandma Valka!!"

Both Halvor and Ingrid said happily, they rushed the matriarch of House Haddock and the now forty year old scooped her grandchildren in her arms. "Well hello my beauties! Do you want to join Uncle Halfdan and Aunt Hava outside for some food while I speak with your father?" She asked, the two children nodded and Valka chuckled at the energy the children possessed, mother and son could hear the children greeting Halfan and Hava and following them down the hallway.

"Hello Hiccup." Valka said gently, Hiccup got and up and the two shared a warm embrace, Valka kissed the side of his mouth and enjoyed the warmth of Hiccup's hug. When they broke apart, Valka caressed Hiccup's lightly stubbled cheeks, Hiccup leaned into his mothers loving touch and they exited his chambers as walked down the hallway to see Blood guards standing at the walls, when they walked passed them, the guards followed the royal family.

"You look tired Hiccup." Valka stated, Hiccup rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm fine mother, I've been having nightmares lately." He confessed, Valka frowned at the hearing of this, the family and guards entered what Hiccup called an 'elevator' once they entered, the guards on the fiftieth level lowered them down until they reached the bottom of the tower. In the meanwhile, Hiccup sighed and shook his head lightly. "The Sharkslane tribe aren't pleased that I've refused to teach them how to train dragons." Hiccup growled out, Valka turned to her son, pursed her lips and shrugged lightly.

"Are their intentions pure?" She asked, Hiccup shrugged and looked at her. "They still cling on to the old Viking ways, they're manipulative and dangerous Vikings. I will not waste my time and energy dealing with those trying to deceive me." He said while fixing his attire, he wore crimson leather armor with three black slashes across his torso; representing his Skrill scars, he fixed his black cloak around his shoulders, the only thing missing was his warpaint and crown.

Valka took the crown from one of the guards in the lift with them, as well as the warpaint, she then approached her son and clipped the crown to her belt, she dipped her fingers in the crimson paint and ran the paint down his eyes, all the way down to his throat and down his chin and goatee. She then unclipped the crown of raven skulls of her belt and placed it on Hiccup's head, he opened his eyes again to see his mother smiling at him.

"Your people await you, Lord Haddock." She said, Hiccup smirked at her and when the lift came to a stop, they exited and the guards opened the doors of the entrance of the tower to reveal the tens of thousands within Denmark and Kategatt and those allied with the Red Maw. Hiccup could see Halfdan, Hava and his children at the top of the steps leading to the tower behind them. Hiccup turned to his left to see his Red Maw lieutenants, they bowed their heads to him, Hiccup smirked at them and then turned to greet his people.

"People of Denmark! Kategatt! And those of the North!! For five years, I have been King of the North! For five years, I have vanquished every nation that has dared challenge us! And for five years, I have been preparing the Red Maw and its armies to war against those who dare provoke us!! But fear not! Those who want to destroy everything we've built here will be exterminated!!" The people roared in approval and agreement, I then urged them to be silent, when they fell quite, I continued. "But, as every year, there are those among us who still deny me, after everything I've provided for you." Hiccup then turned to the one he called the Hangman.

"Bring the prisoners." Hiccup said, the Hangman bowed his head, the mountain of a man barked out, soon those who served under the Hangman brought forth handfuls of traitors, criminals, and those who despised dragons. As they were marched toward Hiccup, the crowds booed at them, spat on them, threw stones at them and cursed them for betraying the new Viking order.

Once the prisoners were on their knees, Hiccup extended his arms out. "Those who are kneel before me, are found guilty for crimes against our people, the dragons within my kingdom and spitting on what I am trying to build." Hiccup turned to the Hangmans followers and nodded at them, they bowed their heads, they then drew swords out and decapitated the traitors on the spot. Every citizen was required to participate and be present during public executions; men, women and children, to show the people that Hiccup does not suffer traitors.

When the earth was soaked with the traitors blood, Hiccup ordered that their heads be placed to pikes and let the crows feast on their flesh, the Hangman bowed his head and ordered his men to let the deed be done.

The citizens could see Hiccup chuckle and then spoke out. "Those who stand against us. Against ME, will suffer the consequences of their actions." He said in firm yet chilling voice, causing the people to bow their heads in understanding and in submission, Hiccup nodded and ordered everyone to continue their duties for the day, the citizens quickly got up in a orderly fashion and returned to their duties.

