Chapter 17 Hallway Confrontation?

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       Marinette turns around when she hears someone call her name.  She thought she was alone in the hall at first. "Wh-who is there?" She says.

      "It is just me."  Adrien replies.

      "Adrien, did you follow me?"   Marinette says.

     "Y-Yes, so b-beautiful!"  Adrien says.  He blushes and is grateful the mask hides his blush.

     "Please, do not say this to me."  Marinette says. She  is not sure how to feel right now.

     "  I can not help it.  You are beautiful in every way possible both inside and out."  Adrien says. He blushes even more.

             Meanwhile, with Alix and Natalie...

      "Can you believe she just left like this?"  Alix remarks with a bit of annoyance in her tone of voice.

     "After the ridiculous behavior you just displayed, yes!"  Natalie remarks.

    "What?  I mean sure she is my best friend, but she insist she has no interest in him!"  Alix scoffs

    "Besides,  it was just a harmless little flirt that is all."  Alix says.

   "If I were you I would get, my priorities straight!"  Natalie remarks.  She thinks, the red haired girl was totally out of line.

    "Otherwise, you might loose your best friend!"  Natalie says.

   "Look, I appreciate your concern!  It really is none of your business, though girl!"  Alix remarks.  

       Alix's  POV:  She can not believe  Natalie  just got on to her like this.  Why it is bad enough Marinette rebukes her for her flirtatious behavior without Natalie getting on her case like this too.   The nerve of some people.  It is as if everyone is against her all of a sudden and for what?  Some harmless little fun with the boss.  She can not seem how her flirty voice, eyes and such could bother him that much anyways since he is so not over Marinette.   

   Alix's  POV:  Do not get me wrong!  Marinette is my best friend, but sometimes I am just so jealous of her!  I mean, she has it all, good looks, a bubbly personality, though a bit shy, and the love of our rather rich boss.  Which reminds me why does his house look so old?  It is as if he were someone out of fairy tail or something.  The old thing is just one big puzzle after another.

  Natalie's  POV:  I do hope Alex, knows I meant no harm.  It is just I hate to see her ruin her friendship with her best friend over a boy!  I know my boss is handsome, but so what?  Surely there are plenty of  bachelors available for Alix to choose from so why does she insist on such crude and unlady like behavior towards my boss, Adrien?   Why she barely knows the guy!  

         Back to Adrien and Marinette...

    "Just go sit with Alix, she obviously adores you!"  Marinette says.  

   "Marinette, I do not like Alix this way."  Adrien remarks.

  "I am sorry, but you will never be more than a boss to me."  Marinette says.

  "So, it is true then, you hate me."  Adrien says sadly.  He even begins to frown a bit.

    "What?  Hate you?  No, I am forever in your debt."  Marinette says.

    "It just I-I look, I am sorry, Adrien!"  Marinette says.

   "Marinette, why?  Why will you not give me a chance?"  Adrien pleads with her.

   "Adrien, it is not you, It is me, you see I..."  Marinette says.

  "I am orphan and well I have no interest  in money or a married life."  Marinette remarks.

   "I see, but what about this?"  Adrien says, as he shows her the key he holds  in his hand.

         *Author's  Note:  photo of the key shown to help everyone visualize better what it looks like.  Found this online.

        "Your highness!"  Marinette bows.  

       "Please give me a chance for I am in your debt."  Adrien remarks.

      "wh-what do you mean?"  Marinette says.

       Marinette's  POV:  As I bow before his royal highness, I notice he seems rather strange today.  Not strange in the sense of odd, or rude.  More like strange in the sense of he seems different than his usual self.   Like he has something else on his mind, or something.  I can sense it.  Why the way he shows me the golden key with the royal seal on it tells me he has something he wishes to tell me, but would could it possibly be?  Why does he insist he is in my debt?   If anything, I am in his debt right?   

       *Author's  Note:  Dun,dun, dun...the plot seems to thicken...What does Adrien mean he is in Marinette's  debt?  Also, why does Marinette bow before him and call him your highness?

   to be continued in Chapter  18   Marinette and Adrien Explains Further?

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