Chapter 31: Removing a thorn in your side

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(Denmark jail cells- Normal pov)

Among the thousands of slaves within Denmark, was a Saxon named Uriah. The man was a warrior bishop in England who served under Edward III, but when the Red Maw and Plague ravaged England, Uriah was deeply saddened, he and the few remaining Saxon slaves had lost everything- their friends, homes, families, nation, and they believed they lost their faith too.

The people forced to suffer to their heathen taskmasters, the sight of the heathens worshiping false gods, practicing evil and other abominations made Uriah sick, the man would love nothing more than to cut out the very heart of this evil.

The Blood King.

That... thing is the Devil incarnate, he and everyone within the city has seen the power he wield's, but there is no power that can match that of the one true God.

Uriah had a wooden cross necklace around his neck, he held that cross close to his breast when the days seemed hopeless, void of light, and a world full of wickedness. But this place? This is Sodom and Gomorrah, a city in the Old Testament that was destroyed by God for its great evil and wickedness, Uriah prayed that this place would be destroyed as well.

"Domine, precor te ut de populo tuo et dirige me in tenebris. Vilis in viribus suis daret salutem, ut nos et rursus caput serpentis ab hac stultitia que tot innoxios protegebat interfecerunt. Ut sint vobis in nos ira Domini. Amen."

Uriah prayed in Latin, there were several other Saxons gathered- soldiers, citizens, nobles, children, and regular Englishman, they all look up to Bishop Uriah for encouragement, however the Saxons time in prayer was rudely cut short with Red Maw Vikings banging on their cell bars. 

"QUIET!! Or else you want to lose your tongues! Maybe then we can have some quiet." One of the Red Maw Vikings said, causing his companions to laugh in agreement, they then left the area, the Saxon people looked back to Uriah, he had everyone pray silently to themselves, no matter how dark things seemed now? The Lord was with them. 

Uriah then heard battle cries echoing outside, the man approached the bars that overlooked the outside, he could see Red Maw warriors exiting the jail and rushing outside. Whatever was happening, Uriah prayed that the wicked king would meet his end this day.

(Streets of Denmark)

Sigurd the Bloodthirsty and his Sharkslane warriors were pushing their way into the city center, they had killed many citizens and their large numbers quickly overwhelmed the small amount of Red Maw warriors who attempted to stop them. However, the Sharkslane attack was stopped dead in its tracks when crimson plasma separated the raiders from the citizens of Denmark and approaching Red Maw warriors. 

The Sharkslane chief looked up to see a Night Fury hovering in the air, with the Blood King on its back, and... a pretty blond behind the king too. When the trio landed, Hiccup slid off of Toothless and snarled at Sigurd. "You have nerve Sigurd. NERVE. But I thought you were smarter than this, attacking my kingdom like this? You just led your people into a slaughter." Hiccup said as his Blood guards arrived at the scene forming a perimeter around Hiccup, while the Red Maw warriors raided shields and had weapons at the ready. 

Sigurd however didn't care, he approached the crimson plasma fire wall, the Sharkslane chief grinned at Hiccup and raised his arms out. "Well, I had to get your attention somehow! I'd say I've got your full attention now. So, since you won't teach me our my people how to tame dragons, then we will take them from you." Sigurd snarled out, Hiccup scoffed at the Sharkslane chiefs idiocy. "You cannot force dragons to submit to your command idiot. You must BOND with them, honor and respect them." Hiccup said, however Sigurd wasn't listening to Hiccup, instead he was looking right at Toothless. 

"Your Night Fury... I want it." Sigurd said, Toothless snarled at the Sharkslane chief in disapproval, Hiccup stepped in front Toothless so Sigurd would look at him. "Thats not going to happen." The two glared each other down and then Sigurd chuckled, he then gave Hiccup a challenging smile. "I recognize your blond friend their! Astrid Hofferson! The Pride of Berk!!" Sigurd announced loudly, the then continued. "Your Blood King claims to hate everyone and everything about Berk and the "old" Vikings, yet here is Astrid Hofferson, a know dragon killer and the heir of a tribe that despises dragons! Your king is a hypocrite!"

Hiccup however snarled out. "ENOUGH! If you want my throne, give me the challenge and get on with it." Hiccup demeaned, Sigurd gave a toothy grin and shrugged. "Very well, you are challenged..."

