Chapter 30: A day out together

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Now that Hiccup and Astrid were friends again, the two of them picked up where they left off in their friendship. They had spent days catching up and it was well needed, Astrid could see that Hiccup wasn't the same person back on Berk, he was stronger, a warrior king, a father of two beautiful children, tamer of the legendary Night Fury and has explored the world beyond the Barbaric Archipelago.

Astrid had met Hiccup's siblings and mother as well, which shocked Astrid, she didn't know Valka was still yet of this world and Halfdan and Hava? That she did not expect at all. But none the less, they made Astrid feel welcomed and they were currently having dinner together in Hiccup's chambers.

"Daddy! Can I have pastries?" Halvor asked with puppy eyes, Hiccup smirked at his son and answered him. "Not until you finish every bite of food off your plate young man, you do want to be a strong warrior king don't you?" Hiccup asked playfully, Halvor's eyes lit up and nodded furiously. "YEAH!!" He screeched out, causing everyone at the table to chuckle at the five year old boy, Hiccup smiled at his son and ruffled his raven black hair. "Good, now go on, the sooner you finish your dinner, the sooner you can have sweets like your sister." Hiccup said as he turned to Ingrid who was smirking at her brother while eating a delicious pastry with icing inside of it; motivating Halvor to eat his dinner faster.

Astrid giggled at the sight and looked at Hiccup. "They're so beautiful! Do they give you trouble?" She asked, Hiccup snorted and finished the last bite of his grilled steak and shrugged. "Nah, well... it depends, but other than that? They are little angels." He said as he kissed Halvor's hair and caressed Ingrids cheek lovingly, causing the girl to smile at her father.

Valka too finished her dinner and turned to Astrid. "So Astrid, tell us, how has Stoick... taken the news of Hiccup being king of Denmark?" She asked, she had thought about Stoick for years, but the man would never love her after choosing the side of dragons, Astrid took a sip of water and wiped her mouth with and clicked her tongue. "He hasn't taken it well. The man believes you're dead and Hiccup? Well, Stoick cared less about Hiccup's supposed "death." But now that you're alive and king no less, he's desperate." Astrid said, causing the Haddocks to shake their heads in disbelief.

"Of course the old bastard is desperate!" Hiccup said, though he minded his language since his kids were sitting right next to him, he then continued. "He never cared about me, except for the few times he'd see me reading, building inventions and what not, but other than that? I might as well have been a thrall to that... man." Hiccup spat out, causing Valka to shake her head in disgust, Halfdan and Hava too shook their heads, they never met their father, but now? They didn't want to. Hiccup then looked at Halvor to see him finish his food, he ordered one of the servants to bring a desert for his son, the servant bowed their head and went off to grab a desert.

"He even made you heir of Berk. How did that treat you?" Hiccup asked Astrid, the blond woman snorted and looked into Hiccup's eyes. "Beyond exhausting. I realized that every day I was being groomed to take over, I... I just couldn't see myself as chief. I born to serve those of a higher power, not to rule." She said as she finished eating her food, Hiccup stroked his goatee and asked her. "Would you want to be chief?" He looked into Astrid's eyes, she took the last bite of her food, swallowed, wiped her mouth with the table cloths provided and answered. "Under extreme circumstances perhaps, but as an average ruler? No, I don't see myself as chief or chieftess."

"Well lucky for you Astrid, I'm not asking you to rule, but I am looking for a general. I have plenty of generals in my army, but you? I CAN see you take over Viking armies and leading them into glorious victory." Hiccup said, he then leaned forward and smiled lightly at her. "Would you be willing to serve as my personal general? You don't have to agree immediately, but the opportunity stands." He said, Astrid was surprised by this, but she smiled back at Hiccup. "I'll let you know." She said, Hiccup nodded at her, the doors opened to reveal servants arriving with deserts for the royal family and their guest.

"Ah! Excellent! I hope you have room for something sweet Astrid." Hiccup said teasingly, Astrid however gave him a challenging smirk and shot back. "Are you? You look like you're about to pass out from a food coma!" The two were unaware of Valka, Halfdan and Hava smirking at each other, those two would hit it off really soon. It would only be a matter of time.

(Thirty minutes later)

After a fine meal and delicious desert, Hiccup helped his kids clean their teeth, tucked them into bed, sang them a lullaby to them and soon the Haddock children were fast asleep. Hiccup wished his mother, brother and sister goodnight too and that left just Hiccup and Astrid alone in his master bedroom.