Hiccup sighed and smiled wickedly, it felt great to have all the power.

(Astrid's pov)

I was sharpening my battle axe and occasionally looking at my fellow crew, Fishlegs was nose deep in a book of his, Gobber was asleep with his sheep Phil curled up by his side, Gothi was wrapped in bear fur as she deciphering runes while casting teeth, and the crew were rowing with purpose, I sighed heavily as looked at toward the heavens.

Much has changed during five years, not only was I heir of Berk, but Stoick had bestowed the title of Berks Pride upon me, as if I needed more titles. Berks population had gotten bigger, we had to clear some of the forests to make more homes, but what really had me on edge was when we'd confront Hiccup. We don't have a clue what he is now, what kind of king is he? What kind of person he's become, and how many follow him. All of these questions would have to wait, for now, I stood up and stretched my stiff muscles, I then headed toward the front of the ship to see... a massive tower?

Thats not right.

Denmark was dead ahead, but more importantly, Kateggat was coming into view, which leads straight into our capital city. Once the captain of our ship announced we were approaching land, the Hooligans accompanying me got up and could see the banners of the Red Maw, the cold winds caused me to wrap my wolf fur cloak tighter around my body as we docked at the harbor, as we exited the ship, Gobber ordered the captain to remain here, while they'd find a way to speak to Hiccup, I then saw Red Maw warriors approach us.

"State your business here."

Gobber stepped up and gestured to us. "We represent the Hairy Hooligans of Berk, we wish to speak with King Hiccup Haddock." I looked at Gobber then looked at the warriors in front of us, they snickered and then looked back at us. "Berk eh? The Blood King doesn't consider you lot as friends." One of them said in a matter of fact, I licked my lips and spoke up. "We know, but we need to speak with him. Please, can you take us to him?" I begged, the others looked at me with surprise, I had the opportunity to make amends with Hiccup and make everything back to the way it was, I wasn't wasting this opportunity.

The warriors looked at each other and scoffed, they then looked back at us. "Your funeral." They said, they then gestured for us to follow them, as we followed them, we could see dragons... with riders on their backs, and armored dragons as well patrolling the trade center, I turned to Fishlegs to see him quickly sketch one of the armored dragons and jot down some information, but I was more focussed on the massive tower, even though it was quite far from where we were, I'm betting thats where Hiccup is.

(Hiccup's pov)


I roared out, I sat on my throne with Toothless curled at my feet, Valka was watching out for Halvor and Ingrid for me as I was stuck in the world of politics. I saw a woman approach me with fear in her eyes, when our eyes met, she froze.

"Come." I gestured to her, she slowly approached until she was at my feet. "What do you want?" I asked her, she bowed down before me, her voice trembling. "Lord Haddock, I come from the Isle of Dalf, I humbly request a gift of golf for my people and village, so that we may purchase the timber we desperately need to construct new homes for our newest members of our village. And unfortunately, we don't have enough timber to build new houses before winter comes, and I fear my people will perish to the cruel and unforgiving cold. Please my lord, show your mercy and compassion toward my people and we will forever be in your debt."

I nodded and stroked my goatee. "How much gold do you require?" I asked, the woman answered immediately. "Anything!" The desperation in her voice was painfully obvious. "Anything at all my lord!"

I pulled out a book that held every village thats in the shadow of my kingdom, I then pulled out a charcoal pencil and wrote down. "People of Dalf Isles... gold... contract new homes." I then pocketed my book away and nodded at the woman. "I will speak with my economic advisor about, and see to it that your people are cared for as soon as possible." I promised, the woman then cried in thanks and gave praise. "Oh, thank you! Thank you Lord Haddock!" She sobbed out in gratitude, I nodded at her and dismissed her.


Then approached three of my Red Maw warriors, causing me to sit up straighter and Toothless as well, one of my warriors stood in front, while the other two dragged a man in chains, the man was sobbing in terror, he was whimpering nonsense. "Oh gods! Please my lord! Have m-mercy!!" He stuttered, however, the warrior in front of the chained man to be silent in a harsh tone, the warrior then bowed before me.

"No, no! By Odin's beard, please no! No!"

I realized how much despair the man was feeling - and that it was inspired by himself. He bit his lip and looked away, trying to train his ears not to hear the desperate cries.

