Chapter 18 Marinette and Adrien Explains Further?

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          Marinette looks at Adrien in confusion.   Marinette ask, "Adrien, what do you mean you are in my debt?"

          "Thanks to you  I got my missing key back."  Adrien remarks.

        "Oh, well it was nothing your highness."  Marinette says.

      " You must not tell anyone." Adrien remarks.

     "I promise I will never tell anyone."  Marinette remarks.

     "Here, take this as a token of my promise."  Marinette says as she takes off the  turquoise bracelet with her family crest on it and hands it too him.

*Author's  Note: photo credit  goes  to 

for picture of  turquoise bracelet with tree of life charm.*

"Wow, it seems you have a secret too."  Adrien remarks.

 "I suppose you could say that is true.  Only I am not sure what it is to be exact."  Marinette says.

  "Please do not call my beautiful I am n.."  Marinette begins.

  " Oh, but you are beautiful inside and out I can tell."   Adrien says.

 "Besides, as I recall we have met in the past."  Adrien remarks.

  "I rather not remember that dreadful hotel."  Marinette says.  She even begins to pout a little.

  "No, I mean when we were kids."  Adrien remarks.

  "I am sure, I have no idea what you mean."  Marinette says.

  "How did you recognize my royal seal then, huh?"  Adrien ask.

 "Oh, I read about it in a book once."  Marinette remarks.

 "Impossible Marinette!  The books were destroyed when the kingdom was divided years ago!"  Adrien remarks.

  "Just admit it you are my Bluebell Gal!" Adrien says.

  Marinette is quiet as she has a flashback to her past...

     In the flashback she was five years old, in a Chinese special dress, with her hair up and held a fan.  She was upset since she lost her doll.   

     This cute little boy with blonde hair, green eyes came up to her and said, "Hi, I 'm Adrien!"  to her.  Adrien was six at time and though a year older than her was kind as ever to the young distraught child.

   "Marinette!" She had said in return. She kept on crying though.  

   "Marinette what is it?"  Adrien ask.

  "Nothing!" Marinette says.

 "Then, what are you crying about then?" Adrien ask.

  "I lost my favorite doll!"  Marinette says.

  "Come, I will help you !"  Adrien says.

    Adrien had kept his promise.  He looked everyone til he found it and said, "Here, Tada!" 

  "You found her!" Marinette says. She hugs him.

   Adrien hugs her back.  From that moment on they were friends.  Til one day Adrien had some sad news.

   "Marinette, I am sorry." Adrien says.

   "Sorry, why?"  Marinette says.

  "I have to move." Adrien says sadly

  "Why must we be apart!"  Marinette says.

  "Bluebell Gal, I am sorry!" Adrien says.

    "I have to move to another palace." Adrien says.

   "I will miss you, Adri!"  Marinette says, calling him by the nickname she has chosen for him.    

  "I will miss you too!" Adrien says.

  "What if we never see each other again?"  Marinette says.

   "I will find you again, I promise." Adrien says.

      With that Adri gave her once last hug and got once one from her and  moved away never to see her again!

   Flashback ends...

   "N-No, why that is is impossible!" Marinette says.

  "What is impossible?"  Adrien ask.

         Adrien's  POV:  What is it that seems to trouble Marinette all of a sudden?  I can see her tremble.  It is like she is afraid.  Afraid of what though?  Is she scared I will harm her, but I will never do such a thing.  I will love her as I have ever since I first found her again!  No, I loved her in the past, but my love grew stronger for her when I found her in the hotel.  That is it!  Oh, how do I tell her without her being scared off?

    Meanwhile with Natalie and Alix...

      Alix's  POV:  Ugh, why do all the boys always fall for Marinette?


   "Natalie, how come they are not back by now?"  Alix ask.

  "Perhaps, you scared them off!" Natalie remarks.

  "Adrien is special and he rarely takes notice  in  just anyone."  Natalie remarks.

"What is that suppose to mean?"  Alix ask with annoyance in her voice at once.

 "It means he is not into you."  Natalie says.

 Natalie remarks, "I mean sure you are his friend and maid under his service. Only his heart belongs to Marinette."  

"It figures all the cute ones are always taken!"  Alix remarks.

        Alix's  POV:  So, I was right !  Adrien does have love for her, for Marinette.  I suppose it is for the best as they do seem to suit one another.  Only, I still wish to find love for myself some day.  Perhaps, I try to hard or maybe Natalie is right.  Maybe, just maybe I should try to be less of a flirt.

         Back to Adrien and Marinette...

       Marinette's  POV:  Could  it really be him?  After all this time, is it really Adri?  The boy from my child hood whom I have not seen in years?   It is not possible is it?   I mean that kind of stuff only happens in fairy tails right?  I struggle within myself to calm down and avoid passing out.  I can not believe it might actually be him.

     "You are the boy who helped me to find my lost doll years ago!"  Marinette says.  She seems happy, yet still unsure.

   " Yes, that is me!"  Adrien remarks.

   "I c-can not believe it all this time you were here in Paris."  Marinette mutters.

   "Adri, is that really you?"  Marinette ask with uncertainty in her voice.

  "I have to show you something."  Adrien remarks with a huge smile on his face.

     Adrien's  POV:  Marinette, I have to let you know the truth!  I can not hold it away from you anymore.  I love you to much to just let you slip away!  I  have to know if you feel the same.  I know you insist I am only the boss, and your highness.  I just can not help, but have hope perhaps I am more to you though.  More than you think.  More than you admit to anyone else or to yourself even.

  "No , Please!"  Marinette protest.  

  "I have too."  Adrien says.

    *Author's  Note:  What could  Adrien  want to show her?  Why does Marinette protest?  

   to be continued in   Chapter 19  Adrien  Shows Her ?


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