Chapter 5 Adrien has a Chat with Miss Bougerious?

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          Adrien decides he has to do something to help Marinette.  He  sighs.  He thinks, Marinette deserves better than this horrible treatment she endures from her boss on a daily basis.  It is no wonder she was in shock when I took the blame for the broken potted plant the day we first met.  The poor girl is probably upset, and has no one to turn to for help. 

      Adrien thinks and as he does he comes up with the plan to have a little chat with Miss Bougerious.  He disguises himself as usual.  He dares not to let the blond haired vain girl see his real face not after she lashed out against the woman he has a crush on.  He blushes when he thinks about the look Marinette gave him for his help.  He wishes he could kiss her pain away!  He shakes his head and leaves to speak to Miss Bougerious before he looses his nerve.

     Late that night, Adrien  takes a look around his place.  He sees that Natalie is already asleep.  He is glad!  This way she can not talk him out of his confrontation with Marinette's  boss!  He can only hope this will not make things way worse for her than they are already!  

    Adrien  runs to the hotel!  Once he arrives there he looks around to see how to enter the place.  He smiles when he sees an open window.  He thinks, yes!  This is the perfect way to sneak inside in a hurry.  He jumps in through it and sees the blonde haired lady in the room.  He is certain now that he must be inside her room.  He looks at her and wonders how he will confront her if she is still fast asleep.  He does not have to wait for long to find out.

    "Ah!  who?  who are you?"  Miss Bougerious says when she figures out she is no longer alone in her room.

    "It is your worst nightmare!"  Adrien says with annoyance in his voice.

   "Ugh, it is just you the crazy, cat boy!" Chloe remarks.

   "Why do you hurt Marinette?" Adrien says.

    "Hurt her as if, why if were not for me she would be in the streets.  Maybe even in the gutters somewhere or in  a trash pile.  She is lucky to have me because she has no one else. She is just an orphan."   Chloe says rudely.

     "What?  What does this have anything to do with the abuse?  I know you hit her! How could you do this to her?"   Adrien ask. 

     "Haha, it is not like you could do anything about it anyway."  Chloe says.

     "Oh, yeah!  We will just see about that, Miss Bougerious!"   Adrien says.

     "Well, it is not like anyone will believe you!  I mean who would believe your word over mine?"  Chloe says.

         Adrien just stands there and glares at her.  He thinks, how dare she do this!  How could she?

       "Where you are going, Marinette will never see you again!"  Chloe laughs.

       "What?  You leave her alone! " Adrien says angrily.

       "Bye,bye, cat boy!"  Chloe laughs an evil laugh as she knocks him cold.  She hit him hard upside the head with a sack of flour.  

         Now that he is passed out, Chloe has to think of a plan to get rid of him, so that Marinette will not find out what she has done to him.  She smiles.  She drags him down the stairs.  She continues to do so until she reaches the secret dungeon that only she knows about its location. Once there, she puts him inside a cell before he can wake up, closes the door, and locks it with the key.  Chloe walks away and whispers,  "Night, night, cat boy!"   She walks away and seals the entrance , so know no one else may enter it, after her.

        Meanwhile, Marinette wakes up in her home with a start.  She takes a look around her.  She thinks, that is so strange, I am sure that Adrien is in trouble!  I can feel it, he is in danger!   Where could he be?  What has happened to him?   

         Adrien?  Adrien are you okay?   Please, be alright!  Marinette says to no one in particular.   She feels like the walls around her may collapse at any moment.    She begins to sweat, but then lays back down.  Perhaps, it was only a dream!  Yes, that is it, it was only a nightmare!  It is not even real.  It is not possible, it can not be.  Eventually, Marinette falls back to sleep, but the strange sense something is off remains despite her denial about it.

        Back at the hotel, Chloe is quite pleased with herself.  She is glad that she has taken care of that pest once and for all.  She just hopes no one reports his disappearance.  What would she do if anyone ever found out she was the last person who saw him before he went missing?   She smirks and goes back to bed.  She goes to sleep with this evil smirk on her face. 

      The next day, Marinette gets up, puts on her usual clothes, and makes sure to eat quickly.  The last thing she needs to do is be late for work again.  Her boss is angry enough with her as it is without anymore tardiness.  She rushes out the door and arrives at the hotel with plenty of time to spare.  She enters the place with a readiness to get right to work.

     "Hey, Miss Bougerious!"  Marinette greets her as if nothing were amiss.

     "Hey!  Good, you are here!  Now get right to work! " Chloe says.

        "Yes, Miss Bougerious!" Marinette says. She does as she is told.  No sense in anything else.  

        All the while the same odd sensation stays with Marinette, but she tries to put it off as she continues to work.  She does not want to be hit again, or kicked. Let alone knocked to the ground or otherwise mistreated.  Her face already has this huge bruise on it in one place and a hideous scar on the other cheek as it is.  No sense in adding more to the damage that is already done, now is there?

        Marinette's  POV:  Ugh, try as I might, I feel something is wrong?  What?  This makes no sense at all.  It was just a stupid, dream ,right?  There is no way Adrien is really in any danger is there?  I mean how could he be, when he has not been here, since the day we met by accident that one time.  So, why do I worry for him then?  Why?  I mean, we barely know each other.

     to be continued in Chapter 6   Overwhelmed by Fear?

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