Chapter 27: We meet again

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(Hiccup's pov)

I glared daggers at the former members of the... place that hurt him, he saw Astrid, the former girl of his dreams, the last five years had been good to her; her baby fat had melted off her face and was replaced with sharp jawline, her hair was longer and was down in its traditional braid, except it was over her shoulder, she wore brown leather armor with a red tunic under it, she wore her traditional spiked skirt, her knee pads had the Hooligan emblem on them, she had a wolf fur cloak clipped to her shoulders, she wore leather arm braces with wold fur sticking out of them and her battle axe was strapped behind her back. 

Fishlegs was still the chubby kid I remembered him as, though he was broader in shoulders, and bulkier in muscle, he was still the coward that abandoned me that night. He had a massive belt around his torso and had several pockets, I could see a large book tucked in the pocket, as well as several other pockets that must hold books and pencils. 

Gobber still looked... well, like Gobber, he wore a dark bear fur cloak around his shoulders and he had a wooden hand equipped on his switchable prosthetic arm. And Gothi was gazing at me, she did not seem afraid of me, nor did Gobber, but Fishlegs and Astrid? I could smell their fear, they reeked of it. 

"What do you want?" I asked coldly at them, Toothless wrapped his tail around my legs and bared his teeth at the Hooligans, Gobber decided to speak up since the rest of them were speechless. "Lord Haddock." He said as he bowed down, I smiled at this, I then looked the other three and raised an eyebrow. "You would be wise to follow his lead." I said, the other Hooligans quickly muttered apologies and bowed down, then Gobber spoke after ten seconds of silence. 

"Lord Haddock, we've come by orders of Stoick, he wants to discuss peace talks with you." Gobber said, I barked out an unamused laugh, I snapped my fingers and a slave came with a vile of wine and a cup, the slave poured the wine in the cup and offered it to me, I took and shooed the slave away, I then turned back to the Hooligans. "So... Stoick sends those who I relied on in the past, those I actually gave a damn about on that island, and those who might actually have a chance to have peace talks with the son of a bitch who was my former father?" I asked, Gobber nodded at my words, I drank my wine and licked my lips at the sweet flavor of the exotic liquid, I then gave a smile at Gobber. 


Gobber however rose and tried persuading me. "Lad-" I threw my cup on the ground and it shattered to pieces; the wine splashing the ground, Toothless, Dagur and my guards readied for my command, I pointed a finger in Gobber's face. "I have NO interest in peace with Stoick and his tribe of animals. Peace is... such a dirty word." I then leaned forward slightly and added. "The only reason Stoick sent you here is because... you and your allies see all the might gathering against you. My empire is the start of a new world order! One where man and dragons will have an eternal peace. I've sacked and wiped out kingdoms and empires far more powerful than the ones here. But make no mistake... Berk will be destroyed, as well as anyone else who supports the Hairy Hooligans." 

Astrid looked up at me and spoke out. "Hiccup! Please, we're not just here to try and make peace with you, but... we're to apologize. I have come to apologize to you." She clarified, I raised an eyebrow at her, she licked her lips and looked me in the eyes. "I was wrong. I didn't mean to call you useless that night, I was a coward! I only cared about myself, and it was wrong! I was wrong for leaving you for so long." She said, I could see her eyes were becoming glassy; tears were threatening to spill, she then continued. "I want things to be as the way they were Hiccup! Between us! We were the best of friends and... I abandoned you when my uncle was killed by the Flighmare! I regret that choice everyday. And I've prayed to every god that this day would come, so I could look you in the eye and ask for your forgiveness." She said, her voice breaking slightly, she was being serious wasn't she? Astrid Hofferson admitting when she's wrong? Thats a first. 

"Do you know... what Snotlout did to me that night?" I asked softly, I then looked at Fishlegs. "DO YOU?!" I roared at him, he flinched at my tone, and he shook his head furiously, I nodded and chuckled while shaking my head. "That... bastard took a wooden pole and... violated me with it." I seethed out, remembering Snotlout's taunting tone, Ruffnut and Tuffnut laughing at my suffering, and the rest of my bullies blocking the alleyways to ensure nobody could see Snotlout violating me in such a disgusting way. 

Astrid gasped in horror and covered her mouth, Fishlegs turned green in disgust, Gobber and Gothi had shocked and horrified faces, they didn't know what happened, they assumed Snotlout may have just beat me into a bloody pulp. I didn't like talking about this subject, but this was what caused me to finally hate everyone and everything the Hooligans are. 

"Hiccup... w-we didn't know." Fishlegs stuttered out, I scoffed at him and shook my head. "Of course you didn't! You were there remember! I begged you to help me! I fought them as best as I could, but they overpowered me, and you were standing there, doing... nothing." I said coldly. "You let those animals violate me. As I said before... you're a coward." I spat out, causing Fishlegs to look away in shame and he began to cry at my words, because he knew I was right and the truth hurts. 

"Be gone. Tell Stoick and your allies that there will be no peace, no parlay, or no dealing with each other. Tell your people that there will be suffering, plague, death, and war." I said in a bone chilling voice. Astrid however, being her stubborn self didn't move when the other Hooligans began to leave, I raised an eyebrow at her and leaned forward in my seat. "Tell me Astrid, do you have a death wish?" I asked, Astrid however stood her ground. "I'm not going anywhere Hiccup. I refuse to leave when I am asking for your forgiveness. Please, Hiccup, I beg of you... give me a chance to prove that I've changed!" She practically begged me, I looked at the other Hooligans, then back at Astrid. 

