Chapter 32: Gathering

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(Stoick's pov)

Sailing to the War- whale tribe gave me time to reflect on my life choices, specifically in raising Hiccup. When Valka was taken from me? It tore me apart, and I saw Valka in Hiccup; both of them were different, couldn't follow orders, boar headed, and unbelievably stubborn.  I was ashamed of Hiccup, because he took his heritage as a joke, caused destruction in almost every raid, and couldn't even follow simple orders. 

Buy now five years later, Hiccup has made... "peace" with dragons. Those devils killed my wife! And Hiccup has the audacity to make peace with those beasts!? No matter. Hiccup, his precious dragons and everyone who follows him will be crushed under Berk and its allies. 

I looked over my shoulder to see Snotlout, his group of friends, and many other younger warriors within our ranks. We needed every Viking of proper age to join our fight against Hiccup's blasphemous reign. 


I looked straight ahead to see the War-whale tribe up ahead, I stood at the front of my dreadnaught and breathed heavily while shaking my head slightly. We were about to engage in the largest civil war in our peoples history, but there was so much more at stake- the survival of our most sacred traditions, these traditions have kept us alive, given us strength, hope and faith during a seven generation war against the dragons.  And I pray to the Allfather that the War-whales and War-born tribes join our cause to preserve the traditions of our people. 

(Thirty minutes later)

Upon docking at the harbor of the War-whale tribe, we see the chieftess of the tribe- Torunn the Fierce, she was accompanied by her warriors, when we were arms length of each other, we both smiled at each other and grabbed each others hands. 

"Its been too long Torunn." I say, she hums in agreement. "Far too long Stoick, come, let us talk of the dilemma we face." She says, I bring, Fishlegs, Gobber, Gothi, Spitelout, Mildew, Asbjorn Hofferson and those within the council, while I order my warriors to remain on the ships. 

As we head up to the Hall of the War-whales, both our peoples councils gather together as we sit at the head table. Torunn has her servants bring us all freshly brewed ale, we hear the doors to the Hall open and see two warriors under Torunn's command bow their heads. 

"Chieftess, Chieftain Stigandr of the War-born has arrived." 

Torunn nodded and gestured them to bring our last party in, Stigandr and his council members of the War-born entered the Hall and sat with us, our host then rose from her seat and nodded at everyone. 

"My friends, we all know why we are here. We are going to war against the Red Maw and its king- Hiccup Haddock, the Blood King and the Overlord. He is a threat to all of us! He has killed and annihilated those who has defied, provoked or stood against him. I have managed to reach out to many more who see Hiccup and his Red Maw as a threat. The ancient order of Valkyries, the Snake eye tribe, the Timber wolf tribe and even gathered the Wave rider tribe. Yet I fear even their numbers added with our own still won't be enough to stand against Hiccup's forces." 

"Care to tell us why you think such things Torunn?" Stigandr asked, Torunn clicked her tongue and looked at everyone at the table. "Rumor has it, that Hiccup has foreign armies under his command too. As if his Red Maw Vikings and dragon armies weren't enough of a problem already." 

The Vikings gathered murmured in worry, if Hiccup had made the strangers and the outsiders join his side? Then we'd need the gods themselves on our side. 

Torunn had her cartographers bring forth a map, when they delivered the map, they placed it on the table so everyone gathered can see it. Torunn drew out a dagger and pointed to our location. "Despite our numbers, we are still heavily outnumbered. But still, we have to try turning this war in our favor, somehow. Stoick..." Torunn turned toward me and continued speaking. " us understand your sons mind. Surly you know something about Hiccup that could give us an advantage." She said, I sighed heavily and shook my head with embarrassment. "Apologies, but I was not close with my son when he still lived on Berk, I only witnessed him favor books, drawing and inventing more than taking over Berk and becoming a strong Viking." 

"Unfortunate." Torunn said, she then turned back to those around her. "No matter. I have sent an assassin into Denmark to kill Hiccup. With his death, the Red Maw will be crippled at the loss of their king and leader, that will leave them vulnerable to attack. I suggest bombardment from the sea to for the first stage of the attack-" 

"Forgive me for stating the obvious Torunn, but there's still the matter of the enemies dragons. How are we to handle them?" Stigandr interrupted, Torunn looked at the War-born chieftain and smiled lightly at him. "Worry not, Hiccup's empire has grabbed the attention of someone who despises dragons just as much as we do." Before anyone could ask who this mystery person was, Torunn turned to her guards at the Halls entrance. "Bring him in!" She boomed out, they nodded and opened the doors, revealing a tall and lean figure with strange leather armor and a hood draped over his head. 

