Ch. 28 - Tomorrow.

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A/N Question! Does anyone want to make me a new cover for this story?.. I'll make sure to credit you!

If you have interest in doing it, the only things it must have are:

1) The title

2) Chrissy Costanza (optional), but definitely Ricky on the front

3) Nothing too bright

Anyway, onward with the story!



"Okay, so yesterday I told Micah that we're not fighting anymore." Mykailla told Ricky, whom she was Skyping.

"And how'd that conversation go?" Ricky asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He spit water all over the table." Mykailla snickered.

"Seriously?" Ricky laughed lightly. "Nice."

"Right?.. Like, we were eating dinner, and he said something about you, and I was like 'Oh yeah, and Rick and I aren't fighting anymore', and he got water everywhere." Mykailla sighed in content, laying her head against her headboard, placing her hand over her heart. "It was beautiful." She sniffled.


"..." Mykailla looked back to the screen, and Ricky was just giving her a look; his lips quirked slightly, and his eyes narrowed. "What?" Mykailla asked defensively.

"You're just.. So so weird." Ricky shook his head.

Mykailla rolled her eyes playfully, smiling. "Shut up."

Ricky smirked. "Make me."

"I would, except you guys are in friggin' Missouri, and I'm here, in KINGSTON." Mykailla huffed. "You know, like, a bagillion hours away."

"Okay, we're not that far away from each other."

"We are, though! I Google Map'd it!"

".. Of course you did."

"Well excuse me for wanting to know how far away my boyfriend is."

"I'll be back soon, okay?.. Only.. A little over a month." Ricky said, smiling. Mykailla groaned quietly. Ricky rolled his eyes playfully. "You'll be fine."

"... But I'm getting lonely." Mykailla murmured.

"You have Micah. You can't be lonely with that guy around you." Ricky chuckled.

"No, Rick.. I'm getting lonely.." Mykailla waited for Ricky to get her, semi-confusing, hint.

".. Oh," Ricky's eyes widened slightly. "Oh!"

Mykailla blushed lightly again, though smirked slightly. "Yeah. Maybe you could, I don't know.. Help me out."

Ricky opened his mouth to say something, but Vinny's voice cut him off.

"Don't you two DARE start sexting!"

"I--" Ricky started, but Mykailla gasped.

"Ricky! Am I on speaker?!"

"Well," Ricky started. "I didn't think you'd say something like.. Like that."

Mykailla was blushing brightly. "Rick, you twat! How could--"

"Twat?" Ricky repeated, frowning. ".. What does that mean?"

".. It either means vagina--"

"You were calling me a vagina?!"

"OR just a stupid, obnoxious person."

"..." Ricky frowned slightly. "You called me a vagina."

Mykailla rolled her eyes. "Would you rather I called you a dick instead, then, Dick?"

"I'm not a penis, either!" Ricky mock whined.

"What the Hell did I just walk into?" Ryan's voice sounded from fairly far off.

"Go away, Ryan." Ricky huffed. Ryan replied with something that Mykailla couldn't make out.

"Don't call me any form of genitalia." He scowled at Mykailla.

"Then don't have me on speaker." She sassed, crossing her arms.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes playfully. ".. Seriously, though. A vagina? Really?"

Mykailla sighed. "I wasn't using it in that way. I was calling you irritating."

Ricky scowled slightly.

"... Love you." Mykailla smiled hopefully.

Ricky narrowed his eyes slightly, giving Mykailla a look. "..."

Mykailla smiled still, making a heart with her hands.


With a huff, Ricky responded with a heart of his own. "Yeah, yeah. Love you, too."


"Yes, Mykailla, I promise." Ricky cracked a small smile.

"Okay." Mykailla smiled again. ".. I have to go. Have fun, and stay safe, alright?"

"Yup." Ricky replied, still smiling. "You too. I love you.. Again."

"Love you, too." Mykailla waved, still smiling slightly. "Bye."

"Bye, Sweetheart." Ricky replied, before he ended the Skype call.


That was eventful.



"Yo, Mykailla," Micah called to Mykailla from the living room. She was in the bathroom.

"What?" She yelled back. "Hold on."


A couple minutes later, Mykailla came out, then went over to the couch. She wiped her hands on her jeans, then sat in the arm chair closest to Micah.

"What'd you get Chris for his Birthday?"

"I didn't get Chris anything, for his Birthday." Mykailla shrugged. She was still angry at Chris; he didn't deserve a Birthday present.

"His Birthday was earlier last month.. You didn't get him anything?" Micah asked, raising an eyebrow. He figured she would at least give him a Birthday present, even if she was still mad.

"He doesn't deserve anything.. Not from me." Mykailla turned her attention to the TV.

".. He turned twenty-seven. That's kind've--"

"I don't care about him!" Mykailla snapped. "He's a grown ass adult, and he doesn't even NEED presents!" She glared.

Micah put his hands up in defense.

That's enough of that subject, then.

"Geez, okay.. I won't bring him up anymore. Sorry."

Mykailla just pursed her lips, continuing to stare mindlessly at the TV.

Micah sighed.



On the bus

Everyone of the guys were playing assorted games, or on their phones, in the front lounge.

"So what'd Mykailla get you for your Birthday?" Ryan dared to ask Chris.

Chris pursed his lips, tucking his phone away. "... She didn't get me anything. She's still angry."

"Understandably." Ricky commented, sitting on the couch opposite Chris, playing Halo 4 with Vinny.

Ricky got over Chris' little fuck-up fairly fast, seeing as they still had to be on the same tour bus for awhile. He was still slightly peeved, but he did kinda get Chris' reasoning.

That doesn't change the fact that he was being a dumbass.

But still.

Chris rolled his eyes. "Yeah. I know."

"... You know she's still going to be pissed at you, right?" Ricky glanced at Chris briefly. "When we come back?.. Like, she'll probably slap you, if she sees you again too soon."

"She won't slap me." Chris huffed.

"Yeah, well, you don't know that for sure."

"Mykailla is kind've scary." Vinny said, looking at Chris briefly. "She is unpredictable."

"Whatever." Chris muttered, getting out his phone again.


Mykailla zipped Ricky's sweater up, then went and sat on her bed, removing her phone from her pocket.

Mykailla: Do you think you guys will be back before Christmas??

Ricky: Should be. We'll be heading back to Pennsylvania on the fifth, but I don't know exactly when we'll arrive. Sorry, babe.

Mykailla: It's okay. C: Just stay safe, and text/call when you know, 'kay?

Ricky: Will do. ;) :) I love you.

Mykailla: Love you, too. :*

Mykailla smiled slightly at her screen, before turning off her phone, and putting it on her nightstand. She brought her knees up to her chest, staring out her window at the dark outside; the moon barely in her view.

A little over a month left. I'll be fine.

Funny, how the man she used to hate, is now the man she can't wait to see.

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