Love Me Part Two

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Penny: So the first half that I wrote was too long at first but the two parts go together.

Wally P.O.V.

We sat in a small cafe that had karaoke. I went up to the machine dragging her with me and picked a song that would be sure to get my feelings across. The song started and I ran to our table.

"When you were lonely, you needed a man." I sang as I flexed. "Someone to lean on, well I understand. It's only natural but, why did it have to be me?" I fell to my knees. "Nights can be empty and nights can be cold. So you were looking for someone to hold. That's only natural but, why did it have to be me?" She came down and started looking at the boys around her and picked one up and dragged him to the middle of the floor.

"I was so lonesome, I was blue. I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I always thought you knew the reason why." She sang and the boy was in shock.

"I only wanted a little love affair. Now I can see you are beginning to care. But baby, believe me it's better to forget me." We sang together and she let the boy drop and found another. 

"Men are the toys in the game that you play. When you get tired, you throw 'em away.
That's only natural but, why did it have to be me?" The boy sang into the mic that was held out in front of him. She leaned in to kiss him but quickly pulled away and ran back up to the stage and pointed to me.

"Falling in love with a woman like you, happens so quickly, there's nothing to do. It's only natural but, why did it have to be me?" I sang with one hand on my heart. She circled around me.

"I was so lonesome, I was blue. I couldn't help it, it had to be you and I always thought you knew the reason why." She wrapped a leg around me as I spun her.

"I only wanted a little love affair. Now I can see you are beginning to care. But baby, believe me it's better to forget me." We finished as she kissed me on the cheek. We got a standing ovation. 

Penny: So, m brother is starting his account up. He has a small obsession with anime and he wants his account to be all anime fics. Go check it out

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