When the person stood next to Torunn, they removed their hood off their head to reveal a man who had gray hair, high cheek bones, pale skin, and has hazel eyes. Torunn then gestured to the man beside her. "Everyone, this is Grimmel the Grisly. He has an armada of elite Dragon Hunters, in fact, he is the hunter that has killed EVERY Night Fury." 

Everyone gasped in shock, some hummed and nodded with impressed faces, and some could see Grimmel's eyes were void of emotion. 

"You are the one who has hunted Night Furies to extinction?" I asked Grimmel, the man turned to me and gave me a nod. "Indeed. It is my mission to exterminate every dragon on earth, and if that means joining forces with brutes like you to see the end of the last of the Night Fury and its sub species, then consider me a very resourceful ally." Grimmel said with a emotionless tone, Torunn then continued on with her plan before Stigandr interrupted her earlier. 

"Once bombardments are under way, the enemies dragons will retaliate, thats where Grimmel and his Hunters come in, they will kill any dragon who stands in our way, when the skies are cleared, we will land our armies in Denmark and take our capital city back, purge the traitors of our traditions and beliefs, and see to it that everything the Blood King has worked so hard for will be erased from history!" She said firmly, every Viking gave battle grunts, I however looked back to Grimmel to see the man with his arms behind his back and a straight face. 

If Grimmel is as good of a hunter as he claims to be, then it seems the gods are with us and have turned abasing Hiccup and his people. Either way? Sooner or later, this war is going to end and there will be only one side left standing. 

And it will be our our side.

(Astrid's pov)

I was in my room, overlooking Denmark, the city as always was beautiful as ever, but war was closing in on us, it would drive its fangs into the flesh of Hiccup's kingdom and I had chosen to stand against my people, my tribe... my family, in favor of Hiccup. Because... I love him. 

I love Hiccup. 

I chuckled lightly finally realizing it. I was in love with Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. 

And perhaps I always was, even as children, but I was a coward; running away from my feelings, only focusing on becoming Berks finest shield maiden and bringing honor to the Hofferson name. But none of that matters now, I made my choice, and if I'm being honest? I regret nothing. I have never felt so free in my entire life. I heard a knock on my door, I headed toward my door to answer it, when I opened up, I saw Hiccup standing there. He was dressed in black leather pants and a black robe around his body. 



We said in unison, causing us both to chuckle lightly, I then invited him in, when he came in, he sat down my bed and sighed lightly, I joined him and nudged him lightly. "Where are Ingrid and Halvor?" I asked curiously, Hiccup chuckled lightly and turned to me. "They are getting personal dragon riding lessons from my mother, so I thought I'd spend some time with you." He said, I smiled at him and we then laid back against the bed in comfortable silence. 



"War is coming. Are you not worried about it?"

Hiccup sighed and looked at me. "Stoick can gather as many people under his banner as much as he wants, it still won't be enough to stop the Red Maw." He said as he looked up at the ceiling, I then grabbed his hand and interlaced our fingers together, he looked at our hands and then looked into my eyes, I smiled warmly at him, he returned my smile and I whispered out. 

"I want you to know that I regret nothing. Joining you, learning to bond with dragons and seeing dragons as kind, intelligent, and loyal creatures, rather than just mindless killing machines." I said softly, Hiccup smiled at me. "I am glad you are by my side Astrid. I know there are some things within my kingdom that make you uncomfortable. My harem, my lust for revenge, and-" Before Hiccup could continue, I kissed his cheek, his eyes widened in shock as he turned back to me. 

"I may agree with you on every subject within your kingdom Hiccup, but I still value you in my life." I said warmly, we shared a smile, we then started to slowly lean forward until...

Hiccup pulled away and stood up, I stood up too. "Hiccup? Whats wrong?" I asked in worry, he then looked out to the balcony and raced outside, I followed him and we laid eyes out toward the horizon. We could see a massive fleet approaching us. 

"Its Stoick and those he's gathered to his side." Hiccup said, I looked at him and then back out to the horizon. "Why aren't they attacking?" I asked, Hiccup snorted lightly and shook his head. "Because they want to talk to us first. But after we are done talking? We go to war." He said in a firm tone, I interlaced our fingers once more, and we held each others hand tightly as we were about to prepare to face our enemies. 

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