"Lord Haddock!" One of my warriors stepped forward, while his partner forced the prisoner to his knees and held him at swordpoint. "This man has been convicted of murder by the people of Fullenhorf Island! In accordance with the Draconian Code, he has been sentenced to face your mercy and wrath. Have done with him as you please."

"Oh Thor, oh gods no...."

I stood and slowly walked around the table. The sound of my feet hitting the floor was the only sound other than the man's sobs. I looked down at the prisoner's bent head, trembling  like a tree about to be struck down with a final axe-blow and come crashing down. Then I suddenly turned to my warriors.

"What did he do?"

"He had a quarrel with a neighbor, over which of them owned a sheep. In the middle of the night, he slipped poison into the neighbor's water-"

"Please, by Thor, I was drunk out of my mind! I'm sorry, I would never do such a thing!"

"And yet you did do it." The soldier glared down harshly, then back at Hiccup. "The neighbor did not live alone though. He had a family, two children and a third infant. The infant was thirsty, and when the baby tasted the water, he fell dead by sunrise."

"No, no, by the gods, I'm sorry!" He shook the chains, trying to break free. Tears poured down his face, warped in grief. "I never meant to kill a child! I'm not a murderer, I'm not!"

"Your own fellows have stated otherwise!" The swordsman yelled, sending the prisoner into silence again. "Lord Haddock, he awaits your judgment."

My pity had quickly turned into revulsion. I knelt to the ground and forced the man to look me in the eyes. "You killed a baby?! I hope you feel disgusted with yourself." I seethed out.

"Please, I... I was drunk... and even then, I would never... I would do anything to take it back, I swear! Please, have mercy."

I roughly threw the prisoner's head back, and stood up. I looked at the two swordsmen.

"Let him go."

The soldiers dropped the chain, and I gestured them back. The man stayed kneeling on the floor, watching as I walked back to my chair. Now I stopped by Toothless and whispered what the situation was, sighing as I talked. Toothless's eyes narrowed, and began to glare at the prisoner.

"No... no no no no! Odin's Beard, don't let it at me! Please, by Thor, have mercy my lord!"

I looked up at the prisoner, my face stone cold. "A life for a life is a fair exchange!" Then I said one more thing to the Toothless, and turned to sit.

At this same instant, the black dragon screeched and leapt upon the table, making it tremble. My warriors dived aside so they wouldn't get hurt. Toothless halted at the edge of the table, spreading its wings to present a fearsome image. The man in chains lost all ability to yell as the dragon opened its mouth, let out a high-pitched scream, and hit him in the chest with a blast that left the room choked in smoke.

My warriors coughed as the air cleared, and getting to their feet found the dead body of the prisoner lying several feet back from where he had been kneeling.

"Throw his body out to sea- let it be a feast for sharks." Hiccup waved them away. "You are dismissed."

Hiccup could hear the gasps from people outside as the warriors dragged the body away. Toothless came back over by my chair, grumbling.

::Hiccup. Was that... wise to do? He said he was intoxicated::

Toothless said with slight regret in his voice, I caressed he head and reassured him. "Hey, you did good bud." I laid my hand on the his snout. "He was a bad man, and what he did was...horrible. Just horrible." Shaking my head, I called out in a weary voice: "Next!"

A thin man walked in, clearly shaken up from the ruckus before him and the aftermath that had been carried past him. He eyeballed Toothless as he spoke.

"Lord Haddock, I am from the Island of Yulrolan, and we need your immediate presence to intervene in a conflict that will soon destroy us."

"Yulrolan... southeast, small little community, kind of on the fringes, right? One of the nests nearby?"

"Yes my lord."

"Hm, the Bewilderbeasts are rather tricky to deal with. I will come within a few days and handle the situation. Thank you, you are-"

"No, you don't understand. There seems to be someone, or even multiple people, trying to stir up trouble deliberately."

I nodded. "I see..."

"Even now the battle rages, and the dragons are only growing more aggressive towards us. We entreat you to come at once!"

"Alright, alright." I rubbed my temples and groaned. "Wait in here, and after I get done with everyone else, I'll fly you back to Yulrolan. I've just got a lot to do, but then I'll deal with this, I promise."

The man from Yulrolan nodded. "Yes, of course. Thank you, my lord." He shuffled to side, still keeping an eye on Toothless, who watched him with curiosity.