"And I accept your challenge." Hiccup cut Sigurd off before continuing. Sigurd sized Hiccup up, but Hiccup didn't cower at all, in fact, there was no fear in his eyes at all. Valka, Halfan and Hava were in the crowd of people, they pushed their way to Hiccup, Valka, regaining herself from this outrageous attack turned to Sigurd. "Chieftain Sigurd, who do you choose to be your champion?" She asked, Sigurd turned to a man around HIccup's own age, he was bulky, broad shouldered, had long blond hair that was done in a man bun hairstyle, light blond stubble was on his cheeks, and he too had azure eyes. 

"My son, Egil the Undefeated!" Sigurd said with pride, Astrid recognized him, she even sparred with him on occasion, and his reputation wasn't exaggerated, she truly hoped that Hiccup was skilled enough to take down Egil. Valka then turned to Hiccup, she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Son, who will fight for you?" She asked, Hiccup looked into his mothers eyes, then turned back to Sigurd and his cocky son. 

"I am the Blood King. The Overlord!" Hiccup seethed out, his pupils turned into slits as he growled out. "No one fights for me." 

Valka pursed her lips but nodded at her sons words. "So be it. Single combat! Warrior against warrior to the death!" Valka announced to everyone. "The duel will begin at dusk. You have until then to prepare for the duel." Valka announced, she, Halfdan and Hava approached their Stormcutters and flew toward the colosseum.

"Agreed, I fear this fight will be over far too soon." Sigurd taunted, Hiccup however gave a humorless smiled. "Hubris, many opponents I've killed and defeated have fallen because of it. My advice? Say your final farewells to your son Sigurd, because I will mutilate his corpse in front of you." Hiccup said with a venomous tone as he climbed back on Toothless, helped Astrid up and they made their way back to the colosseum. 

(Astrid's pov)

Upon landing in the arena, Hiccup slid off of Toothless and he ignited Inferno, I grabbed his bicep to turn him around, I then shook my head. "Hiccup, I really hate that I am saying this but... you don't stand a chance against Egil." I said, Hiccup curled his lip as he growled out. "You've never seen me in a real fight." I nodded in agreement. "You're right, but I have fought Egil before, well sparred against him anyway, but when we weren't sparring? I saw nearly kill three men before it took even the first men to hit the ground." I said remembering just how vicious Egil was in combat. 

"If you are right, and I meet my end by Egil's hands, then today is the today I enter Valhalla and will be reunited with countless friends, comrades... and Heather." He said, I nodded to him in understanding but I also couldn't let Hiccup die today. "I can't just stand back and let Egil kill you Hiccup!!" I said firmly, Hiccup licked his lips. "Then my spirit will choose the next successor of my empire, and you need to accept that." He said, I scoffed at his words and shook my head. 

"Like hell I do." 

I said before leaving the colosseum to go speak with Egil, because I wanted to ensure that there was a way to turn this duel in Hiccup's favor, because knowing Sigurd the Bloodthirsty? He would cheat to snatch Hiccup's empire away from him. 

(Egil the Undefeated's pov)

My father has always pushed me to my breaking point. From the day I could stand he trained me to be the ultimate warrior, he had me train until I thought my bones would break, until I felt I would pass out from dehydration, and sometimes I could taste my own blood. 

My father and our personal guards followed us the Blood guard, Lord Haddock's elite bodyguards led us to a courtyard with my people, children and... dragons roaming the streets. I still don't understand how Lord Haddock made peace with such creatures. 

"Focus Egil, try and anticipate Haddocks attacks, remember, he's not your average Viking, and that fact alone makes him unpredictable. Be wary of him." My father said, I however rolled my eyes and turned to my father. "Your advise is well received." I said sarcastically, however, my father grabbed my shoulder and turned me around violently. 

"This is not a game boy. In the wake of your victory, our people will be more powerful than ever before, that will be your legend, and you will finally prove yourself worthy in my eyes." 

I ripped my arm out of my fathers grasp and spat out. "Do not pretend you care about me father! You've used me as a weapon for far too long! Why not fight Haddock yourself?" Before my father can answer, I cut him off. "Don't answer that, you don't want to fight Haddock because you are a coward." I spat out before leaving my people and away from my fathers shouting. 

As I walked through the streets, I bumped into a cloaked figure, when the figure removed their hood, I laid eyes on...

"Astrid Hofferson. Pride of Berk. Funny seeing you here." I said, Astrid rolled her eyes, she crossed her arms and nodded. "So, are you still going to obey your abusive father? You do know that he's just using you right?" She asked, I nodded. "I know, I've had enough of him. DO you have any suggestions to break free of him?" I asked her, Astrid licked her lips and nodded. "Play along for now, and whatever the outcome in the arena? We need to convince Hiccup to kill your father." She said, I clicked my tongue, but nodded in agreement. 

