Chapter 8: Wedding

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(Normal pov)

Hiccup and Heather were at their altar together with a Berserker shaman to make the marriage between them legitimate, the whole Berserker tribe was present to bear witness to the event. The food was cooked and ready, the honeyed ale was brewed and prepared, and now, the Berserkers waited for Hiccup and Heather to exchange swords and vows to each other.

Over the week, Hiccup and Heather got to know each other better and they actually became good friends to each other, but Hiccup wanted the Berserkers armada and army more.

None the less, marrying Heather would allow him to command over Dagur and his people.

The shaman nodded at both Hiccup and Heather, the two teens exchanged swords and placed the rings on the tips of the sharpened steel, the shaman than turned to Hiccup. "Do you, Hiccup Haddock swear to the gods that you want to marry this woman?" Hiccup faced Heather and smiled lightly at her, despite marrying her for his own gain, he had grown to have affection for her, perhaps he can be happy with her.

"I swear, with the gods as my witnesses." Hiccup said, Heather smiled at him, the shaman then turned to her. "Heather, do you swear to the gods that you want to marry this man?" Heather turned to Hiccup and nodded. "I do swear." She said, the two teens took the rings off their swords and placed them on each others rings and grasped each others hands.

"Than in the name of the Allfather, you both are now husband and wife." The shaman announced, the people let out a cheer and applauded for the two teens. Hiccup looked into Heathers eyes, they smiled lightly at each other, he leaned in and kissed her sweet lips, she closed her eyes and slowly kissed him back.

The people then raced to the Hall and opened the doors to see the cooks, slaves and servants place plates full of delicious food for the people to enjoy, once everyone was inside, wedding music was being played in honor of the newly weds, those who weren't ready to eat took the dance floors and began dancing. Hiccup saw Heather bite her lower lip and look at him with a inviting gaze.

"No. Heather I don-"

Hiccup began, but was cut off by Heather dragging him to the dance floor and they began to dance, Heather wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. "You're too tense, relax." She cooed, Hiccup surrendered to her and she grinned triumphantly as she led him to the dance floor, the celebration music ceased until the slow music began to play. Hiccup held Heather close, she wrapped her arms around his neck and he placed his hands on her waist, as they slowly danced together.

"I know this marriage is so that you can gain the Berserkers armada and warriors Hiccup, but... over the week of getting to know you, the things that Hooligans did to you... I understand why you want revenge. I'm here for you, not only as your friend, but as your wife." She said gently as she leaned forward and kissed his cheek and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, Hiccup sighed in contentment and kissed her hair.

"Thank you Heather." He whispered to her, she hummed in acknowledgment, they spent the rest of the celebration dancing together and the letting the music block out everything else in the room- the roars and cheers of the Berserker people, the squealing and shrieks of playful children, and the roaring fire pit that was roasting boar, the newly weds only listened to each others whispered promises to look out for each other, their breathing and heart beats.

And Hiccup was happy. For the first time in a very long time, he was genuinely happy.

(Following morning)

Hiccup woke up in his quarters on board his ship, he saw Toothless sleeping on the side of his bed, the boy had revealed to Dagur, Heather and the Berserkers that he had Toothless and he made it crystal clear that if they tried to kill him, he'd kill ten of them for trying to kill his best friend.

The boy looked to his side to see Heather by his side, the celebration left them exhausted, so they didn't have sex or any kind of intimate moments, they just stripped to tunics and leggings and snuggled up together and let sleep claim them both.

Hiccup carefully got out of bed and look out the window to them enter the Boneheaded waters, after the wedding they decided to leave so Hiccup could announce his allies on their first strategic move. As they docked at the harbor, Hiccup knew the first thing dealing with everyone he's allied with is to earn both their respect and their loyalty, and there was no better way to do that than raid a foreign nation. He had heard rumors about lands to the West, so Hiccup decided he'd have his forces explore the West and discover if there is land there thats ripe for the taking.

He then made his way over to Heather and kissed her forehead and gently shook her awake. "Heather. Wake up, we're here." He said gently, she groaned and slowly sat up, she smiled at him and spoke hoarsely. "Good morning." Hiccup smiled at her and kissed her lips, she kissed him back and he nodded at her. "Good morning wife. Now get dressed, we're about to have a meeting with our allies." He said with a gentle yet firm tone, Heather nodded and slowly started to get dressed. "Toothless. Get up bud." Hiccup said by gently kicking his paw, the Night Fury growled in displeasure and grumbled.

::Alright alright, I'm up::

"I need you by my side bud."

::Of course::

Toothless stretched his stiff muscles and yawned loudly before getting up and following Hiccup and Heather out of their quarters and onto the ships deck. The trio laid eyes on the largest Viking force they'd ever laid eyes upon, they saw the head dreadnaughts of each tribe drop anchor while their respective fleets were anchored 3 miles off the coast.

"Alrighty, lets do this." Hiccup murmured to himself.

(Boneheaded tribes Hall)

Hiccup welcomed everyone gathered, and he thanked them for falling under his command, he then pulled out a map of the entire Barbaric Archipelago and began. "I asked you all to join me because you hate Berk. They banished you, killed people you loved, made you into outcasts, they picture themselves better than you... well they aren't. They're human like us, they bleed like us, and they will die for the grievances they've inflicted upon us all!" The tribal chieftains grunted in agreement and smacked the table three times, Hiccup nodded and continued.

"However, before we make Berk and its allies suffer, I would like to raid and pillage lands to the West, so that we can benefit in treasure, resources, slaves and... dragons." The chieftains began murmuring before Alvin stepped up. "How are you certain that these... lands to West even exist?" The other chieftains nodded and hummed in agreement and waited for Hiccup to respond. The boy looked at Alvin and extended his arms out. "Simple. We sail there and see if they exist or not." The chieftains murmured and whispered amongst themselves before agreeing.

Hiccup nodded gestured to the door. "Out there lies a whole new world for us to conquer, we're Vikings! We all know the risks, but the truth is, we all choose to live a dangerous life. It is part of our way. We're not just raiders or warriors, but adventurers and explorers! Submit entirely to my command and I promise you all, you'll be immortalized in history. We all will." The chieftains looked at each other and nodded, they then looked at Hiccup and bowed their heads to him.

"Good." Hiccup said with a grin that suited a bloodthirsty shark. "Then let the Red War begin."

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