I sighed to himself. "Just have to let my children and family know that I'm going to be leaving." Toothless nuzzled my side and cooed out.

::You are king, there are times that you'll disappoint those close to your heart because of your duties. I'm sure they'll understand::

I smiled and Toothless and thanked him for his encouraging words, I then looked back to the door and called out: "Next!"

(Astrid's pov)

As we entered the city of Denmark, we could see Red Maw soldiers patrolling the streets, the citizens selling weapons, foods, furs, and... cloaks made out of dragon skin? Come to think of it, I could see dragons scales on the ground, maybe the dragons have been shedding their skin and the people use those scales to create... fireproof armor and clothing. Thats clever. I could see Fishlegs mumbling to himself as he was taking notes of everything he laid eyes, after he finished writing, he looked up in the air and gasped, I looked up too and my mouth was gaped wide open. 

Night Furies. 

Well, they were dragons we've never seen before, they were white with feather like wings and tails, they had crimson cloths wrapped around their ear flaps and paws. Fishlges nudged me gently. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked me, I nodded slowly. "These dragons could be... a sub species of the Night Fury." I said, Fishlegs gave an uh huh and took out the Book of Dragons and began sketching the dragons before us, as we walked passed some of them, one sniffed me and gave me a look that made stop to look over the dragons features. 

The dragons was white, like all the others of the sub species of the infamous Night Fury, its eyes were piercing blue, like mine, its skin sparkled slightly and the dragon cooed at me. I didn't know what to do so I just nodded in acknowledgment at it, despite being a dragon killer, I found the dragons here to be quite... peaceful. 

It was such a strange word while describing dragons, but the Dragon Wars had ended mere days after Hiccup's supposed 'death' and clearly Hiccup had something to do with putting the seven generation war to a close. I had a million questions for Hiccup right now. 


The warriors escorting us stopped and we gasped at the sight of... Dagur the Deranged riding a Skrill?! The Berserker slid off his dragon and nuzzled its face, as did the Skrill, the insane Berserker eyes us and gave us a shark like grin. "Well well well, Hairy Hooligans here? Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk! Why are you here?" His amused tone was quickly replaced with firm authority, Gobber spoke up. "Dagur. We're here to speak with Hiccup." Dagur snorted at Gobber's words and shrugged. "Everybody wants to speak with Hiccup. And I hate to disappoint you, but if he learns you lot are here? Its not going to end well for you." Dagur's Skrill snarled at me, no doubt smelling the blood of dragons on me, I backed away slightly, I've never seen a Skrill before, but I know it has a ghastly reputation as a legendary storm dragon. 

"Its a risk we had to take Dagur." I said firmly, I approached him, Dagur's Skrill bore its teeth, but the Berserker chieftain held his dragon off as I stood in front of him. "Take us to Hiccup. Now." I seethed out, Dagur let out a crazed laugh and crossed his beefy arms across his chest. "Eager are we? Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." Dagur then dismissed the warriors escorting us, we then followed Dagur as he was taking us to the tower, we all looked up to see the tower reach the heavens. "Such architect. Its magnificent." Fishlegs murmured, I nodded in agreement, this tower was unlike any man made structure I've ever seen, and just by looking up, it seemed to have no end. 

As we entered the tower, we could see guards with shields that had the Red Maws colors- raven black and crimson red. Guards and soldiers were escorting what appeared to be Vikings and people from other tribes within the Archipelago, are they here to see Hiccup? It had to be. 

"S-so Dagur... how exactly did Hiccup become King of Denmark?" Fishlegs asked, Dagur turned his head slightly and chuckled lightly. "Because he's ruthless, cunning, and... he has power that no other man has." Was Dagur's only response, the Berserker led us to some sort of lift, he gestured for us to enter, once we were all in, he nodded to the guards outside the lift, they then began pulling on chains and... raising us up. 



Gobber and Fishlegs exclaimed, I looked down at Gothi, she too seemed impressed by this, as did I. Hiccup's kingdom eclipsed Berk and every other Viking tribe in all of the North in every way- manpower, technology, machines of war, and dragons. As we were still being raised up, we could see outside and how far up we were getting. We then heard loud roars, we all gasped at the sight of two massive dragons flying overhead the people, they then opened their maws to release mouthfuls of fish, every dragon in the area then took mouthfuls of fish and placed them on the structures across the city, they appeared to be... feeding stations. 

