Chapter 33 Things Change?

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    Marinette smiles.  She remarks, "Natalie thanks for the information.  I will go upstairs to tell Alix."  She stands up and heads upstairs to speak with Alix for a bit. 

   "Hey, Alix!"  Marinette says.

  "Hey, Marinette!"  Alix responds.

   "I do not mean to pry, but why does Adrien look so upset?  What have you done?"  Alix ask.

    "Nothing, it just that I am not sure how to feel.  How can I know?"  Marinette says.

    "Well, you need to figure out soon! "  Alix says.

     " I just know that Adri and I are people with complications,"  Marinette mutters so quietly that Alix does not hear her.

       Meanwhile, Natalie heads upstairs too.  Natalie knocks on the door to Adrien's room. She hears him mutter a response and enters the room.  "Adrien, the meal is ready now!"  Natalie says.

    "Natalie, I will never eat with you all again!"  Adrien says.

  "What?  You can not be serious!"  Natalie remarks.

   "I am serious.  I can not be a bother to her anymore.  I will just eat alone either here or downstairs after everyone else finishes." Adrien says.

 "Okay, I will let the ladies know,"  Natalie remarks. She closes the door and exits the room.

       Natalie goes to Alix's room now. She enters the room and sees Marinette.

       Natalie says, "Girls, I hate to interrupt, but I have news from Adrien."  

      "Go ahead, then!"  Alix says.

      Marinette does say a word.  She just listens to what Natalie has to tell them.

      "Adrien, says he will not join us for supper or any other meals ever again!"  Natalie says.

     "Oh, I see.  Thanks for telling us."  Alix says.

      "Wh-what?  He will not be there."  Marinette says.  She is not sure why, but she is upset at this news.

        Now, as Natalie serves the food Marinette waits for Adrien to show up and say it is wall just a misunderstanding. Only, he does not.  Ten minutes later, she looks up and still he does not show up.  

   Marinette finishes her food early and asks, "May I be excused?"

  Natalie nods her head in agreement.  Alix does the same.

     Marinette runs upstairs and sits down in the hallway with her head in between her knees.  She is all shook up about the sudden announcement.  She can not believe it!  She thinks, Adri, why?  Why?

      Adrien comes out of his room and sees Marinette in the hallway.  He is not too happy to see her, so he tries his best to avoid her.  Only, Marinette hears his footsteps and looks up. 

     "Adri, why did you stop meal time with us?"  Marinette ask. She wants to know.

     "I-I have to go!"  Adrien says.  He tries to walk away to avoid her.

    "Adri, please tell me!"  Marinette says.

    "I must not bother you because you need time away from me,"  Adrien says.

    A bother, what?  You do not ever bother me.  Marinette thinks. She looks at him in surprise. She sighs. 

    Marinette's  POV:

   How could he think, he is a bother?  Why I was hurt when he made the decision not to eat with us!  I do not know why, or when, but I think I feel more for him than I mean too. Why am I to do with these feelings?  I am afraid.  Do I love him?   I blush.  I  look at him and seek answers as to why he is like this?   

 Narrator's POV:

     Adrien looks at her.  He swallows some slobber as he thinks, Marinette, why must you torture me so by your kindness and beauty?  Why?  He sighs.  He is not sure how to respond to her.  He trembles.  He tries not to look into her eyes.  He fears if he looks at her too long, he may ruin all more than ever before with kisses.  He wishes to kiss her and have her kiss him back. 

    He knows this expectation is crazy.  He knows this is unreasonable.  He refuses to look at her anymore.  He looks away.  He looks at the floor.  He scratches the back of his head as he thinks about all he has gone through with her.  He thinks, Marinette why can you not just drop it?  Please, do not do this to me.  I  feel it is best to leave you alone.  I am sorry, forgive me.

    Adrien's  POV:

    I sense she wishes to discuss the matter further. I look away.  I can not look at her because it makes me want to kiss her and hold her close. It makes me want to beg her to be my girl!  I can never be with her.  I know this, so I look away.  I  feel like my heart breaks every time I see her, or even talk to her.  I do not know how much longer I can go on like this.  

    I sigh.  I think, Marinette, please just let me go downstairs.  I will eat alone.  I will go back to my room after this, and you can go on about your business without me.  Why do you have to be so close?  Why do you have to question me so much?   

            Back with Natalie and Alix...

      "Marinette was unusually quiet."  Alix remarks.

      "So, I notice! There is not a thing I can do for her."  Natalie says.

         "Adrien must be upset.  What can we do to help him?"  Alix ask.

      "There is nothing, I am aware of that we can do, Alix,"  Natalie says.

      "He suffers from heartbreak,"  Natalie says.

         Alix says nothing further as she helps with the dishes.

          Alix's  POV:

          I  wonder why Marinette was so off at the evening meal today?  I have never known her to be this quiet before, not even since the time we became maids has she been this way.   Is it because deep down, she loves Adrien,  but is afraid to show it?  Is she afraid to let him love her?  Is this why she pushes him away and breaks his fragile heart in the process?

     Natalie's  POV:

     I appreciate Alix's concern for her best friend, and my stepson as well. However, this is not a thing she can do to fix this.  Not even I can fix it as much as I would like too.  This is a thing, I believe will have to run its course.  Adrien and Marinette will have to figure out on their own how to fix it.  Otherwise, I fear he will either die from depression, or leave Paris, France for good.  I can see either happen as long as Marinette does not return his feelings.

     I believe she does love him.  She seems the type who is afraid to love and let someone love her.  Perhaps this due to her orphan status, or maybe it is because of her past abuse from her former boss.  Only time will tell when it comes to this situation what becomes of Adrien and Marinette.

  to be continued in Chapter 34  Adrien Almost Collapses? 

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