Chapter 29: Friends once more

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(Normal pov)

"All hail Lord Haddock! The Blood King! The Dragon conquer! And the Overlord!!"

Everyone rose from their seats and bowed their heads as Hiccup entered the throne room dressed in his spiky black and crimson armor, as Hiccup stood near his seat, he laid eyes on the representative of Sharkslane tribe, the man wasn't bowing down before him, Hiccup flared at him, but the man still would not bow down.

Valka next to her son and glared at the Sharkslane representative as well. "The representative from Sharkslane will bow down before the Blood King." She said firmly, while everyone else was still bowed down, they all turned their heads to the Sharkslane representative, the man snorted in amusement and replied back. "The Blood King should bow down before Sharkslane." He said in a challenging yet rebellious tone, Valka approached the man as he continued speaking. "Rumor has it that representatives from the Hairy Hooligans arrived, and the Blood King let them live. I was under the assumption that the Blood King despised the Hooligans, yet he lets Stoick's people live?" 

Valka then growled out at the Sharkslane representative. "The Blood King bows down to no one." Before things got ugly, Hiccup spoke out. "Mother, stand down." He looked back and forth between his mother and the hostile representative, however Valka turned to her son and bowed her head before retuning to his side, the Sharkslane representative scoffed out. "You're dodging the topic boy." Everyone held their breath at the representatives words, Hiccup's pupils turned to slits as he seethed out. "Sit. Down. Before I deliver your body back to your pathetic chieftain, piece by bloody piece." Hiccup watched the representative, the man and everyone else sat down. 

"The people of Sharkslane will hear of this." The representative spat out, Hiccup had enough of this man, Valka stepped up and spoke out. "We've heard reports of the Sharkslane fleet advancing toward our beloved capital, we all know that Chieftain Sigurd wants nothing more than to take my sons place as king. So tell us... are you here to assassinate my son before your cowardly chief arrives?" 

All eyes turned to the Sharkslane representative, he clicked his tongue and shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not, Chieftain Sigurd values strength, and since the Blood King has refused to kill Stoick's pawns, Sigurd will see your weakness and challenge you for the throne." He said, Hiccup however had heard enough, he then got up from his throne and turned toward Sigurd's representative. "We need not argue about this any longer, please, join me. Let us speak privately, I have message for Chieftain Sigurd." Hiccup said as he stepped out the balcony behind his throne, the Sharkslane representative smirked at this and approached Hiccup. 

"Whatever your message is, I'm more than happy to deliver." He said, however, Hiccup seized the man by his throat and hurled him off the balcony with ease, the man fell from fifty stories, his screams silenced seconds later. Everyone in the room was silent witnessing this, Hiccup turned around to see those under his banner, those who joined his alliance, and those loyal to him, the Blood King's eyes were thin slits as he seethed out. "Would anyone else care to decide whether I spared the Hooligans out of weakness?" Hiccup looked around the room and when one spoke Hiccup smiled. "Good. Then lets begin."

(Astrid's pov)

It had taken me all night to sail back to Denmark, when it I finally arrived, I tied my boat up at the harbor and made my way into the city as fast as I could. Currently I was blending in the crowds of people within the Viking capital, I had a black cloak on and a hood draped over my head and face, I needed to speak with Hiccup. I approached the tower and thankfully, the guards didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary, I then entered the lift and when the guards asked me what floor I needed to be on, I said fiftieth, they nodded and raised me up. 

I removed my hood as I took in the sight of Hiccup's kingdom, it was all beautiful, there was order, security and protection for both man and dragons, rich and prosperous trade and it seemed everyone here was... happy. 

I wish I could say the same thing about myself, I haven't been happy in a long time. The last five years have been... stressful, full of responsibility, and... regret. Thats why I needed to speak with Hiccup, I needed to him to believe me that I've changed and that I wanted to. Because I don't want to rule Berk, not after what we've all done to Hiccup in the past. 

As I finally hit the fiftieth floor, I quickly put my hood back on and quickly made my way out of the lift, I could see Hiccup making his way into a room, I quickly followed him and as silently as I could, entered the room he just entered and silently closed the door. I saw Hiccup looming over table with life model sets of his kingdom and... all of Norway in fact. While he was distracted, I cleared my throat, he turned around to see me and his eyes widened in shock. 