"Those are Hiccup's personal alphas in case you were wondering." Dagur said casually while picking out dirt from his index finger, Fishlegs's curiosity was piqued. "H-how did Hiccup find those two?" He asked, referring to the two Stoker alphas, Dagur merely answered. "Helheim's Gate." Fishlegs gasped at this news, he then asked. "S-so... those two...?" 

"Are the children of the Red Death. The former Queen of Dragons, and what was the cause of the Dragon Wars, that is until Hiccup and a group of Dragon Hunters killed her that is." Dagur cut Fishlegs off, Fishlegs and I shared look and I decided to ask a question too. "How many eggs did this... Red Death actually lay?" I was curious, Dagur turned his head and snorted. "The Red Death laid thousands of eggs, however when the eggs hatch, the hatchlings are to battle to death until one is left standing and that one leads the swarm. However, Hiccup only took two eggs, raised them to obey him and his Night Fury. Those two Stokers as well as our Bewilderbeast lead the swarm, but the alphas obey the Blood King's Night Fury."

Our lift came to a stop, Dagur then exited the lift and we followed him, we could see lines full of people, Vikings, foreigners, traders, merchants, soldiers and citizens, each one of them eager to speak to Hiccup. Dagur barked at the people to make way, as we got a clear look at the throne room, we all gasped at the sight of Hiccup. 

His hair had gotten long, but the sides of his head were braided, he had four twists on his head, and the twists were kept in place thanks to a bridge of his hair, he had a mustache and a goatee. He was dressed in black armor, he wore a crimson and black dragon skin cloak, and he... he was so handsome. 

Wait what?

Stay focussed Hofferson! 

Hiccup hadn't seen us yet, because he was busy dealing with a foreign merchant, the merchant looked like he was shaking in his boots, because Hiccup and his... Night Fury were glaring at him. The Night Fury was big. He had red cloths wrapped around his ear flaps and paws, he had sharp head spikes, his wings too looked sharp, but what caused a chill to crawl down my spine was the dragons eyes. Those fiery yellowish orange eyes were something else, it looked like if you provoked this dragon in the slightest way? You would not live very long. 

"L-lord Haddock, please I beg of you! I-I only seek to sell my exotic treasures and items with your people! W-what have I to gain by deceiving you?" The merchant stuttered, myself and the other Hooligans watched Hiccup's every move. The man stood up from his throne and spoke. "The last foreign merchant that had quite reputation here turned out to be a thief and attempted to steal a Bewilderbeast from the Berserker people in the attempt to build his own empire and enslave dragons. So you'll forgive me if I'm not so quick to place trust in you." He snarled out, the merchant cast his eyes down and uttered a quick prayer in a language I didn't understand. 

"Lord Haddock. I assure you, I mean you no harm, nor the lives of your dragons. I swear to Allah!" The merchant said, Hiccup then snarled and turned into... a demon. We all gasped in horror at the sight of Hiccup's demonic form, the merchant looked like he'd soil himself as Hiccup grabbed the man and roared out. "Do you take me for a fool? My men reported to me that you have caged dragons on board your ship! You are no friend of dragons and you will not find mercy from me!!" He roared out, he then threw the merchant back and before the merchant could even blink, a crimson blast came out of Hiccup's hand and stuck the merchants chest.

The merchant then fell down dead, Hiccup breathed heavily and transformed back into... himself, he then ordered his guards to discard the body, the guards quickly dragged the body out of the throne room. 

I released a shaky breath. What in Odins name was that?!! Before I could dwell any further, Dagur approached Hiccup and whispered in his ear, his eyes widened as he laid eyes on us, I could see his pupils turned into slits, causing me to swallow down my fear, Hiccup then turned to his guards. "Escort everyone out! I need to have words with... familiar faces." He said menacingly, the guards bowed their heads and escorted everyone out, until the only ones in the room were us, Dagur, handfuls of guards, Hiccup and his Night Fury. Hiccup then gave us a smile that caused goosebumps to explode across my skin. 

"Now... what am I to do with you lot?"

A/N: Cliffhanger! Don't you love them? Be tuned for another update later on today, the tension will be thicker than blood, old wounds will be reopened and its going to be a very ugly confrontation. Stay tuned and enjoy!

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