Ch. 21 - Admitting It Is The First Step.

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"Alright." Korel gathered everyone's attention. He was holding four room keys. "Who is sharing with who?"

All the guys, Mykailla, and Korel were all standing in the hall of the hotel that they're staying in for the night. The rest of the crew were staying on the bus.

"I don't care." Mykailla said, smiling a bit. She really wanted to room with Chris, but she didn't want to seem needy.. So she decided she'll just hope nobody chooses Chris.

"I'll take Ri--" Vinny started, raising his hand, but Chris shook his head, narrowing his eyes. Vinny got the hint, and changed his answer quickly. "Ryan. I'll take Ryan."

Ryan nodded, adjusting his duffle bag on his shoulder. "I'm good with it." He held his hand out for the room key, and Korel handed it to him. Chris nodded in approval at Vinny, smirking a bit. Vinny chuckled quietly under his breath, as him and Ryan entered their room.

"Alright. Ghost?" Korel looked at Devin.

Devin shrugged and gestured to Balz. "Balz?"

Balz gasped quietly in mock offense. "Act a little happier to be rooming with me."

Devin chuckled quietly, shaking his head. "No. Come on."

Balz mock glared, then grabbed a room key from Korel. Rather aggressively, might I add. Devin grinned happily, then followed Balz to their room.

"I'll room with you." Chris told Korel quickly, so Ricky couldn't claim him.


Korel nodded, then handed the last one to Ricky.

"You and Bates will be rooming with each other, then."

Ricky's eyes widened slightly, but quickly narrowed at Chris. That f*cker.

"Okay." Mykailla agreed, then went over and hugged Chris. He hugged her back. "Goodnight, Chris~"

Chris chuckled, and kissed the top of her head. "G'night, Munchkin." Mykailla giggled a bit, then pulled away. She grabbed Ricky's wrist with one hand, the other snatching the room key, then pulled him to their room.

"Behave, you two!" Chris added, as he walked down the hall to his and Korel's room.

"Whatever~" Mykailla sang, before pushing the key card into the scanner, then pushing the door open.

Ricky was still a bit shocked, and slightly irritated with Chris. "..."

Mykailla released Ricky's wrist, and flopped down on the queen bed immediately, sighing happily. Ricky couldn't help but smile at her. He flipped on the light after closing the door, and set his bag on the dresser. Mykailla had carelessly thrown her's on the floor by the door.

"Happy?" Ricky asked with a smile, then unzipped his duffle bag and dug around in it to find his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Mhm." Mykailla hummed, then sat up; a large smile plastered on her face. "Aren't you?"

Ricky nodded once, a thoughtful look on his face. "Yeah." He answered her quietly. Mykailla's smile dropped slightly, and she tilted her head a bit.

"Ricky?" She asked.

"Hm?" He hummed, going into the bathroom, though leaving the door open so he could still hear Mykailla.

Mykailla huffed, then stood and went to the bathroom door. She leaned against the doorframe, her arms wrapped around herself. "Are you alright?"

Ricky nodded, as he began brushing his teeth.

Mykailla was unconvinced. "Ricky?" She asked again.

"What?" Ricky mumbled around the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Seriously. Are you alright?.. You didn't seem too psyched to be here. Is it that you didn't want to be roomed with me?"

"Of course not." Ricky said, then spit in the sink. He turned to Mykailla. "I was just.." He struggled to find the right word. "... Thinking." That seemed to fit okay. "I was just thinking." He put his toothbrush back in his mouth. "Are you going to brush your teeth?" He asked, then started brushing again. Mykailla smiled at Ricky. He had some toothpaste around his lips, and it was kinda cute.

"What?" Ricky questioned, noticing her stare. He almost spit on himself asking that, to which he chuckled a bit himself.

"Nothing." Mykailla shook her head, still smiling. Then, she left to go grab her toothbrush.

After brushing their teeth, the two continued with their regular nightly routine; removing their makeup, Ricky taking a quick shower. Stuff like that.

After that, they both went to their duffle bags and grabbed their PJs. They'd seen each other naked before, so neither of them were bashful.

Ricky changed into shorts quickly, then pulled off his shirt and threw it carelessly onto an armchair.

Mykailla, however, was taking slightly longer. "Dammit, Rick." She whined, trying to remove her skinny jeans. They felt as if they were painted on! "How the Hell did I manage to get these on this morning?"

It was worth it, though, she thought. My ass looked great.

Ricky snickered, then walked over and gestured to the bed. "Sit." Mykailla huffed, then sat on the edge of the bed. Ricky then pulled her jeans the rest of the way down her thighs. He grunted quietly, muttering, "Damn, Mykes.. How did you even get into these?"

"Lots of wiggling, my friend. Lots of wiggling." Mykailla answered him with a huff.

"Well, your ass did look pretty great, today." Ricky commented, as he managed to get them down her calves, then he pulled them passed her feet. Mykailla sighed in relief, as Ricky stood.

"Thanks." She smirked a bit. "And I know. You starin' at my ass, Olson?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He winked; Mykailla blushed lightly. "Annnd you're welcome." Ricky chuckled quietly, standing back up. "Nice undies, by the way."