I got up from my throne and approached Astrid until we were arms length away, she flushed slightly, I gave her an intense glare and curled my lip up. "Tell Stoick that there won't be peace. That there is only the inevitable war." I said, before I could turn around, Astrid grabbed my bicep, Dagur, Toothless and my guards were about to pounce but I held them off, I then turned around to face Astrid again. "You really do have a death wish don't you?" I said, she gave me a challenging look, before I could speak, I heard the doors behind the Hooligans open and I saw...

"Daddy daddy daddy!!"

Ingrid and Halvor sprint toward me and hug my legs, I then looked up to see a guard panting. "F-forgive me Lord Haddock! They wanted to see you and I tried to tell them they were busy..." I shook my head at the guard. "No worries, I'll take it from here, as you were." I said, the guard bowed his head and exited the room. I looked at my children to give me playful smiles. "Kids, I'm in the middle of something, can this wait?" I asked gently, the children shook their heads. 

"We want you to play with us Daddy!"

"Yeah! Play hide and seek with us!!"

I saw the shocked faces on Astrid's and the other Hooligans faces, I however turned my attention back to my children. "Alright alright, I will! After I finish up here, does that sound good?" I asked them, they nodded and I smiled at them. "Good. Now go outside and I'll be with you shortly." I said, they both squealed excitedly and exited the throne room, when they left I could see Astrid about to pass out. 

"H-how...? W-when?" She asked, I rolled my eyes at her and crossed my arms across my chest. "In order to have an alliance with the Berserkers, I had to marry Dagur's sister Heather, our first conquest as the Red Maw was attacking the Western lands of England, however, a deadly plague has wiped out millions of people from a place called Italy and the people of England. Those lands are called the Plague Lands. And for good reason. The plague killed Heather and my third unborn child." I said, Astrid gasped and placed a hand over her mouth, I then headed back to my throne, Toothless crooned at me gently and nuzzled into my side, I petted his head gently. 

"Hiccup... I'm sorry." Astrid said, I however let out a growl and turned around. "I don't seek your pity! Nor do I want anything to do with you or your people! True, though you lot didn't hurt me with physicality, you hurt me by not standing up for me. By not being the people who were supposed to protect, love and respect their heir! You and Fishlegs are cowards! You only cared about your own skin back then, and you think by... trying to make amends changes anything? Well guess what. It doesn't. So go home. And tell your people to prepare for Ragnarök!" I boomed out, causing Astrid to back away in fear. 

"Hiccup..." She tried again, but I turned into my draconian form and this terrified her. "I SAID LEAVE!!! LEAVE NOW OR DIE!!" I roared out, when I transformed back into my human side, I turned to my guards and Dgaur. "Make sure they leave my kingdom." They nodded and approached the Hooligans, I then added before they were escorted out. "Be thankful I'm letting you leave with your lives! I cannot promise such mercy for the rest of the Hairy Hooligans. I would advise you cherish your friends and family with the time you have left. Because the old Viking era is coming to an end. And my new world order will rise and eclipse all empires and kingdoms on Midgard! And I'm afraid... you don't have any place in it." 

Then the doors closed before Astrid or Gobber could speak out again, when the doors closed I sighed heavily and growled out in anger. "The nerve on Stoick, sending those I actually cared about in the past, however, they abandoned me in the past and my former father thinks that they could sway me to resolve our differences with peace?!" I said in outrage, Toothless groaned and then yawned. 

::He's afraid of your power Hiccup. Many of those against us are. So they unite together and try to wipe us out, yet they are in for a rude awakening::

I chuckled and nodded in agreement before me and Toothless exited the throne room to join my children on our play date. "Oh yes bud, our enemies are in for quite a rude awakening." I said while chuckling in amusement. 

(Astrid's pov)

"So its war then?" 

"Aye Stoick, he said there will be no peace, only plague, suffering, death and war." 

I stayed silent, I had stayed silent the entire trip back to Berk, because I knew Hiccup was right. I was a coward, and his words hurt, they hurt so badly that it felt like a knife pierced my heart. Now I imagine how much pain the Hooligans words must've been on Hiccup. He has every right to wipe us out, we never gave him a chance to prove himself before our eyes, we always brushed him aside and judged him before even getting to even know him. 

Stoick sighed heavily and turned to Spitelout. "Send emissaries to all our allies, we need to discuss a way to defeat Hiccup and the heretics that follow him." He said, Spitelout nodded and left the Hall, Stoick then looked at us and growled out. "If its a war that boy wants? Then war he shall receive." He then exited the Hall with the council members following him, leaving only me and Fishlegs. 

"So... this is it. We've reaped what we've sown." Fishlegs said, I hummed in agreement, I sighed and shook my head slightly. "When I looked into his eyes? I didn't see my best friend in there. The Hiccup I knew as a child, and who was my best friend is long dead. We're going to war with a monster." I said shakily, FIshlegs however rubbed his head and sighed out. "But we made him this way, we had our chance to be the friends he needed us to be five years ago and we rejected that opportunity." The chubby Ingerman got and then said before leaving. "Be prepared Astrid. These next few days are going to feel like the end of the world." He then left the Hall leaving just me. 

I then broke down into tears and sobbed out. "Oh gods! P-please Odin, please!! Have mercy on us!!" I breathed out heavily, I needed to speak with Hiccup again, I needed to prove to him that I wanted to change and to be his friend. I then headed to my house to pack what I needed so I could go back to Denmark and persuade Hiccup's mind. 

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