He then made his way toward me and grabbed me by the arms and slammed me into the wall, we looked into each others eyes while Hiccup held me with an iron like grip. 

"What in the name of Thor are you doing here?!" He whisper yelled at me, I licked my lips and looked into his blazing eyes. "I came to see you." I said, Hiccup snorted in disbelief as he released me. "You came to see me?" He chuckled out, he turned back around and raised his eyebrows at me. "Well. Here I am. What do you want?" He sat down in a chair and waited for my response. 

"Hiccup I... I just need you to listen to me alright?" I began, I already told him I'm sorry, yet he didn't forgive me for past grievances, so I decided to choose my words carefully. "I'm sorry. I failed you. When you needed me to be the friends we used to be I... failed you." I said, Hiccup raised an eyebrow at me, yet continued to listen. "When you... "died" it was torture for me. I regretted everything that happened between us since you were away from Berk. And I... Astrid Hofferson pledge allegiance to you." I said while bowing down before him. 

Hiccup gave me a confused look and leaned forward in his seat. "You know I can tell if you're lying to me right? My powers allow me to sense whether someone tells me the truth or speaks in a false tongue." Hiccup said, he looked at me as I bowed down before him, he snorted lightly after fifteen seconds. "You are telling me the truth." I heard him rise up and I looked into his eyes, they were softened and he offered me a hand, I took and he raised me up as we looked into each others eyes. 

"S-so, can we start over? Pick up where we left off?" I asked hopefully, Hiccup's face was void of emotion at first, but then his signature goofy grin split across his face and it made my heart skip several beats. "Very well Hofferson, we are friends once more." He extended his arm out, I smiled at him and we grasped each others forearms, I then pulled him into a bear hug, he groaned in surprise, but returned my hug. "To be clear though, if you betray my trust or hurt me in any way? I will kill you." He said, I nodded in understanding. "I won't Hiccup, not again." I murmured into his chest, I heard Hiccup snort lightly. "Good." He said as he held me closer.

And we just held each other for several minutes, at had SO long since we've been back on friendly terms and it felt good. And I never wanted to break our friendship apart ever again. 

(Unknown location)

Stoick and all of Berk's allies had been discussing plans to attack Hiccup's perverse kingdom for hours now, the debates were going nowhere however, some discussing bombardment from the sea, some suggested assassination attempts, or a full frontal assault. However, Stoick silenced all these suggestions, because he knew Hiccup was far too clever and that these attempts would fail. So the chief of Berk pointed to Denmark and began his suggestion. 

"Hiccup's position is too fortified, he will see our attempts coming from a mile away! I suggest that we start attacking Hiccup's allies." 

Everyone murmured in confusion at first, that is until Stoick clarified for them. "The tribes allied with Hiccup, those who refused to leave their homes, we shall attack them and continue to do so until we trigger a response from Hiccup." Everyone however wasn't fond of that idea.

"Stoick, those who allied with your heretic son ALL have dragons, I matters not how we attack them, they'll be ready for us anyway!!"

"We must attack the heart of this heresy! Sack Denmark with our combined forces and give the traitors the ultimate punishment for their crimes!!"

"AYE!! We must attack now!!"

The Hall erupted with disagreements, suggestions, roars of approval, panic, and many more emotions. Spitelout placed a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Brother, they're right, it doesn't matter how we attack Hiccup, his forces are growing everyday, and while sit here arguing, we are letting that traitorous boy win! Let us launch a full attack on Denmark and wipe the blight that has festered for far too long!" Spitelout said, Stoick sighed heavily as he punched the table, causing everyone to shut up. 

"So be it, tonight, we marshal our forces and attack the heretics at dawn." Stoick said, causing everyone to roar in approval and agreement, as for Stoick himself? Well he was about to see what kind of person Hiccup has become, as for some reason? It terrified him.

"Odin help us."

A/N: Shorty, but war is fast approaching don't worry, so stay tuned for more an in the mean time? I'm cooking up a new story right after this one. Its a modern au with Hiccup as a superhero while he's in high school and dealing with drama, come bosses, super villains and etc. 

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