Ch. 27 - Things and Stuff.

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A/N Any Shinedown fans? *^* ... This question does not pertain to this story in the slightest, I just wanna know.

Also, sorry that this is a bit short. My internet hasn't been working AT ALL and I couldn't get on to write all week. I wrote all this quickly, but I still think it turned out good! I am very happy with it~  

Don't hate me, please. xx

(A+ title @ me -.-) 


Micah checked his watch, then knocked on the bus door.

A second later, someone opened the door. It was Ryan.

"Hey, Sitkowski." Micah grinned. Ryan chuckled, and stepped aside so Micah could come in, which he quickly did.

"Your sister is gathering the rest of her items from.. Wherever the fuck she hid them," Micah chuckled, as did Ryan. "She should be done soon."

"Okay.." Micah nodded, looking around briefly. "... So, I didn't really get told why Mykes wanted to come home early," He started quietly, seeing as Mykailla was elsewhere. "Could you fill me in?"

Ryan sighed.

"Did her and Rick try and kill each other?"


As far as Micah knows, Ricky and Mykailla still hate each other's guts.

"Well, no.." Ryan frowned slightly, scratching his stubble. "Mykailla and Chris got into a fight the other night, and it was bad enough that Mykailla wanted to go home.. So, that's what she's doing, and that's what you're here for."

"Oh." Micah blinked, then frowned slightly. "It was her and Chris, though?.. That fought?.. Her and Rick didn't get into it?"

Oh, they got into something.

"Mykailla and Ricky have been ignoring each other, mostly." Not technically untrue. That's what had happened for the first month, or so. "Sooo.. No fights between them."

"Wow." Micah whistled. "That's new."

Ryan chuckled, and Micah looked like he was about to ask something else, but he stopped once he saw his sister.

"Mykailla!" Micah grinned, politely walking passed Ryan, and to Mykailla. Mykailla grinned back, and threw her arms around him once he was close enough. "I missed you!"

"I missed you, too~" Mykailla hummed, hugging her brother tightly. "How's life without me?"

"Boring." Micah snickered, pulling away from their embrace. Mykailla giggled, and Micah smiled. "But that'll change soon."

"Damn right." Mykailla grinned proudly. Micah chuckled again.

"Where are your bags, missy?"

"In the outside compartments. I gotta go snag a key from someone, though." Mykailla said, then put her hands on her hips, facing everyone in the lounge; Ryan, Vinny, Korel and Balz. Mykailla didn't care where Chris was, Dev was in his bunk, and Ricky was rummaging through the kitchen.

"Yo!" Mykailla said rather loudly, gaining everyone's attention. "I need someone's key for the outside compartments."

"Catch." Korel said from his seat on the couch, then proceeded to throw his keyring at Mykailla. She caught it easily. "It's the one with the blue thing on the end."

"Thank you~" Mykailla smiled, then turned to Micah, and grabbed his hand. "Come, come." She ordered, then dragged him outside.


On the drive home, Micah dared to ask, "So, what happened between you and Chris?"

Mykailla clenched her jaw, crossing her arms. "..."

Micah sighed. "Mykailla.."

"He's a douche, and that's all."

"Is he, now?" Micah raised an eyebrow, glancing at her briefly.


".. Why? He's your best friend for all intensive purposes." Micah frowned. "What was so bad--"

"Micah," Mykailla snapped, slumping more in her seat. "Just drive. I don't want to talk about it, alright?"

Micah sighed. "Alright."


It's been close to a month since Mykailla's been home. She had told Micah what happened, and he wasn't on anyone's side. Mykailla is still mad as Hell at Chris, understandably, and she has talked to Ricky a couple times. The new couple seem to be doing fair, though they're still figuring a couple things out.


"Question," Micah pointed his fork at Mykailla from across the table.

"Answer?" Mykailla replied, grinning, before taking a bite of her spaghetti.

Micah gave her a deadpan look, then continued. "How were you and Rick able to not kill each other, for all that time?.. Yet, you and Chris got into that huge fight one night, and you want to end him."

"Alright, would you quit bringing up Chris?" Mykailla huffed.

"Technically, I brought up Ricky."

".. Whatever."

"... Well?"

"Well what?"

"Well, how were you and Ricky able to get along so well?"


Mykailla looked down at her food, which had suddenly become incredibly interesting. "I dunno." She poked at her food.

"You don't know?" Micah asked. "How do you not know?"

"I.." Mykailla sighed, setting down her fork, and resting her elbow on the table. She placed her chin in her hand. "He's not as bad as I thought he was, I guess.." She shrugged. "We talked, sorta, and we came to an understanding."

"An understanding?" Micah raised an eyebrow, taking a drink of water.

"Yeah. We're.. Done fighting." Mykailla shrugged, then dropped her hand, and started eating again.

Micah almost choked on his water, almost creating a huge mess.

"You okay there, Micah?" Mykailla raised her eyebrows.

"F-Fine," He coughed. "You just-- How are you two 'done fighting', after all these years?.. You can't just.. Be done." Micah coughed again into his elbow.

Mykailla shrugged again. "Like I said. We've come to an understanding, and that's that."

"But..." Micah couldn't seem to wrap his head around this. "How?.. Like--"

"Micah, dude, just drop it." Mykailla chuckled a bit. "Just trust that it's worked out, alright?"

Micah pinched the bridge of his nose. ".. You two confuse the Hell out of me."

"Sorry." Mykailla smiled.

"You so aren't." Micah chuckled, shaking his head.

"Guilty." She smirked.

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