15. - Devilish Plans of the Band Mates.

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"He's falling in love with her."

Everyone stared at Chris.

"Ha! No." Balz gave Chris a deadpan look.

"Chris, are you okay?" Devin asked, chuckling. Chris narrowed his eyes slightly, crossing his arms.

"Guys, he is."

"Chris," Balz sighed. "We were literally just talking about how much they disliked each other."

"Yeah, I know, but-- Okay," Chris paced across the room briefly, then sighed. Mykailla was going to be so mad at him. He looked out to the patio again, still seeing Ricky out there; but sitting at the little table. "I may have to fill you in a bit..."


After Chris explained had explained, about the hatef*ck, the beginning of their terrible friendship, and everything in between, the guys finally got it.

He was in love with her.

"Why would he treat her like that though? For all those years?" Ryan thought outloud. "If he liked her, then.."

"I don't... Think it was a right-away type love thing." Devin said, snickering a bit.

"Duh." Chris laughed. "But, my theory is-"

"Rick." Devin and Vinny 'coughed' quietly, and Devin nodded his head towards Ricky as he strode back over to the living room.

"Hey, sorry, guys." Ricky said as he came back into the living room, sitting on the armrest of the recliner. "I had a- I needed a small break." He chuckled a bit, looking around the room. Everyone was fairly quiet, looking between each other briefly.

Ricky raised his eyebrows, silently questioning the.. Well, silence.

Real subtle, guys. Chris thought, mentally rolling his eyes. He fully turned towards Ricky. "We have a proposition.."

Ricky narrowed his eyes slightly. "... Okay."

"Well, we were wondering.. What would it take for you to not cause problems, if Mykailla came on tour?"

Devin's eyes widened, looking at Ryan, who looked just as surprised. What the actual f*ck was Chris doing?!

"Nothing- No. Absolutely not!" Ricky shook his head, glaring. That would be the least helpful thing, right now. "She can NOT come!"

"Uh, all do respect," Vinny started. "It's not really... your decision to make, per-say. I mean, we all kinda have to agree."

Ricky narrowed his eyes at Vinny, who kind've seemed to sink back into his seat a little.

"Say she does come." Ricky started. "What is she gonna do while we're performing, huh?.. She will literally have nothing to do but sit backstage, or in the bus, for, what.. At least two hours?"

Everyone gave some form of acknowledgment, nodding slightly. Ricky smirked to himself, proud that he had shot down their idea.. Until,

"She can come on stage with-"

"Uh, no." Devin shot that down immediately.

"There's barely enough room for all of us on the stage at most venues as it is." Ryan added.

"And she doesn't like being in front of large groups of people." Balz added after Ryan

"Well, she could--"

"Face it, Chris. She would be bored out of her f*cking mind." Ricky said, crossing his arms. Why does Chris want her to go so bad? Ricky frowned slightly in thought. Did he... No, they were just friends.. Does Chris- No, he doesn't like like her, does he? If he makes a move on her, I'm gonna-- The f*ck am I saying?! I don't give a sh*t... Right?

"Rick... Ricky," Balz snapped his fingers in front of Ricky's face, bringing him back to the present. "You okay there, buddy?"

".. Yeah." Ricky muttered, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, I'm fine."





The room was silent for a good couple minutes. Not an awkward silence, but not a comfortable one either.

"Soooo.. What are we gonna do?" Ryan asked quietly, breaking the silence. Devin, who was still seated beside him, shrugged. Vinny looked at Chris.

".. All in favor of having Mykailla come on tour with us - for at least a couple weeks -, speak now."

"Sounds fun." Vinny smiled. He didn't know Mykailla that well, but he knew she was pretty cool.

"I think she should come." Ryan nodded.

Ricky grumbled a response.

"I think we should see if she even wants to come, before we decide." Devin chuckled at the eagerness of his band mates.

"I agree with Dev." Balz pointed at Devin, nodding slightly.

"Okay. Who wants to call her?" Chris asked.

"I will," Devin raised his hand. "But shouldn't we at least touch base with Micah first..? You know how protective over Mykailla he is."

"I can call him, I guess." Chris nodded.

"Couldn't we just stop by?" Vinny cut in. "I mean, it's only a quarter after six."

"Chris practically lives there now anyway." Ricky commented. "So we wouldn't even need to call." He chuckled lightly.

"Oh shut up." Chris rolled his eyes.

"It's truuue~"

"Rick, go back to being quiet." Chris joked, groaning loudly.

"F*ck you," Ricky chuckled.


Mykailla was on her way home, when she got a text. She didn't open it, but her screen flashed on.

