Chapter 6 Overwhelmed by Fear?

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        Marinette is right on time for work as usual.  Chloe is glad to see as much. So, she says,  "Good you are here!  Now get to work!"  Marinette says, "Yes, Miss Bougerious!"  She works as she is told as she one of the maids.

         Meanwhile, Adrien has just woke up.  He still is not sure of his surroundings yet.  He sees there are two brick walls around him.  He also sees a huge, thick wooden door with steel plates on it in front of him.  He test the door, and sees it is locked tight.   He thinks, great now how  will I ever get out of here?

     Adrien tries to pound at the door.  He gets no response.  He tries to think of a way to escape if not for his sake then for Marinette's!  He can not let that evil lady hurt her again.  He does not trust that Miss Bougerious woman, not one bit.  He is sure she will abuse Marinette if she feels the need arise to do so ever again.  He is most certain of it when it comes to a cross, livid, sort of person, like her.   

     "Help me!  Someone, anyone help!  Get me out of here!"  Adrien screams.  He sighs when he releases his cries falls on deaf ears. That is to say no one seems to notice, or come to rescue him from this small prison he finds himself enclosed in at the moment.  He can scare say he remembers how he got here.  He does not recall much about yesterday other than the evil witch having hit him with something.   If only there were a way to warn Marinette!  It is not like he bust his way out.  His suit is just a discount store outfit he got for a bargain price!  

      Marinette can not hear Adrien.  She has no idea where he could be.  She is just senses he is grave danger.   Danger that may make a difference between life, or death!   She stops the hums she did as she cleans.  She even puts down the broom and dust pan for the moment.  She worries for Adrien, fears for him even!  Now, where on earth could he be?

     Chloe Bougerious goes to check on her prisoner.  She is rather sneaky about it.  She does not want Marinette to catch on that he is even here let alone in a cell.  Why who knows what sort of crazy things she wold say if she had any real idea about where the lad was?  She makes her way down the long stone steps, and hall towards his confinement.  She smirks. She sees he is already not to happy to be there. 

      "Why hello, Adrien!"  Chloe says.

      "Please, let me out of here!"  Adrien says.

      "Oh, I am afraid I can not do that you know."  Chloe says.

      "Well, at least let me have a bit to eat then!"  Adrien says.

      "Look, I am the one in charge, so I say when you do eat or not eat."  Chloe says.

     "As for you, I decide you may leave, after all!"  Chloe says with a wicked smirk across her face.

     "What?  I can!"  Adrien says with a small spark of hope in his voice.

      "Yes, you may leave when you are dead!  Haha!"  Chloe laughs her wicked laugh. She walks away, leaves the area, and makes sure to seal of the entrance to it as usual.  This way one will ever find him.  She intends him to stay there until  it is too late for his rescue.  She despises him for the love he has for a stupid, maid, girl like Marinette!  For that matter she is not to fond of Marinette either.

      Adrien despite being the one in the dungeon decides he must escape. He has to to save Marinette!  He will escape even if he dies trying!  

       Marinette panics.  Adrien, he must be in trouble why else does she feel this sense of pain?  He is not okay.  She was wrong.  Her dream was not a dream. It is a reality, he needs her help!  She must help him, right?

     Chloe sees Marinette on break. She is not  to happy about this. 

     "Well, why are you not hard at work?"  Chloe demands to know.

        "It is Adrien!  Where is he?  What have you done with him?"  Marinette says. 

         "As if I could know where that ridiculous boy with the cat suit spends his time these days.   I have not seen him, you little waste of space!"   Chloe yells at her.

         "I know that is not true!  Now where have you taken him?  Please, tell me!  Where is Adrien?"  Marinette says. She cries hysterically now.  She feels as if he is about to die and she hopeless to help him.

        "I knew it, you are useless!  Useless, you hear?" Chloe yells at her.  She kicks her so hard, this time Marinette blackens out.  

        Chloe stomps off angry.  She can  not believe the girl has the nerve to question here about that cat boy!  Ugh!  Now what is she to do?  She sighs as she tries to decide to do with the passed out maid.  She can not just leave her there or too many questions are sure to be asked.

        On the other hand, Adrien  has some troubles of his own. "Ah!"  Adrien screams!   

     Adrien  sees a snake, a huge one in the corner of the room.  It is mostly red on yellow with a little bit of green mixed in to it.   He is not sure if this vial creature is poisonous or not.  He just knows this means more trouble for him than he thought.  He is afraid of the reptiles bite as much as he is of death itself.    How on earth is he to put his plan into action to rescue the woman he loves from this horrid place when he is stuck inside a small, tight, room with no food, no drink and a snake for company?  

       Poor Marinette remains unconscious upstairs without a clue in the world as to where Adrien is or what will become of him!  

     to be continued in Chapter 7  Maid Brat Goes Missing?


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