"I inform Lord Haddock of the plan."

(Hiccup's pov)

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

I turned to see Halfdan looking at me, I sighed and shook my head. "I shouldn't underestimate Sigurd's "undefeated" son, he's a great warrior." I said, me and Halfdan had been training together for hours now, my brother had a light beard, his hair was done in a French braid undercut style, he had traditional Viking tattoos on his back and tattoo sleeves on his forearms. 

"True. Egil is not to be taken likely, but you do know that Sigurd has abused his son and used him as simply a tool to get what he wants." Halfdan said as he approached a bucket full of water, grabbed a clean rag and soaked in the water and squeezed the soaked rag over his head; water poured down his head. 

"Yes I know, but I do not know why Egil continues to take his fathers abuse, he's his own man, he can carve out his own path, not follow the path of his pathetic father." I said as I wiped my sweaty brow, I sighed heavily and saw the noon sun hanging high in the air. Halfdan dunked his head in the bucket, when he resurfaced, he sighed as he wiped his drenched face off with his hands, he then turned back to me. "Speak of Egil, there he is." Halfdan said, I turned around to see Egil approach us, with Astrid right behind him. 

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked him, Egil then spoke bluntly. "I want you to kill my father." I rose my eyebrow at this, I turned to Astrid, she winked at me, I looked back to Egil and cocked my head slightly. "I'm listening." 

(Dusk- Normal pov)

Everyone had gathered to the colosseum to witness the duel between their Blood King and Egil the Undefeated, children squeezed their way past the adults and made it to the front seats to witness the promising duel. At the pulpit were all the high ranking members within Hiccup's empire- House Haddock, his Chosen, Red Maw lieutenants, council members, elders, and Astrid and as a show of good faith, Hiccup had Sigurd and his inner circle sit below his people at the pulpit. 

Hiccup and Egil stood several feet across from each other, all dressed in their leather armor, their weapons of choice and war paint. They shared a quick glance and nodded at each other, they had come to an agreement, that no matter the outcome of the duel? Hiccup would still kill Sigurd and make Egil chief of Sharkslane tribe and he'd add him and his people within his empire. 

Valka rose from her seat, she was dressed in a crimson tunic, had black bear fur around her torso, a leather belt around her waist to hold up a skirt of Monstrous Nightmare scales, she held her hands out to settle the crowds down, when everyone was silent, she spoke in ancient Norse. 

"I enkeltkamp, det er bare en regel... noen må dø!"

The crowds of Vikings roared in anticipation and excitement, Hiccup and Egil turned to greet each other, they then got into their battle stances. Egil had a sword and tomahawk in hand, while Hiccup just hand Inferno in his hands. The Blood King looked up at Astrid, they shared a warm smile, before Hiccup returned his attention to Egil, who was twirling his weapons in hand. 

"Du kan begynne!"

Valka said, she then sat down down between Halfdan and Hava who were holding Halvor and Ingrid in their laps, as they were cheering for their father. 

Hiccup watched as Egil sprinted toward him, he then let out a battle cry and raised his weapons up high above his head and brought them down, however Hiccup halted the attack with his superior strength, they locked blades for ten seconds before breaking the lock, Hiccup suddenly clicked a button on Inferno and a second sword was in Hiccup's hands, he added upgrades to Inferno, meshing two swords together and they both had the Zippleback gas base under the hilt, and both swords were still blazing hot from the fire.

The crowds gasped at such inventive genius as Hiccup twirled his blades and unleashed bone rattling attacks on Egil, who blocked most of them, but received several cuts too, Egil cried out as the extreme heat from the duel Inferno blades not only left nasty cuts, but burns too. 

"Is that all you have Egil the Undefeated? Pity, I was expecting a challenge." Hiccup yawned, Egil growled in anger as he tried attack Hiccup's head, the Blood King halted the attack; protecting himself, Egil then tried sweeping Hiccup's legs out from under him, but Hiccup quickly jumped over the attack and kicked Egil's leg, causing the Sharkslane heir to fall face first in the sands beneath him. 


Egil could hear Sigurd's disapproving and embarrassed tone, the Sharkslane couldn't wait for Hiccup to silence his father forever, but for now? He had to play along. 

The Sharkslane heir sprang back up and unleashed attacks against Hiccup, the Blood King side stepped and dodged most of them, but Egil did manage to slice Hiccup's chest, it wasn't deep, but it was shallow, causing Hiccup to hiss in pain and see his leather armor expose the top of his chest and see blood seeping out of the wound. Hiccup drove both Inferno blades in the sand, extinguishing both blades, he then approached Egil, who tried cutting Hiccup down, but the king ducked under the attack and released powerful punches into Egil's torso. 