"Let me take you to your room." Hiccup said, Astrid smiled in thanks as he led her down the halls, Astrid was still amazed at the beauty of Hiccup's tower, it was a structure beyond anything a Viking could ever dream of building, and it just proved that Hiccup isn't your average Viking. Once they arrived at the guest room, Hiccup opened the door for Astrid, she found the room too elegant for her taste, but she accepted it.

"My servants will tend to your every need Astrid. If you need night gowns, clothing, food, whatever, your needs will be tended to." Hiccup said, Astrid smiled at him. "Thank you Hiccup, I appreciate your gracious hospitality." Hiccup ordered servants to come and bring Astrid night gowns, when Astrid took the gowns, she stripped of her leather armor, Hiccup turned around to respect her privacy.

"So... I was thinking... do you want to train in the morning?" Astrid asked as she slipped into her night gown, she turned to see Hiccup still facing away from her, she chuckled and announced. "I'm not naked anymore Hiccup." Hiccup turned back around and gave her a grin and answer her. "Sure, but I hope you provide me a challenge Hofferson." His words caused Astrid to give him a smirk. "Prepare yourself Haddock." They both chuckled lightly at their competitive tones, they then bid each other goodnight, when Hiccup left her room, Astrid looked out the window of her room to see the city lit up, the moon hanging high in the sky causing the ocean to glisten and shine, and the stars glistened in the heavens. It was a beautiful scene, but right now, Astrid when to sleep, she was excited for what tomorrow would bring.

(Following morning)

Astrid woke up the following morning with a smile, she got out of her bed and stripped out of her night gown, she put on a fresh crimson tunic, her black leggings, she strapped on her leather armor, her spiky skirt and leather boots. She fixed her hair in a side braid and grabbed her battle axe, when she exited her room, she went to Hiccup's room, when she opened the door to his room though, she flushed a deep red in embarrassment.

In his bed was Hiccup and a handful of women, the air smelled of sweat and sex, Astrid entered his room and opened the doors leading to the balcony; letting fresh air in and releasing the odors invading her nostrils. She then approached Hiccup, she gasped lightly at his body. Not only did Hiccup have clean, cut muscle, but her had tattoos and three massive scars across his torso, she wondered what did that to him. Astrid shook Hiccup lightly, his eyes snapped open and he grabbed the collar of her leather armor, causing her to gasp in surprise. They were inches apart and he quickly let her go, and she too cleared her throat in embarrassment.

"I was having a good dream." He murmured to Astrid, Hiccup then looked around to see the mass of gorgeous Viking women in his bed, he then rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "A VERY good dream." He added, causing Astrid to scoff in disbelief. "Right, well when you're done with... this. You promised we'd spar." She said, Hiccup sighed but nodded, he removed the arms clinging to his body and Astrid blushed at the size of his manhood, Hiccup approached a massive bowl of water, he washed his face and pits, when he finished with that, he approached his armor hanging on the wall.

He put his leather pants on, a long sleeve crimson tunic, after that he placed his crimson an black leather armor over his tunic and finally he put his boots on. Hiccup and Astrid then left the room, he looked at Astrid and could see she was avoiding his gaze. "Alright, what are you thinking? Spit it out Hofferson." He demanded, Astrid turned to Hiccup and snorted in disbelief at him. "So... when did you get a harem?" She asked, Hiccup licked his lips and shrugged. "I've had it for a while, for your information, I take good care of the women who give me pleasure." He said, Astrid hummed in acknowledgment. "Good to know." She said, for some reason, she felt jealousy roar within her, she didn't know why though, she and Hiccup had just gotten their friendship back, she wouldn't jeopardize that for... whatever it is she was felling in her belly.

As they made their way down the tower, they entered the city and made their way through the streets, Astrid could see children and hatchling dragons playing together in the streets, dragon riders soaring the skies, the citizens heading out to begin their days work, and soldiers patrolling the streets. The people bowed their heads as Hiccup and Astrid walked past them, Hiccup nodded at the people in acknowledgment, Astrid then laid eyes on a massive colosseum, and the sight caused chills to crawl down her spine.

"What is that?" She asked Hiccup, the Blood King turned to Astrid and smirked at the disbelief in her voice. "The Romans had a colosseum to execute prisoners and they slaves called gladiators for a chance to fight for their freedom. I liked that, so I had one constructed here for my warriors to train in." Hiccup said with pride, as the duo entered the colosseum, they could see Red Maw warriors training with their dragons, each other and dummies. Hiccup saw a familiar black dragon.

