Chapter 32 Key Return and More?

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     Alix returns the key to Marinette's  place back to her.  Marinette tucks it inside her capri's  that she now wears.  She is glad she no longer wears that silly dress.  She sighs a bit though.

    Adrien looks at Marinette.  He sighs.  "Marinette, I came to the decision that I will give you all the space you need."  Adrien says.  He walks away sad.

   Marinette does not say a word.  She just follows him. She thinks, wait!  What did he just say? Behind her is Natalie!

   Alix calls out, "Robbie, see ya later!"  

   Robbie thinks, See you later, Alix!

 Alix chases after Marinette, Adrien and Natalie!  "Hey, wait up guys!"  Alix says to get there attention.

   "Marinette, you love someone else, right?"  Adrien ask. 

    "What?  I do not love anyone!"  Marinette blurts out.  She sees Adrien's  face fall.

      Adrien just turns away from her.  He sighs as he thinks, Marinette why?  Why must you bring me such sorrow?

  The group of four friends soon arrives outside the Agreste place.  Once there, Natalie unlocks the door with her key. They go inside and Natalie goes to the kitchen. 

    Alix goes to her room. She is not sure what else to do.  She only wishes Adrien and Marinette would be together. She is not sure how or when. She just hopes someday they will since it is obvious Adrien loves her best friend Marinette, and despite Marinette's  protest believes Marinette loves him back.

   Alix's  POV:

   Marinette what have you done?  I see Adrien is not himself.  He does not smile for you like he usually does. He looks like a deer that just found out his antlers will not come in until next spring!  He looks like he has a wound in the heart.  He looks hurt beyond repair.

   Marinette, why can you not see he truly loves you!  What else does he have to say, or do to prove it to you?  I  have this sad notion that the space he gives you will ruin you both!  What can I do about it though?   Nothing, because it was not me who broke his tender, fragile, heart!  That was all you.  

   I can see why Natalie did not trust me at first.  I must have been an awful guest. Well, I shall be a better maid, and guest from here on out!  I am so glad Robbie likes me!  He is the apple to my pie, my peas to my pod, my honey to my bread, and I well, I just know we fit together well.  I love him and he loves me!  I feel so blessed because Natalie was right, I do have someone to love me after all!  Oh, Robbie!  Robbie, I can not wait to see you again!

   Marinette sits down on the sofa in the living room.  She just sits.  She thinks about everything unsure what else to do at the moment.  

  Narrator's  POV:

      Adrien sees Marinette. He longs to sit near her and hold her in his arms.  He decides it best not too since she is unsure how she feels.  He walks away and goes to his room.  He plops down his bed.  He thinks, Marinette, why?  Why must you push me away?   I never do anything, but love you!  He sighs again.  He cries a bit as well.  He comes to the decision since she wants space he will not pressure her.  He will not pursue her anymore either though it will be hard.  He will not join the others for dinner.  He can not.  He can not look at her the same anymore.  He knows it is for the best if she never sees him again.

  Adrien's  POV:

    Marinette you ask for space, so I realease you from all my pursuits.  I will never bother you again.  I will stay here in my room.  When you eat, I will not join you.  I will let Natalie feel me in when it comes to the job.  I will not fire you.  I shall let you stay on as a maid.  I know you are more than this to me, but since you want nothing more with me this is the way it has to be.

 Marinette's  POV:

   Adrien is true to his word.  He gives me space. I am not sure rather to show relief or to be sad.  I am not sure of much of anything these days.  I only know that Adri is important to me in more ways than one,  but I can tell him.  I can not let him in because I am afraid to be hurt.  I know it makes no sense.  I am scared of my own feelings.  I feel like everything happens so fast!  What shall I do?   

  Well, for one thing, I shall work here for the moment.  I will do my best to be a good maid. I know that he knows I am royal and so does the others.  Yet, I shall not let this fact stop me from doing my best at the job.   Also, I am glad Alix is with Robbie.  Oh, those two are so great together!

  If only, I could love some one in the way those two do.  I fear, I shall never find out. I shall always be single because of the brokeness of my kingdom.  Adri, I never meant to hurt him, but I fear there is a scar inside his heart that I put there.  Oh, Adri, I am sorry.

   Natalie comes out of the kitchen and announces, "The meal shall be ready shortly!"

    Marinette smiles.  She thanks her.  "Natalie, I appreciate your letting me know and how well you do at the cooking." Marinette remarks.  She sees Natalie smile as she goes back to the kitchen.

    Natalie's  POV:

     My dear, step son suffers.  I see that he is one hurt boy!  I wish I could help him, but I can not fix this.  This love he has for Marinette is so strong than no one can break it!  I sense she has hurt him.  I can tell because when we got back tonight, he went to his room without a word to any of us.  I can tell in the hurt look he gave her when she told him she was not in love with anyone.  I can tell Marinette is one with many mysteries about her.  I can tell she feels something for him.

    I am not sure if it is love she has for him.  I just know she cares and she is afraid. Afraid of what I am not certain.  Just that she worries a lot.  Perhaps, she worries if she loves him it will mess things up somehow.  Who really knows, but her?  Even then she does not appear to know just yet.

    to be continued in Chapter 33  Things Change ?

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