The force of the blows sent Egil back and gasping for breath, he tried cutting Hiccup down yet again, but Hiccup back up from the attack and landed a vicious right hook across Egil's face, the sound of a disgusting pop filled the arena, and that only fueled the Viking peoples excitement. 

"Finish him!!"

"He's no challenge for the Blood King!!"

"Show him the fury of the Red Maw!!"

Were the cries of the people, Sigurd's face was red with anger and embarrassment, his son was getting killed out the people were throwing insults at his "undefeated" son. Finally, Hiccup finished Egil off with a powerful upper cut that sent Sharkslanes heir flying inches off his feet and then landing back on the sand with a thud. Egil spat out mouthfuls of blood as he suddenly saw Hiccup get on his level and press a throwing knife into his throat. 

"Get up!! If you die, you do not die as Sharkslanes heir or my son, you will die as a disgrace, and a disappointment!!" Sigurd roared out, Egil looked right into Hiccup's eyes, he nodded at the Blood King, Hiccup nodded at him too, he then got up and threw the throwing knife at the pulpit, the knife struck right into Sigurd's heart; killing him instantly. 

The people gasped in surprise and shock, several Sharkslane warriors drew their weapons, but were halted by Red Maw warriors and dragons ready to drop them too. Egil looked to see his father slump in his seat, with blood leaking out of his mouth, the Sharkslane heir looked back at Hiccup, who was holding his hand out for him, Egil took it and the two embraced each other as brothers. 

When they broke apart from their embrace, Hiccup announced. "Sigurd would have died regardless of who was victor of this duel. It was all a ruse to keep him from suspecting I'd take his life. None the less, Sigurd the Bloodthirsty is dead." Hiccup said, he then grabbed Egil's arm and raised it up. "Long live Egil the Undefeated! Chieftain of Sharkslane tribe and now a trusted ally and friend!!" Hiccup roared out, causing the Red Maw people and dragons to roar out in approval and celebration. 

Egil thanked Hiccup for freeing him from the oppressive tether that was his father, and swore that if Hiccup needed is support, Sharkslane tribe would be standing by him, Hiccup nodded in thanks and Egil ordered his people to come with him and return home, all the while Hiccup looked at his family. His mother, siblings and children, they all had smiles of pride on their faces as they knew Hiccup would come up with a way to make Sigurd pay for his grievances. 

Hiccup then looked at Astrid. Again, they shared a warm smile that made butterflies swarm in Hiccup's stomach, though he didn't know why, he and Astrid were friends. She clearly didn't have feelings for him. Right?

(Stoick's pov)

Berks allies all knew what to do, we were sailing right into the heart of Hiccup's perverse kingdom and to end those who followed him and his blasphemous ways. We had received word that Astrid was in Denmark, whether or not she was captured or not didn't matter, I would reunite her with her family by the time we sacked Denmark. 

I had strapped on my traditional Hairy Hooligan armor, my fathers armor, I looked into the mirror before me and clipped on my brown bear fur cape, grabbed my shield and war hammer and exited my home to see the Berkian armies marching to the harbor to join the rest of our allies. As I made my way down to the harbor, I saw Gobber, Gothi, and Fishlegs there waiting for me. 

"What is it?" I asked them, Gobber looked at me and clicked hi tongue. "We've just received news that Sharkslane has joined Hiccup's forces." I however didn't believe this. "What?! There is no way Sigurd the Bloodthirsty would ever support Hiccup." I said as I continued down the harbor. "Thats just it Stoick, Sigurd isn't supporting Hiccup. His son, Egil the Undefeated is." Gobber added, I inhaled sharply and nodded in understanding. 

"Hiccup's forces still outnumber us ten to one. We need more allies." I stated, Gobber gave me a confused look. "Who else would want to join us in what could be a suicidal mission into Hiccup's kingdom?" He asked, I looked out toward the horizon and replied back. "The War-whales and War-born tribes." I simply said, those Vikings are perfect examples of what traditional Vikings are, and they will be great allies in our fight against Hiccup. 

"MOVE OUT!! We go to meet with the War-whales and War-born tribes!"

A/N: War is getting closer! A few more chapters to go! Give me some feedback, give me opinions on how you want the war to play out and I might add some of your opinions! Regardless, hope you enjoy and see you in the next update!

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