Mykailla smiled cheekily, then removed her shirt. They were black and purple, with lace. "Thanks." She chirped, then slipped on her PJ shorts that were next to her. Ricky just shook his head, then went to the other side of the bed, and took a pillow. He walked to the foot of the bed.

Mykailla frowned slightly. "What're you doing?"

"Making my bed." He answered, dropping the pillow on the floor. He went to lay down, but Mykailla threw her shirt at him.

"Aye, hey! What?" Ricky huffed, looking at Mykailla.

Mykailla narrowed her eyes slightly, as she slipped on a tank top. "You're sleeping on the bed with me." She told him. Ricky raised an eyebrow. Mykailla then realized how that might've sounded. "I.. I mean, I don't mind if you do, is what I mean. You need to be well rested, so.. You shouldn't sleep on the floor."

Ricky shrugged a bit, then nodded and grabbed the pillow from the floor. "True, I guess. If you don't mind."

Mykailla smiled small. "I don't mind." She scooted up, and leaned against the headboard. She pat the spot next to her.

Ricky smiled, then put the pillow back down and layed next to her. He sighed quietly in content, as he put his hands behind his head, crossing his legs at the ankles, and closing his eyes. "It's nice to be in a real bed."

"Mm." Mykailla agreed, then turned to look at Ricky.

She finally took in his appearance, now that he was so close to her.

Ricky's pale skin was flawless, and while he wasn't overly muscular, he was very well toned. The girl smiled slightly as she looked at his tattoos.

His damp hair was tousled just right, and it looked cute, yet still incredibly sexy.

"Hey," Mykailla spoke quietly.

Ricky opened his eyes, then turned his head slightly to look at the girl laying next to him. "Hey?"

"How was your day, today?" Mykailla asked, genuinely curious.

"Pretty good." Ricky smiled for two reasons. One; it was nice that Mykailla was showing some interest. Two; this moment was oddly domestic, and he quite liked it. "How was yours?" He turned so he was lying on his side, leaning his elbow on the pillow, and propping his head up with his hand.

Mykailla did the same and smiled. "Mine was good, too, thank you."

Ricky smiled slightly again.

The two sat in a comfortable silence briefly, until Ricky spoke again.

"Hey, Mykailla?" He asked.


"Can I ask you a question?"

Mykailla nodded, smiling slightly.

"It's really random." He warned. Mykailla gestured for him to continue, raising an eyebrow. Ricky bit his lip briefly, then asked, ".. Why did you start hating me?"

Mykailla furrowed her brow in confusion. ".. What?"

"Just.. Why?" Ricky shrugged. "I just really want to know."

"Oh, uhm.. Okay.. Well, to make a very long story short," Mykailla sighed quietly. "You kinda.. Took my brother away from me, in not-so-many words. He was hardly ever home, back then, and he usually went to hangout with you when he was free. I felt that he was abandoning me, for you.. Like he liked you more, than he liked me."

All this time, and that's the reason? The whole reason?

"That was so not true, Mykailla. He loves you to pieces-- It's annoying, sometimes. He talked about you all the time." Ricky chuckled a bit, making Mykailla smile slightly.


Ricky nodded. "Mhm.. And are those... Legitimately the only reasons?"

Mykailla nodded. ".. It was really stupid of me. And, I mean, it only got worse. We only got worse."

"Yeah." Ricky murmured quietly. After a moment, he brushed some hair out of her face. ".. Can we just.. Stop?"

"Stop what?" Mykailla asked quietly.

"Fighting." Ricky clarified. "I like being around you, when we're being civil." He smiled a bit, as did Mykailla. He continued. "And I'm really sorry that I, quote-unquote, stole Micah from you. I never meant to." Mykailla nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry that I was a b*tch to you, all those years." Mykailla apologized, scooting slightly closer to Ricky. "You were only being an ass to me, because I was being one to you."

"Yeah, kinda." Ricky chuckled. Mykailla rolled her eyes playfully, and Ricky bit his bottom lip lightly, then placed his hand on Mykailla's side. He searched her eyes, and they both leaned in a bit; Mykailla biting her bottom lip lightly.

"So.. A-Are we done fighting?" Mykailla asked quietly. "Forever?"

"I think so." Ricky smiled briefly, then leaned forward and kissed Mykailla gently. She smiled, and kissed back briefly. The two pulled away after a moment, smiling.



".. Can I tell you something personal?"

Ricky nodded, pulling Mykailla closer.

"I think I might be in love with you." Mykailla told him quietly, looking into his eyes. He could tell she wasn't lying.

"... You what?"

"You.. H-Heard me." Mykailla stuttered quietly, looking away from his eyes.

After a second, Ricky smiled and kissed her again, pulling her flush against him.

He has been waiting for this.

Mykailla was confused, as she pulled away a bit, slightly breathless. "What was that?"

"I love you, too." Ricky grinned. "I've been waiting to tell you, but-- I-- You.. You beat me to it."

Mykailla grinned after a minute, then kissed Ricky back passionately, as he rolled over slightly so she was on top of him.

This was going to be an amazing night.


A/N DUN DUN DUUUUN!! The moment we've been waiting foooor~ ^_^ 

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