Ch. 20 - They're Being Civil?

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(True story with the OM&M concert ~^~)


May 13th; day after Mykailla's twentieth birthday celebration.

Ricky and Mykailla have been acting more and more like civilized people around each other. They even willingly sit next to each other, sometimes!

Chris is beyond happy that they're starting to get along. He doesn't know how long it'll last, but he's hoping for the best.


Currently, Ricky and Mykailla were watching Chris, Balz, Ryan and Vinny play Mario Kart on the Wii.

Devin was doing goodness knows what in his bunk. It was a silent agreement that no one was to bother him whilst he was having alone time. It was usually for the best.

"Hey!" Ryan shouted at Vinny, who had just 'accidentally' pushed him off Rainbow Road.

"Oops." Vinny snickered, as he continued.

"A*shole." Ryan muttered, as he shoved Vinny, which made him fall off in the game, and lose his place in first.

"F*ck you." Vinny grumbled, as the turtle on the cloud brought him back up.

"It's only fair." Chris chuckled, as he whizzed past them both.

Balz just chuckled as he silently continued his playing.

Mykailla chuckled, as she leant against Ricky's shoulder. Ricky smiled at this action, and wrapped an arm around Mykailla's shoulders; his hand able to reach her hair, which he started playing with.

"Ricky. Stoooop."

"Make me."

Mykailla stuck her tongue out at him, and he just chuckled, though stopping. "So, how does being twenty feel?"

"Like being nineteen, but as a different number."

Ricky rolled his eyes playfully. "Right."

Mykailla grinned cheekily.

"And how are you liking tour, so far?"

"It's alright.. Less tiring than I thought it'd be."

"Oh Sweetie.." Ricky chuckled, shaking his head.

"We're not even halfway through, yet, Mykes." Chris added, chuckling a bit himself. He went back to being serious, then muttered "sh*t" as he almost almost fell off.

"Give it another month, or so," Ricky spoke again. "You'll start feelin' it."

"Okay." Mykailla just smiled again, looking back to the TV.

"Oh, and guess where we're staying tomorrow night~" Ricky sing-songed.

"Where?" Mykailla asked, not looking away from the TV.

"A hotel."

"A hotel?" Mykailla looked at Ricky, surprised. "Seriously?"

"Yup." Ricky chuckled.

Mykailla cheered loudly, throwing her arms in the air. "Woohoo!!" She hated the bunks. Mostly because of her claustrophobia, but they were also rather uncomfortable.

Chris laughed. "Excited much?"

"Oh, heck yes." Mykailla sighed loudly in relief. "My claustrophobia is getting annoying, again."

Ricky knew that, and that's why he requested that they get a hotel soon. Not that he would tell Mykailla it was his idea.. That he asked just for her.


"Man, that show was f*cking awesome." Chris said before gulping down some water. One of the crew guys took his mic, and everyone else's techs took their respective instruments.

"Hell yeah!" Balz grinned. "And literally my favorite part.. Did you guys see the guys that were helping keep the people that didn't want to be in the pit, out of the pit? That was really cool."

"I saw." Mykailla smiled, and nodded. ".. A concert is like a big family."

Balz and Chris nodded, and the latter smiled. "Not all are like that, but most are."

"There was this one time that I was at an Of Mice & Men concert, and some girl who was crowd surfing almost got dropped, but before she could even touch the floor, everyone quickly lifted her back up. She was fine, and the guys at the barricade helped her get over." Mykailla smiled again, remembering. That was a fun night.

"That's pretty cool." Ryan nodded as he slicked his damp, sweaty hair back. "Was that the one that your dad took you to?"

Mykailla's smile dropped briefly, but she sadly forced another one up. No one but Chris and Ricky seemed to notice. Chris knew why she had that reaction, and he shot a look at Ryan. Ryan didn't know what he did wrong, and Chris shook his head a bit, mouthing 'never mind'.

"Yeah, that's the one." Mykailla answered Ryan, nodding a bit. "I was, uh, I was fifteen."

"That's cool." Devin commented. "Who else was at that show?"

"Some sh*tty band called Volumes, and Crown The Empire." Mykailla seemed to give a legit smile again. "Crown The Empire was really cool."

"That's awesome." Dev smiled. Mykailla nodded, then excused herself.

"I'm gonna head back to the bus and round up some of my stuff for the hotel tonight." Everyone gave some form of acknowledgement, and Mykailla left.


Once Mykailla had left, Ricky looked at Chris, and pointed in the direction of the green room. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Chris nodded, then gestured out of the room. He was pretty sure he knew what Ricky wanted to talk about. He followed Ricky to the room, then shut the door.

"What's up?" Chris asked.

"Did you see Mikey's face when Ryan brought up her father?" Ricky asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Mikey?' Chris repeated in his head, then blinked and answered Ricky. "Yeah."

"What's up with her dad?"

"He was in the Army when her and Micah were only kids, and he had almost no time to come home, from what I had gathered.. He was killed in action, I guess."

Ricky's expression softened immediately. "Oh.."

"If she brings it up; okay. But please don't you bring it up."

Ricky nodded in understanding. "Understood." He then went to walk around Chris, but Chris stepped in his way.

"Wait." Chris smirked a bit.

"Yes?" Ricky asked, raising his eyebrows.

"You called Mykailla 'Mikey'~"

"I--" Ricky blushed a bit, self consciously. "I did?"

Chris smirked again, and nodded.

"I-- I wasn't thinking-- I didn't mean to." He stumbled over his words.

Chris just chuckled, and shook his head. "It's probably fine.. Also. Who are you sharing a room with, tonight?"

"Oh, uh.." Ricky shrugged a bit, picking at the tiny little pieces of nail polish that were still on his nails. "I don't know. I guess I don't care." He sighed a bit under his breath, looking back up and crossing his arms.

"... You wanna room with Mykailla~"

"I--! No!.. I.." He groaned loudly, throwing his head back briefly. "I don't know what the f*ck I want."

Chris chuckled, and shook his head, then pat his friend's shoulder. "You still have a bit of time to decide. We're all going to decide when we get there."

Ricky nodded and gave another quiet sigh, then muttered, "I hate love." To which Chris gave an amused scoff, as he followed Ricky out of the room.


A/N Hi again! Sorry for my crappy behavior, and not updating. v.v I wuv you guys.

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