Chapter 7: Celebration

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(Normal pov)

Stoick and many of Berks elders, council members and high ranking members of the tribe stood at the docks to see an armada of their allies approaching.

The Meatheads, the Bog Burglars, Thunderheads, Bashem Oinks, Visithugs, Glacier tribe, Iron tribe, and the Wolf headed tribe.

Each and every one of these tribes have been allies with Berk for several years, but at great costs for all parties involved- for example, offering bounties of meat and grain to survive the cruelest of winters, and the price of the food would be marriage proposals, going to war for lands, and many more. The Bog Burglars were the first to dock in the harbor, and the sounds of the women of their ships broke Stoick out of his thoughts, he and his inner circle approached to greet Big Boobied Bertha and her daughter Camicazi.



The two smirked at each other and grasped each others forearms. "Its good to see you're still alive. I am truly sorry for the loss of your son though." Bertha said, Stoick looked at Camicazi, she looked sad, she and Hiccup were as thick as thieves as children, both chieftain and chieftess almost had to chain their heirs to pillars just to keep them from running off.

"My thanks Bertha, but I'd rather not talk about Hiccup right now, he... was a disappointment of a son to me anyway." Stoick said, Bertha was shocked, it was true, the relationship between the two Haddock males was very ugly. So Bertha just nodded in understanding, Stoick then ordered his guards to escort Bertha and the rest of the Bogs to the Hall while he'd greet everyone else.

Thirty minutes later, everyone made their way to the Great Hall, Stoick grabbed a mug of ale and raised it up as he placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly, once everyone was paying attention to the Hooligan chief, Stoick began. "First of all, I would like to thank every single one of you for attending today. We've all suffered at the hands of the dragons for far too long, and today? We celebrate the end of the Dragon Wars!!" The Hall erupted with cheers and roars of agreement, Stoick then continued. "I raise my mug to those who gave their lives so that we could finally taste real peace. Their noble sacrifices were not in vain, our fallen are now drinking ale with the gods with Odin and the rest of the gods in Valhalla!"

The rest of the Vikings gave a roar in agreement as they chugged their ale down and let out a loud cheer, Stoick grinned and nodded at the musicians, they then began to play tunes and festive music.

(Hours later)

The streets were packed with Vikings purchasing food from the market, the warriors were having friendly sparring matches in the arena, the children were playing in the streets, and the sight of it all brought a bright smile to Stoick's face. He never thought he'd never live long enough to see this day; peace on the Island of Berk.

The Hooligan chieftain was greeted by his fellow Vikings, Stoick nodded at them in acknowledgment as he made his way over the arena, he saw the finest warriors that his tribe and their allied tribes had to offer. And currently, Astrid Hofferson was in the arena fighting Thuggory of the Meathead tribe.

Thuggory had a war hammer in hand as he tried swinging it at Astrid, she evaded the attack and bashed her sturdy shield into his face and then swept his legs out from under him, the Meathead heir landed on the stone ground with a loud thud, causing him to groan in pain, Astrid placed he heel into his throat and pointed her axe mere centimeters from his face.

"Astrid Hofferson wins!"

The arena roared with cheers as Astrid removed her heel from Thuggory's throat and the bulky teen got up and brushed himself off, he then shot Astrid a smirk. "Impressive, not many opponents I've faced have been able to best me." He said in a friendly tone, Astrid turned to Thuggory and wiped away a strand of hair off her sweaty forehead. "I'm not 'many opponents' I'm the finest warrior of my generation, as you've clearly seen." She said in a stern tone.

Thuggory nodded and licked his lips. "Perhaps we should head to the Hall and grab a bite together? Get to know each other better." He suggested in a flirting tone, Astrid however snorted in disinterest and shook head. "No thanks, I've bested almost every warrior here and I'm exhausted, and besides, you're not my type." Astrid said as she strapped her shield around her back and twirled her battle axe and exited the arena, leaving Thuggory there chuckling lightly.

As Stock witnessed the interaction between Astrid and Thuggory, he found it amusing that Astrid was so focused on being Berks finest warrior, and so far? She was. For her generation anyway. With Hiccup's death, Stoick needed to consider looking for an heir to take over Berk. Of course, the most logical choice who be Snotlout Jorgenson, after all, the boy was his nephew, but the boys lack of intelligence was... insulting. That and Snotlout was known to have very little patience, he'd act on his base impulse.

And the last thing Stoick needed was another war on his hands if he choice Snotlout for an heir.


Stoick needed someone who was cunning, intelligent, strong, and above all- someone who was willing to do whatever it takes to ensure Berks future and protection.

The Hooligan chieftain sighed heavily as he watched his allies warriors continue friendly sparring, all of this wouldn't work without sacrifices. That was what Stoick needed for his heir, someone who'd swallow down their pride and ensure that the alliance between the tribes gathered here today would continue to support Berk.

He had much to think about, he needed a replacement sooner rather than later, he'd announce his successor later on when everyone would gather for the next feast of the day.

(Astrid's pov)

I made my way home to discover my parents had already prepared a hot bath for me, I made my way into my room, stripped myself of my sweaty clothing and headed toward my bath. The slowly stepped in and sighed pleasantly at the warm sensation the water was giving to my aching muscles.

I slid down further until I submerged myself into the water, I closed my eyes and then resurfaced, I started washing every inch of my body, I somehow believed that simply bathing could wash away my guilt after years of abandoning Hiccup. I frowned at myself; scolding myself for being the way I was when Hiccup was around, a warrior looks after her tribe and her people. I let out a shaky breath, I failed miserably at that one task.

I finished my bath and exited the tub, I placed my feet on the furs on the ground to make sure I didn't slip and fall, I then wrapped a towel around my body and dried my hair off, I sat on my bed and looked at my battle axe. The battle axe was the Hofferson's strongest choice of weapon, and I feel as if I don't deserve welding that axe ever again.


I flinched at the sound of my fathers voice, I called out that I'll be downstairs in a minute, I quickly dried myself off and dressed in a light blue dress and slowly made my way down stairs, I saw my parents at the table with smiles on their fasces, they looked at me and gave me bright smiles, I raised an eyebrow at them. "Mother? Father? What's going on?" I asked with a worried tone, they urged me to join them at the table, I took a set and waited for them to speak.

"We just received a letter from Stoick..." Mother said as she waved it lightly in her hand. "...he's chosen you to become Berks heir." She said excitedly, my eyes widened in shock, disbelief, anger, excitement and fear. Stoick... chose me to be his replacement as chief? Father got up from his chair and hugged me tightly and kissed my hair. "Oh, my beautiful daughter will become Berks first chieftess! What an honor!" He said with pride, Mother too got up to hug me, while my parents embraced me and showered me with kisses and praise, I was speechless.

I-I was given Hiccup's birthright.

I picked up the letter and slowly began reading it to myself.

"Congratulations to the Hoffersons, you'll be ecstatic to know that the time has come for me to choose a new heir. Snotlout would be the logical choice, but the I fear Berk would fall to ruin under my idiotic nephew's rule. So, I've decided to give the title of heir to your daughter Astrid.

I know the title of chief will be a heavy burden; ruling over our people, but also discussing and negotiating with our allies. Astrid has the qualities I need in a Viking heir, something... Hiccup never had. Astrid's training to become Berks first chieftess begins after the celebration.

Congratulations to you Astrid, lead our people into glory."


Stoick the Vast

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