Micah: Hey, u on your way home yet?

Mykailla didn't bother stopping to answer, because she was almost to their street. When she did turn, she saw two cars that she didn't recognize parked in the driveway.

"What the..." Mykailla mumbled, parking in the last empty spot in the driveway. She grabbed her purse, her phone and the three new books she had bought, then exited her car. She didn't recognize these vehicles.

She looked through the window of the first car, only noticing a couple energy drink cans, and a pack of cigarettes... Okay, this might be Ryan's car, but what would he be doing here at six-thirty in the evening? Mykailla shrugged, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

"Yo, Micah," Mykailla called to Micah the second she opened the door. "Who is--" She stopped herself, then sighed loudly and dramatically. "Here. The Hell are you guys doing here?" She asked Devin, Ryan, Balz, and Vinny, kicking the door closed behind her. She raised an eyebrow, leaning against the living room doorframe.

Devin scoffed playfully. "Geez, love you too."

Ryan chuckled, shaking his head and looking up from his phone. "Hey, Mykailla."

"I knew that was your car!" Mykailla exclaimed loudly, pointing at Ryan.

"Congrats!" Devin laughed lightly. Mykailla chuckled, then walked to the kitchen, walking behind the couch. "Nice to see you Dev," She pat Devin's head. "Ryan," She pat Ryan's head. "Joshua," She pat Balz's head. "And young Vin-Vin." She walked over to the armchair that he was occupying, then pat his head and chuckled.

Vinny chuckled, shaking his head. Vin-Vin.

Mykailla stopped herself before she was even two steps into the kitchen.

"Oh, hey, Mykes!" Micah greeted cheerily from his position of leaning on the counter, his arms crossed, and a smile on his lips. "Your dinner's in the fridge."

She didn't respond to Micah, only pointed at Ricky, who was spinning in one of the bar stools. She glared, and Ricky glared back.

"What is he doing here?" She turned to Micah, dropping her purse and the bag she was holding onto the floor. Micah raised his hands in surrender.

"Don't look at me."

Mykailla turned her gaze to Chris, striding over. "Why did you bring him here?" She whisper-yelled, jabbing a finger into Chris' chest.

"Firstly: Ow," He scowled at Mykailla slightly, grabbing her hand. "Secondly: It's about your birthday present."

"My birthday isn't until May twelfth."

"Yes, I know, but-"

"Chris," Ricky cut-in. "You said she wasn't gonna be here--"

Chris whirled around to look at Ricky. "You know what, get over yourself, Olson. You can survive being in a room with her for a couple minutes! Geez,"

"Yeah," Mykailla narrowed her eyes at Ricky. "Get over yourself-"

"And you," Chris turned to look at Mykailla again. "Stop antagonizing. You two are adults. F*cking act like it."

"Yes, Sir." Mykailla muttered, looking down and crossing her arms. They were best friends, so Mykailla knew when Chris was serious. She knew when to be respectful.

Micah, who was just watching until now, beckoned Mykailla over. "C'mon, Mykailla."

"..." She swallowed, then went to stand beside Micah. He draped his arm over her shoulders.

"Okay, now," Chris started again, pointing at Mykailla. "I have a question."

"And I'm leaving." Ricky commented, standing from his chair, and starting to walk past Chris. The latter gripped the former's bicep, stopping him.

"You are going to stay right here, that's what you're gonna do."


"Seriously, Rick. Adult, remember?"

Ricky sighed, sitting back down. He fixed his beanie, as he motioned for Chris to continue.

"Anyway, we wanted to know if you wanted to come with us.. On tour... As your birthday present."

Mykailla raised her eyebrows, looking between Ricky and Chris. Ricky shook his head slightly, an unreadable expression on his face. He then mouthed, "Don't."

Mykailla bit her bottom lip lightly. I do not need to be around him. Not now. Not with what I'm feeling... "I.." She started. ".. Micah?" She moved away enough to see Micah's face.

"Don't look at me," Micah chuckled. "It's your decision."

"Hey, guys!" He called for Vinny, Devin, Balz, and Ryan to come to the kitchen. "She's making her decision."

"Oh!" The four boys quickly made their way to the kitchen; all staying near the doorway.

Mykailla looked around at all the guys. "... Okay."

Cheers erupted around the room; choruses of "Yes!"s, "This is gonna be rad!"s, "I can't f*cking wait!"s. Mykailla laughed, shaking her head.

Ricky didn't say anything, but he was smiling a little. Mykailla raised an eyebrow at him, and he just looked away.


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