"Hey bud!"

Toothless turned around and bounded over to the duo, he nuzzled his head into his riders stomach, Hiccup chuckled and hugged Toothless's head.

::Nice of you to join us my friend!::

Hiccup then turned to Astrid and then to Toothless. "Bud, this is Astrid, remember her from the other day?" He asked, Toohtless sniffed Astrid and looked into her eyes with caution.

::She's killed dragons before, why bring her into your kingdom?::

Hiccup clicked his tongue and turned back to his dragon. "She's trying to change her old ways bud, and she proved it, she left Berk to come here." He said, Astrid witnessed the interaction with curiosity, Hiccup noticed her slightly confused face, he chuckled at her but nodded. "When a human and dragon create a bond, they form a telepathic bond, it helps them communicate from afar, during battle and if you need someone to talk to." Hiccup said, Astrid nodded in understanding. "Now, enough talk, are you ready to spar?" He asked, Astrid smiled and shot back. "Bring it on Haddock." Astrid said as she grabbed a shield and got into a battle position.

Hiccup grabbed Inferno from his belt and ignited it, causing Astrid's eyes to widen in shock, but she then focused as Hiccup lunged at her, she raised her shield up and was pushed back at the sheer force of Hiccup's blows. For the majority of the sparring session, Astrid was on defense while Hiccup was having his way with her, however, she then swept his legs out from under him, when he fell, she brought her axe down, but he deflected the strike with Inferno.

"Give up yet?" He asked her, Astrid scoffed lightly and shot back. "Says the one on his back." Hiccup quickly got back up, he twirled Inferno expertly, they then locked blades once again, when they broke off, Hiccup tried punching her, but she blocked the attack and pushed him back, she brought her axe high up in the air, but Hiccup swatted away the attack and evaded a deadly attack.

She then let her axe fly, Hiccup however side step the flying axe, tackled Astrid and brought Inferno near inches from her throat, causing Astrid to hold her breath. "I would advise caution if you decide to hurl your weapon during battle Astrid, if you encounter a more powerful opponent, weaken them first, then finish them off with such an attack." Hiccup said, he then got up off of her and held his hand out, Astrid sighed and grabbed his hand, they looked into each others eyes and then laughed at each other.

"Hiccup. Seriously. That. Was. AWESOME!!! I knew you had changed over the years but... gods!" She exclaimed in excitement, Hiccup chuckled as he grabbed her axe and threw it back to her, she caught and twirled it in her hands. "That was just warm up. Ready for more?" He asked, she smirked. "Thought you'd never ask." She said, they shared a warm smile before they both gave out battle cries and their weapons met each other yet again, mixing with the clanging of steel and bashing of shields.

(Denmark harbor)

A fleet of ships bearing the Sharkslane colors docked in the harbor, the harbor patrol approached the ships and saw a massive man with a cloak made out of sharks scales, and leather armguards with shark teeth sticking out of every direction, the man had leather armor on with sharks jaws holding some parts of his armor together. The mans eyes were azure, he had long blond hair done in a pony tail and a pointy blond beard, he was bulky and he cracked his knuckles when his feet made contact with the dock.

"State your business here." One of the guards patrolling the harbor demanded, other guards joined their fellow comrade as they raised their shields and weapons as the big man approached them, he then chuckled at them and raised his hands out. "I am Sigurd the Bloodthirsty, Chieftain of Sharkland tribe. I seek to speak with the Blood King." He demanded, the harbor guards turned to each other than turned back to Sigurd.

"So that you can waste more of our lords time? Spare yourself from humiliating yourself Chieftain Sigurd. Leave now." The head guard advised, Sigurd nodded and turned around, he then ducked, before the harbor patrol could react, arrows struck everyone of the guards faces; killing them instantly. Sigurd rose from the dock and sighed heavily. "Your advise is headed, but not wanted." Sigurd said with a sinister chuckle, he turned around to see his men lower their bows, the rest of Sharkslanes ships docked at the harbor and joined their chief.

"If Lord Haddock will ignore me, then I will barge into his kingdom to gain an audience." Sigurd growled out, he then grabbed a shield that bore Sharkslane colors and drew his jagged sword that had sharks teeth forged on the edges. "Come my brothers and sisters! Let us have an audience with Lord Haddock!!" The Sharkslane warriors gave battle cries and charged into Kattegat and would carve their way toward the city of Denmark and knock on Hiccup's door.

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